
Source file src/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/support/goraph/bipartitegraph/bipartitegraph_test.go

Documentation: github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/support/goraph/bipartitegraph

     1  package bipartitegraph_test
     3  import (
     4  	"reflect"
     6  	. "github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/support/goraph/bipartitegraph"
     8  	. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
     9  	. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
    10  )
    12  var _ = Describe("Bipartitegraph", func() {
    13  	Context("tiny graphs", func() {
    14  		var (
    15  			empty, _        = NewBipartiteGraph([]interface{}{}, []interface{}{}, func(x, y interface{}) (bool, error) { return true, nil })
    16  			oneLeft, _      = NewBipartiteGraph([]interface{}{1}, []interface{}{}, func(x, y interface{}) (bool, error) { return true, nil })
    17  			oneRight, _     = NewBipartiteGraph([]interface{}{}, []interface{}{1}, func(x, y interface{}) (bool, error) { return true, nil })
    18  			twoSeparate, _  = NewBipartiteGraph([]interface{}{1}, []interface{}{1}, func(x, y interface{}) (bool, error) { return false, nil })
    19  			twoConnected, _ = NewBipartiteGraph([]interface{}{1}, []interface{}{1}, func(x, y interface{}) (bool, error) { return true, nil })
    20  		)
    22  		It("Computes the correct largest matching", func() {
    23  			Ω(empty.LargestMatching()).Should(BeEmpty())
    24  			Ω(oneLeft.LargestMatching()).Should(BeEmpty())
    25  			Ω(oneRight.LargestMatching()).Should(BeEmpty())
    26  			Ω(twoSeparate.LargestMatching()).Should(BeEmpty())
    28  			Ω(twoConnected.LargestMatching()).Should(HaveLen(1))
    29  		})
    30  	})
    32  	Context("small yet complex graphs", func() {
    33  		var (
    34  			neighbours = func(x, y interface{}) (bool, error) {
    35  				switch x.(string) + y.(string) {
    36  				case "aw", "bw", "bx", "cy", "cz", "dx", "ew":
    37  					return true, nil
    38  				default:
    39  					return false, nil
    40  				}
    41  			}
    42  			graph, _ = NewBipartiteGraph(
    43  				[]interface{}{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"},
    44  				[]interface{}{"w", "x", "y", "z"},
    45  				neighbours,
    46  			)
    47  		)
    49  		It("Computes the correct largest matching", func() {
    50  			// largest matching: "aw", "bx", "cy"
    51  			Ω(graph.LargestMatching()).Should(HaveLen(3))
    52  		})
    54  		Describe("FreeLeftRight", func() {
    55  			When("all edges are given", func() {
    56  				It("returns correct free left and right values", func() {
    57  					freeLeft, freeRight := graph.FreeLeftRight(graph.Edges)
    58  					Expect(freeLeft).To(BeEmpty())
    59  					Expect(freeRight).To(BeEmpty())
    60  				})
    61  			})
    62  			When("largest matching edges are given", func() {
    63  				It("returns correct free left and right values", func() {
    64  					edges := graph.LargestMatching()
    65  					freeLeft, freeRight := graph.FreeLeftRight(edges)
    66  					Expect(freeLeft).To(ConsistOf("d", "e"))
    67  					Expect(freeRight).To(ConsistOf("z"))
    68  				})
    69  			})
    70  		})
    71  	})
    73  	When("node values are unhashable types", func() {
    74  		var (
    75  			neighbours = func(x, y interface{}) (bool, error) {
    76  				return reflect.DeepEqual(x, y), nil
    77  			}
    78  			graph, _ = NewBipartiteGraph(
    79  				[]interface{}{[]int{1, 2}, []int{3, 4}},
    80  				[]interface{}{[]int{1, 2}},
    81  				neighbours,
    82  			)
    83  		)
    84  		Describe("FreeLeftRight", func() {
    85  			It("returns correct free left and right values", func() {
    86  				edges := graph.LargestMatching()
    87  				freeLeft, freeRight := graph.FreeLeftRight(edges)
    88  				Expect(freeLeft).To(HaveLen(1))
    89  				Expect(freeLeft[0]).To(Equal([]int{3, 4}))
    90  				Expect(freeRight).To(BeEmpty())
    91  			})
    92  		})
    93  	})
    95  	Context("large yet simple graphs", func() {
    96  		var (
    97  			half                = make([]interface{}, 100)
    98  			discreteNeighbours  = func(x, y interface{}) (bool, error) { return false, nil }
    99  			completeNeighbours  = func(x, y interface{}) (bool, error) { return true, nil }
   100  			bijectionNeighbours = func(x, y interface{}) (bool, error) {
   101  				return x.(int) == y.(int), nil
   102  			}
   103  			discrete, complete, bijection *BipartiteGraph
   104  		)
   106  		BeforeEach(func() {
   107  			for i := 0; i < len(half); i++ {
   108  				half[i] = i
   109  			}
   110  			discrete, _ = NewBipartiteGraph(half, half, discreteNeighbours)
   111  			complete, _ = NewBipartiteGraph(half, half, completeNeighbours)
   112  			bijection, _ = NewBipartiteGraph(half, half, bijectionNeighbours)
   113  		})
   115  		It("Computes the correct largest matching", func() {
   116  			Ω(discrete.LargestMatching()).Should(BeEmpty())
   117  			Ω(complete.LargestMatching()).Should(HaveLen(100))
   118  			Ω(bijection.LargestMatching()).Should(HaveLen(100))
   119  		})
   120  	})
   122  	Context("large graphs that are unpleasant for the algorithm", func() {
   123  		var (
   124  			half        = make([]interface{}, 100)
   125  			neighbours1 = func(x, y interface{}) (bool, error) {
   126  				if x.(int) < 33 {
   127  					return x.(int) == y.(int), nil
   128  				} else if x.(int) < 66 {
   129  					return true, nil
   130  				} else {
   131  					return false, nil
   132  				}
   133  			}
   134  			neighbours2 = func(x, y interface{}) (bool, error) {
   135  				if x.(int) == 50 {
   136  					return true, nil
   137  				} else if x.(int) < 90 {
   138  					return x.(int) == y.(int), nil
   139  				} else {
   140  					return false, nil
   141  				}
   142  			}
   143  			neighbours3 = func(x, y interface{}) (bool, error) {
   144  				if y.(int) < x.(int)-20 {
   145  					return true, nil
   146  				} else {
   147  					return false, nil
   148  				}
   149  			}
   150  			graph1, graph2, graph3 *BipartiteGraph
   151  		)
   153  		BeforeEach(func() {
   154  			for i := 0; i < len(half); i++ {
   155  				half[i] = i
   156  			}
   157  			graph1, _ = NewBipartiteGraph(half, half, neighbours1)
   158  			graph2, _ = NewBipartiteGraph(half, half, neighbours2)
   159  			graph3, _ = NewBipartiteGraph(half, half, neighbours3)
   160  		})
   162  		It("Computes the correct largest matching", func() {
   163  			Ω(graph1.LargestMatching()).Should(HaveLen(66))
   164  			Ω(graph2.LargestMatching()).Should(HaveLen(90))
   165  			Ω(graph3.LargestMatching()).Should(HaveLen(79))
   166  		})
   167  	})
   168  })

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