1# Conversion to OCI Runtime Configuration
3When extracting an OCI Image into an [OCI Runtime bundle][oci-runtime-bundle], two orthogonal components of the extraction are relevant:
51. Extraction of the root filesystem from the set of [filesystem layers](layer.md).
62. Conversion of the [image configuration blob](config.md) to an [OCI Runtime configuration blob][oci-runtime-config].
8This section defines how to convert an `application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json` blob to an [OCI runtime configuration blob][oci-runtime-config] (the latter component of extraction).
9The former component of extraction is defined [elsewhere](layer.md) and is orthogonal to configuration of a runtime bundle.
10The values of runtime configuration properties not specified by this document are implementation-defined.
12A converter MUST rely on the OCI image configuration to build the OCI runtime configuration as described by this document; this will create the "default generated runtime configuration".
14The "default generated runtime configuration" MAY be overridden or combined with externally provided inputs from the caller.
15In addition, a converter MAY have its own implementation-defined defaults and extensions which MAY be combined with the "default generated runtime configuration".
16The restrictions in this document refer only to combining implementation-defined defaults with the "default generated runtime configuration".
17Externally provided inputs are considered to be a modification of the `application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json` used as a source, and such modifications have no restrictions.
19For example, externally provided inputs MAY cause an environment variable to be added, removed or changed.
20However an implementation-defined default SHOULD NOT result in an environment variable being removed or changed.
22[oci-runtime-bundle]: https://github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec/blob/v1.0.0/bundle.md
23[oci-runtime-config]: https://github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec/blob/v1.0.0/config.md
25## Verbatim Fields
27Certain image configuration fields have an identical counterpart in the runtime configuration.
28Some of these are purely annotation-based fields, and have been extracted into a [separate subsection](#annotation-fields).
29A compliant configuration converter MUST extract the following fields verbatim to the corresponding field in the generated runtime configuration:
31| Image Field | Runtime Field | Notes |
32| ------------------- | --------------- | ----- |
33| `Config.WorkingDir` | `process.cwd` | |
34| `Config.Env` | `process.env` | 1 |
35| `Config.Entrypoint` | `process.args` | 2 |
36| `Config.Cmd` | `process.args` | 2 |
381. The converter MAY add additional entries to `process.env` but it SHOULD NOT add entries that have variable names present in `Config.Env`.
392. If both `Config.Entrypoint` and `Config.Cmd` are specified, the converter MUST append the value of `Config.Cmd` to the value of `Config.Entrypoint` and set `process.args` to that combined value.
41### Annotation Fields
43These fields all affect the `annotations` of the runtime configuration, and are thus subject to [precedence](#annotations).
45| Image Field | Runtime Field | Notes |
46| ------------------- | --------------- | ----- |
47| `os` | `annotations` | 1,2 |
48| `architecture` | `annotations` | 1,3 |
49| `variant` | `annotations` | 1,4 |
50| `os.version` | `annotations` | 1,5 |
51| `os.features` | `annotations` | 1,6 |
52| `author` | `annotations` | 1,7 |
53| `created` | `annotations` | 1,8 |
54| `Config.Labels` | `annotations` | |
55| `Config.StopSignal` | `annotations` | 1,9 |
571. If a user has explicitly specified this annotation with `Config.Labels`, then the value specified in this field takes lower [precedence](#annotations) and the converter MUST instead use the value from `Config.Labels`.
582. The value of this field MUST be set as the value of `org.opencontainers.image.os` in `annotations`.
593. The value of this field MUST be set as the value of `org.opencontainers.image.architecture` in `annotations`.
604. The value of this field MUST be set as the value of `org.opencontainers.image.variant` in `annotations`.
615. The value of this field MUST be set as the value of `org.opencontainers.image.os.version` in `annotations`.
626. The value of this field MUST be set as the value of `org.opencontainers.image.os.features` in `annotations`.
637. The value of this field MUST be set as the value of `org.opencontainers.image.author` in `annotations`.
648. The value of this field MUST be set as the value of `org.opencontainers.image.created` in `annotations`.
659. The value of this field MUST be set as the value of `org.opencontainers.image.stopSignal` in `annotations`.
67## Parsed Fields
69Certain image configuration fields have a counterpart that must first be translated.
70A compliant configuration converter SHOULD parse all of these fields and set the corresponding fields in the generated runtime configuration:
72| Image Field | Runtime Field |
73| ------------------- | --------------- |
74| `Config.User` | `process.user.*` |
76The method of parsing the above image fields are described in the following sections.
78### `Config.User`
80If the values of [`user` or `group`](config.md#properties) in `Config.User` are numeric (`uid` or `gid`) then the values MUST be copied verbatim to `process.user.uid` and `process.user.gid` respectively.
81If the values of [`user` or `group`](config.md#properties) in `Config.User` are not numeric (`user` or `group`) then a converter SHOULD resolve the user information using a method appropriate for the container's context.
82For Unix-like systems, this MAY involve resolution through NSS or parsing `/etc/passwd` from the extracted container's root filesystem to determine the values of `process.user.uid` and `process.user.gid`.
84In addition, a converter SHOULD set the value of `process.user.additionalGids` to a value corresponding to the user in the container's context described by `Config.User`.
85For Unix-like systems, this MAY involve resolution through NSS or parsing `/etc/group` and determining the group memberships of the user specified in `process.user.uid`.
86The converter SHOULD NOT modify `process.user.additionalGids` if the value of [`user`](config.md#properties) in `Config.User` is numeric or if `Config.User` specifies a group.
88If `Config.User` is not defined, the converted `process.user` value is implementation-defined.
89If `Config.User` does not correspond to a user in the container's context, the converter MUST return an error.
91## Optional Fields
93Certain image configuration fields are not applicable to all conversion use cases, and thus are optional for configuration converters to implement.
94A compliant configuration converter SHOULD provide a way for users to extract these fields into the generated runtime configuration:
96| Image Field | Runtime Field | Notes |
97| --------------------- | ------------------ | ----- |
98| `Config.ExposedPorts` | `annotations` | 1 |
99| `Config.Volumes` | `mounts` | 2 |
1011. The runtime configuration does not have a corresponding field for this image field.
102 However, converters SHOULD set the [`org.opencontainers.image.exposedPorts` annotation](#configexposedports).
1032. Implementations SHOULD provide mounts for these locations such that application data is not written to the container's root filesystem.
104 If a converter implements conversion for this field using mountpoints, it SHOULD set the `destination` of the mountpoint to the value specified in `Config.Volumes`.
105 An implementation MAY seed the contents of the mount with data in the image at the same location.
106 If a _new_ image is created from a container based on the image described by this configuration, data in these paths SHOULD NOT be included in the _new_ image.
107 The other `mounts` fields are platform and context dependent, and thus are implementation-defined.
108 Note that the implementation of `Config.Volumes` need not use mountpoints, as it is effectively a mask of the filesystem.
110### `Config.ExposedPorts`
112The OCI runtime configuration does not provide a way of expressing the concept of "container exposed ports".
113However, converters SHOULD set the **org.opencontainers.image.exposedPorts** annotation, unless doing so will [cause a conflict](#annotations).
115**org.opencontainers.image.exposedPorts** is the list of values that correspond to the [keys defined for `Config.ExposedPorts`](config.md) (string, comma-separated values).
117## Annotations
119There are three ways of annotating an OCI image in this specification:
1211. `Config.Labels` in the [configuration](config.md) of the image.
1222. `annotations` in the [manifest](manifest.md) of the image.
1233. `annotations` in the [image index](image-index.md) of the image.
125In addition, there are also implicit annotations that are defined by this section which are determined from the values of the image configuration.
126A converter SHOULD NOT attempt to extract annotations from [manifests](manifest.md) or [image indices](image-index.md).
127If there is a conflict (same key but different value) between an implicit annotation (or annotation in [manifests](manifest.md) or [image indices](image-index.md)) and an explicitly specified annotation in `Config.Labels`, the value specified in `Config.Labels` MUST take precedence.
129A converter MAY add annotations which have keys not specified in the image.
130A converter MUST NOT modify the values of annotations specified in the image.
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