all: build .PHONY: all update: update-codegen-crds RUNTIME ?= podman RUNTIME_IMAGE_NAME ?= EXCLUDE_DIRS := _output/ dependencymagnet/ hack/ third_party/ tls/ tools/ vendor/ tests/ GO_PACKAGES :=$(addsuffix ...,$(addprefix ./,$(filter-out $(EXCLUDE_DIRS), $(wildcard */)))) .PHONY: test-unit test-unit: go test -v $(GO_PACKAGES) ################################################################################## # # BEGIN: Update codegen-crds. Defaults to generating updates for all API packages. # To run a subset of packages: # - Filter by group with make update-codegen-crds- # E.g. make update-codegen-crds-machine # - Set API_GROUP_VERSIONS to a space separated list of /. # E.g. API_GROUP_VERSIONS="apps/v1 build/v1" make update-codegen-crds. # FeatureSet generation is controlled at the group level by the # .codegen.yaml file. # ################################################################################## # Ensure update-scripts are run before crd-gen so updates to Godoc are included in CRDs. .PHONY: update-codegen-crds update-codegen-crds: update-scripts hack/ ##################### # # END: Update Codegen # ##################### .PHONY: verify-scripts verify-scripts: bash -x hack/ bash -x hack/ bash -x hack/ bash -x hack/ hack/ bash -x hack/ bash -x hack/ bash -x hack/ bash -x hack/ .PHONY: verify verify: verify-scripts verify-codegen-crds .PHONY: verify-codegen-crds verify-codegen-crds: bash -x hack/ .PHONY: verify-% verify-%: make $* git diff --exit-code ################################################################################################ # # BEGIN: Update scripts. Defaults to generating updates for all API packages. # Set API_GROUP_VERSIONS to a space separated list of / to limit # the scope of the updates. Eg API_GROUP_VERSIONS="apps/v1 build/v1" make update-scripts. # Note: Protobuf generation is handled separately, see hack/lib/ # ################################################################################################ .PHONY: update-scripts update-scripts: update-compatibility update-openapi update-deepcopy update-protobuf update-swagger-docs tests-vendor .PHONY: update-compatibility update-compatibility: hack/ .PHONY: update-openapi update-openapi: hack/ .PHONY: update-deepcopy update-deepcopy: hack/ .PHONY: update-protobuf update-protobuf: hack/ .PHONY: update-swagger-docs update-swagger-docs: hack/ ##################### # # END: Update scripts # ##################### deps: go mod tidy go mod vendor go mod verify verify-with-container: $(RUNTIME) run -ti --rm -v $(PWD):/go/src/ -w /go/src/ $(RUNTIME_IMAGE_NAME) make verify generate-with-container: $(RUNTIME) run -ti --rm -v $(PWD):/go/src/ -w /go/src/ $(RUNTIME_IMAGE_NAME) make update .PHONY: integration integration: make -C tests integration tests-vendor: make -C tests vendor