package v1 // This file contains a collection of methods that can be used from go-restful to // generate Swagger API documentation for its models. Please read this PR for more // information on the implementation: // // TODOs are ignored from the parser (e.g. TODO(andronat):... || TODO:...) if and only if // they are on one line! For multiple line or blocks that you want to ignore use ---. // Any context after a --- is ignored. // // Those methods can be generated by using hack/ // AUTO-GENERATED FUNCTIONS START HERE var map_Config = map[string]string{ "": "Config is the configuration object for a registry instance managed by the registry operator\n\nCompatibility level 1: Stable within a major release for a minimum of 12 months or 3 minor releases (whichever is longer).", "metadata": "metadata is the standard object's metadata. More info:", } func (Config) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_Config } var map_ConfigList = map[string]string{ "": "ConfigList is a slice of Config objects.\n\nCompatibility level 1: Stable within a major release for a minimum of 12 months or 3 minor releases (whichever is longer).", "metadata": "metadata is the standard list's metadata. More info:", } func (ConfigList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ConfigList } var map_EncryptionAlibaba = map[string]string{ "": "EncryptionAlibaba this a union type in kube parlance. Depending on the value for the AlibabaEncryptionMethod, different pointers may be used", "method": "Method defines the different encrytion modes available Empty value means no opinion and the platform chooses the a default, which is subject to change over time. Currently the default is `AES256`.", "kms": "KMS (key management service) is an encryption type that holds the struct for KMS KeyID", } func (EncryptionAlibaba) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_EncryptionAlibaba } var map_ImageRegistryConfigProxy = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistryConfigProxy defines proxy configuration to be used by registry.", "http": "http defines the proxy to be used by the image registry when accessing HTTP endpoints.", "https": "https defines the proxy to be used by the image registry when accessing HTTPS endpoints.", "noProxy": "noProxy defines a comma-separated list of host names that shouldn't go through any proxy.", } func (ImageRegistryConfigProxy) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistryConfigProxy } var map_ImageRegistryConfigRequests = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistryConfigRequests defines registry limits on requests read and write.", "read": "read defines limits for image registry's reads.", "write": "write defines limits for image registry's writes.", } func (ImageRegistryConfigRequests) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistryConfigRequests } var map_ImageRegistryConfigRequestsLimits = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistryConfigRequestsLimits holds configuration on the max, enqueued and waiting registry's API requests.", "maxRunning": "maxRunning sets the maximum in flight api requests to the registry.", "maxInQueue": "maxInQueue sets the maximum queued api requests to the registry.", "maxWaitInQueue": "maxWaitInQueue sets the maximum time a request can wait in the queue before being rejected.", } func (ImageRegistryConfigRequestsLimits) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistryConfigRequestsLimits } var map_ImageRegistryConfigRoute = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistryConfigRoute holds information on external route access to image registry.", "name": "name of the route to be created.", "hostname": "hostname for the route.", "secretName": "secretName points to secret containing the certificates to be used by the route.", } func (ImageRegistryConfigRoute) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistryConfigRoute } var map_ImageRegistryConfigStorage = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistryConfigStorage describes how the storage should be configured for the image registry.", "emptyDir": "emptyDir represents ephemeral storage on the pod's host node. WARNING: this storage cannot be used with more than 1 replica and is not suitable for production use. When the pod is removed from a node for any reason, the data in the emptyDir is deleted forever.", "s3": "s3 represents configuration that uses Amazon Simple Storage Service.", "gcs": "gcs represents configuration that uses Google Cloud Storage.", "swift": "swift represents configuration that uses OpenStack Object Storage.", "pvc": "pvc represents configuration that uses a PersistentVolumeClaim.", "azure": "azure represents configuration that uses Azure Blob Storage.", "ibmcos": "ibmcos represents configuration that uses IBM Cloud Object Storage.", "oss": "Oss represents configuration that uses Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service.", "managementState": "managementState indicates if the operator manages the underlying storage unit. If Managed the operator will remove the storage when this operator gets Removed.", } func (ImageRegistryConfigStorage) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistryConfigStorage } var map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageAlibabaOSS = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistryConfigStorageAlibabaOSS holds Alibaba Cloud OSS configuration. Configures the registry to use Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service for backend storage. More about oss, you can look at the [official documentation](", "bucket": "Bucket is the bucket name in which you want to store the registry's data. About Bucket naming, more details you can look at the [official documentation]( Empty value means no opinion and the platform chooses the a default, which is subject to change over time. Currently the default will be autogenerated in the form of -image-registry--", "region": "Region is the Alibaba Cloud Region in which your bucket exists. For a list of regions, you can look at the [official documentation]( Empty value means no opinion and the platform chooses the a default, which is subject to change over time. Currently the default will be based on the installed Alibaba Cloud Region.", "endpointAccessibility": "EndpointAccessibility specifies whether the registry use the OSS VPC internal endpoint Empty value means no opinion and the platform chooses the a default, which is subject to change over time. Currently the default is `Internal`.", "encryption": "Encryption specifies whether you would like your data encrypted on the server side. More details, you can look cat the [official documentation](", } func (ImageRegistryConfigStorageAlibabaOSS) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageAlibabaOSS } var map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageAzure = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistryConfigStorageAzure holds the information to configure the registry to use Azure Blob Storage for backend storage.", "accountName": "accountName defines the account to be used by the registry.", "container": "container defines Azure's container to be used by registry.", "cloudName": "cloudName is the name of the Azure cloud environment to be used by the registry. If empty, the operator will set it based on the infrastructure object.", } func (ImageRegistryConfigStorageAzure) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageAzure } var map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageEmptyDir = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistryConfigStorageEmptyDir is an place holder to be used when when registry is leveraging ephemeral storage.", } func (ImageRegistryConfigStorageEmptyDir) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageEmptyDir } var map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageGCS = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistryConfigStorageGCS holds GCS configuration.", "bucket": "bucket is the bucket name in which you want to store the registry's data. Optional, will be generated if not provided.", "region": "region is the GCS location in which your bucket exists. Optional, will be set based on the installed GCS Region.", "projectID": "projectID is the Project ID of the GCP project that this bucket should be associated with.", "keyID": "keyID is the KMS key ID to use for encryption. Optional, buckets are encrypted by default on GCP. This allows for the use of a custom encryption key.", } func (ImageRegistryConfigStorageGCS) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageGCS } var map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageIBMCOS = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistryConfigStorageIBMCOS holds the information to configure the registry to use IBM Cloud Object Storage for backend storage.", "bucket": "bucket is the bucket name in which you want to store the registry's data. Optional, will be generated if not provided.", "location": "location is the IBM Cloud location in which your bucket exists. Optional, will be set based on the installed IBM Cloud location.", "resourceGroupName": "resourceGroupName is the name of the IBM Cloud resource group that this bucket and its service instance is associated with. Optional, will be set based on the installed IBM Cloud resource group.", "resourceKeyCRN": "resourceKeyCRN is the CRN of the IBM Cloud resource key that is created for the service instance. Commonly referred as a service credential and must contain HMAC type credentials. Optional, will be computed if not provided.", "serviceInstanceCRN": "serviceInstanceCRN is the CRN of the IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance that this bucket is associated with. Optional, will be computed if not provided.", } func (ImageRegistryConfigStorageIBMCOS) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageIBMCOS } var map_ImageRegistryConfigStoragePVC = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistryConfigStoragePVC holds Persistent Volume Claims data to be used by the registry.", "claim": "claim defines the Persisent Volume Claim's name to be used.", } func (ImageRegistryConfigStoragePVC) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistryConfigStoragePVC } var map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageS3 = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistryConfigStorageS3 holds the information to configure the registry to use the AWS S3 service for backend storage", "bucket": "bucket is the bucket name in which you want to store the registry's data. Optional, will be generated if not provided.", "region": "region is the AWS region in which your bucket exists. Optional, will be set based on the installed AWS Region.", "regionEndpoint": "regionEndpoint is the endpoint for S3 compatible storage services. It should be a valid URL with scheme, e.g. Optional, defaults based on the Region that is provided.", "encrypt": "encrypt specifies whether the registry stores the image in encrypted format or not. Optional, defaults to false.", "keyID": "keyID is the KMS key ID to use for encryption. Optional, Encrypt must be true, or this parameter is ignored.", "cloudFront": "cloudFront configures Amazon Cloudfront as the storage middleware in a registry.", "virtualHostedStyle": "virtualHostedStyle enables using S3 virtual hosted style bucket paths with a custom RegionEndpoint Optional, defaults to false.", "trustedCA": "trustedCA is a reference to a config map containing a CA bundle. The image registry and its operator use certificates from this bundle to verify S3 server certificates.\n\nThe namespace for the config map referenced by trustedCA is \"openshift-config\". The key for the bundle in the config map is \"ca-bundle.crt\".", } func (ImageRegistryConfigStorageS3) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageS3 } var map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageS3CloudFront = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistryConfigStorageS3CloudFront holds the configuration to use Amazon Cloudfront as the storage middleware in a registry.", "baseURL": "baseURL contains the SCHEME://HOST[/PATH] at which Cloudfront is served.", "privateKey": "privateKey points to secret containing the private key, provided by AWS.", "keypairID": "keypairID is key pair ID provided by AWS.", "duration": "duration is the duration of the Cloudfront session.", } func (ImageRegistryConfigStorageS3CloudFront) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageS3CloudFront } var map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageSwift = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistryConfigStorageSwift holds the information to configure the registry to use the OpenStack Swift service for backend storage", "authURL": "authURL defines the URL for obtaining an authentication token.", "authVersion": "authVersion specifies the OpenStack Auth's version.", "container": "container defines the name of Swift container where to store the registry's data.", "domain": "domain specifies Openstack's domain name for Identity v3 API.", "domainID": "domainID specifies Openstack's domain id for Identity v3 API.", "tenant": "tenant defines Openstack tenant name to be used by registry.", "tenantID": "tenant defines Openstack tenant id to be used by registry.", "regionName": "regionName defines Openstack's region in which container exists.", } func (ImageRegistryConfigStorageSwift) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistryConfigStorageSwift } var map_ImageRegistrySpec = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistrySpec defines the specs for the running registry.", "httpSecret": "httpSecret is the value needed by the registry to secure uploads, generated by default.", "proxy": "proxy defines the proxy to be used when calling master api, upstream registries, etc.", "storage": "storage details for configuring registry storage, e.g. S3 bucket coordinates.", "readOnly": "readOnly indicates whether the registry instance should reject attempts to push new images or delete existing ones.", "disableRedirect": "disableRedirect controls whether to route all data through the Registry, rather than redirecting to the backend.", "requests": "requests controls how many parallel requests a given registry instance will handle before queuing additional requests.", "defaultRoute": "defaultRoute indicates whether an external facing route for the registry should be created using the default generated hostname.", "routes": "routes defines additional external facing routes which should be created for the registry.", "replicas": "replicas determines the number of registry instances to run.", "logging": "logging is deprecated, use logLevel instead.", "resources": "resources defines the resource requests+limits for the registry pod.", "nodeSelector": "nodeSelector defines the node selection constraints for the registry pod.", "tolerations": "tolerations defines the tolerations for the registry pod.", "rolloutStrategy": "rolloutStrategy defines rollout strategy for the image registry deployment.", "affinity": "affinity is a group of node affinity scheduling rules for the image registry pod(s).", "topologySpreadConstraints": "topologySpreadConstraints specify how to spread matching pods among the given topology.", } func (ImageRegistrySpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistrySpec } var map_ImageRegistryStatus = map[string]string{ "": "ImageRegistryStatus reports image registry operational status.", "storageManaged": "storageManaged is deprecated, please refer to Storage.managementState", "storage": "storage indicates the current applied storage configuration of the registry.", } func (ImageRegistryStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImageRegistryStatus } var map_KMSEncryptionAlibaba = map[string]string{ "keyID": "KeyID holds the KMS encryption key ID", } func (KMSEncryptionAlibaba) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_KMSEncryptionAlibaba } var map_S3TrustedCASource = map[string]string{ "": "S3TrustedCASource references a config map with a CA certificate bundle in the \"openshift-config\" namespace. The key for the bundle in the config map is \"ca-bundle.crt\".", "name": "name is the of the referenced config map. This field must adhere to standard config map naming restrictions. The name must consist solely of alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-) and periods (.). It has a maximum length of 253 characters. If this field is not specified or is empty string, the default trust bundle will be used.", } func (S3TrustedCASource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_S3TrustedCASource } var map_ImagePruner = map[string]string{ "": "ImagePruner is the configuration object for an image registry pruner managed by the registry operator.\n\nCompatibility level 1: Stable within a major release for a minimum of 12 months or 3 minor releases (whichever is longer).", "metadata": "metadata is the standard object's metadata. More info:", } func (ImagePruner) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImagePruner } var map_ImagePrunerList = map[string]string{ "": "ImagePrunerList is a slice of ImagePruner objects.\n\nCompatibility level 1: Stable within a major release for a minimum of 12 months or 3 minor releases (whichever is longer).", "metadata": "metadata is the standard list's metadata. More info:", } func (ImagePrunerList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImagePrunerList } var map_ImagePrunerSpec = map[string]string{ "": "ImagePrunerSpec defines the specs for the running image pruner.", "schedule": "schedule specifies when to execute the job using standard cronjob syntax: Defaults to `0 0 * * *`.", "suspend": "suspend specifies whether or not to suspend subsequent executions of this cronjob. Defaults to false.", "keepTagRevisions": "keepTagRevisions specifies the number of image revisions for a tag in an image stream that will be preserved. Defaults to 3.", "keepYoungerThan": "keepYoungerThan specifies the minimum age in nanoseconds of an image and its referrers for it to be considered a candidate for pruning. DEPRECATED: This field is deprecated in favor of keepYoungerThanDuration. If both are set, this field is ignored and keepYoungerThanDuration takes precedence.", "keepYoungerThanDuration": "keepYoungerThanDuration specifies the minimum age of an image and its referrers for it to be considered a candidate for pruning. Defaults to 60m (60 minutes).", "resources": "resources defines the resource requests and limits for the image pruner pod.", "affinity": "affinity is a group of node affinity scheduling rules for the image pruner pod.", "nodeSelector": "nodeSelector defines the node selection constraints for the image pruner pod.", "tolerations": "tolerations defines the node tolerations for the image pruner pod.", "successfulJobsHistoryLimit": "successfulJobsHistoryLimit specifies how many successful image pruner jobs to retain. Defaults to 3 if not set.", "failedJobsHistoryLimit": "failedJobsHistoryLimit specifies how many failed image pruner jobs to retain. Defaults to 3 if not set.", "ignoreInvalidImageReferences": "ignoreInvalidImageReferences indicates whether the pruner can ignore errors while parsing image references.", "logLevel": "logLevel sets the level of log output for the pruner job.\n\nValid values are: \"Normal\", \"Debug\", \"Trace\", \"TraceAll\". Defaults to \"Normal\".", } func (ImagePrunerSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImagePrunerSpec } var map_ImagePrunerStatus = map[string]string{ "": "ImagePrunerStatus reports image pruner operational status.", "observedGeneration": "observedGeneration is the last generation change that has been applied.", "conditions": "conditions is a list of conditions and their status.", } func (ImagePrunerStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_ImagePrunerStatus } // AUTO-GENERATED FUNCTIONS END HERE