
Text file src/github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/annotations.md

Documentation: github.com/opencontainers/image-spec

     1# Annotations
     3Several components of the specification, like [Image Manifests](manifest.md) and [Descriptors](descriptor.md), feature an optional annotations property, whose format is common and defined in this section.
     5This property contains arbitrary metadata.
     7## Rules
     9- Annotations MUST be a key-value map where both the key and value MUST be strings.
    10- While the value MUST be present, it MAY be an empty string.
    11- Keys MUST be unique within this map, and best practice is to namespace the keys.
    12- Keys SHOULD be named using a reverse domain notation - e.g. `com.example.myKey`.
    13- The prefix `org.opencontainers` is reserved for keys defined in Open Container Initiative (OCI) specifications and MUST NOT be used by other specifications and extensions.
    14- Keys using the `org.opencontainers.image` namespace are reserved for use in the OCI Image Specification and MUST NOT be used by other specifications and extensions, including other OCI specifications.
    15- If there are no annotations then this property MUST either be absent or be an empty map.
    16- Consumers MUST NOT generate an error if they encounter an unknown annotation key.
    18## Pre-Defined Annotation Keys
    20This specification defines the following annotation keys, intended for but not limited to [image index](image-index.md), image [manifest](manifest.md), and [descriptor](descriptor.md) authors.
    22- **org.opencontainers.image.created** date and time on which the image was built, conforming to [RFC 3339][rfc3339].
    23- **org.opencontainers.image.authors** contact details of the people or organization responsible for the image (freeform string)
    24- **org.opencontainers.image.url** URL to find more information on the image (string)
    25- **org.opencontainers.image.documentation** URL to get documentation on the image (string)
    26- **org.opencontainers.image.source** URL to get source code for building the image (string)
    27- **org.opencontainers.image.version** version of the packaged software
    28  - The version MAY match a label or tag in the source code repository
    29  - version MAY be [Semantic versioning-compatible](https://semver.org/)
    30- **org.opencontainers.image.revision** Source control revision identifier for the packaged software.
    31- **org.opencontainers.image.vendor** Name of the distributing entity, organization or individual.
    32- **org.opencontainers.image.licenses** License(s) under which contained software is distributed as an [SPDX License Expression][spdx-license-expression].
    33- **org.opencontainers.image.ref.name** Name of the reference for a target (string).
    34  - SHOULD only be considered valid when on descriptors on `index.json` within [image layout](image-layout.md).
    35  - Character set of the value SHOULD conform to alphanum of `A-Za-z0-9` and separator set of `-._:@/+`
    36  - The reference must match the following [grammar](considerations.md#ebnf):
    38    ```ebnf
    39    ref       ::= component ("/" component)*
    40    component ::= alphanum (separator alphanum)*
    41    alphanum  ::= [A-Za-z0-9]+
    42    separator ::= [-._:@+] | "--"
    43    ```
    45- **org.opencontainers.image.title** Human-readable title of the image (string)
    46- **org.opencontainers.image.description** Human-readable description of the software packaged in the image (string)
    47- **org.opencontainers.image.base.digest** [Digest](descriptor.md#digests) of the image this image is based on (string)
    48  - This SHOULD be the immediate image sharing zero-indexed layers with the image, such as from a Dockerfile `FROM` statement.
    49  - This SHOULD NOT reference any other images used to generate the contents of the image (e.g., multi-stage Dockerfile builds).
    50- **org.opencontainers.image.base.name** Image reference of the image this image is based on (string)
    51  - This SHOULD be image references in the format defined by [distribution/distribution][distribution-reference].
    52  - This SHOULD be a fully qualified reference name, without any assumed default registry. (e.g., `registry.example.com/my-org/my-image:tag` instead of `my-org/my-image:tag`).
    53  - This SHOULD be the immediate image sharing zero-indexed layers with the image, such as from a Dockerfile `FROM` statement.
    54  - This SHOULD NOT reference any other images used to generate the contents of the image (e.g., multi-stage Dockerfile builds).
    55  - If the `image.base.name` annotation is specified, the `image.base.digest` annotation SHOULD be the digest of the manifest referenced by the `image.ref.name` annotation.
    57## Back-compatibility with Label Schema
    59[Label Schema][label-schema] defined a number of conventional labels for container images, and these are now superceded by annotations with keys starting **org.opencontainers.image**.
    61While users are encouraged to use the **org.opencontainers.image** keys, tools MAY choose to support compatible annotations using the **org.label-schema** prefix as follows.
    63| `org.opencontainers.image` prefix | `org.label-schema` prefix | Compatibility notes |
    65| `created` | `build-date` | Compatible |
    66| `url` | `url` | Compatible |
    67| `source` | `vcs-url` | Compatible |
    68| `version` | `version` | Compatible |
    69| `revision` | `vcs-ref` | Compatible |
    70| `vendor` | `vendor` | Compatible |
    71| `title` | `name` | Compatible |
    72| `description` | `description` | Compatible |
    73| `documentation` | `usage` | Value is compatible if the documentation is located by a URL |
    74| `authors` |  | No equivalent in Label Schema |
    75| `licenses` | | No equivalent in Label Schema |
    76| `ref.name` | | No equivalent in Label Schema |
    77| | `schema-version`| No equivalent in the OCI Image Spec |
    78| | `docker.*`, `rkt.*` | No equivalent in the OCI Image Spec |
    80[distribution-reference]: https://github.com/distribution/distribution/blob/d0deff9cd6c2b8c82c6f3d1c713af51df099d07b/reference/reference.go
    81[label-schema]: https://github.com/label-schema/label-schema.org/blob/gh-pages/rc1.md
    82[rfc3339]:     https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339#section-5.6
    83[spdx-license-expression]: https://spdx.github.io/spdx-spec/v2.3/SPDX-license-expressions/

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