
Source file src/github.com/onsi/gomega/gmeasure/rank.go

Documentation: github.com/onsi/gomega/gmeasure

     1  package gmeasure
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"sort"
     7  	"github.com/onsi/gomega/gmeasure/table"
     8  )
    10  /*
    11  RankingCriteria is an enum representing the criteria by which Stats should be ranked.  The enum names should be self explanatory.  e.g. LowerMeanIsBetter means that Stats with lower mean values are considered more beneficial, with the lowest mean being declared the "winner" .
    12  */
    13  type RankingCriteria uint
    15  const (
    16  	LowerMeanIsBetter RankingCriteria = iota
    17  	HigherMeanIsBetter
    18  	LowerMedianIsBetter
    19  	HigherMedianIsBetter
    20  	LowerMinIsBetter
    21  	HigherMinIsBetter
    22  	LowerMaxIsBetter
    23  	HigherMaxIsBetter
    24  )
    26  var rcEnumSupport = newEnumSupport(map[uint]string{uint(LowerMeanIsBetter): "Lower Mean is Better", uint(HigherMeanIsBetter): "Higher Mean is Better", uint(LowerMedianIsBetter): "Lower Median is Better", uint(HigherMedianIsBetter): "Higher Median is Better", uint(LowerMinIsBetter): "Lower Mins is Better", uint(HigherMinIsBetter): "Higher Min is Better", uint(LowerMaxIsBetter): "Lower Max is Better", uint(HigherMaxIsBetter): "Higher Max is Better"})
    28  func (s RankingCriteria) String() string { return rcEnumSupport.String(uint(s)) }
    29  func (s *RankingCriteria) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
    30  	out, err := rcEnumSupport.UnmarshJSON(b)
    31  	*s = RankingCriteria(out)
    32  	return err
    33  }
    34  func (s RankingCriteria) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return rcEnumSupport.MarshJSON(uint(s)) }
    36  /*
    37  Ranking ranks a set of Stats by a specified RankingCritera.  Use RankStats to create a Ranking.
    39  When using Ginkgo, you can register Rankings as Report Entries via AddReportEntry.  This will emit a formatted table representing the Stats in rank-order when Ginkgo generates the report.
    40  */
    41  type Ranking struct {
    42  	Criteria RankingCriteria
    43  	Stats    []Stats
    44  }
    46  /*
    47  RankStats creates a new ranking of the passed-in stats according to the passed-in criteria.
    48  */
    49  func RankStats(criteria RankingCriteria, stats ...Stats) Ranking {
    50  	sort.Slice(stats, func(i int, j int) bool {
    51  		switch criteria {
    52  		case LowerMeanIsBetter:
    53  			return stats[i].FloatFor(StatMean) < stats[j].FloatFor(StatMean)
    54  		case HigherMeanIsBetter:
    55  			return stats[i].FloatFor(StatMean) > stats[j].FloatFor(StatMean)
    56  		case LowerMedianIsBetter:
    57  			return stats[i].FloatFor(StatMedian) < stats[j].FloatFor(StatMedian)
    58  		case HigherMedianIsBetter:
    59  			return stats[i].FloatFor(StatMedian) > stats[j].FloatFor(StatMedian)
    60  		case LowerMinIsBetter:
    61  			return stats[i].FloatFor(StatMin) < stats[j].FloatFor(StatMin)
    62  		case HigherMinIsBetter:
    63  			return stats[i].FloatFor(StatMin) > stats[j].FloatFor(StatMin)
    64  		case LowerMaxIsBetter:
    65  			return stats[i].FloatFor(StatMax) < stats[j].FloatFor(StatMax)
    66  		case HigherMaxIsBetter:
    67  			return stats[i].FloatFor(StatMax) > stats[j].FloatFor(StatMax)
    68  		}
    69  		return false
    70  	})
    72  	out := Ranking{
    73  		Criteria: criteria,
    74  		Stats:    stats,
    75  	}
    77  	return out
    78  }
    80  /*
    81  Winner returns the Stats with the most optimal rank based on the specified ranking criteria.  For example, if the RankingCriteria is LowerMaxIsBetter then the Stats with the lowest value or duration for StatMax will be returned as the "winner"
    82  */
    83  func (c Ranking) Winner() Stats {
    84  	if len(c.Stats) == 0 {
    85  		return Stats{}
    86  	}
    87  	return c.Stats[0]
    88  }
    90  func (c Ranking) report(enableStyling bool) string {
    91  	if len(c.Stats) == 0 {
    92  		return "Empty Ranking"
    93  	}
    94  	t := table.NewTable()
    95  	t.TableStyle.EnableTextStyling = enableStyling
    96  	t.AppendRow(table.R(
    97  		table.C("Experiment"), table.C("Name"), table.C("N"), table.C("Min"), table.C("Median"), table.C("Mean"), table.C("StdDev"), table.C("Max"),
    98  		table.Divider("="),
    99  		"{{bold}}",
   100  	))
   102  	for idx, stats := range c.Stats {
   103  		name := stats.MeasurementName
   104  		if stats.Units != "" {
   105  			name = name + " [" + stats.Units + "]"
   106  		}
   107  		experimentName := stats.ExperimentName
   108  		style := stats.Style
   109  		if idx == 0 {
   110  			style = "{{bold}}" + style
   111  			name += "\n*Winner*"
   112  			experimentName += "\n*Winner*"
   113  		}
   114  		r := table.R(style)
   115  		t.AppendRow(r)
   116  		r.AppendCell(table.C(experimentName), table.C(name))
   117  		r.AppendCell(stats.cells()...)
   119  	}
   120  	out := fmt.Sprintf("Ranking Criteria: %s\n", c.Criteria)
   121  	if enableStyling {
   122  		out = "{{bold}}" + out + "{{/}}"
   123  	}
   124  	out += t.Render()
   125  	return out
   126  }
   128  /*
   129  ColorableString generates a styled report that includes a table of the rank-ordered Stats
   130  It is called automatically by Ginkgo's reporting infrastructure when the Ranking is registered as a ReportEntry via AddReportEntry.
   131  */
   132  func (c Ranking) ColorableString() string {
   133  	return c.report(true)
   134  }
   136  /*
   137  String generates an unstyled report that includes a table of the rank-ordered Stats
   138  */
   139  func (c Ranking) String() string {
   140  	return c.report(false)
   141  }

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