
Source file src/github.com/openshift/api/config/v1/types_authentication.go

Documentation: github.com/openshift/api/config/v1

     1  package v1
     3  import metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
     5  // +genclient
     6  // +genclient:nonNamespaced
     7  // +k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object
     9  // Authentication specifies cluster-wide settings for authentication (like OAuth and
    10  // webhook token authenticators). The canonical name of an instance is `cluster`.
    11  //
    12  // Compatibility level 1: Stable within a major release for a minimum of 12 months or 3 minor releases (whichever is longer).
    13  // +openshift:compatibility-gen:level=1
    14  type Authentication struct {
    15  	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    17  	// metadata is the standard object's metadata.
    18  	// More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata
    19  	metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    21  	// spec holds user settable values for configuration
    22  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
    23  	// +required
    24  	Spec AuthenticationSpec `json:"spec"`
    25  	// status holds observed values from the cluster. They may not be overridden.
    26  	// +optional
    27  	Status AuthenticationStatus `json:"status"`
    28  }
    30  type AuthenticationSpec struct {
    31  	// type identifies the cluster managed, user facing authentication mode in use.
    32  	// Specifically, it manages the component that responds to login attempts.
    33  	// The default is IntegratedOAuth.
    34  	// +optional
    35  	Type AuthenticationType `json:"type"`
    37  	// oauthMetadata contains the discovery endpoint data for OAuth 2.0
    38  	// Authorization Server Metadata for an external OAuth server.
    39  	// This discovery document can be viewed from its served location:
    40  	// oc get --raw '/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server'
    41  	// For further details, see the IETF Draft:
    42  	// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-discovery-04#section-2
    43  	// If oauthMetadata.name is non-empty, this value has precedence
    44  	// over any metadata reference stored in status.
    45  	// The key "oauthMetadata" is used to locate the data.
    46  	// If specified and the config map or expected key is not found, no metadata is served.
    47  	// If the specified metadata is not valid, no metadata is served.
    48  	// The namespace for this config map is openshift-config.
    49  	// +optional
    50  	OAuthMetadata ConfigMapNameReference `json:"oauthMetadata"`
    52  	// webhookTokenAuthenticators is DEPRECATED, setting it has no effect.
    53  	WebhookTokenAuthenticators []DeprecatedWebhookTokenAuthenticator `json:"webhookTokenAuthenticators,omitempty"`
    55  	// webhookTokenAuthenticator configures a remote token reviewer.
    56  	// These remote authentication webhooks can be used to verify bearer tokens
    57  	// via the tokenreviews.authentication.k8s.io REST API. This is required to
    58  	// honor bearer tokens that are provisioned by an external authentication service.
    59  	// +optional
    60  	WebhookTokenAuthenticator *WebhookTokenAuthenticator `json:"webhookTokenAuthenticator,omitempty"`
    62  	// serviceAccountIssuer is the identifier of the bound service account token
    63  	// issuer.
    64  	// The default is https://kubernetes.default.svc
    65  	// WARNING: Updating this field will not result in immediate invalidation of all bound tokens with the
    66  	// previous issuer value. Instead, the tokens issued by previous service account issuer will continue to
    67  	// be trusted for a time period chosen by the platform (currently set to 24h).
    68  	// This time period is subject to change over time.
    69  	// This allows internal components to transition to use new service account issuer without service distruption.
    70  	// +optional
    71  	ServiceAccountIssuer string `json:"serviceAccountIssuer"`
    72  }
    74  type AuthenticationStatus struct {
    75  	// integratedOAuthMetadata contains the discovery endpoint data for OAuth 2.0
    76  	// Authorization Server Metadata for the in-cluster integrated OAuth server.
    77  	// This discovery document can be viewed from its served location:
    78  	// oc get --raw '/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server'
    79  	// For further details, see the IETF Draft:
    80  	// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-discovery-04#section-2
    81  	// This contains the observed value based on cluster state.
    82  	// An explicitly set value in spec.oauthMetadata has precedence over this field.
    83  	// This field has no meaning if authentication spec.type is not set to IntegratedOAuth.
    84  	// The key "oauthMetadata" is used to locate the data.
    85  	// If the config map or expected key is not found, no metadata is served.
    86  	// If the specified metadata is not valid, no metadata is served.
    87  	// The namespace for this config map is openshift-config-managed.
    88  	IntegratedOAuthMetadata ConfigMapNameReference `json:"integratedOAuthMetadata"`
    90  	// TODO if we add support for an in-cluster operator managed Keycloak instance
    91  	// KeycloakOAuthMetadata ConfigMapNameReference `json:"keycloakOAuthMetadata"`
    92  }
    94  // +k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object
    96  // Compatibility level 1: Stable within a major release for a minimum of 12 months or 3 minor releases (whichever is longer).
    97  // +openshift:compatibility-gen:level=1
    98  type AuthenticationList struct {
    99  	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
   101  	// metadata is the standard list's metadata.
   102  	// More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata
   103  	metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata"`
   105  	Items []Authentication `json:"items"`
   106  }
   108  type AuthenticationType string
   110  const (
   111  	// None means that no cluster managed authentication system is in place.
   112  	// Note that user login will only work if a manually configured system is in place and
   113  	// referenced in authentication spec via oauthMetadata and webhookTokenAuthenticators.
   114  	AuthenticationTypeNone AuthenticationType = "None"
   116  	// IntegratedOAuth refers to the cluster managed OAuth server.
   117  	// It is configured via the top level OAuth config.
   118  	AuthenticationTypeIntegratedOAuth AuthenticationType = "IntegratedOAuth"
   120  	// TODO if we add support for an in-cluster operator managed Keycloak instance
   121  	// AuthenticationTypeKeycloak AuthenticationType = "Keycloak"
   122  )
   124  // deprecatedWebhookTokenAuthenticator holds the necessary configuration options for a remote token authenticator.
   125  // It's the same as WebhookTokenAuthenticator but it's missing the 'required' validation on KubeConfig field.
   126  type DeprecatedWebhookTokenAuthenticator struct {
   127  	// kubeConfig contains kube config file data which describes how to access the remote webhook service.
   128  	// For further details, see:
   129  	// https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#webhook-token-authentication
   130  	// The key "kubeConfig" is used to locate the data.
   131  	// If the secret or expected key is not found, the webhook is not honored.
   132  	// If the specified kube config data is not valid, the webhook is not honored.
   133  	// The namespace for this secret is determined by the point of use.
   134  	KubeConfig SecretNameReference `json:"kubeConfig"`
   135  }
   137  // webhookTokenAuthenticator holds the necessary configuration options for a remote token authenticator
   138  type WebhookTokenAuthenticator struct {
   139  	// kubeConfig references a secret that contains kube config file data which
   140  	// describes how to access the remote webhook service.
   141  	// The namespace for the referenced secret is openshift-config.
   142  	//
   143  	// For further details, see:
   144  	//
   145  	// https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#webhook-token-authentication
   146  	//
   147  	// The key "kubeConfig" is used to locate the data.
   148  	// If the secret or expected key is not found, the webhook is not honored.
   149  	// If the specified kube config data is not valid, the webhook is not honored.
   150  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
   151  	// +required
   152  	KubeConfig SecretNameReference `json:"kubeConfig"`
   153  }
   155  const (
   156  	// OAuthMetadataKey is the key for the oauth authorization server metadata
   157  	OAuthMetadataKey = "oauthMetadata"
   159  	// KubeConfigKey is the key for the kube config file data in a secret
   160  	KubeConfigKey = "kubeConfig"
   161  )

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