
Text file src/github.com/openshift/api/hack/update-codegen.sh

Documentation: github.com/openshift/api/hack

     3source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/lib/init.sh"
     5# Build codegen-crds when it's not present and not overriden for a specific file.
     6if [ -z "${CODEGEN:-}" ];then
     7  ${TOOLS_MAKE} codegen
     8  CODEGEN="${TOOLS_OUTPUT}/codegen"
    11# This runs the codegen utility against the entire set of API types.
    12# It has two possible args, the GENERATOR and the EXTRA_ARGS.
    13# GENERATOR is the name of the generator to run, which could be one of compatibility,
    14# deepcopy, schemapatch or swaggerdocs.
    15# EXTRA_ARGS are additional arguments to pass to the generator, usually this would be
    16# --verify so that the generator verifies the output rather than writing it.
    17"${CODEGEN}" ${GENERATOR:-} --base-dir "${SCRIPT_ROOT}" -v 1 ${EXTRA_ARGS:-}

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