#!/usr/bin/env bats load helpers function setup() { # XXX: currently criu require root containers. requires criu root setup_busybox } function teardown() { teardown_bundle } function setup_pipes() { # The changes to 'terminal' are needed for running in detached mode # shellcheck disable=SC2016 update_config ' (.. | select(.terminal? != null)) .terminal |= false | (.. | select(.[]? == "sh")) += ["-c", "for i in `seq 10`; do read xxx || continue; echo ponG $xxx; done"]' # Create three sets of pipes for __runc run. # for stderr exec {pipe}<> <(:) exec {err_r}/proc/self/fd/$pipe exec {pipe}>&- # for stdout exec {pipe}<> <(:) exec {out_r}/proc/self/fd/$pipe exec {pipe}>&- # for stdin exec {pipe}<> <(:) exec {in_r}/proc/self/fd/$pipe exec {pipe}>&- } function check_pipes() { local output stderr echo Ping >&${in_w} exec {in_w}>&- exec {out_w}>&- exec {err_w}>&- exec {in_r}>&- output=$(cat <&${out_r}) exec {out_r}>&- stderr=$(cat <&${err_r}) exec {err_r}>&- [[ "${output}" == *"ponG Ping"* ]] if [ -n "$stderr" ]; then fail "runc stderr: $stderr" fi } # Usage: runc_run_with_pipes container-name function runc_run_with_pipes() { # Start a container to be checkpointed, with stdin/stdout redirected # so that check_pipes can be used to check it's working fine. # We have to redirect stderr as well because otherwise it is # redirected to a bats log file, which is not accessible to CRIU # (i.e. outside of container) so checkpointing will fail. ret=0 __runc run -d "$1" <&${in_r} >&${out_w} 2>&${err_w} || ret=$? if [ "$ret" -ne 0 ]; then echo "runc run -d $1 (status: $ret):" exec {err_w}>&- cat <&${err_r} fail "runc run failed" fi testcontainer "$1" running } # Usage: runc_restore_with_pipes work-dir container-name [optional-arguments ...] function runc_restore_with_pipes() { workdir="$1" shift name="$1" shift ret=0 __runc restore -d --work-path "$workdir" --image-path ./image-dir "$@" "$name" <&${in_r} >&${out_w} 2>&${err_w} || ret=$? if [ "$ret" -ne 0 ]; then echo "__runc restore $name failed (status: $ret)" exec {err_w}>&- cat <&${err_r} echo "CRIU log errors (if any):" grep -B 5 Error "$workdir"/*.log ./image-dir/*.log || true fail "runc restore failed" fi testcontainer "$name" running runc exec --cwd /bin "$name" echo ok [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [[ ${output} == "ok" ]] } function simple_cr() { runc run -d --console-socket "$CONSOLE_SOCKET" test_busybox [ "$status" -eq 0 ] testcontainer test_busybox running for _ in $(seq 2); do # checkpoint the running container runc "$@" checkpoint --work-path ./work-dir test_busybox grep -B 5 Error ./work-dir/dump.log || true [ "$status" -eq 0 ] # after checkpoint busybox is no longer running testcontainer test_busybox checkpointed # restore from checkpoint runc "$@" restore -d --work-path ./work-dir --console-socket "$CONSOLE_SOCKET" test_busybox grep -B 5 Error ./work-dir/restore.log || true [ "$status" -eq 0 ] # busybox should be back up and running testcontainer test_busybox running done } @test "checkpoint and restore" { simple_cr } @test "checkpoint and restore (bind mount, destination is symlink)" { mkdir -p rootfs/real/conf ln -s /real/conf rootfs/conf update_config ' .mounts += [{ source: ".", destination: "/conf", options: ["bind"] }]' simple_cr } @test "checkpoint and restore (with --debug)" { simple_cr --debug } @test "checkpoint and restore (cgroupns)" { # cgroupv2 already enables cgroupns so this case was tested above already requires cgroups_v1 cgroupns # enable CGROUPNS update_config '.linux.namespaces += [{"type": "cgroup"}]' simple_cr } @test "checkpoint --pre-dump (bad --parent-path)" { runc run -d --console-socket "$CONSOLE_SOCKET" test_busybox [ "$status" -eq 0 ] testcontainer test_busybox running # runc should fail with absolute parent image path. runc checkpoint --parent-path "$(pwd)"/parent-dir --work-path ./work-dir --image-path ./image-dir test_busybox [[ "${output}" == *"--parent-path"* ]] [ "$status" -ne 0 ] # runc should fail with invalid parent image path. runc checkpoint --parent-path ./parent-dir --work-path ./work-dir --image-path ./image-dir test_busybox [[ "${output}" == *"--parent-path"* ]] [ "$status" -ne 0 ] } @test "checkpoint --pre-dump and restore" { setup_pipes runc_run_with_pipes test_busybox #test checkpoint pre-dump mkdir parent-dir runc checkpoint --pre-dump --image-path ./parent-dir test_busybox [ "$status" -eq 0 ] # busybox should still be running testcontainer test_busybox running # checkpoint the running container mkdir image-dir mkdir work-dir runc checkpoint --parent-path ../parent-dir --work-path ./work-dir --image-path ./image-dir test_busybox grep -B 5 Error ./work-dir/dump.log || true [ "$status" -eq 0 ] # check parent path is valid [ -e ./image-dir/parent ] # after checkpoint busybox is no longer running testcontainer test_busybox checkpointed runc_restore_with_pipes ./work-dir test_busybox check_pipes } @test "checkpoint --lazy-pages and restore" { # check if lazy-pages is supported if ! criu check --feature uffd-noncoop; then skip "this criu does not support lazy migration" fi setup_pipes runc_run_with_pipes test_busybox # checkpoint the running container mkdir image-dir mkdir work-dir # For lazy migration we need to know when CRIU is ready to serve # the memory pages via TCP. exec {pipe}<> <(:) # shellcheck disable=SC2094 exec {lazy_r}/proc/self/fd/$pipe exec {pipe}>&- # TCP port for lazy migration port=27277 __runc checkpoint --lazy-pages --page-server${port} --status-fd ${lazy_w} --work-path ./work-dir --image-path ./image-dir test_busybox & cpt_pid=$! # wait for lazy page server to be ready out=$(timeout 2 dd if=/proc/self/fd/${lazy_r} bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null | od) exec {lazy_r}>&- exec {lazy_w}>&- # shellcheck disable=SC2116,SC2086 out=$(echo $out) # rm newlines # show errors if there are any before we fail grep -B5 Error ./work-dir/dump.log || true # expecting \0 which od prints as [ "$out" = "0000000 000000 0000001" ] # Check if inventory.img was written [ -e image-dir/inventory.img ] # Start CRIU in lazy-daemon mode criu lazy-pages --page-server --address --port ${port} -D image-dir & lp_pid=$! # Restore lazily from checkpoint. # The restored container needs a different name (as well as systemd # unit name, in case systemd cgroup driver is used) as the checkpointed # container is not yet destroyed. It is only destroyed at that point # in time when the last page is lazily transferred to the destination. # Killing the CRIU on the checkpoint side will let the container # continue to run if the migration failed at some point. [ -n "$RUNC_USE_SYSTEMD" ] && set_cgroups_path runc_restore_with_pipes ./image-dir test_busybox_restore --lazy-pages wait $cpt_pid wait $lp_pid check_pipes } @test "checkpoint and restore in external network namespace" { # check if external_net_ns is supported; only with criu 3.10++ if ! criu check --feature external_net_ns; then # this criu does not support external_net_ns; skip the test skip "this criu does not support external network namespaces" fi # create a temporary name for the test network namespace tmp=$(mktemp) rm -f "$tmp" ns_name=$(basename "$tmp") # create network namespace ip netns add "$ns_name" ns_path=$(ip netns add "$ns_name" 2>&1 | sed -e 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/') # shellcheck disable=SC2012 ns_inode=$(ls -iL "$ns_path" | awk '{ print $1 }') # tell runc which network namespace to use update_config '(.. | select(.type? == "network")) .path |= "'"$ns_path"'"' runc run -d --console-socket "$CONSOLE_SOCKET" test_busybox [ "$status" -eq 0 ] testcontainer test_busybox running for _ in $(seq 2); do # checkpoint the running container; this automatically tells CRIU to # handle the network namespace defined in config.json as an external runc checkpoint --work-path ./work-dir test_busybox grep -B 5 Error ./work-dir/dump.log || true [ "$status" -eq 0 ] # after checkpoint busybox is no longer running testcontainer test_busybox checkpointed # restore from checkpoint; this should restore the container into the existing network namespace runc restore -d --work-path ./work-dir --console-socket "$CONSOLE_SOCKET" test_busybox grep -B 5 Error ./work-dir/restore.log || true [ "$status" -eq 0 ] # busybox should be back up and running testcontainer test_busybox running # container should be running in same network namespace as before pid=$(__runc state test_busybox | jq '.pid') ns_inode_new=$(readlink /proc/"$pid"/ns/net | sed -e 's/.*\[\(.*\)\]/\1/') echo "old network namespace inode $ns_inode" echo "new network namespace inode $ns_inode_new" [ "$ns_inode" -eq "$ns_inode_new" ] done ip netns del "$ns_name" } @test "checkpoint and restore with container specific CRIU config" { tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/runc-criu-XXXXXX.conf) # This is the file we write to /etc/criu/default.conf tmplog1=$(mktemp /tmp/runc-criu-log-XXXXXX.log) unlink "$tmplog1" tmplog1=$(basename "$tmplog1") # That is the actual configuration file to be used tmplog2=$(mktemp /tmp/runc-criu-log-XXXXXX.log) unlink "$tmplog2" tmplog2=$(basename "$tmplog2") # This adds the annotation 'org.criu.config' to set a container # specific CRIU config file. update_config '.annotations += {"org.criu.config": "'"$tmp"'"}' # Tell CRIU to use another configuration file mkdir -p /etc/criu echo "log-file=$tmplog1" >/etc/criu/default.conf # Make sure the RPC defined configuration file overwrites the previous echo "log-file=$tmplog2" >"$tmp" runc run -d --console-socket "$CONSOLE_SOCKET" test_busybox [ "$status" -eq 0 ] testcontainer test_busybox running # checkpoint the running container runc checkpoint --work-path ./work-dir test_busybox grep -B 5 Error ./work-dir/dump.log || true [ "$status" -eq 0 ] run ! test -f ./work-dir/"$tmplog1" test -f ./work-dir/"$tmplog2" # after checkpoint busybox is no longer running testcontainer test_busybox checkpointed test -f ./work-dir/"$tmplog2" && unlink ./work-dir/"$tmplog2" # restore from checkpoint runc restore -d --work-path ./work-dir --console-socket "$CONSOLE_SOCKET" test_busybox grep -B 5 Error ./work-dir/restore.log || true [ "$status" -eq 0 ] run ! test -f ./work-dir/"$tmplog1" test -f ./work-dir/"$tmplog2" # busybox should be back up and running testcontainer test_busybox running unlink "$tmp" test -f ./work-dir/"$tmplog2" && unlink ./work-dir/"$tmplog2" } @test "checkpoint and restore with nested bind mounts" { bind1=$(mktemp -d -p .) bind2=$(mktemp -d -p .) update_config ' .mounts += [{ type: "bind", source: "'"$bind1"'", destination: "/test", options: ["rw", "bind"] }, { type: "bind", source: "'"$bind2"'", destination: "/test/for/nested", options: ["rw", "bind"] }]' runc run -d --console-socket "$CONSOLE_SOCKET" test_busybox [ "$status" -eq 0 ] testcontainer test_busybox running # checkpoint the running container runc checkpoint --work-path ./work-dir test_busybox grep -B 5 Error ./work-dir/dump.log || true [ "$status" -eq 0 ] # after checkpoint busybox is no longer running testcontainer test_busybox checkpointed # cleanup mountpoints created by runc during creation # the mountpoints should be recreated during restore - that is the actual thing tested here rm -rf "${bind1:?}"/* # restore from checkpoint runc restore -d --work-path ./work-dir --console-socket "$CONSOLE_SOCKET" test_busybox grep -B 5 Error ./work-dir/restore.log || true [ "$status" -eq 0 ] # busybox should be back up and running testcontainer test_busybox running }