#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeuo pipefail # This script generates "get-images.sh" using Official Images tooling. # # ./bootstrap-get-images.sh > get-images.sh # # This script requires "bashbrew". To get the latest version, visit # https://github.com/docker-library/bashbrew/releases images=( # pinned to an older BusyBox (prior to 1.36 becoming "latest") because 1.36.0 has some unresolved bugs, especially around sha256sum 'https://github.com/docker-library/official-images/raw/eaed422a86b43c885a0f980d48f4bbf346086a4a/library/busybox:glibc' # pinned to an older Debian Buster which has more architectures than the latest does (Buster transitioned from the Debian Security Team to the LTS Team which supports a smaller set) 'https://github.com/docker-library/official-images/raw/ce10f6b60289c0c0b5de6f785528b8725f225a58/library/debian:buster-slim' ) cat <<'EOH' #!/bin/bash # DO NOT EDIT! Generated by "bootstrap-get-images.sh" # This script checks if container images needed for tests (currently # busybox and Debian 10 "Buster") are available locally, and downloads # them to testdata directory if not. # # The script is self-contained/standalone and is used from a few places # that need to ensure the images are downloaded. Its output is suitable # for consumption by shell via eval (see helpers.bash). set -e -u -o pipefail # Root directory of integration tests. INTEGRATION_ROOT=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")") # Test data path. TESTDATA="${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/testdata" # Sanity check: $TESTDATA directory must exist. if [ ! -d "$TESTDATA" ]; then echo "Bad TESTDATA directory: $TESTDATA. Aborting" >&2 exit 1 fi function get() { local dest="$1" url="$2" [ -e "$dest" ] && return # Sanity check: $TESTDATA directory must be writable. if [ ! -w "$TESTDATA" ]; then echo "TESTDATA directory ($TESTDATA) not writable. Aborting" >&2 exit 1 fi if ! curl -o "$dest" -fsSL --retry 5 "$url"; then echo "Failed to get $url" 1>&2 exit 1 fi } arch=$(go env GOARCH) if [ "$arch" = 'arm' ]; then arm=$(go env GOARM) : "${arm:=7}" arch=${arch}v$arm fi EOH # shellcheck disable=SC2016 # this generates shell code intentionally (and many of the '$' in here are intended for "text/template" not the end shell anyhow) bashbrew cat --format ' {{- "\n" -}} {{- "case $arch in\n" -}} {{- range .TagEntry.Architectures -}} {{- $repo := $.TagEntry.ArchGitRepo . | trimSuffixes ".git" -}} {{- $branch := $.TagEntry.ArchGitFetch . | trimPrefixes "refs/heads/" -}} {{- $commit := $.TagEntry.ArchGitCommit . -}} {{- $dir := $.TagEntry.ArchDirectory . -}} {{- $tarball := eq $.RepoName "debian" | ternary "rootfs.tar.xz" "busybox.tar.xz" -}} {{ . | replace "arm64v8" "arm64" "arm32" "arm" "i386" "386" }} {{- ")\n" -}} {{- "\t" -}}# {{ $repo }}/tree/{{ $branch }}{{- "\n" -}} {{- "\t" -}}# {{ $repo }}/tree/{{ $commit }}/{{ $dir }}{{- "\n" -}} {{- "\t" -}} url="{{ $repo }}/raw/{{ $commit }}/{{ $dir }}/{{ $tarball }}"{{- "\n" -}} {{- "\t" -}} ;; {{- "\n" -}} {{- "\n" -}} {{- end -}} *){{- "\n" -}} {{- "\t" -}}echo >&2 "error: unsupported {{ $.RepoName }} architecture: $arch"{{- "\n" -}} {{- "\t" -}}exit 1{{- "\n" -}} {{- "\t" -}};;{{- "\n" -}} {{- "esac\n" -}} {{- printf `rootfs="$TESTDATA/%s-${arch}.tar.xz"` $.RepoName -}}{{- "\n" -}} {{- `get "$rootfs" "$url"` -}}{{- "\n" -}} {{- printf "var=%s_image\n" $.RepoName -}} {{- `echo "${var^^}=$rootfs"` -}} ' "${images[@]}"