
Source file src/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/and_test.go

Documentation: github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers

     1  package matchers_test
     3  import (
     4  	. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
     5  	. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
     6  	. "github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers"
     7  	"github.com/onsi/gomega/types"
     8  )
    10  // sample data
    11  var (
    12  	// example input
    13  	input = "hi"
    14  	// some matchers that succeed against the input
    15  	true1 = HaveLen(2)
    16  	true2 = Equal("hi")
    17  	true3 = MatchRegexp("hi")
    18  	// some matchers that fail against the input.
    19  	false1 = HaveLen(1)
    20  	false2 = Equal("hip")
    21  	false3 = MatchRegexp("hope")
    22  )
    24  // verifyFailureMessage expects the matcher to fail with the given input, and verifies the failure message.
    25  func verifyFailureMessage(m types.GomegaMatcher, input string, expectedFailureMsgFragment string) {
    26  	Expect(m.Match(input)).To(BeFalse())
    27  	Expect(m.FailureMessage(input)).To(Equal(
    28  		"Expected\n    <string>: " + input + "\n" + expectedFailureMsgFragment))
    29  }
    31  var _ = Describe("AndMatcher", func() {
    32  	It("works with positive cases", func() {
    33  		Expect(input).To(And())
    34  		Expect(input).To(And(true1))
    35  		Expect(input).To(And(true1, true2))
    36  		Expect(input).To(And(true1, true2, true3))
    38  		// use alias
    39  		Expect(input).To(SatisfyAll(true1, true2, true3))
    40  	})
    42  	It("works with negative cases", func() {
    43  		Expect(input).ToNot(And(false1, false2))
    44  		Expect(input).ToNot(And(true1, true2, false3))
    45  		Expect(input).ToNot(And(true1, false2, false3))
    46  		Expect(input).ToNot(And(false1, true1, true2))
    47  	})
    49  	Context("failure messages", func() {
    50  		When("match fails", func() {
    51  			It("gives a descriptive message", func() {
    52  				verifyFailureMessage(And(false1, true1), input, "to have length 1")
    53  				verifyFailureMessage(And(true1, false2), input, "to equal\n    <string>: hip")
    54  				verifyFailureMessage(And(true1, true2, false3), input, "to match regular expression\n    <string>: hope")
    55  			})
    56  		})
    58  		When("match succeeds, but expected it to fail", func() {
    59  			It("gives a descriptive message", func() {
    60  				verifyFailureMessage(Not(And(true1, true2)), input,
    61  					`To not satisfy all of these matchers: [%!s(*matchers.HaveLenMatcher=&{2}) %!s(*matchers.EqualMatcher=&{hi})]`)
    62  			})
    63  		})
    64  	})
    66  	Context("MatchMayChangeInTheFuture", func() {
    67  		Context("Match returned false", func() {
    68  			Context("returns value of the failed matcher", func() {
    69  				It("false if failed matcher not going to change", func() {
    70  					// 3 matchers: 1st returns true, 2nd returns false and is not going to change, 3rd is never called
    71  					m := And(Not(BeNil()), Or(), Equal(1))
    72  					Expect(m.Match("hi")).To(BeFalse())
    73  					Expect(m.(*AndMatcher).MatchMayChangeInTheFuture("hi")).To(BeFalse()) // empty Or() indicates not going to change
    74  				})
    75  				It("true if failed matcher indicates it might change", func() {
    76  					// 3 matchers: 1st returns true, 2nd returns false and "might" change, 3rd is never called
    77  					m := And(Not(BeNil()), Equal(5), Equal(1))
    78  					Expect(m.Match("hi")).To(BeFalse())
    79  					Expect(m.(*AndMatcher).MatchMayChangeInTheFuture("hi")).To(BeTrue()) // Equal(5) indicates it might change
    80  				})
    81  			})
    82  		})
    83  		Context("Match returned true", func() {
    84  			It("returns true if any of the matchers could change", func() {
    85  				// 3 matchers, all return true, and all could change
    86  				m := And(Not(BeNil()), Equal("hi"), HaveLen(2))
    87  				Expect(m.Match("hi")).To(BeTrue())
    88  				Expect(m.(*AndMatcher).MatchMayChangeInTheFuture("hi")).To(BeTrue()) // all 3 of these matchers default to 'true'
    89  			})
    90  			It("returns false if none of the matchers could change", func() {
    91  				// empty And() has the property of always matching, and never can change since there are no sub-matchers that could change
    92  				m := And()
    93  				Expect(m.Match("anything")).To(BeTrue())
    94  				Expect(m.(*AndMatcher).MatchMayChangeInTheFuture("anything")).To(BeFalse())
    96  				// And() with 3 sub-matchers that return true, and can't change
    97  				m = And(And(), And(), And())
    98  				Expect(m.Match("hi")).To(BeTrue())
    99  				Expect(m.(*AndMatcher).MatchMayChangeInTheFuture("hi")).To(BeFalse()) // the 3 empty And()'s won't change
   100  			})
   101  		})
   102  	})
   103  })

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