package v1alpha1 // This file contains a collection of methods that can be used from go-restful to // generate Swagger API documentation for its models. Please read this PR for more // information on the implementation: // // TODOs are ignored from the parser (e.g. TODO(andronat):... || TODO:...) if and only if // they are on one line! For multiple line or blocks that you want to ignore use ---. // Any context after a --- is ignored. // // Those methods can be generated by using hack/ // AUTO-GENERATED FUNCTIONS START HERE var map_NotStableConfigType = map[string]string{ "": "NotStableConfigType is a stable config type that is TechPreviewNoUpgrade only.\n\nCompatibility level 4: No compatibility is provided, the API can change at any point for any reason. These capabilities should not be used by applications needing long term support.", "metadata": "metadata is the standard object's metadata. More info:", "spec": "spec is the specification of the desired behavior of the NotStableConfigType.", "status": "status is the most recently observed status of the NotStableConfigType.", } func (NotStableConfigType) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_NotStableConfigType } var map_NotStableConfigTypeList = map[string]string{ "": "NotStableConfigTypeList contains a list of NotStableConfigTypes.\n\nCompatibility level 4: No compatibility is provided, the API can change at any point for any reason. These capabilities should not be used by applications needing long term support.", "metadata": "metadata is the standard list's metadata. More info:", } func (NotStableConfigTypeList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_NotStableConfigTypeList } var map_NotStableConfigTypeSpec = map[string]string{ "": "NotStableConfigTypeSpec is the desired state", "newField": "newField is a field that is tech preview, but because the entire type is gated, there is no marker on the field.", } func (NotStableConfigTypeSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_NotStableConfigTypeSpec } var map_NotStableConfigTypeStatus = map[string]string{ "": "NotStableConfigTypeStatus defines the observed status of the NotStableConfigType.", "conditions": "Represents the observations of a foo's current state. Known .status.conditions.type are: \"Available\", \"Progressing\", and \"Degraded\"", } func (NotStableConfigTypeStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string { return map_NotStableConfigTypeStatus } // AUTO-GENERATED FUNCTIONS END HERE