
Source file src/github.com/openshift/api/machine/v1beta1/types_azureprovider.go

Documentation: github.com/openshift/api/machine/v1beta1

     1  package v1beta1
     3  import (
     4  	corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
     5  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource"
     6  	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
     7  )
     9  // AzureMachineProviderSpec is the type that will be embedded in a Machine.Spec.ProviderSpec field
    10  // for an Azure virtual machine. It is used by the Azure machine actuator to create a single Machine.
    11  // Required parameters such as location that are not specified by this configuration, will be defaulted
    12  // by the actuator.
    13  // Compatibility level 2: Stable within a major release for a minimum of 9 months or 3 minor releases (whichever is longer).
    14  // +openshift:compatibility-gen:level=2
    15  // +k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object
    16  type AzureMachineProviderSpec struct {
    17  	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    18  	// +optional
    19  	metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    20  	// UserDataSecret contains a local reference to a secret that contains the
    21  	// UserData to apply to the instance
    22  	// +optional
    23  	UserDataSecret *corev1.SecretReference `json:"userDataSecret,omitempty"`
    24  	// CredentialsSecret is a reference to the secret with Azure credentials.
    25  	// +optional
    26  	CredentialsSecret *corev1.SecretReference `json:"credentialsSecret,omitempty"`
    27  	// Location is the region to use to create the instance
    28  	// +optional
    29  	Location string `json:"location,omitempty"`
    30  	// VMSize is the size of the VM to create.
    31  	// +optional
    32  	VMSize string `json:"vmSize,omitempty"`
    33  	// Image is the OS image to use to create the instance.
    34  	Image Image `json:"image"`
    35  	// OSDisk represents the parameters for creating the OS disk.
    36  	OSDisk OSDisk `json:"osDisk"`
    37  	// DataDisk specifies the parameters that are used to add one or more data disks to the machine.
    38  	// +optional
    39  	DataDisks []DataDisk `json:"dataDisks,omitempty"`
    40  	// SSHPublicKey is the public key to use to SSH to the virtual machine.
    41  	// +optional
    42  	SSHPublicKey string `json:"sshPublicKey,omitempty"`
    43  	// PublicIP if true a public IP will be used
    44  	PublicIP bool `json:"publicIP"`
    45  	// Tags is a list of tags to apply to the machine.
    46  	// +optional
    47  	Tags map[string]string `json:"tags,omitempty"`
    48  	// Network Security Group that needs to be attached to the machine's interface.
    49  	// No security group will be attached if empty.
    50  	// +optional
    51  	SecurityGroup string `json:"securityGroup,omitempty"`
    52  	// Application Security Groups that need to be attached to the machine's interface.
    53  	// No application security groups will be attached if zero-length.
    54  	// +optional
    55  	ApplicationSecurityGroups []string `json:"applicationSecurityGroups,omitempty"`
    56  	// Subnet to use for this instance
    57  	Subnet string `json:"subnet"`
    58  	// PublicLoadBalancer to use for this instance
    59  	// +optional
    60  	PublicLoadBalancer string `json:"publicLoadBalancer,omitempty"`
    61  	// InternalLoadBalancerName to use for this instance
    62  	// +optional
    63  	InternalLoadBalancer string `json:"internalLoadBalancer,omitempty"`
    64  	// NatRule to set inbound NAT rule of the load balancer
    65  	// +optional
    66  	NatRule *int64 `json:"natRule,omitempty"`
    67  	// ManagedIdentity to set managed identity name
    68  	// +optional
    69  	ManagedIdentity string `json:"managedIdentity,omitempty"`
    70  	// Vnet to set virtual network name
    71  	// +optional
    72  	Vnet string `json:"vnet,omitempty"`
    73  	// Availability Zone for the virtual machine.
    74  	// If nil, the virtual machine should be deployed to no zone
    75  	// +optional
    76  	Zone *string `json:"zone,omitempty"`
    77  	// NetworkResourceGroup is the resource group for the virtual machine's network
    78  	// +optional
    79  	NetworkResourceGroup string `json:"networkResourceGroup,omitempty"`
    80  	// ResourceGroup is the resource group for the virtual machine
    81  	// +optional
    82  	ResourceGroup string `json:"resourceGroup,omitempty"`
    83  	// SpotVMOptions allows the ability to specify the Machine should use a Spot VM
    84  	// +optional
    85  	SpotVMOptions *SpotVMOptions `json:"spotVMOptions,omitempty"`
    86  	// SecurityProfile specifies the Security profile settings for a virtual machine.
    87  	// +optional
    88  	SecurityProfile *SecurityProfile `json:"securityProfile,omitempty"`
    89  	// UltraSSDCapability enables or disables Azure UltraSSD capability for a virtual machine.
    90  	// This can be used to allow/disallow binding of Azure UltraSSD to the Machine both as Data Disks or via Persistent Volumes.
    91  	// This Azure feature is subject to a specific scope and certain limitations.
    92  	// More informations on this can be found in the official Azure documentation for Ultra Disks:
    93  	// (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/disks-enable-ultra-ssd?tabs=azure-portal#ga-scope-and-limitations).
    94  	//
    95  	// When omitted, if at least one Data Disk of type UltraSSD is specified, the platform will automatically enable the capability.
    96  	// If a Perisistent Volume backed by an UltraSSD is bound to a Pod on the Machine, when this field is ommitted, the platform will *not* automatically enable the capability (unless already enabled by the presence of an UltraSSD as Data Disk).
    97  	// This may manifest in the Pod being stuck in `ContainerCreating` phase.
    98  	// This defaulting behaviour may be subject to change in future.
    99  	//
   100  	// When set to "Enabled", if the capability is available for the Machine based on the scope and limitations described above, the capability will be set on the Machine.
   101  	// This will thus allow UltraSSD both as Data Disks and Persistent Volumes.
   102  	// If set to "Enabled" when the capability can't be available due to scope and limitations, the Machine will go into "Failed" state.
   103  	//
   104  	// When set to "Disabled", UltraSSDs will not be allowed either as Data Disks nor as Persistent Volumes.
   105  	// In this case if any UltraSSDs are specified as Data Disks on a Machine, the Machine will go into a "Failed" state.
   106  	// If instead any UltraSSDs are backing the volumes (via Persistent Volumes) of any Pods scheduled on a Node which is backed by the Machine, the Pod may get stuck in `ContainerCreating` phase.
   107  	//
   108  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum:="Enabled";"Disabled"
   109  	// +optional
   110  	UltraSSDCapability AzureUltraSSDCapabilityState `json:"ultraSSDCapability,omitempty"`
   111  	// AcceleratedNetworking enables or disables Azure accelerated networking feature.
   112  	// Set to false by default. If true, then this will depend on whether the requested
   113  	// VMSize is supported. If set to true with an unsupported VMSize, Azure will return an error.
   114  	// +optional
   115  	AcceleratedNetworking bool `json:"acceleratedNetworking,omitempty"`
   116  	// AvailabilitySet specifies the availability set to use for this instance.
   117  	// Availability set should be precreated, before using this field.
   118  	// +optional
   119  	AvailabilitySet string `json:"availabilitySet,omitempty"`
   120  	// Diagnostics configures the diagnostics settings for the virtual machine.
   121  	// This allows you to configure boot diagnostics such as capturing serial output from
   122  	// the virtual machine on boot.
   123  	// This is useful for debugging software based launch issues.
   124  	// +optional
   125  	Diagnostics AzureDiagnostics `json:"diagnostics,omitempty"`
   126  }
   128  // SpotVMOptions defines the options relevant to running the Machine on Spot VMs
   129  type SpotVMOptions struct {
   130  	// MaxPrice defines the maximum price the user is willing to pay for Spot VM instances
   131  	// +optional
   132  	MaxPrice *resource.Quantity `json:"maxPrice,omitempty"`
   133  }
   135  // AzureDiagnostics is used to configure the diagnostic settings of the virtual machine.
   136  type AzureDiagnostics struct {
   137  	// AzureBootDiagnostics configures the boot diagnostics settings for the virtual machine.
   138  	// This allows you to configure capturing serial output from the virtual machine on boot.
   139  	// This is useful for debugging software based launch issues.
   140  	// + This is a pointer so that we can validate required fields only when the structure is
   141  	// + configured by the user.
   142  	// +optional
   143  	Boot *AzureBootDiagnostics `json:"boot,omitempty"`
   144  }
   146  // AzureBootDiagnostics configures the boot diagnostics settings for the virtual machine.
   147  // This allows you to configure capturing serial output from the virtual machine on boot.
   148  // This is useful for debugging software based launch issues.
   149  // +union
   150  type AzureBootDiagnostics struct {
   151  	// StorageAccountType determines if the storage account for storing the diagnostics data
   152  	// should be provisioned by Azure (AzureManaged) or by the customer (CustomerManaged).
   153  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
   154  	// +unionDiscriminator
   155  	StorageAccountType AzureBootDiagnosticsStorageAccountType `json:"storageAccountType"`
   157  	// CustomerManaged provides reference to the customer manager storage account.
   158  	// +optional
   159  	CustomerManaged *AzureCustomerManagedBootDiagnostics `json:"customerManaged,omitempty"`
   160  }
   162  // AzureCustomerManagedBootDiagnostics provides reference to a customer managed
   163  // storage account.
   164  type AzureCustomerManagedBootDiagnostics struct {
   165  	// StorageAccountURI is the URI of the customer managed storage account.
   166  	// The URI typically will be `https://<mystorageaccountname>.blob.core.windows.net/`
   167  	// but may differ if you are using Azure DNS zone endpoints.
   168  	// You can find the correct endpoint by looking for the Blob Primary Endpoint in the
   169  	// endpoints tab in the Azure console.
   170  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
   171  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Pattern=`^https://`
   172  	// +kubebuilder:validation:MaxLength=1024
   173  	StorageAccountURI string `json:"storageAccountURI"`
   174  }
   176  // AzureBootDiagnosticsStorageAccountType defines the list of valid storage account types
   177  // for the boot diagnostics.
   178  // +kubebuilder:validation:Enum:="AzureManaged";"CustomerManaged"
   179  type AzureBootDiagnosticsStorageAccountType string
   181  const (
   182  	// AzureManagedAzureDiagnosticsStorage is used to determine that the diagnostics storage account
   183  	// should be provisioned by Azure.
   184  	AzureManagedAzureDiagnosticsStorage AzureBootDiagnosticsStorageAccountType = "AzureManaged"
   186  	// CustomerManagedAzureDiagnosticsStorage is used to determine that the diagnostics storage account
   187  	// should be provisioned by the Customer.
   188  	CustomerManagedAzureDiagnosticsStorage AzureBootDiagnosticsStorageAccountType = "CustomerManaged"
   189  )
   191  // AzureMachineProviderStatus is the type that will be embedded in a Machine.Status.ProviderStatus field.
   192  // It contains Azure-specific status information.
   193  // Compatibility level 2: Stable within a major release for a minimum of 9 months or 3 minor releases (whichever is longer).
   194  // +openshift:compatibility-gen:level=2
   195  type AzureMachineProviderStatus struct {
   196  	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
   197  	// +optional
   198  	metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
   199  	// VMID is the ID of the virtual machine created in Azure.
   200  	// +optional
   201  	VMID *string `json:"vmId,omitempty"`
   202  	// VMState is the provisioning state of the Azure virtual machine.
   203  	// +optional
   204  	VMState *AzureVMState `json:"vmState,omitempty"`
   205  	// Conditions is a set of conditions associated with the Machine to indicate
   206  	// errors or other status.
   207  	// +optional
   208  	Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`
   209  }
   211  // VMState describes the state of an Azure virtual machine.
   212  type AzureVMState string
   214  const (
   215  	// ProvisioningState related values
   216  	// VMStateCreating ...
   217  	VMStateCreating = AzureVMState("Creating")
   218  	// VMStateDeleting ...
   219  	VMStateDeleting = AzureVMState("Deleting")
   220  	// VMStateFailed ...
   221  	VMStateFailed = AzureVMState("Failed")
   222  	// VMStateMigrating ...
   223  	VMStateMigrating = AzureVMState("Migrating")
   224  	// VMStateSucceeded ...
   225  	VMStateSucceeded = AzureVMState("Succeeded")
   226  	// VMStateUpdating ...
   227  	VMStateUpdating = AzureVMState("Updating")
   229  	// PowerState related values
   230  	// VMStateStarting ...
   231  	VMStateStarting = AzureVMState("Starting")
   232  	// VMStateRunning ...
   233  	VMStateRunning = AzureVMState("Running")
   234  	// VMStateStopping ...
   235  	VMStateStopping = AzureVMState("Stopping")
   236  	// VMStateStopped ...
   237  	VMStateStopped = AzureVMState("Stopped")
   238  	// VMStateDeallocating ...
   239  	VMStateDeallocating = AzureVMState("Deallocating")
   240  	// VMStateDeallocated ...
   241  	VMStateDeallocated = AzureVMState("Deallocated")
   242  	// VMStateUnknown ...
   243  	VMStateUnknown = AzureVMState("Unknown")
   244  )
   246  // Image is a mirror of azure sdk compute.ImageReference
   247  type Image struct {
   248  	// Publisher is the name of the organization that created the image
   249  	Publisher string `json:"publisher"`
   250  	// Offer specifies the name of a group of related images created by the publisher.
   251  	// For example, UbuntuServer, WindowsServer
   252  	Offer string `json:"offer"`
   253  	// SKU specifies an instance of an offer, such as a major release of a distribution.
   254  	// For example, 18.04-LTS, 2019-Datacenter
   255  	SKU string `json:"sku"`
   256  	// Version specifies the version of an image sku. The allowed formats
   257  	// are Major.Minor.Build or 'latest'. Major, Minor, and Build are decimal numbers.
   258  	// Specify 'latest' to use the latest version of an image available at deploy time.
   259  	// Even if you use 'latest', the VM image will not automatically update after deploy
   260  	// time even if a new version becomes available.
   261  	Version string `json:"version"`
   262  	// ResourceID specifies an image to use by ID
   263  	ResourceID string `json:"resourceID"`
   264  	// Type identifies the source of the image and related information, such as purchase plans.
   265  	// Valid values are "ID", "MarketplaceWithPlan", "MarketplaceNoPlan", and omitted, which
   266  	// means no opinion and the platform chooses a good default which may change over time.
   267  	// Currently that default is "MarketplaceNoPlan" if publisher data is supplied, or "ID" if not.
   268  	// For more information about purchase plans, see:
   269  	// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/cli-ps-findimage#check-the-purchase-plan-information
   270  	// +optional
   271  	Type AzureImageType `json:"type,omitempty"`
   272  }
   274  // AzureImageType provides an enumeration for the valid image types.
   275  type AzureImageType string
   277  const (
   278  	// AzureImageTypeID specifies that the image should be referenced by its resource ID.
   279  	AzureImageTypeID AzureImageType = "ID"
   280  	// AzureImageTypeMarketplaceNoPlan are images available from the marketplace that do not require a purchase plan.
   281  	AzureImageTypeMarketplaceNoPlan AzureImageType = "MarketplaceNoPlan"
   282  	// AzureImageTypeMarketplaceWithPlan require a purchase plan. Upstream these images are referred to as "ThirdParty."
   283  	AzureImageTypeMarketplaceWithPlan AzureImageType = "MarketplaceWithPlan"
   284  )
   286  type OSDisk struct {
   287  	// OSType is the operating system type of the OS disk. Possible values include "Linux" and "Windows".
   288  	OSType string `json:"osType"`
   289  	// ManagedDisk specifies the Managed Disk parameters for the OS disk.
   290  	ManagedDisk OSDiskManagedDiskParameters `json:"managedDisk"`
   291  	// DiskSizeGB is the size in GB to assign to the data disk.
   292  	DiskSizeGB int32 `json:"diskSizeGB"`
   293  	// DiskSettings describe ephemeral disk settings for the os disk.
   294  	// +optional
   295  	DiskSettings DiskSettings `json:"diskSettings,omitempty"`
   296  	// CachingType specifies the caching requirements.
   297  	// Possible values include: 'None', 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite'.
   298  	// Empty value means no opinion and the platform chooses a default, which is subject to change over
   299  	// time. Currently the default is `None`.
   300  	// +optional
   301  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=None;ReadOnly;ReadWrite
   302  	CachingType string `json:"cachingType,omitempty"`
   303  }
   305  // DataDisk specifies the parameters that are used to add one or more data disks to the machine.
   306  // A Data Disk is a managed disk that's attached to a virtual machine to store application data.
   307  // It differs from an OS Disk as it doesn't come with a pre-installed OS, and it cannot contain the boot volume.
   308  // It is registered as SCSI drive and labeled with the chosen `lun`. e.g. for `lun: 0` the raw disk device will be available at `/dev/disk/azure/scsi1/lun0`.
   309  //
   310  // As the Data Disk disk device is attached raw to the virtual machine, it will need to be partitioned, formatted with a filesystem and mounted, in order for it to be usable.
   311  // This can be done by creating a custom userdata Secret with custom Ignition configuration to achieve the desired initialization.
   312  // At this stage the previously defined `lun` is to be used as the "device" key for referencing the raw disk device to be initialized.
   313  // Once the custom userdata Secret has been created, it can be referenced in the Machine's `.providerSpec.userDataSecret`.
   314  // For further guidance and examples, please refer to the official OpenShift docs.
   315  type DataDisk struct {
   316  	// NameSuffix is the suffix to be appended to the machine name to generate the disk name.
   317  	// Each disk name will be in format <machineName>_<nameSuffix>.
   318  	// NameSuffix name must start and finish with an alphanumeric character and can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, periods or hyphens.
   319  	// The overall disk name must not exceed 80 chars in length.
   320  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Pattern:=`^[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[\w\.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?$`
   321  	// +kubebuilder:validation:MaxLength:=78
   322  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
   323  	NameSuffix string `json:"nameSuffix"`
   324  	// DiskSizeGB is the size in GB to assign to the data disk.
   325  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Minimum=4
   326  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
   327  	DiskSizeGB int32 `json:"diskSizeGB"`
   328  	// ManagedDisk specifies the Managed Disk parameters for the data disk.
   329  	// Empty value means no opinion and the platform chooses a default, which is subject to change over time.
   330  	// Currently the default is a ManagedDisk with with storageAccountType: "Premium_LRS" and diskEncryptionSet.id: "Default".
   331  	// +optional
   332  	ManagedDisk DataDiskManagedDiskParameters `json:"managedDisk,omitempty"`
   333  	// Lun Specifies the logical unit number of the data disk.
   334  	// This value is used to identify data disks within the VM and therefore must be unique for each data disk attached to a VM.
   335  	// This value is also needed for referencing the data disks devices within userdata to perform disk initialization through Ignition (e.g. partition/format/mount).
   336  	// The value must be between 0 and 63.
   337  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Minimum=0
   338  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Maximum=63
   339  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
   340  	Lun int32 `json:"lun,omitempty"`
   341  	// CachingType specifies the caching requirements.
   342  	// Empty value means no opinion and the platform chooses a default, which is subject to change over time.
   343  	// Currently the default is CachingTypeNone.
   344  	// +optional
   345  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=None;ReadOnly;ReadWrite
   346  	CachingType CachingTypeOption `json:"cachingType,omitempty"`
   347  	// DeletionPolicy specifies the data disk deletion policy upon Machine deletion.
   348  	// Possible values are "Delete","Detach".
   349  	// When "Delete" is used the data disk is deleted when the Machine is deleted.
   350  	// When "Detach" is used the data disk is detached from the Machine and retained when the Machine is deleted.
   351  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Delete;Detach
   352  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
   353  	DeletionPolicy DiskDeletionPolicyType `json:"deletionPolicy"`
   354  }
   356  // DiskDeletionPolicyType defines the possible values for DeletionPolicy.
   357  type DiskDeletionPolicyType string
   359  // These are the valid DiskDeletionPolicyType values.
   360  const (
   361  	// DiskDeletionPolicyTypeDelete means the DiskDeletionPolicyType is "Delete".
   362  	DiskDeletionPolicyTypeDelete DiskDeletionPolicyType = "Delete"
   363  	// DiskDeletionPolicyTypeDetach means the DiskDeletionPolicyType is "Detach".
   364  	DiskDeletionPolicyTypeDetach DiskDeletionPolicyType = "Detach"
   365  )
   367  // CachingTypeOption defines the different values for a CachingType.
   368  type CachingTypeOption string
   370  // These are the valid CachingTypeOption values.
   371  const (
   372  	// CachingTypeReadOnly means the CachingType is "ReadOnly".
   373  	CachingTypeReadOnly CachingTypeOption = "ReadOnly"
   374  	// CachingTypeReadWrite means the CachingType is "ReadWrite".
   375  	CachingTypeReadWrite CachingTypeOption = "ReadWrite"
   376  	// CachingTypeNone means the CachingType is "None".
   377  	CachingTypeNone CachingTypeOption = "None"
   378  )
   380  // DiskSettings describe ephemeral disk settings for the os disk.
   381  type DiskSettings struct {
   382  	// EphemeralStorageLocation enables ephemeral OS when set to 'Local'.
   383  	// Possible values include: 'Local'.
   384  	// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/ephemeral-os-disks for full details.
   385  	// Empty value means no opinion and the platform chooses a default, which is subject to change over
   386  	// time. Currently the default is that disks are saved to remote Azure storage.
   387  	// +optional
   388  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Local
   389  	EphemeralStorageLocation string `json:"ephemeralStorageLocation,omitempty"`
   390  }
   392  // OSDiskManagedDiskParameters is the parameters of a OSDisk managed disk.
   393  type OSDiskManagedDiskParameters struct {
   394  	// StorageAccountType is the storage account type to use.
   395  	// Possible values include "Standard_LRS", "Premium_LRS".
   396  	StorageAccountType string `json:"storageAccountType"`
   397  	// DiskEncryptionSet is the disk encryption set properties
   398  	// +optional
   399  	DiskEncryptionSet *DiskEncryptionSetParameters `json:"diskEncryptionSet,omitempty"`
   400  }
   402  // DataDiskManagedDiskParameters is the parameters of a DataDisk managed disk.
   403  type DataDiskManagedDiskParameters struct {
   404  	// StorageAccountType is the storage account type to use.
   405  	// Possible values include "Standard_LRS", "Premium_LRS" and "UltraSSD_LRS".
   406  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Standard_LRS;Premium_LRS;UltraSSD_LRS
   407  	StorageAccountType StorageAccountType `json:"storageAccountType"`
   408  	// DiskEncryptionSet is the disk encryption set properties.
   409  	// Empty value means no opinion and the platform chooses a default, which is subject to change over time.
   410  	// Currently the default is a DiskEncryptionSet with id: "Default".
   411  	// +optional
   412  	DiskEncryptionSet *DiskEncryptionSetParameters `json:"diskEncryptionSet,omitempty"`
   413  }
   415  // StorageAccountType defines the different storage types to use for a ManagedDisk.
   416  type StorageAccountType string
   418  // These are the valid StorageAccountType types.
   419  const (
   420  	// "StorageAccountStandardLRS" means the Standard_LRS storage type.
   421  	StorageAccountStandardLRS StorageAccountType = "Standard_LRS"
   422  	// "StorageAccountPremiumLRS" means the Premium_LRS storage type.
   423  	StorageAccountPremiumLRS StorageAccountType = "Premium_LRS"
   424  	// "StorageAccountUltraSSDLRS" means the UltraSSD_LRS storage type.
   425  	StorageAccountUltraSSDLRS StorageAccountType = "UltraSSD_LRS"
   426  )
   428  // DiskEncryptionSetParameters is the disk encryption set properties
   429  type DiskEncryptionSetParameters struct {
   430  	// ID is the disk encryption set ID
   431  	// Empty value means no opinion and the platform chooses a default, which is subject to change over time.
   432  	// Currently the default is: "Default".
   433  	// +optional
   434  	ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`
   435  }
   437  // SecurityProfile specifies the Security profile settings for a
   438  // virtual machine or virtual machine scale set.
   439  type SecurityProfile struct {
   440  	// This field indicates whether Host Encryption should be enabled
   441  	// or disabled for a virtual machine or virtual machine scale
   442  	// set. Default is disabled.
   443  	// +optional
   444  	EncryptionAtHost *bool `json:"encryptionAtHost,omitempty"`
   445  }
   447  // AzureUltraSSDCapabilityState defines the different states of an UltraSSDCapability
   448  type AzureUltraSSDCapabilityState string
   450  // These are the valid AzureUltraSSDCapabilityState states.
   451  const (
   452  	// "AzureUltraSSDCapabilityEnabled" means the Azure UltraSSDCapability is Enabled
   453  	AzureUltraSSDCapabilityEnabled AzureUltraSSDCapabilityState = "Enabled"
   454  	// "AzureUltraSSDCapabilityDisabled" means the Azure UltraSSDCapability is Disabled
   455  	AzureUltraSSDCapabilityDisabled AzureUltraSSDCapabilityState = "Disabled"
   456  )

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