package matchers_test import ( "errors" "regexp" "runtime" "time" . "" . "" . "" ) func Erroring() error { return errors.New("bam") } func NotErroring() error { return nil } type AnyType struct{} func Invalid() *AnyType { return nil } type formattedGomegaError struct { message string } func (e formattedGomegaError) Error() string { return "NOT THIS ERROR" } func (e formattedGomegaError) FormattedGomegaError() string { return e.message } var _ = Describe("Succeed", func() { It("should succeed if the function succeeds", func() { Expect(NotErroring()).Should(Succeed()) }) It("should succeed (in the negated) if the function errored", func() { Expect(Erroring()).ShouldNot(Succeed()) }) It("should not if passed a non-error", func() { success, err := (&SucceedMatcher{}).Match(Invalid()) Expect(success).Should(BeFalse()) Expect(err).Should(MatchError("Expected an error-type. Got:\n <*matchers_test.AnyType | 0x0>: nil")) }) It("doesn't support non-error type", func() { success, err := (&SucceedMatcher{}).Match(AnyType{}) Expect(success).Should(BeFalse()) Expect(err).Should(MatchError("Expected an error-type. Got:\n : {}")) }) It("doesn't support non-error pointer type", func() { success, err := (&SucceedMatcher{}).Match(&AnyType{}) Expect(success).Should(BeFalse()) Expect(err).Should(MatchError(MatchRegexp(`Expected an error-type. Got:\n <*matchers_test.AnyType | 0x[[:xdigit:]]+>: {}`))) }) It("should not succeed with pointer types that conform to error interface", func() { err := &CustomErr{"ohai"} Expect(err).ShouldNot(Succeed()) }) It("should succeed with nil pointers to types that conform to error interface", func() { var err *CustomErr = nil Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) It("builds failure message", func() { actual := Succeed().FailureMessage(errors.New("oops")) actual = regexp.MustCompile(" 0x.*>").ReplaceAllString(actual, " 0x00000000>") Expect(actual).To(Equal("Expected success, but got an error:\n <*errors.errorString | 0x00000000>: \n oops\n {s: \"oops\"}")) }) It("simply returns .Error() for the failure message if the error is an AsyncPolledActualError", func() { actual := Succeed().FailureMessage(formattedGomegaError{message: "this is already formatted appropriately"}) Expect(actual).To(Equal("this is already formatted appropriately")) }) It("operates correctly when paired with an Eventually that receives a Gomega", func() { _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0) failureMessage := InterceptGomegaFailure(func() { Eventually(func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(true).To(BeFalse()) }).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond * 10).Should(Succeed()) }).Error() Ω(failureMessage).Should(HavePrefix("Timed out after")) Ω(failureMessage).Should(HaveSuffix("The function passed to Eventually failed at %s:%d with:\nExpected\n : true\nto be false", file, line+3)) }) It("builds negated failure message", func() { actual := Succeed().NegatedFailureMessage(123) Expect(actual).To(Equal("Expected failure, but got no error.")) }) })