
Source file src/github.com/openshift/api/kubecontrolplane/v1/types.go

Documentation: github.com/openshift/api/kubecontrolplane/v1

     1  package v1
     3  import (
     4  	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
     6  	"fmt"
     8  	configv1 "github.com/openshift/api/config/v1"
     9  	osinv1 "github.com/openshift/api/osin/v1"
    10  )
    12  // +k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object
    14  // Compatibility level 4: No compatibility is provided, the API can change at any point for any reason. These capabilities should not be used by applications needing long term support.
    15  // +openshift:compatibility-gen:level=4
    16  // +openshift:compatibility-gen:internal
    17  type KubeAPIServerConfig struct {
    18  	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    20  	// provides the standard apiserver configuration
    21  	configv1.GenericAPIServerConfig `json:",inline"`
    23  	// authConfig configures authentication options in addition to the standard
    24  	// oauth token and client certificate authenticators
    25  	AuthConfig MasterAuthConfig `json:"authConfig"`
    27  	// aggregatorConfig has options for configuring the aggregator component of the API server.
    28  	AggregatorConfig AggregatorConfig `json:"aggregatorConfig"`
    30  	// kubeletClientInfo contains information about how to connect to kubelets
    31  	KubeletClientInfo KubeletConnectionInfo `json:"kubeletClientInfo"`
    33  	// servicesSubnet is the subnet to use for assigning service IPs
    34  	ServicesSubnet string `json:"servicesSubnet"`
    35  	// servicesNodePortRange is the range to use for assigning service public ports on a host.
    36  	ServicesNodePortRange string `json:"servicesNodePortRange"`
    38  	// DEPRECATED: consolePublicURL has been deprecated and setting it has no effect.
    39  	ConsolePublicURL string `json:"consolePublicURL"`
    41  	// UserAgentMatchingConfig controls how API calls from *voluntarily* identifying clients will be handled.  THIS DOES NOT DEFEND AGAINST MALICIOUS CLIENTS!
    42  	// TODO I think we should just drop this feature.
    43  	UserAgentMatchingConfig UserAgentMatchingConfig `json:"userAgentMatchingConfig"`
    45  	// imagePolicyConfig feeds the image policy admission plugin
    46  	// TODO make it an admission plugin config
    47  	ImagePolicyConfig KubeAPIServerImagePolicyConfig `json:"imagePolicyConfig"`
    49  	// projectConfig feeds an admission plugin
    50  	// TODO make it an admission plugin config
    51  	ProjectConfig KubeAPIServerProjectConfig `json:"projectConfig"`
    53  	// serviceAccountPublicKeyFiles is a list of files, each containing a PEM-encoded public RSA key.
    54  	// (If any file contains a private key, the public portion of the key is used)
    55  	// The list of public keys is used to verify presented service account tokens.
    56  	// Each key is tried in order until the list is exhausted or verification succeeds.
    57  	// If no keys are specified, no service account authentication will be available.
    58  	ServiceAccountPublicKeyFiles []string `json:"serviceAccountPublicKeyFiles"`
    60  	// oauthConfig, if present start the /oauth endpoint in this process
    61  	OAuthConfig *osinv1.OAuthConfig `json:"oauthConfig"`
    63  	// TODO this needs to be removed.
    64  	APIServerArguments map[string]Arguments `json:"apiServerArguments"`
    65  }
    67  // Arguments masks the value so protobuf can generate
    68  // +protobuf.nullable=true
    69  // +protobuf.options.(gogoproto.goproto_stringer)=false
    70  type Arguments []string
    72  func (t Arguments) String() string {
    73  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", []string(t))
    74  }
    76  type KubeAPIServerImagePolicyConfig struct {
    77  	// internalRegistryHostname sets the hostname for the default internal image
    78  	// registry. The value must be in "hostname[:port]" format.
    79  	// For backward compatibility, users can still use OPENSHIFT_DEFAULT_REGISTRY
    80  	// environment variable but this setting overrides the environment variable.
    81  	InternalRegistryHostname string `json:"internalRegistryHostname"`
    82  	// externalRegistryHostnames provides the hostnames for the default external image
    83  	// registry. The external hostname should be set only when the image registry
    84  	// is exposed externally. The first value is used in 'publicDockerImageRepository'
    85  	// field in ImageStreams. The value must be in "hostname[:port]" format.
    86  	ExternalRegistryHostnames []string `json:"externalRegistryHostnames"`
    87  }
    89  type KubeAPIServerProjectConfig struct {
    90  	// defaultNodeSelector holds default project node label selector
    91  	DefaultNodeSelector string `json:"defaultNodeSelector"`
    92  }
    94  // KubeletConnectionInfo holds information necessary for connecting to a kubelet
    95  type KubeletConnectionInfo struct {
    96  	// port is the port to connect to kubelets on
    97  	Port uint32 `json:"port"`
    98  	// ca is the CA for verifying TLS connections to kubelets
    99  	CA string `json:"ca"`
   100  	// CertInfo is the TLS client cert information for securing communication to kubelets
   101  	// this is anonymous so that we can inline it for serialization
   102  	configv1.CertInfo `json:",inline"`
   103  }
   105  // UserAgentMatchingConfig controls how API calls from *voluntarily* identifying clients will be handled.  THIS DOES NOT DEFEND AGAINST MALICIOUS CLIENTS!
   106  type UserAgentMatchingConfig struct {
   107  	// requiredClients if this list is non-empty, then a User-Agent must match one of the UserAgentRegexes to be allowed
   108  	RequiredClients []UserAgentMatchRule `json:"requiredClients"`
   110  	// deniedClients if this list is non-empty, then a User-Agent must not match any of the UserAgentRegexes
   111  	DeniedClients []UserAgentDenyRule `json:"deniedClients"`
   113  	// defaultRejectionMessage is the message shown when rejecting a client.  If it is not a set, a generic message is given.
   114  	DefaultRejectionMessage string `json:"defaultRejectionMessage"`
   115  }
   117  // UserAgentMatchRule describes how to match a given request based on User-Agent and HTTPVerb
   118  type UserAgentMatchRule struct {
   119  	// regex is a regex that is checked against the User-Agent.
   120  	// Known variants of oc clients
   121  	// 1. oc accessing kube resources: oc/v1.2.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/bc4550d
   122  	// 2. oc accessing openshift resources: oc/v1.1.3 (linux/amd64) openshift/b348c2f
   123  	// 3. openshift kubectl accessing kube resources:  openshift/v1.2.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/bc4550d
   124  	// 4. openshift kubectl accessing openshift resources: openshift/v1.1.3 (linux/amd64) openshift/b348c2f
   125  	// 5. oadm accessing kube resources: oadm/v1.2.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/bc4550d
   126  	// 6. oadm accessing openshift resources: oadm/v1.1.3 (linux/amd64) openshift/b348c2f
   127  	// 7. openshift cli accessing kube resources: openshift/v1.2.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/bc4550d
   128  	// 8. openshift cli accessing openshift resources: openshift/v1.1.3 (linux/amd64) openshift/b348c2f
   129  	Regex string `json:"regex"`
   131  	// httpVerbs specifies which HTTP verbs should be matched.  An empty list means "match all verbs".
   132  	HTTPVerbs []string `json:"httpVerbs"`
   133  }
   135  // UserAgentDenyRule adds a rejection message that can be used to help a user figure out how to get an approved client
   136  type UserAgentDenyRule struct {
   137  	UserAgentMatchRule `json:",inline"`
   139  	// RejectionMessage is the message shown when rejecting a client.  If it is not a set, the default message is used.
   140  	RejectionMessage string `json:"rejectionMessage"`
   141  }
   143  // MasterAuthConfig configures authentication options in addition to the standard
   144  // oauth token and client certificate authenticators
   145  type MasterAuthConfig struct {
   146  	// requestHeader holds options for setting up a front proxy against the API.  It is optional.
   147  	RequestHeader *RequestHeaderAuthenticationOptions `json:"requestHeader"`
   148  	// webhookTokenAuthenticators, if present configures remote token reviewers
   149  	WebhookTokenAuthenticators []WebhookTokenAuthenticator `json:"webhookTokenAuthenticators"`
   150  	// oauthMetadataFile is a path to a file containing the discovery endpoint for OAuth 2.0 Authorization
   151  	// Server Metadata for an external OAuth server.
   152  	// See IETF Draft: // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-discovery-04#section-2
   153  	// This option is mutually exclusive with OAuthConfig
   154  	OAuthMetadataFile string `json:"oauthMetadataFile"`
   155  }
   157  // WebhookTokenAuthenticators holds the necessary configuation options for
   158  // external token authenticators
   159  type WebhookTokenAuthenticator struct {
   160  	// configFile is a path to a Kubeconfig file with the webhook configuration
   161  	ConfigFile string `json:"configFile"`
   162  	// cacheTTL indicates how long an authentication result should be cached.
   163  	// It takes a valid time duration string (e.g. "5m").
   164  	// If empty, you get a default timeout of 2 minutes.
   165  	// If zero (e.g. "0m"), caching is disabled
   166  	CacheTTL string `json:"cacheTTL"`
   167  }
   169  // RequestHeaderAuthenticationOptions provides options for setting up a front proxy against the entire
   170  // API instead of against the /oauth endpoint.
   171  type RequestHeaderAuthenticationOptions struct {
   172  	// clientCA is a file with the trusted signer certs.  It is required.
   173  	ClientCA string `json:"clientCA"`
   174  	// clientCommonNames is a required list of common names to require a match from.
   175  	ClientCommonNames []string `json:"clientCommonNames"`
   177  	// usernameHeaders is the list of headers to check for user information.  First hit wins.
   178  	UsernameHeaders []string `json:"usernameHeaders"`
   179  	// groupHeaders is the set of headers to check for group information.  All are unioned.
   180  	GroupHeaders []string `json:"groupHeaders"`
   181  	// extraHeaderPrefixes is the set of request header prefixes to inspect for user extra. X-Remote-Extra- is suggested.
   182  	ExtraHeaderPrefixes []string `json:"extraHeaderPrefixes"`
   183  }
   185  // AggregatorConfig holds information required to make the aggregator function.
   186  type AggregatorConfig struct {
   187  	// proxyClientInfo specifies the client cert/key to use when proxying to aggregated API servers
   188  	ProxyClientInfo configv1.CertInfo `json:"proxyClientInfo"`
   189  }
   191  // +k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object
   193  // Compatibility level 4: No compatibility is provided, the API can change at any point for any reason. These capabilities should not be used by applications needing long term support.
   194  // +openshift:compatibility-gen:level=4
   195  // +openshift:compatibility-gen:internal
   196  type KubeControllerManagerConfig struct {
   197  	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
   199  	// serviceServingCert provides support for the old alpha service serving cert signer CA bundle
   200  	ServiceServingCert ServiceServingCert `json:"serviceServingCert"`
   202  	// projectConfig is an optimization for the daemonset controller
   203  	ProjectConfig KubeControllerManagerProjectConfig `json:"projectConfig"`
   205  	// extendedArguments is used to configure the kube-controller-manager
   206  	ExtendedArguments map[string]Arguments `json:"extendedArguments"`
   207  }
   209  type KubeControllerManagerProjectConfig struct {
   210  	// defaultNodeSelector holds default project node label selector
   211  	DefaultNodeSelector string `json:"defaultNodeSelector"`
   212  }
   214  // ServiceServingCert holds configuration for service serving cert signer which creates cert/key pairs for
   215  // pods fulfilling a service to serve with.
   216  type ServiceServingCert struct {
   217  	// CertFile is a file containing a PEM-encoded certificate
   218  	CertFile string `json:"certFile"`
   219  }

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