package gleak import ( "fmt" "path" "path/filepath" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) // ReportFilenameWithPath controls whether to show call locations in leak // reports by default in abbreviated form with only source code filename with // package name and line number, or alternatively with source code filename with // path and line number. // // That is, with ReportFilenameWithPath==false: // // foo/bar.go:123 // // Or with ReportFilenameWithPath==true: // // /home/goworld/coolprojects/mymodule/foo/bar.go:123 var ReportFilenameWithPath = false // standardFilters specifies the always automatically included no-leak goroutine // filter matchers. // // Note: it's okay to instantiate the Gomega Matchers here, as all goroutine // filtering-related gleak matchers are stateless with respect to any actual // value they try to match. This allows us to simply prepend them to any // user-supplied optional matchers when HaveLeaked returns a new goroutine // leakage detecting matcher. // // Note: cgo's goroutines with status "[syscall, locked to thread]" do not // appear any longer (since mid-2017), as these cgo goroutines are put into the // "dead" state when not in use. See: // and var standardFilters = []types.GomegaMatcher{ // Ginkgo testing framework IgnoringTopFunction("*Suite).runNode"), IgnoringTopFunction("*Suite).runNode..."), gomega.And(IgnoringTopFunction("runtime.goexit1"), IgnoringCreator("*Suite).runNode")), IgnoringTopFunction("*InterruptHandler).registerForInterrupts..."), IgnoringTopFunction("*SpecRunner).registerForInterrupts"), IgnoringCreator("*genericOutputInterceptor).ResumeIntercepting"), IgnoringCreator("*genericOutputInterceptor).ResumeIntercepting..."), IgnoringCreator(""), // goroutines of Go's own testing package for its own workings... IgnoringTopFunction("testing.RunTests [chan receive]"), IgnoringTopFunction("testing.(*T).Run [chan receive]"), IgnoringTopFunction("testing.(*T).Parallel [chan receive]"), // os/signal starts its own runtime goroutine, where loop calls signal_recv // in a loop, so we need to expect them both... IgnoringTopFunction("os/signal.signal_recv"), IgnoringTopFunction("os/signal.loop"), // signal.Notify starts a runtime goroutine... IgnoringInBacktrace("runtime.ensureSigM"), // reading a trace... IgnoringInBacktrace("runtime.ReadTrace"), } // HaveLeaked succeeds (or rather, "suckceeds" considering it appears in failing // tests) if after filtering out ("ignoring") the expected goroutines from the // list of actual goroutines the remaining list of goroutines is non-empty. // These goroutines not filtered out are considered to have been leaked. // // For convenience, HaveLeaked automatically filters out well-known runtime and // testing goroutines using a built-in standard filter matchers list. In // addition to the built-in filters, HaveLeaked accepts an optional list of // non-leaky goroutine filter matchers. These filtering matchers can be // specified in different formats, as described below. // // Since there might be "pending" goroutines at the end of tests that eventually // will properly wind down so they aren't leaking, HaveLeaked is best paired // with Eventually instead of Expect. In its shortest form this will use // Eventually's default timeout and polling interval settings, but these can be // overridden as usual: // // // Remember to use "Goroutines" and not "Goroutines()" with Eventually()! // Eventually(Goroutines).ShouldNot(HaveLeaked()) // Eventually(Goroutines).WithTimeout(5 * time.Second).ShouldNot(HaveLeaked()) // // In its simplest form, an expected non-leaky goroutine can be identified by // passing the (fully qualified) name (in form of a string) of the topmost // function in the backtrace. For instance: // // Eventually(Goroutines).ShouldNot(HaveLeaked("")) // // This is the shorthand equivalent to this explicit form: // // Eventually(Goroutines).ShouldNot(HaveLeaked(IgnoringTopFunction(""))) // // HaveLeak also accepts passing a slice of Goroutine objects to be considered // non-leaky goroutines. // // snapshot := Goroutines() // DoSomething() // Eventually(Goroutines).ShouldNot(HaveLeaked(snapshot)) // // Again, this is shorthand for the following explicit form: // // snapshot := Goroutines() // DoSomething() // Eventually(Goroutines).ShouldNot(HaveLeaked(IgnoringGoroutines(snapshot))) // // Finally, HaveLeaked accepts any GomegaMatcher and will repeatedly pass it a // Goroutine object: if the matcher succeeds, the Goroutine object in question // is considered to be non-leaked and thus filtered out. While the following // built-in Goroutine filter matchers should hopefully cover most situations, // any suitable GomegaMatcher can be used for tricky leaky Goroutine filtering. // // IgnoringTopFunction("") // IgnoringTopFunction("") // IgnoringTopFunction(" [chan receive]") // IgnoringGoroutines(expectedGoroutines) // IgnoringInBacktrace("") func HaveLeaked(ignoring ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher { m := &HaveLeakedMatcher{filters: standardFilters} for _, ign := range ignoring { switch ign := ign.(type) { case string: m.filters = append(m.filters, IgnoringTopFunction(ign)) case []Goroutine: m.filters = append(m.filters, IgnoringGoroutines(ign)) case types.GomegaMatcher: m.filters = append(m.filters, ign) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("HaveLeaked expected a string, []Goroutine, or GomegaMatcher, but got:\n%s", format.Object(ign, 1))) } } return m } // HaveLeakedMatcher implements the HaveLeaked Gomega Matcher that succeeds if // the actual list of goroutines is non-empty after filtering out the expected // goroutines. type HaveLeakedMatcher struct { filters []types.GomegaMatcher // expected goroutines that aren't leaks. leaked []Goroutine // surplus goroutines which we consider to be leaks. } var gsT = reflect.TypeOf([]Goroutine{}) // Match succeeds if actual is an array or slice of Goroutine // information and still contains goroutines after filtering out all expected // goroutines that were specified when creating the matcher. func (matcher *HaveLeakedMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (success bool, err error) { val := reflect.ValueOf(actual) switch val.Kind() { case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: if !val.Type().AssignableTo(gsT) { return false, fmt.Errorf( "HaveLeaked matcher expects an array or slice of goroutines. Got:\n%s", format.Object(actual, 1)) } default: return false, fmt.Errorf( "HaveLeaked matcher expects an array or slice of goroutines. Got:\n%s", format.Object(actual, 1)) } goroutines := val.Convert(gsT).Interface().([]Goroutine) matcher.leaked, err = matcher.filter(goroutines, matcher.filters) if err != nil { return false, err } if len(matcher.leaked) == 0 { return false, nil } return true, nil // we have leak(ed) } // FailureMessage returns a failure message if there are leaked goroutines. func (matcher *HaveLeakedMatcher) FailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string) { return fmt.Sprintf("Expected to leak %d goroutines:\n%s", len(matcher.leaked), matcher.listGoroutines(matcher.leaked, 1)) } // NegatedFailureMessage returns a negated failure message if there aren't any leaked goroutines. func (matcher *HaveLeakedMatcher) NegatedFailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string) { return fmt.Sprintf("Expected not to leak %d goroutines:\n%s", len(matcher.leaked), matcher.listGoroutines(matcher.leaked, 1)) } // listGoroutines returns a somewhat compact textual representation of the // specified goroutines, by ignoring the often quite lengthy backtrace // information. func (matcher *HaveLeakedMatcher) listGoroutines(gs []Goroutine, indentation uint) string { var buff strings.Builder indent := strings.Repeat(format.Indent, int(indentation)) backtraceIdent := strings.Repeat(format.Indent, int(indentation+1)) for gidx, g := range gs { if gidx > 0 { buff.WriteRune('\n') } buff.WriteString(indent) buff.WriteString("goroutine ") buff.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(g.ID, 10)) buff.WriteString(" [") buff.WriteString(g.State) buff.WriteString("]\n") backtrace := g.Backtrace for backtrace != "" { buff.WriteString(backtraceIdent) // take the next two lines (function name and file name plus line // number) and output them as a single indented line. nlIdx := strings.IndexRune(backtrace, '\n') if nlIdx < 0 { // ...a dodgy single line buff.WriteString(backtrace) break } calledFuncName := backtrace[:nlIdx] // Take care of not mangling the optional "created by " prefix is // present, when formatting the location to use either long or // shortened filenames and paths. location := backtrace[nlIdx+1:] nnlIdx := strings.IndexRune(location, '\n') if nnlIdx >= 0 { backtrace, location = location[nnlIdx+1:], location[:nnlIdx] } else { backtrace = "" // ...the next location line is missing } // Don't accidentally strip off the "created by" prefix when // shortening the call site location filename... location = strings.TrimSpace(location) // strip of indentation lineno := "" if linenoIdx := strings.LastIndex(location, ":"); linenoIdx >= 0 { location, lineno = location[:linenoIdx], location[linenoIdx+1:] } location = formatFilename(location) + ":" + lineno // Add to compact backtrace buff.WriteString(calledFuncName) buff.WriteString(" at ") // Don't output any program counter hex offsets, so strip them out // here, if present; well, they should always be present, but better // safe than sorry. if offsetIdx := strings.LastIndexFunc(location, func(r rune) bool { return r == ' ' }); offsetIdx >= 0 { buff.WriteString(location[:offsetIdx]) } else { buff.WriteString(location) } if backtrace != "" { buff.WriteRune('\n') } } } return buff.String() } // filter returns a list of leaked goroutines by removing all expected // goroutines from the given list of goroutines, using the specified checkers. // The calling goroutine is always filtered out automatically. A checker checks // if a certain goroutine is expected (then it gets filtered out), or not. If // all checkers do not signal that they expect a certain goroutine then this // goroutine is considered to be a leak. func (matcher *HaveLeakedMatcher) filter( goroutines []Goroutine, filters []types.GomegaMatcher, ) ([]Goroutine, error) { gs := make([]Goroutine, 0, len(goroutines)) myID := goroutine.Current().ID nextgoroutine: for _, g := range goroutines { if g.ID == myID { continue } for _, filter := range filters { matches, err := filter.Match(g) if err != nil { return nil, err } if matches { continue nextgoroutine } } gs = append(gs, g) } return gs, nil } // formatFilename takes the ReportFilenameWithPath setting into account to // either return the full specified filename with a path or alternatively // shortening it to contain only the package name and the filename, but not the // full path. func formatFilename(filename string) string { if ReportFilenameWithPath { return filename } dir := filepath.Dir(filename) pkg := filepath.Base(dir) switch pkg { case ".", "..", "/", "\\": pkg = "" } // Go dumps stacks always with file locations containing forward slashes, // even on Windows. Thus, we do NOT use filepath.Join here, but instead // path.Join in order to keep with using forward slashes. return path.Join(pkg, filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Base(filename))) }