
Text file src/github.com/openshift/api/console/v1alpha1/0000_10_consoleplugin.crd.yaml

Documentation: github.com/openshift/api/console/v1alpha1

     1apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
     2kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     4  annotations:
     5    api-approved.openshift.io: https://github.com/openshift/api/pull/764
     6    capability.openshift.io/name: Console
     7    description: Extension for configuring openshift web console plugins.
     8    displayName: ConsolePlugin
     9    include.release.openshift.io/ibm-cloud-managed: "true"
    10    include.release.openshift.io/self-managed-high-availability: "true"
    11    include.release.openshift.io/single-node-developer: "true"
    12    service.beta.openshift.io/inject-cabundle: "true"
    13  name: consoleplugins.console.openshift.io
    15  conversion:
    16    strategy: Webhook
    17    webhook:
    18      clientConfig:
    19        service:
    20          name: webhook
    21          namespace: openshift-console-operator
    22          path: /crdconvert
    23          port: 9443
    24      conversionReviewVersions:
    25        - v1
    26        - v1alpha1
    27  group: console.openshift.io
    28  names:
    29    kind: ConsolePlugin
    30    listKind: ConsolePluginList
    31    plural: consoleplugins
    32    singular: consoleplugin
    33  scope: Cluster
    34  versions:
    35    - name: v1
    36      schema:
    37        openAPIV3Schema:
    38          description: "ConsolePlugin is an extension for customizing OpenShift web console by dynamically loading code from another service running on the cluster. \n Compatibility level 1: Stable within a major release for a minimum of 12 months or 3 minor releases (whichever is longer)."
    39          type: object
    40          required:
    41            - metadata
    42            - spec
    43          properties:
    44            apiVersion:
    45              description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources'
    46              type: string
    47            kind:
    48              description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
    49              type: string
    50            metadata:
    51              type: object
    52            spec:
    53              description: ConsolePluginSpec is the desired plugin configuration.
    54              type: object
    55              required:
    56                - backend
    57                - displayName
    58              properties:
    59                backend:
    60                  description: backend holds the configuration of backend which is serving console's plugin .
    61                  type: object
    62                  required:
    63                    - type
    64                  properties:
    65                    service:
    66                      description: service is a Kubernetes Service that exposes the plugin using a deployment with an HTTP server. The Service must use HTTPS and Service serving certificate. The console backend will proxy the plugins assets from the Service using the service CA bundle.
    67                      type: object
    68                      required:
    69                        - name
    70                        - namespace
    71                        - port
    72                      properties:
    73                        basePath:
    74                          description: basePath is the path to the plugin's assets. The primary asset it the manifest file called `plugin-manifest.json`, which is a JSON document that contains metadata about the plugin and the extensions.
    75                          type: string
    76                          default: /
    77                          maxLength: 256
    78                          minLength: 1
    79                          pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9.\-_~!$&'()*+,;=:@\/]*$
    80                        name:
    81                          description: name of Service that is serving the plugin assets.
    82                          type: string
    83                          maxLength: 128
    84                          minLength: 1
    85                        namespace:
    86                          description: namespace of Service that is serving the plugin assets.
    87                          type: string
    88                          maxLength: 128
    89                          minLength: 1
    90                        port:
    91                          description: port on which the Service that is serving the plugin is listening to.
    92                          type: integer
    93                          format: int32
    94                          maximum: 65535
    95                          minimum: 1
    96                    type:
    97                      description: "type is the backend type which servers the console's plugin. Currently only \"Service\" is supported. \n ---"
    98                      type: string
    99                      enum:
   100                        - Service
   101                displayName:
   102                  description: displayName is the display name of the plugin. The dispalyName should be between 1 and 128 characters.
   103                  type: string
   104                  maxLength: 128
   105                  minLength: 1
   106                i18n:
   107                  description: i18n is the configuration of plugin's localization resources.
   108                  type: object
   109                  required:
   110                    - loadType
   111                  properties:
   112                    loadType:
   113                      description: loadType indicates how the plugin's localization resource should be loaded. Valid values are Preload, Lazy and the empty string. When set to Preload, all localization resources are fetched when the plugin is loaded. When set to Lazy, localization resources are lazily loaded as and when they are required by the console. When omitted or set to the empty string, the behaviour is equivalent to Lazy type.
   114                      type: string
   115                      enum:
   116                        - Preload
   117                        - Lazy
   118                        - ""
   119                proxy:
   120                  description: proxy is a list of proxies that describe various service type to which the plugin needs to connect to.
   121                  type: array
   122                  items:
   123                    description: ConsolePluginProxy holds information on various service types to which console's backend will proxy the plugin's requests.
   124                    type: object
   125                    required:
   126                      - alias
   127                      - endpoint
   128                    properties:
   129                      alias:
   130                        description: "alias is a proxy name that identifies the plugin's proxy. An alias name should be unique per plugin. The console backend exposes following proxy endpoint: \n /api/proxy/plugin/<plugin-name>/<proxy-alias>/<request-path>?<optional-query-parameters> \n Request example path: \n /api/proxy/plugin/acm/search/pods?namespace=openshift-apiserver"
   131                        type: string
   132                        maxLength: 128
   133                        minLength: 1
   134                        pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9-_]+$
   135                      authorization:
   136                        description: authorization provides information about authorization type, which the proxied request should contain
   137                        type: string
   138                        default: None
   139                        enum:
   140                          - UserToken
   141                          - None
   142                      caCertificate:
   143                        description: caCertificate provides the cert authority certificate contents, in case the proxied Service is using custom service CA. By default, the service CA bundle provided by the service-ca operator is used.
   144                        type: string
   145                        pattern: ^-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----([\s\S]*)-----END CERTIFICATE-----\s?$
   146                      endpoint:
   147                        description: endpoint provides information about endpoint to which the request is proxied to.
   148                        type: object
   149                        required:
   150                          - type
   151                        properties:
   152                          service:
   153                            description: 'service is an in-cluster Service that the plugin will connect to. The Service must use HTTPS. The console backend exposes an endpoint in order to proxy communication between the plugin and the Service. Note: service field is required for now, since currently only "Service" type is supported.'
   154                            type: object
   155                            required:
   156                              - name
   157                              - namespace
   158                              - port
   159                            properties:
   160                              name:
   161                                description: name of Service that the plugin needs to connect to.
   162                                type: string
   163                                maxLength: 128
   164                                minLength: 1
   165                              namespace:
   166                                description: namespace of Service that the plugin needs to connect to
   167                                type: string
   168                                maxLength: 128
   169                                minLength: 1
   170                              port:
   171                                description: port on which the Service that the plugin needs to connect to is listening on.
   172                                type: integer
   173                                format: int32
   174                                maximum: 65535
   175                                minimum: 1
   176                          type:
   177                            description: "type is the type of the console plugin's proxy. Currently only \"Service\" is supported. \n ---"
   178                            type: string
   179                            enum:
   180                              - Service
   181      served: true
   182      storage: false
   183    - name: v1alpha1
   184      schema:
   185        openAPIV3Schema:
   186          description: "ConsolePlugin is an extension for customizing OpenShift web console by dynamically loading code from another service running on the cluster. \n Compatibility level 4: No compatibility is provided, the API can change at any point for any reason. These capabilities should not be used by applications needing long term support."
   187          type: object
   188          required:
   189            - metadata
   190            - spec
   191          properties:
   192            apiVersion:
   193              description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources'
   194              type: string
   195            kind:
   196              description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
   197              type: string
   198            metadata:
   199              type: object
   200            spec:
   201              description: ConsolePluginSpec is the desired plugin configuration.
   202              type: object
   203              required:
   204                - service
   205              properties:
   206                displayName:
   207                  description: displayName is the display name of the plugin.
   208                  type: string
   209                  minLength: 1
   210                proxy:
   211                  description: proxy is a list of proxies that describe various service type to which the plugin needs to connect to.
   212                  type: array
   213                  items:
   214                    description: ConsolePluginProxy holds information on various service types to which console's backend will proxy the plugin's requests.
   215                    type: object
   216                    required:
   217                      - alias
   218                      - type
   219                    properties:
   220                      alias:
   221                        description: "alias is a proxy name that identifies the plugin's proxy. An alias name should be unique per plugin. The console backend exposes following proxy endpoint: \n /api/proxy/plugin/<plugin-name>/<proxy-alias>/<request-path>?<optional-query-parameters> \n Request example path: \n /api/proxy/plugin/acm/search/pods?namespace=openshift-apiserver"
   222                        type: string
   223                        maxLength: 128
   224                        minLength: 1
   225                        pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9-_]+$
   226                      authorize:
   227                        description: "authorize indicates if the proxied request should contain the logged-in user's OpenShift access token in the \"Authorization\" request header. For example: \n Authorization: Bearer sha256~kV46hPnEYhCWFnB85r5NrprAxggzgb6GOeLbgcKNsH0 \n By default the access token is not part of the proxied request."
   228                        type: boolean
   229                        default: false
   230                      caCertificate:
   231                        description: caCertificate provides the cert authority certificate contents, in case the proxied Service is using custom service CA. By default, the service CA bundle provided by the service-ca operator is used.
   232                        type: string
   233                        pattern: ^-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----([\s\S]*)-----END CERTIFICATE-----\s?$
   234                      service:
   235                        description: 'service is an in-cluster Service that the plugin will connect to. The Service must use HTTPS. The console backend exposes an endpoint in order to proxy communication between the plugin and the Service. Note: service field is required for now, since currently only "Service" type is supported.'
   236                        type: object
   237                        required:
   238                          - name
   239                          - namespace
   240                          - port
   241                        properties:
   242                          name:
   243                            description: name of Service that the plugin needs to connect to.
   244                            type: string
   245                            maxLength: 128
   246                            minLength: 1
   247                          namespace:
   248                            description: namespace of Service that the plugin needs to connect to
   249                            type: string
   250                            maxLength: 128
   251                            minLength: 1
   252                          port:
   253                            description: port on which the Service that the plugin needs to connect to is listening on.
   254                            type: integer
   255                            format: int32
   256                            maximum: 65535
   257                            minimum: 1
   258                      type:
   259                        description: type is the type of the console plugin's proxy. Currently only "Service" is supported.
   260                        type: string
   261                        pattern: ^(Service)$
   262                service:
   263                  description: service is a Kubernetes Service that exposes the plugin using a deployment with an HTTP server. The Service must use HTTPS and Service serving certificate. The console backend will proxy the plugins assets from the Service using the service CA bundle.
   264                  type: object
   265                  required:
   266                    - basePath
   267                    - name
   268                    - namespace
   269                    - port
   270                  properties:
   271                    basePath:
   272                      description: basePath is the path to the plugin's assets. The primary asset it the manifest file called `plugin-manifest.json`, which is a JSON document that contains metadata about the plugin and the extensions.
   273                      type: string
   274                      default: /
   275                      minLength: 1
   276                      pattern: ^/
   277                    name:
   278                      description: name of Service that is serving the plugin assets.
   279                      type: string
   280                      maxLength: 128
   281                      minLength: 1
   282                    namespace:
   283                      description: namespace of Service that is serving the plugin assets.
   284                      type: string
   285                      maxLength: 128
   286                      minLength: 1
   287                    port:
   288                      description: port on which the Service that is serving the plugin is listening to.
   289                      type: integer
   290                      format: int32
   291                      maximum: 65535
   292                      minimum: 1
   293      served: true
   294      storage: true

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