package matchers_test import ( "fmt" "time" . "" . "" ) type Book struct { Title string Author person Pages int Sequel *Book Prequel *Book } func (book Book) AuthorName() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", book.Author.FirstName, book.Author.LastName) } func (book Book) AbbreviatedAuthor() person { return person{ FirstName: book.Author.FirstName[0:3], LastName: book.Author.LastName[0:3], DOB: book.Author.DOB, } } func (book Book) ReceiverTitle() string { return book.Title } func (book *Book) PointerReceiverTitle() string { return book.Title } func (book Book) NoReturn() { } func (book Book) TooManyReturn() (string, error) { return "", nil } func (book Book) HasArg(arg string) string { return arg } type person struct { FirstName string LastName string DOB time.Time } var _ = Describe("HaveField", func() { var book Book BeforeEach(func() { book = Book{ Title: "Les Miserables", Author: person{ FirstName: "Victor", LastName: "Hugo", DOB: time.Date(1802, 2, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), }, Pages: 2783, Sequel: &Book{ Title: "Les Miserables 2", }, } }) DescribeTable("traversing the struct works", func(field string, expected interface{}) { Ω(book).Should(HaveField(field, expected)) }, Entry("Top-level field with default submatcher", "Title", "Les Miserables"), Entry("Top-level field with custom submatcher", "Title", ContainSubstring("Les Mis")), Entry("Nested field", "Author.FirstName", "Victor"), Entry("Top-level method", "AuthorName()", "Victor Hugo"), Entry("Nested method", "Author.DOB.Year()", BeNumerically("<", 1900)), Entry("Traversing past a method", "AbbreviatedAuthor().FirstName", Equal("Vic")), Entry("Traversing a pointer", "Sequel.Title", "Les Miserables 2"), ) DescribeTable("negation works", func(field string, expected interface{}) { Ω(book).ShouldNot(HaveField(field, expected)) }, Entry("Top-level field with default submatcher", "Title", "Les Mis"), Entry("Top-level field with custom submatcher", "Title", ContainSubstring("Notre Dame")), Entry("Nested field", "Author.FirstName", "Hugo"), Entry("Top-level method", "AuthorName()", "Victor M. Hugo"), Entry("Nested method", "Author.DOB.Year()", BeNumerically(">", 1900)), Entry("Traversing a pointer", "Sequel.Title", "Les Mis 2"), ) Describe("when field lookup fails", func() { It("errors appropriately", func() { success, err := HaveField("BookName", "Les Miserables").Match(book) Ω(success).Should(BeFalse()) Ω(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("HaveField could not find field named '%s' in struct:", "BookName")) success, err = HaveField("BookName", "Les Miserables").Match(book) Ω(success).Should(BeFalse()) Ω(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("HaveField could not find field named '%s' in struct:", "BookName")) success, err = HaveField("AuthorName", "Victor Hugo").Match(book) Ω(success).Should(BeFalse()) Ω(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("HaveField could not find field named '%s' in struct:", "AuthorName")) success, err = HaveField("Title()", "Les Miserables").Match(book) Ω(success).Should(BeFalse()) Ω(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("HaveField could not find method named '%s' in struct of type matchers_test.Book.", "Title()")) success, err = HaveField("NoReturn()", "Les Miserables").Match(book) Ω(success).Should(BeFalse()) Ω(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("HaveField found an invalid method named 'NoReturn()' in struct of type matchers_test.Book.\nMethods must take no arguments and return exactly one value.")) success, err = HaveField("TooManyReturn()", "Les Miserables").Match(book) Ω(success).Should(BeFalse()) Ω(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("HaveField found an invalid method named 'TooManyReturn()' in struct of type matchers_test.Book.\nMethods must take no arguments and return exactly one value.")) success, err = HaveField("HasArg()", "Les Miserables").Match(book) Ω(success).Should(BeFalse()) Ω(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("HaveField found an invalid method named 'HasArg()' in struct of type matchers_test.Book.\nMethods must take no arguments and return exactly one value.")) success, err = HaveField("Pages.Count", 2783).Match(book) Ω(success).Should(BeFalse()) Ω(err.Error()).Should(Equal("HaveField encountered:\n : 2783\nWhich is not a struct.")) success, err = HaveField("Author.Abbreviation", "Vic").Match(book) Ω(success).Should(BeFalse()) Ω(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("HaveField could not find field named '%s' in struct:", "Abbreviation")) success, err = HaveField("Prequel.Title", "Les Miserables 0").Match(book) Ω(success).Should(BeFalse()) Ω(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("HaveField encountered nil while dereferencing a pointer of type *matchers_test.Book.")) }) }) Describe("Failure Messages", func() { It("renders the underlying matcher failure", func() { matcher := HaveField("Title", "Les Mis") success, err := matcher.Match(book) Ω(success).Should(BeFalse()) Ω(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred()) msg := matcher.FailureMessage(book) Ω(msg).Should(Equal("Value for field 'Title' failed to satisfy matcher.\nExpected\n : Les Miserables\nto equal\n : Les Mis")) matcher = HaveField("Title", "Les Miserables") success, err = matcher.Match(book) Ω(success).Should(BeTrue()) Ω(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred()) msg = matcher.NegatedFailureMessage(book) Ω(msg).Should(Equal("Value for field 'Title' satisfied matcher, but should not have.\nExpected\n : Les Miserables\nnot to equal\n : Les Miserables")) }) }) Describe("receiver lookup", func() { DescribeTable("(pointer) receiver lookup works", func(field string, expected interface{}) { Ω(&book).Should(HaveField(field, expected)) }, Entry("non-pointer receiver", "ReceiverTitle()", "Les Miserables"), Entry("pointer receiver", "PointerReceiverTitle()", "Les Miserables"), ) It("correctly fails", func() { matcher := HaveField("ReceiverTitle()", "Les Miserables") answer := struct{}{} Ω(matcher.Match(answer)).Error().Should(MatchError( "HaveField could not find method named 'ReceiverTitle()' in struct of type struct {}.")) matcher = HaveField("PointerReceiverTitle()", "Les Miserables") Ω(matcher.Match(book)).Error().Should(MatchError( "HaveField could not find method named 'PointerReceiverTitle()' in struct of type matchers_test.Book.")) }) }) })