package escapetest // This file is part of escape_json_string unit test. // It is in a separate package so cgo can be used together // with go test. // #include // extern char *escape_json_string(char *str); // #cgo CFLAGS: -DESCAPE_TEST=1 import "C" import ( "testing" "unsafe" ) func testEscapeJSONString(t *testing.T, input, want string) { in := C.CString(input) out := C.escape_json_string(in) got := C.GoString(out) t.Logf("input: %q, output: %q", input, got) if got != want { t.Errorf("Failed on input: %q, want %q, got %q", input, want, got) } } func testEscapeJSON(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { input, output string }{ {"", ""}, {"abcdef", "abcdef"}, {`\\\\\\`, `\\\\\\\\\\\\`}, {`with"quote`, `with\"quote`}, {"\n\r\b\t\f\\", `\n\r\b\t\f\\`}, {"\007", "\\u0007"}, {"\017 \020 \037", "\\u000f \\u0010 \\u001f"}, {"\033", "\\u001b"}, {`<->`, `<->`}, {"\176\177\200", "~\\u007f\200"}, {"\000", ""}, {"a\x7fxc", "a\\u007fxc"}, {"a\033xc", "a\\u001bxc"}, {"a\nxc", "a\\nxc"}, {"a\\xc", "a\\\\xc"}, {"Barney B\303\244r", "Barney B\303\244r"}, } for _, tc := range testCases { testEscapeJSONString(t, tc.input, tc.output) } }