
Source file src/github.com/openshift/api/config/v1/types.go

Documentation: github.com/openshift/api/config/v1

     1  package v1
     3  import (
     4  	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
     5  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime"
     6  )
     8  // ConfigMapFileReference references a config map in a specific namespace.
     9  // The namespace must be specified at the point of use.
    10  type ConfigMapFileReference struct {
    11  	Name string `json:"name"`
    12  	// Key allows pointing to a specific key/value inside of the configmap.  This is useful for logical file references.
    13  	Key string `json:"key,omitempty"`
    14  }
    16  // ConfigMapNameReference references a config map in a specific namespace.
    17  // The namespace must be specified at the point of use.
    18  type ConfigMapNameReference struct {
    19  	// name is the metadata.name of the referenced config map
    20  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
    21  	// +required
    22  	Name string `json:"name"`
    23  }
    25  // SecretNameReference references a secret in a specific namespace.
    26  // The namespace must be specified at the point of use.
    27  type SecretNameReference struct {
    28  	// name is the metadata.name of the referenced secret
    29  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
    30  	// +required
    31  	Name string `json:"name"`
    32  }
    34  // HTTPServingInfo holds configuration for serving HTTP
    35  type HTTPServingInfo struct {
    36  	// ServingInfo is the HTTP serving information
    37  	ServingInfo `json:",inline"`
    38  	// MaxRequestsInFlight is the number of concurrent requests allowed to the server. If zero, no limit.
    39  	MaxRequestsInFlight int64 `json:"maxRequestsInFlight"`
    40  	// RequestTimeoutSeconds is the number of seconds before requests are timed out. The default is 60 minutes, if
    41  	// -1 there is no limit on requests.
    42  	RequestTimeoutSeconds int64 `json:"requestTimeoutSeconds"`
    43  }
    45  // ServingInfo holds information about serving web pages
    46  type ServingInfo struct {
    47  	// BindAddress is the ip:port to serve on
    48  	BindAddress string `json:"bindAddress"`
    49  	// BindNetwork is the type of network to bind to - defaults to "tcp4", accepts "tcp",
    50  	// "tcp4", and "tcp6"
    51  	BindNetwork string `json:"bindNetwork"`
    52  	// CertInfo is the TLS cert info for serving secure traffic.
    53  	// this is anonymous so that we can inline it for serialization
    54  	CertInfo `json:",inline"`
    55  	// ClientCA is the certificate bundle for all the signers that you'll recognize for incoming client certificates
    56  	// +optional
    57  	ClientCA string `json:"clientCA,omitempty"`
    58  	// NamedCertificates is a list of certificates to use to secure requests to specific hostnames
    59  	NamedCertificates []NamedCertificate `json:"namedCertificates,omitempty"`
    60  	// MinTLSVersion is the minimum TLS version supported.
    61  	// Values must match version names from https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/tls/#pkg-constants
    62  	MinTLSVersion string `json:"minTLSVersion,omitempty"`
    63  	// CipherSuites contains an overridden list of ciphers for the server to support.
    64  	// Values must match cipher suite IDs from https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/tls/#pkg-constants
    65  	CipherSuites []string `json:"cipherSuites,omitempty"`
    66  }
    68  // CertInfo relates a certificate with a private key
    69  type CertInfo struct {
    70  	// CertFile is a file containing a PEM-encoded certificate
    71  	CertFile string `json:"certFile"`
    72  	// KeyFile is a file containing a PEM-encoded private key for the certificate specified by CertFile
    73  	KeyFile string `json:"keyFile"`
    74  }
    76  // NamedCertificate specifies a certificate/key, and the names it should be served for
    77  type NamedCertificate struct {
    78  	// Names is a list of DNS names this certificate should be used to secure
    79  	// A name can be a normal DNS name, or can contain leading wildcard segments.
    80  	Names []string `json:"names,omitempty"`
    81  	// CertInfo is the TLS cert info for serving secure traffic
    82  	CertInfo `json:",inline"`
    83  }
    85  // LeaderElection provides information to elect a leader
    86  type LeaderElection struct {
    87  	// disable allows leader election to be suspended while allowing a fully defaulted "normal" startup case.
    88  	Disable bool `json:"disable,omitempty"`
    89  	// namespace indicates which namespace the resource is in
    90  	Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty"`
    91  	// name indicates what name to use for the resource
    92  	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    94  	// leaseDuration is the duration that non-leader candidates will wait
    95  	// after observing a leadership renewal until attempting to acquire
    96  	// leadership of a led but unrenewed leader slot. This is effectively the
    97  	// maximum duration that a leader can be stopped before it is replaced
    98  	// by another candidate. This is only applicable if leader election is
    99  	// enabled.
   100  	// +nullable
   101  	LeaseDuration metav1.Duration `json:"leaseDuration"`
   102  	// renewDeadline is the interval between attempts by the acting master to
   103  	// renew a leadership slot before it stops leading. This must be less
   104  	// than or equal to the lease duration. This is only applicable if leader
   105  	// election is enabled.
   106  	// +nullable
   107  	RenewDeadline metav1.Duration `json:"renewDeadline"`
   108  	// retryPeriod is the duration the clients should wait between attempting
   109  	// acquisition and renewal of a leadership. This is only applicable if
   110  	// leader election is enabled.
   111  	// +nullable
   112  	RetryPeriod metav1.Duration `json:"retryPeriod"`
   113  }
   115  // StringSource allows specifying a string inline, or externally via env var or file.
   116  // When it contains only a string value, it marshals to a simple JSON string.
   117  type StringSource struct {
   118  	// StringSourceSpec specifies the string value, or external location
   119  	StringSourceSpec `json:",inline"`
   120  }
   122  // StringSourceSpec specifies a string value, or external location
   123  type StringSourceSpec struct {
   124  	// Value specifies the cleartext value, or an encrypted value if keyFile is specified.
   125  	Value string `json:"value"`
   127  	// Env specifies an envvar containing the cleartext value, or an encrypted value if the keyFile is specified.
   128  	Env string `json:"env"`
   130  	// File references a file containing the cleartext value, or an encrypted value if a keyFile is specified.
   131  	File string `json:"file"`
   133  	// KeyFile references a file containing the key to use to decrypt the value.
   134  	KeyFile string `json:"keyFile"`
   135  }
   137  // RemoteConnectionInfo holds information necessary for establishing a remote connection
   138  type RemoteConnectionInfo struct {
   139  	// URL is the remote URL to connect to
   140  	URL string `json:"url"`
   141  	// CA is the CA for verifying TLS connections
   142  	CA string `json:"ca"`
   143  	// CertInfo is the TLS client cert information to present
   144  	// this is anonymous so that we can inline it for serialization
   145  	CertInfo `json:",inline"`
   146  }
   148  type AdmissionConfig struct {
   149  	PluginConfig map[string]AdmissionPluginConfig `json:"pluginConfig,omitempty"`
   151  	// enabledPlugins is a list of admission plugins that must be on in addition to the default list.
   152  	// Some admission plugins are disabled by default, but certain configurations require them.  This is fairly uncommon
   153  	// and can result in performance penalties and unexpected behavior.
   154  	EnabledAdmissionPlugins []string `json:"enabledPlugins,omitempty"`
   156  	// disabledPlugins is a list of admission plugins that must be off.  Putting something in this list
   157  	// is almost always a mistake and likely to result in cluster instability.
   158  	DisabledAdmissionPlugins []string `json:"disabledPlugins,omitempty"`
   159  }
   161  // AdmissionPluginConfig holds the necessary configuration options for admission plugins
   162  type AdmissionPluginConfig struct {
   163  	// Location is the path to a configuration file that contains the plugin's
   164  	// configuration
   165  	Location string `json:"location"`
   167  	// Configuration is an embedded configuration object to be used as the plugin's
   168  	// configuration. If present, it will be used instead of the path to the configuration file.
   169  	// +nullable
   170  	// +kubebuilder:pruning:PreserveUnknownFields
   171  	Configuration runtime.RawExtension `json:"configuration"`
   172  }
   174  type LogFormatType string
   176  type WebHookModeType string
   178  const (
   179  	// LogFormatLegacy saves event in 1-line text format.
   180  	LogFormatLegacy LogFormatType = "legacy"
   181  	// LogFormatJson saves event in structured json format.
   182  	LogFormatJson LogFormatType = "json"
   184  	// WebHookModeBatch indicates that the webhook should buffer audit events
   185  	// internally, sending batch updates either once a certain number of
   186  	// events have been received or a certain amount of time has passed.
   187  	WebHookModeBatch WebHookModeType = "batch"
   188  	// WebHookModeBlocking causes the webhook to block on every attempt to process
   189  	// a set of events. This causes requests to the API server to wait for a
   190  	// round trip to the external audit service before sending a response.
   191  	WebHookModeBlocking WebHookModeType = "blocking"
   192  )
   194  // AuditConfig holds configuration for the audit capabilities
   195  type AuditConfig struct {
   196  	// If this flag is set, audit log will be printed in the logs.
   197  	// The logs contains, method, user and a requested URL.
   198  	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
   199  	// All requests coming to the apiserver will be logged to this file.
   200  	AuditFilePath string `json:"auditFilePath"`
   201  	// Maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename.
   202  	MaximumFileRetentionDays int32 `json:"maximumFileRetentionDays"`
   203  	// Maximum number of old log files to retain.
   204  	MaximumRetainedFiles int32 `json:"maximumRetainedFiles"`
   205  	// Maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated. Defaults to 100MB.
   206  	MaximumFileSizeMegabytes int32 `json:"maximumFileSizeMegabytes"`
   208  	// PolicyFile is a path to the file that defines the audit policy configuration.
   209  	PolicyFile string `json:"policyFile"`
   210  	// PolicyConfiguration is an embedded policy configuration object to be used
   211  	// as the audit policy configuration. If present, it will be used instead of
   212  	// the path to the policy file.
   213  	// +nullable
   214  	// +kubebuilder:pruning:PreserveUnknownFields
   215  	PolicyConfiguration runtime.RawExtension `json:"policyConfiguration"`
   217  	// Format of saved audits (legacy or json).
   218  	LogFormat LogFormatType `json:"logFormat"`
   220  	// Path to a .kubeconfig formatted file that defines the audit webhook configuration.
   221  	WebHookKubeConfig string `json:"webHookKubeConfig"`
   222  	// Strategy for sending audit events (block or batch).
   223  	WebHookMode WebHookModeType `json:"webHookMode"`
   224  }
   226  // EtcdConnectionInfo holds information necessary for connecting to an etcd server
   227  type EtcdConnectionInfo struct {
   228  	// URLs are the URLs for etcd
   229  	URLs []string `json:"urls,omitempty"`
   230  	// CA is a file containing trusted roots for the etcd server certificates
   231  	CA string `json:"ca"`
   232  	// CertInfo is the TLS client cert information for securing communication to etcd
   233  	// this is anonymous so that we can inline it for serialization
   234  	CertInfo `json:",inline"`
   235  }
   237  type EtcdStorageConfig struct {
   238  	EtcdConnectionInfo `json:",inline"`
   240  	// StoragePrefix is the path within etcd that the OpenShift resources will
   241  	// be rooted under. This value, if changed, will mean existing objects in etcd will
   242  	// no longer be located.
   243  	StoragePrefix string `json:"storagePrefix"`
   244  }
   246  // GenericAPIServerConfig is an inline-able struct for aggregated apiservers that need to store data in etcd
   247  type GenericAPIServerConfig struct {
   248  	// servingInfo describes how to start serving
   249  	ServingInfo HTTPServingInfo `json:"servingInfo"`
   251  	// corsAllowedOrigins
   252  	CORSAllowedOrigins []string `json:"corsAllowedOrigins"`
   254  	// auditConfig describes how to configure audit information
   255  	AuditConfig AuditConfig `json:"auditConfig"`
   257  	// storageConfig contains information about how to use
   258  	StorageConfig EtcdStorageConfig `json:"storageConfig"`
   260  	// admissionConfig holds information about how to configure admission.
   261  	AdmissionConfig AdmissionConfig `json:"admission"`
   263  	KubeClientConfig KubeClientConfig `json:"kubeClientConfig"`
   264  }
   266  type KubeClientConfig struct {
   267  	// kubeConfig is a .kubeconfig filename for going to the owning kube-apiserver.  Empty uses an in-cluster-config
   268  	KubeConfig string `json:"kubeConfig"`
   270  	// connectionOverrides specifies client overrides for system components to loop back to this master.
   271  	ConnectionOverrides ClientConnectionOverrides `json:"connectionOverrides"`
   272  }
   274  type ClientConnectionOverrides struct {
   275  	// acceptContentTypes defines the Accept header sent by clients when connecting to a server, overriding the
   276  	// default value of 'application/json'. This field will control all connections to the server used by a particular
   277  	// client.
   278  	AcceptContentTypes string `json:"acceptContentTypes"`
   279  	// contentType is the content type used when sending data to the server from this client.
   280  	ContentType string `json:"contentType"`
   282  	// qps controls the number of queries per second allowed for this connection.
   283  	QPS float32 `json:"qps"`
   284  	// burst allows extra queries to accumulate when a client is exceeding its rate.
   285  	Burst int32 `json:"burst"`
   286  }
   288  // GenericControllerConfig provides information to configure a controller
   289  type GenericControllerConfig struct {
   290  	// ServingInfo is the HTTP serving information for the controller's endpoints
   291  	ServingInfo HTTPServingInfo `json:"servingInfo"`
   293  	// leaderElection provides information to elect a leader. Only override this if you have a specific need
   294  	LeaderElection LeaderElection `json:"leaderElection"`
   296  	// authentication allows configuration of authentication for the endpoints
   297  	Authentication DelegatedAuthentication `json:"authentication"`
   298  	// authorization allows configuration of authentication for the endpoints
   299  	Authorization DelegatedAuthorization `json:"authorization"`
   300  }
   302  // DelegatedAuthentication allows authentication to be disabled.
   303  type DelegatedAuthentication struct {
   304  	// disabled indicates that authentication should be disabled.  By default it will use delegated authentication.
   305  	Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"`
   306  }
   308  // DelegatedAuthorization allows authorization to be disabled.
   309  type DelegatedAuthorization struct {
   310  	// disabled indicates that authorization should be disabled.  By default it will use delegated authorization.
   311  	Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"`
   312  }
   313  type RequiredHSTSPolicy struct {
   314  	// namespaceSelector specifies a label selector such that the policy applies only to those routes that
   315  	// are in namespaces with labels that match the selector, and are in one of the DomainPatterns.
   316  	// Defaults to the empty LabelSelector, which matches everything.
   317  	// +optional
   318  	NamespaceSelector *metav1.LabelSelector `json:"namespaceSelector,omitempty"`
   320  	// domainPatterns is a list of domains for which the desired HSTS annotations are required.
   321  	// If domainPatterns is specified and a route is created with a spec.host matching one of the domains,
   322  	// the route must specify the HSTS Policy components described in the matching RequiredHSTSPolicy.
   323  	//
   324  	// The use of wildcards is allowed like this: *.foo.com matches everything under foo.com.
   325  	// foo.com only matches foo.com, so to cover foo.com and everything under it, you must specify *both*.
   326  	// +kubebuilder:validation:MinItems=1
   327  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
   328  	// +required
   329  	DomainPatterns []string `json:"domainPatterns"`
   331  	// maxAge is the delta time range in seconds during which hosts are regarded as HSTS hosts.
   332  	// If set to 0, it negates the effect, and hosts are removed as HSTS hosts.
   333  	// If set to 0 and includeSubdomains is specified, all subdomains of the host are also removed as HSTS hosts.
   334  	// maxAge is a time-to-live value, and if this policy is not refreshed on a client, the HSTS
   335  	// policy will eventually expire on that client.
   336  	MaxAge MaxAgePolicy `json:"maxAge"`
   338  	// preloadPolicy directs the client to include hosts in its host preload list so that
   339  	// it never needs to do an initial load to get the HSTS header (note that this is not defined
   340  	// in RFC 6797 and is therefore client implementation-dependent).
   341  	// +optional
   342  	PreloadPolicy PreloadPolicy `json:"preloadPolicy,omitempty"`
   344  	// includeSubDomainsPolicy means the HSTS Policy should apply to any subdomains of the host's
   345  	// domain name.  Thus, for the host bar.foo.com, if includeSubDomainsPolicy was set to RequireIncludeSubDomains:
   346  	// - the host app.bar.foo.com would inherit the HSTS Policy of bar.foo.com
   347  	// - the host bar.foo.com would inherit the HSTS Policy of bar.foo.com
   348  	// - the host foo.com would NOT inherit the HSTS Policy of bar.foo.com
   349  	// - the host def.foo.com would NOT inherit the HSTS Policy of bar.foo.com
   350  	// +optional
   351  	IncludeSubDomainsPolicy IncludeSubDomainsPolicy `json:"includeSubDomainsPolicy,omitempty"`
   352  }
   354  // MaxAgePolicy contains a numeric range for specifying a compliant HSTS max-age for the enclosing RequiredHSTSPolicy
   355  type MaxAgePolicy struct {
   356  	// The largest allowed value (in seconds) of the RequiredHSTSPolicy max-age
   357  	// This value can be left unspecified, in which case no upper limit is enforced.
   358  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Minimum=0
   359  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Maximum=2147483647
   360  	LargestMaxAge *int32 `json:"largestMaxAge,omitempty"`
   362  	// The smallest allowed value (in seconds) of the RequiredHSTSPolicy max-age
   363  	// Setting max-age=0 allows the deletion of an existing HSTS header from a host.  This is a necessary
   364  	// tool for administrators to quickly correct mistakes.
   365  	// This value can be left unspecified, in which case no lower limit is enforced.
   366  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Minimum=0
   367  	// +kubebuilder:validation:Maximum=2147483647
   368  	SmallestMaxAge *int32 `json:"smallestMaxAge,omitempty"`
   369  }
   371  // PreloadPolicy contains a value for specifying a compliant HSTS preload policy for the enclosing RequiredHSTSPolicy
   372  // +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=RequirePreload;RequireNoPreload;NoOpinion
   373  type PreloadPolicy string
   375  const (
   376  	// RequirePreloadPolicy means HSTS "preload" is required by the RequiredHSTSPolicy
   377  	RequirePreloadPolicy PreloadPolicy = "RequirePreload"
   379  	// RequireNoPreloadPolicy means HSTS "preload" is forbidden by the RequiredHSTSPolicy
   380  	RequireNoPreloadPolicy PreloadPolicy = "RequireNoPreload"
   382  	// NoOpinionPreloadPolicy means HSTS "preload" doesn't matter to the RequiredHSTSPolicy
   383  	NoOpinionPreloadPolicy PreloadPolicy = "NoOpinion"
   384  )
   386  // IncludeSubDomainsPolicy contains a value for specifying a compliant HSTS includeSubdomains policy
   387  // for the enclosing RequiredHSTSPolicy
   388  // +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=RequireIncludeSubDomains;RequireNoIncludeSubDomains;NoOpinion
   389  type IncludeSubDomainsPolicy string
   391  const (
   392  	// RequireIncludeSubDomains means HSTS "includeSubDomains" is required by the RequiredHSTSPolicy
   393  	RequireIncludeSubDomains IncludeSubDomainsPolicy = "RequireIncludeSubDomains"
   395  	// RequireNoIncludeSubDomains means HSTS "includeSubDomains" is forbidden by the RequiredHSTSPolicy
   396  	RequireNoIncludeSubDomains IncludeSubDomainsPolicy = "RequireNoIncludeSubDomains"
   398  	// NoOpinionIncludeSubDomains means HSTS "includeSubDomains" doesn't matter to the RequiredHSTSPolicy
   399  	NoOpinionIncludeSubDomains IncludeSubDomainsPolicy = "NoOpinion"
   400  )

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