GOOD_TESTS = $(wildcard test/good/*.json) BAD_TESTS = $(wildcard test/bad/*.json) default: validate help: @echo "Usage: make [target]" @echo @echo " * 'fmt' - format the json with indentation" @echo " * 'help' - show this help information" @echo " * 'validate' - build the validation tool" fmt: find . -name '*.json' -exec bash -c 'jq --indent 4 -M . {} > xx && mv xx {} || echo "skipping invalid {}"' \; .PHONY: validate validate: validate.go GO111MODULE=auto go get GO111MODULE=auto go build ./validate.go test: validate $(TESTS) for TYPE in $$(ls test); \ do \ echo "testing $${TYPE}"; \ for FILE in $$(ls "test/$${TYPE}/good"); \ do \ echo " testing test/$${TYPE}/good/$${FILE}"; \ if ./validate "$${TYPE}-schema.json" "test/$${TYPE}/good/$${FILE}" ; \ then \ echo " received expected validation success" ; \ else \ echo " received unexpected validation failure" ; \ exit 1; \ fi \ done; \ for FILE in $$(ls "test/$${TYPE}/bad"); \ do \ echo " testing test/$${TYPE}/bad/$${FILE}"; \ if ./validate "$${TYPE}-schema.json" "test/$${TYPE}/bad/$${FILE}" ; \ then \ echo " received unexpected validation success" ; \ exit 1; \ else \ echo " received expected validation failure" ; \ fi \ done; \ done clean: rm -f validate