package internal_test import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "reflect" "runtime" "strings" "time" . "" . "" ) type quickMatcher struct { matchFunc func(actual any) (bool, error) oracleFunc func(actual any) bool } func (q quickMatcher) Match(actual any) (bool, error) { return q.matchFunc(actual) } func (q quickMatcher) FailureMessage(actual any) (message string) { return fmt.Sprintf("QM failure message: %v", actual) } func (q quickMatcher) NegatedFailureMessage(actual any) (message string) { return fmt.Sprintf("QM negated failure message: %v", actual) } func (q quickMatcher) MatchMayChangeInTheFuture(actual interface{}) bool { if q.oracleFunc == nil { return true } return q.oracleFunc(actual) } func QuickMatcher(matchFunc func(actual any) (bool, error)) OmegaMatcher { return quickMatcher{matchFunc, nil} } func QuickMatcherWithOracle(matchFunc func(actual any) (bool, error), oracleFunc func(actual any) bool) OmegaMatcher { return quickMatcher{matchFunc, oracleFunc} } type FakeGinkgoSpecContext struct { Attached func() string Cancelled bool } func (f *FakeGinkgoSpecContext) AttachProgressReporter(v func() string) func() { f.Attached = v return func() { f.Cancelled = true } } var _ = Describe("Asynchronous Assertions", func() { var ig *InstrumentedGomega BeforeEach(func() { ig = NewInstrumentedGomega() }) Describe("Basic Eventually support", func() { Context("the positive case", func() { It("polls the function and matcher until a match occurs", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() string { counter++ if counter > 5 { return MATCH } return NO_MATCH }).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(6)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) It("continues polling even if the matcher errors", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() string { counter++ if counter > 5 { return MATCH } return ERR_MATCH }).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(6)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) It("times out eventually if the assertion doesn't match in time", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() string { counter++ if counter > 100 { return MATCH } return NO_MATCH }).WithTimeout(200 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(20 * time.Millisecond).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically(">", 2)) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically("<", 20)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Timed out after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("positive: no match")) Ω(ig.FailureSkip).Should(Equal([]int{3})) }) It("maps Within() correctly to timeout and polling intervals", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() bool { counter++ return false }).WithTimeout(0).WithPolling(20 * time.Millisecond).Within(200 * time.Millisecond).Should(BeTrue()) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically(">", 2)) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically("<", 20)) counter = 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() bool { counter++ return false }).WithTimeout(0).WithPolling(0). // first zero intervals, then set them Within(200 * time.Millisecond).ProbeEvery(20 * time.Millisecond). Should(BeTrue()) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically(">", 2)) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically("<", 20)) }) }) Context("the negative case", func() { It("polls the function and matcher until a match does not occur", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() string { counter++ if counter > 5 { return NO_MATCH } return MATCH }).ShouldNot(SpecMatch()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(6)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) It("continues polling when the matcher errors - an error does not count as a successful non-match", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() string { counter++ if counter > 5 { return NO_MATCH } return ERR_MATCH }).ShouldNot(SpecMatch()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(6)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) It("times out eventually if the assertion doesn't match in time", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() string { counter++ if counter > 100 { return NO_MATCH } return MATCH }).WithTimeout(200 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(20 * time.Millisecond).ShouldNot(SpecMatch()) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically(">", 2)) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically("<", 20)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Timed out after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("negative: match")) Ω(ig.FailureSkip).Should(Equal([]int{3})) }) }) Context("when a failure occurs", func() { It("registers the appropriate helper functions", func() { ig.G.Eventually(NO_MATCH).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Timed out after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("positive: no match")) Ω(ig.FailureSkip).Should(Equal([]int{3})) Ω(ig.RegisteredHelpers).Should(ContainElement("(*AsyncAssertion).Should")) Ω(ig.RegisteredHelpers).Should(ContainElement("(*AsyncAssertion).match")) }) It("renders the matcher's error if an error occurred", func() { ig.G.Eventually(ERR_MATCH).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Timed out after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The matcher passed to Eventually returned the following error:")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("spec matcher error")) }) It("renders the optional description", func() { ig.G.Eventually(NO_MATCH).WithTimeout(50*time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10*time.Millisecond).Should(SpecMatch(), "boop") Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("boop")) }) It("formats and renders the optional description when there are multiple arguments", func() { ig.G.Eventually(NO_MATCH).WithTimeout(50*time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10*time.Millisecond).Should(SpecMatch(), "boop %d", 17) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("boop 17")) }) It("calls the optional description if it is a function", func() { ig.G.Eventually(NO_MATCH).WithTimeout(50*time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10*time.Millisecond).Should(SpecMatch(), func() string { return "boop" }) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("boop")) }) }) Context("with a passed-in context", func() { Context("when the passed-in context is cancelled", func() { It("stops and returns a failure", func() { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() string { counter++ if counter == 2 { cancel() } else if counter == 10 { return MATCH } return NO_MATCH }, time.Hour, ctx).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Context was cancelled after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("positive: no match")) }) It("can also be configured via WithContext()", func() { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() string { counter++ if counter == 2 { cancel() } else if counter == 10 { return MATCH } return NO_MATCH }, time.Hour).WithContext(ctx).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Context was cancelled after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("positive: no match")) }) It("can also be configured with the context up front", func() { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(ctx, func() string { counter++ if counter == 2 { cancel() } else if counter == 10 { return MATCH } return NO_MATCH }, time.Hour).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Context was cancelled after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("positive: no match")) }) It("treats a leading context as an actual, even if valid durations are passed in", func() { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() Eventually(ctx).Should(Equal(ctx)) Eventually(ctx, 0.1).Should(Equal(ctx)) }) It("counts as a failure for Consistently", func() { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) counter := 0 ig.G.Consistently(func() string { counter++ if counter == 2 { cancel() } else if counter == 10 { return NO_MATCH } return MATCH }, time.Hour).WithContext(ctx).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Context was cancelled after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("There is no failure as the matcher passed to Consistently has not yet failed")) }) It("includes the cancel cause if provided", func() { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancelCause(context.Background()) counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() string { counter++ if counter == 2 { cancel(fmt.Errorf("kaboom")) } else if counter == 10 { return MATCH } return NO_MATCH }, time.Hour, ctx).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Context was cancelled (cause: kaboom) after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("positive: no match")) }) }) Context("when the passed-in context is a Ginkgo SpecContext that can take a progress reporter attachment", func() { It("attaches a progress reporter context that allows it to report on demand", func() { fakeSpecContext := &FakeGinkgoSpecContext{} var message string ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "GINKGO_SPEC_CONTEXT", fakeSpecContext) ig.G.Eventually(func() string { if fakeSpecContext.Attached != nil { message = fakeSpecContext.Attached() } return NO_MATCH }).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond * 20).WithContext(ctx).Should(Equal(MATCH)) Ω(message).Should(Equal("Expected\n : no match\nto equal\n : match")) Ω(fakeSpecContext.Cancelled).Should(BeTrue()) }) Context("when used with consistently", func() { It("returns a useful message that does not invoke the matcher's failure handlers", func() { fakeSpecContext := &FakeGinkgoSpecContext{} var message string ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "GINKGO_SPEC_CONTEXT", fakeSpecContext) ig.G.Consistently(func() error { if fakeSpecContext.Attached != nil { message = fakeSpecContext.Attached() } return nil }).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond * 20).WithContext(ctx).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred()) Ω(message).Should(Equal("There is no failure as the matcher passed to Consistently has not yet failed")) Ω(fakeSpecContext.Cancelled).Should(BeTrue()) }) }) }) Describe("the interaction between the context and the timeout", func() { It("only relies on context cancellation when no explicit timeout is specified", func() { ig.G.SetDefaultEventuallyTimeout(time.Millisecond * 10) ig.G.SetDefaultEventuallyPollingInterval(time.Millisecond * 40) t := time.Now() ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) iterations := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() string { iterations += 1 if time.Since(t) > time.Millisecond*200 { cancel() } return "A" }).WithContext(ctx).Should(Equal("B")) Ω(time.Since(t)).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*200, time.Millisecond*100)) Ω(iterations).Should(BeNumerically("~", 200/40, 2)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Context was cancelled after")) }) It("uses the explicit timeout when it is provided", func() { t := time.Now() ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) iterations := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() string { iterations += 1 if time.Since(t) > time.Millisecond*200 { cancel() } return "A" }).WithContext(ctx).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond * 80).ProbeEvery(time.Millisecond * 40).Should(Equal("B")) Ω(time.Since(t)).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*80, time.Millisecond*40)) Ω(iterations).Should(BeNumerically("~", 80/40, 2)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Timed out after")) }) }) }) }) Describe("Basic Consistently support", func() { Context("the positive case", func() { It("polls the function and matcher ensuring a match occurs consistently", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Consistently(func() string { counter++ return MATCH }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically(">", 1)) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically("<", 7)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) It("fails if the matcher ever errors", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Consistently(func() string { counter++ if counter == 3 { return ERR_MATCH } return MATCH }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Failed after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The matcher passed to Consistently returned the following error:")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("spec matcher error")) }) It("fails if the matcher doesn't match at any point", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Consistently(func() string { counter++ if counter == 3 { return NO_MATCH } return MATCH }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Failed after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("positive: no match")) }) }) Context("the negative case", func() { It("polls the function and matcher ensuring a match never occurs", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Consistently(func() string { counter++ return NO_MATCH }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).ShouldNot(SpecMatch()) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically(">", 1)) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically("<", 7)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) It("fails if the matcher ever errors", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Consistently(func() string { counter++ if counter == 3 { return ERR_MATCH } return NO_MATCH }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).ShouldNot(SpecMatch()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Failed after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("spec matcher error")) }) It("fails if the matcher matches at any point", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Consistently(func() string { counter++ if counter == 3 { return MATCH } return NO_MATCH }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).ShouldNot(SpecMatch()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Failed after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("negative: match")) }) }) Context("when a failure occurs", func() { It("registers the appropriate helper functions", func() { ig.G.Consistently(NO_MATCH).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Failed after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("positive: no match")) Ω(ig.FailureSkip).Should(Equal([]int{3})) Ω(ig.RegisteredHelpers).Should(ContainElement("(*AsyncAssertion).Should")) Ω(ig.RegisteredHelpers).Should(ContainElement("(*AsyncAssertion).match")) }) It("renders the matcher's error if an error occurred", func() { ig.G.Consistently(ERR_MATCH).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Failed after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The matcher passed to Consistently returned the following error:")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("spec matcher error")) }) It("renders the optional description", func() { ig.G.Consistently(NO_MATCH).Should(SpecMatch(), "boop") Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("boop")) }) It("formats and renders the optional description when there are multiple arguments", func() { ig.G.Consistently(NO_MATCH).Should(SpecMatch(), "boop %d", 17) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("boop 17")) }) It("calls the optional description if it is a function", func() { ig.G.Consistently(NO_MATCH).Should(SpecMatch(), func() string { return "boop" }) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("boop")) }) }) Context("with a passed-in context", func() { Context("when the passed-in context is cancelled", func() { It("counts as a failure for Consistently", func() { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) counter := 0 ig.G.Consistently(func() string { counter++ if counter == 2 { cancel() } else if counter == 10 { return NO_MATCH } return MATCH }, time.Hour).WithContext(ctx).Should(SpecMatch()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Context was cancelled after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("There is no failure as the matcher passed to Consistently has not yet failed")) }) }) Describe("the interaction between the context and the timeout", func() { It("only always uses the default interval even if not explicit duration is provided", func() { ig.G.SetDefaultConsistentlyDuration(time.Millisecond * 200) ig.G.SetDefaultConsistentlyPollingInterval(time.Millisecond * 40) t := time.Now() ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() iterations := 0 ig.G.Consistently(func() string { iterations += 1 return "A" }).WithContext(ctx).Should(Equal("A")) Ω(time.Since(t)).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*200, time.Millisecond*100)) Ω(iterations).Should(BeNumerically("~", 200/40, 2)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) }) }) }) Describe("the passed-in actual", func() { type Foo struct{ Bar string } Context("when passed a value", func() { It("(eventually) continuously checks on the value until a match occurs", func() { c := make(chan bool) go func() { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) close(c) }() ig.G.Eventually(c).WithTimeout(1 * time.Second).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(BeClosed()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) It("(consistently) continuously checks on the value ensuring a match always occurs", func() { c := make(chan bool) close(c) ig.G.Consistently(c).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(BeClosed()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) }) Context("when passed a function that takes no arguments and returns one value", func() { It("(eventually) polls the function until the returned value satisfies the matcher", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() int { counter += 1 return counter }).WithTimeout(1 * time.Second).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(BeNumerically(">", 5)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) It("(consistently) polls the function ensuring the returned value satisfies the matcher", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Consistently(func() int { counter += 1 return counter }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(BeNumerically("<", 20)) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically(">", 2)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) It("works when the function returns nil", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() error { counter += 1 if counter > 5 { return nil } return errors.New("oops") }).WithTimeout(1 * time.Second).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(BeNil()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) }) Context("when passed a function that takes no arguments and returns multiple values", func() { Context("with Eventually", func() { It("polls the function until the first returned value satisfies the matcher _and_ all additional values are zero", func() { counter, s, f, err := 0, "hi", Foo{Bar: "hi"}, errors.New("hi") ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, string, Foo, error) { switch counter += 1; counter { case 2: s = "" case 3: f = Foo{} case 4: err = nil } return counter, s, f, err }).WithTimeout(1 * time.Second).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(BeNumerically("<", 100)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(4)) }) It("reports on the non-zero value if it times out", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, string, Foo, error) { return 1, "", Foo{Bar: "hi"}, nil }).WithTimeout(30 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(BeNumerically("<", 100)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Eventually had an unexpected non-nil/non-zero return value at index 2:")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring(`: {Bar: "hi"}`)) }) It("has a meaningful message if all the return values are zero except the final return value, and it is an error", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, string, Foo, error) { return 1, "", Foo{}, errors.New("welp!") }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(BeNumerically("<", 100)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Eventually returned the following error:")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("welp!")) }) Context("when making a ShouldNot assertion", func() { It("doesn't succeed until the matcher is (not) satisfied with the first returned value _and_ all additional values are zero", func() { counter, s, f, err := 0, "hi", Foo{Bar: "hi"}, errors.New("hi") ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, string, Foo, error) { switch counter += 1; counter { case 2: s = "" case 3: f = Foo{} case 4: err = nil } return counter, s, f, err }).WithTimeout(1 * time.Second).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).ShouldNot(BeNumerically("<", 0)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(4)) }) }) }) Context("with Consistently", func() { It("polls the function and succeeds if all the values are zero and the matcher is consistently satisfied", func() { var err error counter, s, f := 0, "", Foo{} ig.G.Consistently(func() (int, string, Foo, error) { counter += 1 return counter, s, f, err }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(BeNumerically("<", 100)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically(">", 2)) }) It("polls the function and fails any of the values are non-zero", func() { var err error counter, s, f := 0, "", Foo{} ig.G.Consistently(func() (int, string, Foo, error) { counter += 1 if counter == 3 { f = Foo{Bar: "welp"} } return counter, s, f, err }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(BeNumerically("<", 100)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Consistently had an unexpected non-nil/non-zero return value at index 2:")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring(`: {Bar: "welp"}`)) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(3)) }) Context("when making a ShouldNot assertion", func() { It("succeeds if all additional values are zero", func() { var err error counter, s, f := 0, "", Foo{} ig.G.Consistently(func() (int, string, Foo, error) { counter += 1 return counter, s, f, err }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).ShouldNot(BeNumerically(">", 100)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically(">", 2)) }) It("fails if any additional values are ever non-zero", func() { var err error counter, s, f := 0, "", Foo{} ig.G.Consistently(func() (int, string, Foo, error) { counter += 1 if counter == 3 { s = "welp" } return counter, s, f, err }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).ShouldNot(BeNumerically(">", 100)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Consistently had an unexpected non-nil/non-zero return value at index 1:")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring(`: welp`)) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(3)) }) }) }) }) Context("when passed a function that takes a Gomega argument and returns values", func() { Context("with Eventually", func() { It("passes in a Gomega and passes if the matcher matches, all extra values are zero, and there are no failed assertions", func() { counter, s, f, err := 0, "hi", Foo{Bar: "hi"}, errors.New("hi") ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega) (int, string, Foo, error) { switch counter += 1; counter { case 2: s = "" case 3: f = Foo{} case 4: err = nil } if counter == 5 { g.Expect(true).To(BeTrue()) } else { g.Expect(false).To(BeTrue()) panic("boom") //never see since the expectation stops execution } return counter, s, f, err }).WithTimeout(1 * time.Second).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(BeNumerically("<", 100)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(5)) }) It("times out if assertions in the function never succeed and reports on the error", func() { _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0) ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega) int { g.Expect(false).To(BeTrue()) return 10 }).WithTimeout(30 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(Equal(10)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Eventually failed at %s:%d with:", file, line+2)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Expected\n : false\nto be true")) }) It("forwards panics", func() { Ω(func() { ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega) int { g.Expect(true).To(BeTrue()) panic("boom") }).WithTimeout(30 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(Equal(10)) }).Should(PanicWith("boom")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeEmpty()) }) It("correctly handles the case (in concert with Ginkgo) when an assertion fails in a goroutine", func() { count := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega) { c := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer GinkgoRecover() defer close(c) count += 1 g.Expect(count).To(Equal(3)) //panics! }() <-c }).WithTimeout(30 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed()) Ω(count).Should(Equal(3)) }) Context("when making a ShouldNot assertion", func() { It("doesn't succeed until all extra values are zero, there are no failed assertions, and the matcher is (not) satisfied", func() { counter, s, f, err := 0, "hi", Foo{Bar: "hi"}, errors.New("hi") ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega) (int, string, Foo, error) { switch counter += 1; counter { case 2: s = "" case 3: f = Foo{} case 4: err = nil } if counter == 5 { g.Expect(true).To(BeTrue()) } else { g.Expect(false).To(BeTrue()) panic("boom") //never see since the expectation stops execution } return counter, s, f, err }).WithTimeout(1 * time.Second).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).ShouldNot(BeNumerically("<", 0)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(5)) }) }) It("fails if an assertion is never satisfied", func() { _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0) ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega) int { g.Expect(false).To(BeTrue()) return 9 }).WithTimeout(30 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).ShouldNot(Equal(10)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Eventually failed at %s:%d with:", file, line+2)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Expected\n : false\nto be true")) }) It("shows the state of the last match if there was a non-failing funciton at some point", func() { counter := 0 _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0) ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega) int { counter += 1 g.Expect(counter).To(BeNumerically("<", 3)) return counter }).WithTimeout(100 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(Equal(10)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Eventually failed at %s:%d with:\nExpected\n : ", file, line+3)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("to be <\n : 3")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("At one point, however, the function did return successfully.\nYet, Eventually failed because the matcher was not satisfied:\nExpected\n : 2\nto equal\n : 10")) }) }) Context("with Consistently", func() { It("passes in a Gomega and passes if the matcher matches, all extra values are zero, and there are no failed assertions", func() { var err error counter, s, f := 0, "", Foo{} ig.G.Consistently(func(g Gomega) (int, string, Foo, error) { counter += 1 g.Expect(true).To(BeTrue()) return counter, s, f, err }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(BeNumerically("<", 100)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically(">", 2)) }) It("fails if the passed-in gomega ever hits a failure", func() { var err error counter, s, f := 0, "", Foo{} _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0) ig.G.Consistently(func(g Gomega) (int, string, Foo, error) { counter += 1 g.Expect(true).To(BeTrue()) if counter == 3 { g.Expect(false).To(BeTrue()) panic("boom") //never see this } return counter, s, f, err }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(BeNumerically("<", 100)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Consistently failed at %s:%d with:", file, line+5)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Expected\n : false\nto be true")) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(3)) }) It("forwards panics", func() { Ω(func() { ig.G.Consistently(func(g Gomega) int { g.Expect(true).To(BeTrue()) panic("boom") }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(Equal(10)) }).Should(PanicWith("boom")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeEmpty()) }) Context("when making a ShouldNot assertion", func() { It("succeeds if any interior assertions always pass", func() { ig.G.Consistently(func(g Gomega) int { g.Expect(true).To(BeTrue()) return 9 }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).ShouldNot(Equal(10)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeEmpty()) }) It("fails if any interior assertions ever fail", func() { counter := 0 _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0) ig.G.Consistently(func(g Gomega) int { g.Expect(true).To(BeTrue()) counter += 1 if counter == 3 { g.Expect(false).To(BeTrue()) panic("boom") //never see this } return 9 }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).ShouldNot(Equal(10)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Consistently failed at %s:%d with:", file, line+5)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Expected\n : false\nto be true")) }) }) }) }) Context("when passed a function that takes a Gomega argument and returns nothing", func() { Context("with Eventually", func() { It("returns the first failed assertion as an error and so should Succeed() if the callback ever runs without issue", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega) { counter += 1 if counter < 5 { g.Expect(false).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect("bloop").To(Equal("blarp")) } }).WithTimeout(1 * time.Second).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(5)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) It("returns the first failed assertion as an error and so should timeout if the callback always fails", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega) { counter += 1 if counter < 5000 { g.Expect(false).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect("bloop").To(Equal("blarp")) } }).WithTimeout(100 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed()) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically(">", 1)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Eventually failed at")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring(": false")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("to be true")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring("bloop")) }) It("returns the first failed assertion as an error and should satisy ShouldNot(Succeed) eventually", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega) { counter += 1 if counter > 5 { g.Expect(false).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect("bloop").To(Equal("blarp")) } }).WithTimeout(100 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).ShouldNot(Succeed()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(6)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) It("should fail to ShouldNot(Succeed) eventually if an error never occurs", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(true).To(BeTrue()) }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).ShouldNot(Succeed()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Timed out after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Expected failure, but got no error.")) }) }) Context("with Consistently", func() { It("returns the first failed assertion as an error and so should Succeed() if the callback always runs without issue", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Consistently(func(g Gomega) { counter += 1 g.Expect(true).To(BeTrue()) }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed()) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically(">", 2)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) It("returns the first failed assertion as an error and so should fail if the callback ever fails", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Consistently(func(g Gomega) { counter += 1 g.Expect(true).To(BeTrue()) if counter == 3 { g.Expect(false).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect("bloop").To(Equal("blarp")) } }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(Succeed()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Consistently failed at")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring(": false")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("to be true")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring("bloop")) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(3)) }) It("returns the first failed assertion as an error and should satisy ShouldNot(Succeed) consistently if an error always occur", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Consistently(func(g Gomega) { counter += 1 g.Expect(true).To(BeFalse()) }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).ShouldNot(Succeed()) Ω(counter).Should(BeNumerically(">", 2)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) It("should fail to satisfy ShouldNot(Succeed) consistently if an error ever does not occur", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Consistently(func(g Gomega) { counter += 1 if counter == 3 { g.Expect(true).To(BeTrue()) } else { g.Expect(false).To(BeTrue()) } }).WithTimeout(50 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10 * time.Millisecond).ShouldNot(Succeed()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Failed after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Expected failure, but got no error.")) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(3)) }) }) }) Context("when passed a function that takes a context", func() { It("forwards its own configured context", func() { ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "key", "value") Eventually(func(ctx context.Context) string { return ctx.Value("key").(string) }).WithContext(ctx).Should(Equal("value")) }) It("forwards its own configured context _and_ a Gomega if requested", func() { ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "key", "value") Eventually(func(g Gomega, ctx context.Context) { g.Expect(ctx.Value("key").(string)).To(Equal("schmalue")) }).WithContext(ctx).Should(MatchError(ContainSubstring("Expected\n : value\nto equal\n : schmalue"))) }) Context("when the assertion does not have an attached context", func() { It("errors", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func(ctx context.Context) string { return ctx.Value("key").(string) }).Should(Equal("value")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Eventually requested a context.Context, but no context has been provided. Please pass one in using Eventually().WithContext().")) Ω(ig.FailureSkip).Should(Equal([]int{2})) }) }) }) Context("when passed a function that takes additional arguments", func() { Context("with just arguments", func() { It("forwards those arguments along", func() { Eventually(func(a int, b string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d - %s", a, b) }).WithArguments(10, "four").Should(Equal("10 - four")) Eventually(func(a int, b string, c string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d - %s (%d%d%d)", a, b, c[0], c[1], c[2]) }).WithArguments(10, "four", 5, 1, 0).Should(Equal("10 - four (510)")) }) }) Context("with a Gomega arugment as well", func() { It("can also forward arguments alongside a Gomega", func() { Eventually(func(g Gomega, a int, b int) { g.Expect(a).To(Equal(b)) }).WithArguments(10, 3).ShouldNot(Succeed()) Eventually(func(g Gomega, a int, b int) { g.Expect(a).To(Equal(b)) }).WithArguments(3, 3).Should(Succeed()) }) }) Context("with a context arugment as well", func() { It("can also forward arguments alongside a context", func() { ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "key", "value") Eventually(func(ctx context.Context, animal string) string { return ctx.Value("key").(string) + " " + animal }).WithArguments("pony").WithContext(ctx).Should(Equal("value pony")) }) }) Context("with Gomega and context arugments", func() { It("forwards arguments alongside both", func() { ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "key", "I have") f := func(g Gomega, ctx context.Context, count int, zoo ...string) { sentence := fmt.Sprintf("%s %d animals: %s", ctx.Value("key"), count, strings.Join(zoo, ", ")) g.Expect(sentence).To(Equal("I have 3 animals: dog, cat, pony")) } Eventually(f).WithArguments(3, "dog", "cat", "pony").WithContext(ctx).Should(Succeed()) Eventually(f).WithArguments(2, "dog", "cat").WithContext(ctx).Should(MatchError(ContainSubstring("Expected\n : I have 2 animals: dog, cat\nto equal\n : I have 3 animals: dog, cat, pony"))) }) }) Context("with a context that is in the argument list", func() { It("does not forward the configured context", func() { ctxA := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "key", "A") ctxB := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "key", "B") Eventually(func(ctx context.Context, a string) string { return ctx.Value("key").(string) + " " + a }).WithContext(ctxA).WithArguments(ctxB, "C").Should(Equal("B C")) }) }) Context("and an incorrect number of arguments is provided", func() { It("errors", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func(a int) string { return "" }).Should(Equal("foo")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Eventually has signature func(int) string takes 1 arguments but 0 have been provided. Please use Eventually().WithArguments() to pass the corect set of arguments.")) ig.G.Eventually(func(a int, b int) string { return "" }).WithArguments(1).Should(Equal("foo")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Eventually has signature func(int, int) string takes 2 arguments but 1 has been provided. Please use Eventually().WithArguments() to pass the corect set of arguments.")) ig.G.Eventually(func(a int, b int) string { return "" }).WithArguments(1, 2, 3).Should(Equal("foo")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Eventually has signature func(int, int) string takes 2 arguments but 3 have been provided. Please use Eventually().WithArguments() to pass the corect set of arguments.")) ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega, a int, b int) string { return "" }).WithArguments(1, 2, 3).Should(Equal("foo")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Eventually has signature func(types.Gomega, int, int) string takes 3 arguments but 4 have been provided. Please use Eventually().WithArguments() to pass the corect set of arguments.")) ig.G.Eventually(func(a int, b int, c string { return "" }).WithArguments(1).Should(Equal("foo")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Eventually has signature func(int, int, string takes 3 arguments but 1 has been provided. Please use Eventually().WithArguments() to pass the corect set of arguments.")) }) }) }) Describe("when passed an invalid function", func() { It("errors with a failure", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() {}).Should(Equal("foo")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Eventually had an invalid signature of func()")) Ω(ig.FailureSkip).Should(Equal([]int{2})) ig.G.Consistently(func(ctx context.Context) {}).Should(Equal("foo")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Consistently had an invalid signature of func(context.Context)")) Ω(ig.FailureSkip).Should(Equal([]int{2})) ig.G.Eventually(func(ctx context.Context, g Gomega) {}).Should(Equal("foo")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Eventually had an invalid signature of func(context.Context, types.Gomega)")) Ω(ig.FailureSkip).Should(Equal([]int{2})) ig = NewInstrumentedGomega() ig.G.Eventually(func(foo string) {}).Should(Equal("foo")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The function passed to Eventually had an invalid signature of func(string)")) Ω(ig.FailureSkip).Should(Equal([]int{2})) }) }) }) Describe("Stopping Early", func() { Describe("when using OracleMatchers", func() { It("stops and gives up with an appropriate failure message if the OracleMatcher says things can't change", func() { c := make(chan bool) close(c) t := time.Now() ig.G.Eventually(c).WithTimeout(100*time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10*time.Millisecond).Should(Receive(), "Receive is an OracleMatcher that gives up if the channel is closed") Ω(time.Since(t)).Should(BeNumerically("<", 90*time.Millisecond)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("No future change is possible.")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("The channel is closed.")) }) It("never gives up if actual is a function", func() { c := make(chan bool) close(c) t := time.Now() ig.G.Eventually(func() chan bool { return c }).WithTimeout(100*time.Millisecond).WithPolling(10*time.Millisecond).Should(Receive(), "Receive is an OracleMatcher that gives up if the channel is closed") Ω(time.Since(t)).Should(BeNumerically(">=", 90*time.Millisecond)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring("No future change is possible.")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Timed out after")) }) It("exits early and passes when used with consistently", func() { i := 0 order := []string{} Consistently(nil).Should(QuickMatcherWithOracle( func(_ any) (bool, error) { order = append(order, fmt.Sprintf("match %d", i)) i += 1 if i > 4 { return false, nil } return true, nil }, func(_ any) bool { order = append(order, fmt.Sprintf("oracle %d", i)) if i == 3 { return false } return true }, )) Ω(i).Should(Equal(4)) Ω(order).Should(Equal([]string{ "oracle 0", "match 0", "oracle 1", "match 1", "oracle 2", "match 2", "oracle 3", "match 3", })) }) }) Describe("The StopTrying signal - when sent by actual", func() { var i int BeforeEach(func() { i = 0 }) Context("when returned as an additional error argument", func() { It("stops trying and prints out the error", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, error) { i += 1 if i < 3 { return i, nil } return 0, StopTrying("bam") }).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(i).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Told to stop trying after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("bam")) }) It("fails, even if the match were to happen to succeed", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, error) { i += 1 if i < 3 { return i, nil } return i, StopTrying("bam") }).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(i).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Told to stop trying after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("bam")) }) }) Context("when returned as the sole actual", func() { It("stops trying and prints out the error", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() error { i += 1 if i < 3 { return errors.New("boom") } return StopTrying("bam") }).Should(Succeed()) Ω(i).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Told to stop trying after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("bam")) }) }) Context("when triggered via StopTrying.Now()", func() { It("stops trying and prints out the error", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() int { i += 1 if i < 3 { return i } StopTrying("bam").Now() return 0 }).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(i).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Told to stop trying after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("bam")) }) It("works when used in conjunction with a Gomega and/or context", func() { ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "key", "A") ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega, ctx context.Context, expected string) { i += 1 if i < 3 { g.Expect(ctx.Value("key")).To(Equal(expected)) } StopTrying("Out of tries").Now() }).WithContext(ctx).WithArguments("B").Should(Succeed()) Ω(i).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Told to stop trying after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Out of tries")) }) It("still allows regular panics to get through", func() { defer func() { e := recover() Ω(e).Should(Equal("welp")) }() Eventually(func() string { panic("welp") }).Should(Equal("A")) }) }) Context("when used with consistently", func() { It("always signifies a failure", func() { ig.G.Consistently(func() (int, error) { i += 1 if i >= 3 { return i, StopTrying("bam") } return i, nil }).Should(BeNumerically("<", 10)) Ω(i).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Told to stop trying after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("bam")) }) }) Context("when StopTrying has attachments", func() { It("formats them nicely", func() { type widget struct { Name string DefronculatorCount int } type sprocket struct { Type string Duration time.Duration } ig.G.Eventually(func() int { StopTrying("bam").Wrap(errors.New("boom")). Attach("widget", widget{"bob", 17}). Attach("sprocket", sprocket{"james", time.Second}). Now() return 0 }).Should(Equal(1)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Told to stop trying after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring(`bam: boom widget: : { Name: "bob", DefronculatorCount: 17, } sprocket: : {Type: "james", Duration: 1000000000}`)) }) }) Context("when wrapped by an outer error", func() { It("still signals as StopTrying - but the outer-error is rendered, along with any attachments", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() error { i += 1 return fmt.Errorf("wizz: %w", StopTrying("bam").Wrap(errors.New("boom")). Attach("widget", "bob"). Attach("sprocket", 17)) }).Should(Succeed()) Ω(i).Should(Equal(1)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring("The function passed to")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Told to stop trying after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring(`wizz: bam: boom widget: : bob sprocket: : 17`)) }) }) Context("when a non-PollingSignalError is in play", func() { It("also includes the format.Object representation", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("bam") }).WithTimeout(10 * time.Millisecond).Should(Equal(1)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring(`{s: "bam"}`)) }) }) }) Describe("The StopTrying signal - when sent by the matcher", func() { var i int BeforeEach(func() { i = 0 }) Context("when returned as the error", func() { It("stops retrying", func() { ig.G.Eventually(nil).Should(QuickMatcher(func(_ any) (bool, error) { i += 1 if i < 3 { return false, nil } return false, StopTrying("bam") })) Ω(i).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Told to stop trying after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("bam")) }) It("fails regardless of the matchers value", func() { ig.G.Eventually(nil).Should(QuickMatcher(func(_ any) (bool, error) { i += 1 if i < 3 { return false, nil } return true, StopTrying("bam") })) Ω(i).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Told to stop trying after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("bam")) }) }) Context("when thrown with .Now()", func() { It("stops retrying", func() { ig.G.Eventually(nil).Should(QuickMatcher(func(_ any) (bool, error) { i += 1 if i < 3 { return false, nil } StopTrying("bam").Now() return false, nil })) Ω(i).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Told to stop trying after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("bam")) }) }) Context("when used with consistently", func() { It("always signifies a failure", func() { ig.G.Consistently(nil).Should(QuickMatcher(func(_ any) (bool, error) { i += 1 if i < 3 { return true, nil } return true, StopTrying("bam") })) Ω(i).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Told to stop trying after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("bam")) }) }) It("forwards any non-signaling panics", func() { defer func() { e := recover() Ω(e).Should(Equal("welp")) }() Eventually(nil).Should(QuickMatcher(func(actual any) (bool, error) { panic("welp") })) }) }) }) Describe("dynamically adjusting the polling interval", func() { var i int var times []time.Duration var t time.Time BeforeEach(func() { i = 0 times = []time.Duration{} t = time.Now() }) Context("and the assertion eventually succeeds", func() { It("adjusts the timing of the next iteration", func() { Eventually(func() error { times = append(times, time.Since(t)) t = time.Now() i += 1 if i < 3 { return errors.New("stay on target") } if i == 3 { return TryAgainAfter(time.Millisecond * 200) } if i == 4 { return errors.New("you've switched off your targeting computer") } if i == 5 { TryAgainAfter(time.Millisecond * 100).Now() } if i == 6 { return errors.New("stay on target") } return nil }).ProbeEvery(time.Millisecond * 10).Should(Succeed()) Ω(i).Should(Equal(7)) Ω(times).Should(HaveLen(7)) Ω(times[0]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*10)) Ω(times[1]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*10)) Ω(times[2]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*10)) Ω(times[3]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*200, time.Millisecond*200)) Ω(times[4]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*10)) Ω(times[5]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*100, time.Millisecond*100)) Ω(times[6]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*10)) }) }) Context("and the assertion timesout while waiting", func() { It("fails with a timeout and emits the try again after error", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, error) { times = append(times, time.Since(t)) t = time.Now() i += 1 if i < 3 { return i, nil } if i == 3 { return i, TryAgainAfter(time.Second * 10).Wrap(errors.New("bam")) } return i, nil }).ProbeEvery(time.Millisecond * 10).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond * 300).Should(Equal(4)) Ω(i).Should(Equal(3)) Ω(times).Should(HaveLen(3)) Ω(times[0]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*10)) Ω(times[1]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*10)) Ω(times[2]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*10)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Timed out after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("told to try again after 10s: bam")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("At one point, however, the function did return successfully.\nYet, Eventually failed because the matcher was not satisfied:\nExpected\n : 2\nto equal\n : 4")) }) }) Context("when used with Consistently", func() { It("doesn't immediately count as a failure and adjusts the timing of the next iteration", func() { Consistently(func() (int, error) { times = append(times, time.Since(t)) t = time.Now() i += 1 if i == 3 { return i, TryAgainAfter(time.Millisecond * 200) } return i, nil }).ProbeEvery(time.Millisecond * 10).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond * 500).Should(BeNumerically("<", 1000)) Ω(times[0]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*10)) Ω(times[1]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*10)) Ω(times[2]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*10)) Ω(times[3]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*200, time.Millisecond*200)) Ω(times[4]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*10)) }) It("doesn't count as a failure if a timeout occurs during the try again after window", func() { ig.G.Consistently(func() (int, error) { times = append(times, time.Since(t)) t = time.Now() i += 1 if i == 3 { return i, TryAgainAfter(time.Second * 10).Wrap(errors.New("bam")) } return i, nil }).ProbeEvery(time.Millisecond * 10).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond * 300).Should(BeNumerically("<", 1000)) Ω(times[0]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*10)) Ω(times[1]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*10)) Ω(times[2]).Should(BeNumerically("~", time.Millisecond*10, time.Millisecond*10)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Timed out while waiting on TryAgainAfter after")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("told to try again after 10s: bam")) }) }) }) Describe("reporting on failures in the presence of either matcher errors or actual errors", func() { When("there is no actual error or matcher error", func() { It("simply emits the correct matcher failure message", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, error) { return 5, nil }).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond*10).Should(QuickMatcher(func(actual any) (bool, error) { return false, nil }), "My Description") Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(HaveSuffix("My Description\nQM failure message: 5")) ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, error) { return 5, nil }).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond*10).ShouldNot(QuickMatcher(func(actual any) (bool, error) { return true, nil }), "My Description") Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(HaveSuffix("My Description\nQM negated failure message: 5")) }) }) When("there is no actual error, but there is a matcher error", func() { It("emits the matcher error", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, error) { return 5, nil }).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond*10).Should(QuickMatcher(func(actual any) (bool, error) { return false, fmt.Errorf("matcher-error") }), "My Description") Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("My Description\nThe matcher passed to Eventually returned the following error:\n <*errors.errorString")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("matcher-error")) }) When("the matcher error is a StopTrying with attachments", func() { It("emits the error along with its attachments", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, error) { return 5, nil }).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond*10).Should(QuickMatcher(func(actual any) (bool, error) { return false, StopTrying("stop-trying").Attach("now, please", 17) }), "My Description") Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(HavePrefix("Told to stop trying")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(HaveSuffix("My Description\nstop-trying\nnow, please:\n : 17")) }) }) }) When("there is an actual error", func() { When("it never manages to get an actual", func() { It("simply emits the actual error", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("actual-err") }).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond*10).Should(QuickMatcher(func(actual any) (bool, error) { return true, nil }), "My Description") Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("My Description\nThe function passed to Eventually returned the following error:\n <*errors.errorString")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("actual-err")) }) }) When("the actual error is because there was a non-nil/non-zero return value", func() { It("emites a clear message about the non-nil/non-zero return value", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, int, error) { return 0, 1, nil }).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond*10).Should(QuickMatcher(func(actual any) (bool, error) { return true, nil }), "My Description") Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("My Description\nThe function passed to Eventually had an unexpected non-nil/non-zero return value at index 1:\n : 1")) }) }) When("the actual error is because there was an assertion failure in the function, and there are return values", func() { It("emits a clear message about the error having occurred", func() { _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0) ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega) int { g.Expect(true).To(BeFalse()) return 1 }).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond*10).Should(QuickMatcher(func(actual any) (bool, error) { return true, nil }), "My Description") Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(HaveSuffix("My Description\nThe function passed to Eventually failed at %s:%d with:\nExpected\n : true\nto be false\n", file, line+2)) }) }) When("the actual error is because there was an assertion failure in the function, and there are no return values", func() { It("emits a clear message about the error having occurred", func() { _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0) ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(true).To(BeFalse()) }).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond*10).Should(Succeed(), "My Description") Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(HaveSuffix("My Description\nThe function passed to Eventually failed at %s:%d with:\nExpected\n : true\nto be false", file, line+2)) }) }) When("it did manage to get an actual", func() { When("that actual generates a matcher error", func() { It("emits the actual error, and then emits the matcher error", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, error) { counter += 1 if counter > 3 { return counter, fmt.Errorf("actual-err") } else { return counter, nil } }).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond*100).Should(QuickMatcher(func(actual any) (bool, error) { if actual.(int) == 3 { return true, fmt.Errorf("matcher-err") } return false, nil }), "My Description") Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("My Description\nThe function passed to Eventually returned the following error:\n <*errors.errorString")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("actual-err")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("At one point, however, the function did return successfully.\nYet, Eventually failed because the matcher returned the following error:")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("matcher-err")) }) }) When("that actual simply didn't match", func() { It("emits the matcher's failure message", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() (int, error) { counter += 1 if counter > 3 { return counter, fmt.Errorf("actual-err") } else { return counter, nil } }).WithTimeout(time.Millisecond*100).Should(QuickMatcher(func(actual any) (bool, error) { actualInt := actual.(int) return actualInt > 3, nil }), "My Description") Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("My Description\nThe function passed to Eventually returned the following error:\n <*errors.errorString")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("actual-err")) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("At one point, however, the function did return successfully.\nYet, Eventually failed because the matcher was not satisfied:\nQM failure message: 3")) }) }) }) }) }) When("vetting optional description parameters", func() { It("panics when Gomega matcher is at the beginning of optional description parameters", func() { ig := NewInstrumentedGomega() for _, expectator := range []string{ "Should", "ShouldNot", } { Expect(func() { eventually := ig.G.Eventually(42) // sic! meth := reflect.ValueOf(eventually).MethodByName(expectator) Expect(meth.IsValid()).To(BeTrue()) meth.Call([]reflect.Value{ reflect.ValueOf(HaveLen(1)), reflect.ValueOf(ContainElement(42)), }) }).To(PanicWith(MatchRegexp("Asynchronous assertion has a GomegaMatcher as the first element of optionalDescription"))) } }) It("accepts Gomega matchers in optional description parameters after the first", func() { Expect(func() { ig := NewInstrumentedGomega() ig.G.Eventually(42).Should(HaveLen(1), "foo", ContainElement(42)) }).NotTo(Panic()) }) }) Context("eventual nil-ism", func() { // issue #555 It("doesn't panic on nil actual", func() { ig := NewInstrumentedGomega() Expect(func() { ig.G.Eventually(nil).Should(BeNil()) }).NotTo(Panic()) }) It("doesn't panic on function returning nil error", func() { ig := NewInstrumentedGomega() Expect(func() { ig.G.Eventually(func() error { return nil }).Should(BeNil()) }).NotTo(Panic()) }) }) When("using MustPassRepeatedly", func() { It("errors when using on Consistently", func() { ig.G.Consistently(func(g Gomega) {}).MustPassRepeatedly(2).Should(Succeed()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Invalid use of MustPassRepeatedly with Consistently it can only be used with Eventually")) Ω(ig.FailureSkip).Should(Equal([]int{2})) }) It("errors when using with 0", func() { ig.G.Eventually(func(g Gomega) {}).MustPassRepeatedly(0).Should(Succeed()) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(ContainSubstring("Invalid use of MustPassRepeatedly with Eventually parameter can't be < 1")) Ω(ig.FailureSkip).Should(Equal([]int{2})) }) It("should wait 2 success before success", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() bool { counter++ return counter > 5 }).MustPassRepeatedly(2).Should(BeTrue()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(7)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) It("should fail if it never succeeds twice in a row", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() int { counter++ return counter % 2 }).WithTimeout(200 * time.Millisecond).WithPolling(20 * time.Millisecond).MustPassRepeatedly(2).Should(Equal(1)) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(10)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).ShouldNot(BeZero()) }) It("TryAgainAfter doesn't restore count", func() { counter := 0 ig.G.Eventually(func() (bool, error) { counter++ if counter == 5 { return false, TryAgainAfter(time.Millisecond * 200) } return counter >= 4, nil }).MustPassRepeatedly(3).Should(BeTrue()) Ω(counter).Should(Equal(7)) Ω(ig.FailureMessage).Should(BeZero()) }) }) })