
Source file src/github.com/openshift/api/build/v1/consts.go

Documentation: github.com/openshift/api/build/v1

     1  package v1
     3  // annotations
     4  const (
     5  	// BuildAnnotation is an annotation that identifies a Pod as being for a Build
     6  	BuildAnnotation = "openshift.io/build.name"
     8  	// BuildConfigAnnotation is an annotation that identifies the BuildConfig that a Build was created from
     9  	BuildConfigAnnotation = "openshift.io/build-config.name"
    11  	// BuildCloneAnnotation is an annotation whose value is the name of the build this build was cloned from
    12  	BuildCloneAnnotation = "openshift.io/build.clone-of"
    14  	// BuildNumberAnnotation is an annotation whose value is the sequential number for this Build
    15  	BuildNumberAnnotation = "openshift.io/build.number"
    17  	// BuildPodNameAnnotation is an annotation whose value is the name of the pod running this build
    18  	BuildPodNameAnnotation = "openshift.io/build.pod-name"
    20  	// BuildJenkinsStatusJSONAnnotation is an annotation holding the Jenkins status information
    21  	BuildJenkinsStatusJSONAnnotation = "openshift.io/jenkins-status-json"
    23  	// BuildJenkinsLogURLAnnotation is an annotation holding a link to the raw Jenkins build console log
    24  	BuildJenkinsLogURLAnnotation = "openshift.io/jenkins-log-url"
    26  	// BuildJenkinsConsoleLogURLAnnotation is an annotation holding a link to the Jenkins build console log (including Jenkins chrome wrappering)
    27  	BuildJenkinsConsoleLogURLAnnotation = "openshift.io/jenkins-console-log-url"
    29  	// BuildJenkinsBlueOceanLogURLAnnotation is an annotation holding a link to the Jenkins build console log via the Jenkins BlueOcean UI Plugin
    30  	BuildJenkinsBlueOceanLogURLAnnotation = "openshift.io/jenkins-blueocean-log-url"
    32  	// BuildJenkinsBuildURIAnnotation is an annotation holding a link to the Jenkins build
    33  	BuildJenkinsBuildURIAnnotation = "openshift.io/jenkins-build-uri"
    35  	// BuildSourceSecretMatchURIAnnotationPrefix is a prefix for annotations on a Secret which indicate a source URI against which the Secret can be used
    36  	BuildSourceSecretMatchURIAnnotationPrefix = "build.openshift.io/source-secret-match-uri-"
    38  	// BuildConfigPausedAnnotation is an annotation that marks a BuildConfig as paused.
    39  	// New Builds cannot be instantiated from a paused BuildConfig.
    40  	BuildConfigPausedAnnotation = "openshift.io/build-config.paused"
    41  )
    43  // labels
    44  const (
    45  	// BuildConfigLabel is the key of a Build label whose value is the ID of a BuildConfig
    46  	// on which the Build is based. NOTE: The value for this label may not contain the entire
    47  	// BuildConfig name because it will be truncated to maximum label length.
    48  	BuildConfigLabel = "openshift.io/build-config.name"
    50  	// BuildLabel is the key of a Pod label whose value is the Name of a Build which is run.
    51  	// NOTE: The value for this label may not contain the entire Build name because it will be
    52  	// truncated to maximum label length.
    53  	BuildLabel = "openshift.io/build.name"
    55  	// BuildRunPolicyLabel represents the start policy used to start the build.
    56  	BuildRunPolicyLabel = "openshift.io/build.start-policy"
    58  	// BuildConfigLabelDeprecated was used as BuildConfigLabel before adding namespaces.
    59  	// We keep it for backward compatibility.
    60  	BuildConfigLabelDeprecated = "buildconfig"
    61  )
    63  const (
    64  	// StatusReasonError is a generic reason for a build error condition.
    65  	StatusReasonError StatusReason = "Error"
    67  	// StatusReasonCannotCreateBuildPodSpec is an error condition when the build
    68  	// strategy cannot create a build pod spec.
    69  	StatusReasonCannotCreateBuildPodSpec StatusReason = "CannotCreateBuildPodSpec"
    71  	// StatusReasonCannotCreateBuildPod is an error condition when a build pod
    72  	// cannot be created.
    73  	StatusReasonCannotCreateBuildPod StatusReason = "CannotCreateBuildPod"
    75  	// StatusReasonInvalidOutputReference is an error condition when the build
    76  	// output is an invalid reference.
    77  	StatusReasonInvalidOutputReference StatusReason = "InvalidOutputReference"
    79  	// StatusReasonInvalidImageReference is an error condition when the build
    80  	// references an invalid image.
    81  	StatusReasonInvalidImageReference StatusReason = "InvalidImageReference"
    83  	// StatusReasonCancelBuildFailed is an error condition when cancelling a build
    84  	// fails.
    85  	StatusReasonCancelBuildFailed StatusReason = "CancelBuildFailed"
    87  	// StatusReasonBuildPodDeleted is an error condition when the build pod is
    88  	// deleted before build completion.
    89  	StatusReasonBuildPodDeleted StatusReason = "BuildPodDeleted"
    91  	// StatusReasonExceededRetryTimeout is an error condition when the build has
    92  	// not completed and retrying the build times out.
    93  	StatusReasonExceededRetryTimeout StatusReason = "ExceededRetryTimeout"
    95  	// StatusReasonMissingPushSecret indicates that the build is missing required
    96  	// secret for pushing the output image.
    97  	// The build will stay in the pending state until the secret is created, or the build times out.
    98  	StatusReasonMissingPushSecret StatusReason = "MissingPushSecret"
   100  	// StatusReasonPostCommitHookFailed indicates the post-commit hook failed.
   101  	StatusReasonPostCommitHookFailed StatusReason = "PostCommitHookFailed"
   103  	// StatusReasonPushImageToRegistryFailed indicates that an image failed to be
   104  	// pushed to the registry.
   105  	StatusReasonPushImageToRegistryFailed StatusReason = "PushImageToRegistryFailed"
   107  	// StatusReasonPullBuilderImageFailed indicates that we failed to pull the
   108  	// builder image.
   109  	StatusReasonPullBuilderImageFailed StatusReason = "PullBuilderImageFailed"
   111  	// StatusReasonFetchSourceFailed indicates that fetching the source of the
   112  	// build has failed.
   113  	StatusReasonFetchSourceFailed StatusReason = "FetchSourceFailed"
   115  	// StatusReasonFetchImageContentFailed indicates that the fetching of an image and extracting
   116  	// its contents for inclusion in the build has failed.
   117  	StatusReasonFetchImageContentFailed StatusReason = "FetchImageContentFailed"
   119  	// StatusReasonManageDockerfileFailed indicates that the set up of the Dockerfile for the build
   120  	// has failed.
   121  	StatusReasonManageDockerfileFailed StatusReason = "ManageDockerfileFailed"
   123  	// StatusReasonInvalidContextDirectory indicates that the supplied
   124  	// contextDir does not exist
   125  	StatusReasonInvalidContextDirectory StatusReason = "InvalidContextDirectory"
   127  	// StatusReasonCancelledBuild indicates that the build was cancelled by the
   128  	// user.
   129  	StatusReasonCancelledBuild StatusReason = "CancelledBuild"
   131  	// StatusReasonDockerBuildFailed indicates that the container image build strategy has
   132  	// failed.
   133  	StatusReasonDockerBuildFailed StatusReason = "DockerBuildFailed"
   135  	// StatusReasonBuildPodExists indicates that the build tried to create a
   136  	// build pod but one was already present.
   137  	StatusReasonBuildPodExists StatusReason = "BuildPodExists"
   139  	// StatusReasonNoBuildContainerStatus indicates that the build failed because the
   140  	// the build pod has no container statuses.
   141  	StatusReasonNoBuildContainerStatus StatusReason = "NoBuildContainerStatus"
   143  	// StatusReasonFailedContainer indicates that the pod for the build has at least
   144  	// one container with a non-zero exit status.
   145  	StatusReasonFailedContainer StatusReason = "FailedContainer"
   147  	// StatusReasonUnresolvableEnvironmentVariable indicates that an error occurred processing
   148  	// the supplied options for environment variables in the build strategy environment
   149  	StatusReasonUnresolvableEnvironmentVariable StatusReason = "UnresolvableEnvironmentVariable"
   151  	// StatusReasonGenericBuildFailed is the reason associated with a broad
   152  	// range of build failures.
   153  	StatusReasonGenericBuildFailed StatusReason = "GenericBuildFailed"
   155  	// StatusReasonOutOfMemoryKilled indicates that the build pod was killed for its memory consumption
   156  	StatusReasonOutOfMemoryKilled StatusReason = "OutOfMemoryKilled"
   158  	// StatusReasonCannotRetrieveServiceAccount is the reason associated with a failure
   159  	// to look up the service account associated with the BuildConfig.
   160  	StatusReasonCannotRetrieveServiceAccount StatusReason = "CannotRetrieveServiceAccount"
   162  	// StatusReasonBuildPodEvicted is the reason a build fails due to the build pod being evicted
   163  	// from its node
   164  	StatusReasonBuildPodEvicted StatusReason = "BuildPodEvicted"
   165  )
   167  // env vars
   168  // WhitelistEnvVarNames is a list of special env vars allows s2i containers
   169  var WhitelistEnvVarNames = []string{"BUILD_LOGLEVEL", "GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY", "HTTP_PROXY", "HTTPS_PROXY", "LANG", "NO_PROXY"}
   171  // env vars
   172  const (
   174  	// CustomBuildStrategyBaseImageKey is the environment variable that indicates the base image to be used when
   175  	// performing a custom build, if needed.
   176  	CustomBuildStrategyBaseImageKey = "OPENSHIFT_CUSTOM_BUILD_BASE_IMAGE"
   178  	// AllowedUIDs is an environment variable that contains ranges of UIDs that are allowed in
   179  	// Source builder images
   180  	AllowedUIDs = "ALLOWED_UIDS"
   181  	// DropCapabilities is an environment variable that contains a list of capabilities to drop when
   182  	// executing a Source build
   183  	DropCapabilities = "DROP_CAPS"
   184  )
   186  // keys inside of secrets and configmaps
   187  const (
   188  	// WebHookSecretKey is the key used to identify the value containing the webhook invocation
   189  	// secret within a secret referenced by a webhook trigger.
   190  	WebHookSecretKey = "WebHookSecretKey"
   192  	// RegistryConfKey is the ConfigMap key for the build pod's registry configuration file.
   193  	RegistryConfKey = "registries.conf"
   195  	// SignaturePolicyKey is the ConfigMap key for the build pod's image signature policy file.
   196  	SignaturePolicyKey = "policy.json"
   198  	// ServiceCAKey is the ConfigMap key for the service signing certificate authority mounted into build pods.
   199  	ServiceCAKey = "service-ca.crt"
   200  )

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