
Text file src/github.com/openshift/api/operator/v1/0000_25_kube-scheduler-operator_01_config.crd.yaml

Documentation: github.com/openshift/api/operator/v1

     1apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
     2kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     4  annotations:
     5    api-approved.openshift.io: https://github.com/openshift/api/pull/475
     6    include.release.openshift.io/ibm-cloud-managed: "true"
     7    include.release.openshift.io/self-managed-high-availability: "true"
     8    include.release.openshift.io/single-node-developer: "true"
     9  name: kubeschedulers.operator.openshift.io
    11  group: operator.openshift.io
    12  names:
    13    categories:
    14      - coreoperators
    15    kind: KubeScheduler
    16    plural: kubeschedulers
    17    singular: kubescheduler
    18  scope: Cluster
    19  versions:
    20    - name: v1
    21      schema:
    22        openAPIV3Schema:
    23          description: "KubeScheduler provides information to configure an operator to manage scheduler. \n Compatibility level 1: Stable within a major release for a minimum of 12 months or 3 minor releases (whichever is longer)."
    24          properties:
    25            apiVersion:
    26              description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources'
    27              type: string
    28            kind:
    29              description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
    30              type: string
    31            metadata:
    32              type: object
    33            spec:
    34              description: spec is the specification of the desired behavior of the Kubernetes Scheduler
    35              properties:
    36                failedRevisionLimit:
    37                  description: failedRevisionLimit is the number of failed static pod installer revisions to keep on disk and in the api -1 = unlimited, 0 or unset = 5 (default)
    38                  format: int32
    39                  type: integer
    40                forceRedeploymentReason:
    41                  description: forceRedeploymentReason can be used to force the redeployment of the operand by providing a unique string. This provides a mechanism to kick a previously failed deployment and provide a reason why you think it will work this time instead of failing again on the same config.
    42                  type: string
    43                logLevel:
    44                  default: Normal
    45                  description: "logLevel is an intent based logging for an overall component.  It does not give fine grained control, but it is a simple way to manage coarse grained logging choices that operators have to interpret for their operands. \n Valid values are: \"Normal\", \"Debug\", \"Trace\", \"TraceAll\". Defaults to \"Normal\"."
    46                  enum:
    47                    - ""
    48                    - Normal
    49                    - Debug
    50                    - Trace
    51                    - TraceAll
    52                  type: string
    53                managementState:
    54                  description: managementState indicates whether and how the operator should manage the component
    55                  pattern: ^(Managed|Force)$
    56                  type: string
    57                observedConfig:
    58                  description: observedConfig holds a sparse config that controller has observed from the cluster state.  It exists in spec because it is an input to the level for the operator
    59                  nullable: true
    60                  type: object
    61                  x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
    62                operatorLogLevel:
    63                  default: Normal
    64                  description: "operatorLogLevel is an intent based logging for the operator itself.  It does not give fine grained control, but it is a simple way to manage coarse grained logging choices that operators have to interpret for themselves. \n Valid values are: \"Normal\", \"Debug\", \"Trace\", \"TraceAll\". Defaults to \"Normal\"."
    65                  enum:
    66                    - ""
    67                    - Normal
    68                    - Debug
    69                    - Trace
    70                    - TraceAll
    71                  type: string
    72                succeededRevisionLimit:
    73                  description: succeededRevisionLimit is the number of successful static pod installer revisions to keep on disk and in the api -1 = unlimited, 0 or unset = 5 (default)
    74                  format: int32
    75                  type: integer
    76                unsupportedConfigOverrides:
    77                  description: unsupportedConfigOverrides overrides the final configuration that was computed by the operator. Red Hat does not support the use of this field. Misuse of this field could lead to unexpected behavior or conflict with other configuration options. Seek guidance from the Red Hat support before using this field. Use of this property blocks cluster upgrades, it must be removed before upgrading your cluster.
    78                  nullable: true
    79                  type: object
    80                  x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
    81              type: object
    82            status:
    83              description: status is the most recently observed status of the Kubernetes Scheduler
    84              properties:
    85                conditions:
    86                  description: conditions is a list of conditions and their status
    87                  items:
    88                    description: OperatorCondition is just the standard condition fields.
    89                    properties:
    90                      lastTransitionTime:
    91                        format: date-time
    92                        type: string
    93                      message:
    94                        type: string
    95                      reason:
    96                        type: string
    97                      status:
    98                        type: string
    99                      type:
   100                        type: string
   101                    type: object
   102                  type: array
   103                generations:
   104                  description: generations are used to determine when an item needs to be reconciled or has changed in a way that needs a reaction.
   105                  items:
   106                    description: GenerationStatus keeps track of the generation for a given resource so that decisions about forced updates can be made.
   107                    properties:
   108                      group:
   109                        description: group is the group of the thing you're tracking
   110                        type: string
   111                      hash:
   112                        description: hash is an optional field set for resources without generation that are content sensitive like secrets and configmaps
   113                        type: string
   114                      lastGeneration:
   115                        description: lastGeneration is the last generation of the workload controller involved
   116                        format: int64
   117                        type: integer
   118                      name:
   119                        description: name is the name of the thing you're tracking
   120                        type: string
   121                      namespace:
   122                        description: namespace is where the thing you're tracking is
   123                        type: string
   124                      resource:
   125                        description: resource is the resource type of the thing you're tracking
   126                        type: string
   127                    type: object
   128                  type: array
   129                latestAvailableRevision:
   130                  description: latestAvailableRevision is the deploymentID of the most recent deployment
   131                  format: int32
   132                  type: integer
   133                latestAvailableRevisionReason:
   134                  description: latestAvailableRevisionReason describe the detailed reason for the most recent deployment
   135                  type: string
   136                nodeStatuses:
   137                  description: nodeStatuses track the deployment values and errors across individual nodes
   138                  items:
   139                    description: NodeStatus provides information about the current state of a particular node managed by this operator.
   140                    properties:
   141                      currentRevision:
   142                        description: currentRevision is the generation of the most recently successful deployment
   143                        format: int32
   144                        type: integer
   145                      lastFailedCount:
   146                        description: lastFailedCount is how often the installer pod of the last failed revision failed.
   147                        type: integer
   148                      lastFailedReason:
   149                        description: lastFailedReason is a machine readable failure reason string.
   150                        type: string
   151                      lastFailedRevision:
   152                        description: lastFailedRevision is the generation of the deployment we tried and failed to deploy.
   153                        format: int32
   154                        type: integer
   155                      lastFailedRevisionErrors:
   156                        description: lastFailedRevisionErrors is a list of human readable errors during the failed deployment referenced in lastFailedRevision.
   157                        items:
   158                          type: string
   159                        type: array
   160                      lastFailedTime:
   161                        description: lastFailedTime is the time the last failed revision failed the last time.
   162                        format: date-time
   163                        type: string
   164                      lastFallbackCount:
   165                        description: lastFallbackCount is how often a fallback to a previous revision happened.
   166                        type: integer
   167                      nodeName:
   168                        description: nodeName is the name of the node
   169                        type: string
   170                      targetRevision:
   171                        description: targetRevision is the generation of the deployment we're trying to apply
   172                        format: int32
   173                        type: integer
   174                    type: object
   175                  type: array
   176                observedGeneration:
   177                  description: observedGeneration is the last generation change you've dealt with
   178                  format: int64
   179                  type: integer
   180                readyReplicas:
   181                  description: readyReplicas indicates how many replicas are ready and at the desired state
   182                  format: int32
   183                  type: integer
   184                version:
   185                  description: version is the level this availability applies to
   186                  type: string
   187              type: object
   188          required:
   189            - spec
   190          type: object
   191      served: true
   192      storage: true
   193      subresources:
   194        status: {}

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