package internal import ( "bufio" "bytes" "context" "fmt" "io" "os" "os/signal" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" ) var _SOURCE_CACHE = map[string][]string{} type ProgressSignalRegistrar func(func()) context.CancelFunc func RegisterForProgressSignal(handler func()) context.CancelFunc { signalChannel := make(chan os.Signal, 1) if len(PROGRESS_SIGNALS) > 0 { signal.Notify(signalChannel, PROGRESS_SIGNALS...) } ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) go func() { for { select { case <-signalChannel: handler() case <-ctx.Done(): signal.Stop(signalChannel) return } } }() return cancel } type ProgressStepCursor struct { Text string CodeLocation types.CodeLocation StartTime time.Time } func NewProgressReport(isRunningInParallel bool, report types.SpecReport, currentNode Node, currentNodeStartTime time.Time, currentStep types.SpecEvent, gwOutput string, timelineLocation types.TimelineLocation, additionalReports []string, sourceRoots []string, includeAll bool) (types.ProgressReport, error) { pr := types.ProgressReport{ ParallelProcess: report.ParallelProcess, RunningInParallel: isRunningInParallel, ContainerHierarchyTexts: report.ContainerHierarchyTexts, LeafNodeText: report.LeafNodeText, LeafNodeLocation: report.LeafNodeLocation, SpecStartTime: report.StartTime, CurrentNodeType: currentNode.NodeType, CurrentNodeText: currentNode.Text, CurrentNodeLocation: currentNode.CodeLocation, CurrentNodeStartTime: currentNodeStartTime, CurrentStepText: currentStep.Message, CurrentStepLocation: currentStep.CodeLocation, CurrentStepStartTime: currentStep.TimelineLocation.Time, AdditionalReports: additionalReports, CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput: gwOutput, TimelineLocation: timelineLocation, } goroutines, err := extractRunningGoroutines() if err != nil { return pr, err } pr.Goroutines = goroutines // now we want to try to find goroutines of interest. these will be goroutines that have any function calls with code in packagesOfInterest: packagesOfInterest := map[string]bool{} packageFromFilename := func(filename string) string { return filepath.Dir(filename) } addPackageFor := func(filename string) { if filename != "" { packagesOfInterest[packageFromFilename(filename)] = true } } isPackageOfInterest := func(filename string) bool { stackPackage := packageFromFilename(filename) for packageOfInterest := range packagesOfInterest { if strings.HasPrefix(stackPackage, packageOfInterest) { return true } } return false } for _, location := range report.ContainerHierarchyLocations { addPackageFor(location.FileName) } addPackageFor(report.LeafNodeLocation.FileName) addPackageFor(currentNode.CodeLocation.FileName) addPackageFor(currentStep.CodeLocation.FileName) //First, we find the SpecGoroutine - this will be the goroutine that includes `runNode` specGoRoutineIdx := -1 runNodeFunctionCallIdx := -1 OUTER: for goroutineIdx, goroutine := range pr.Goroutines { for functionCallIdx, functionCall := range goroutine.Stack { if strings.Contains(functionCall.Function, "ginkgo/v2/internal.(*Suite).runNode.func") { specGoRoutineIdx = goroutineIdx runNodeFunctionCallIdx = functionCallIdx break OUTER } } } //Now, we find the first non-Ginkgo function call if specGoRoutineIdx > -1 { for runNodeFunctionCallIdx >= 0 { fn := goroutines[specGoRoutineIdx].Stack[runNodeFunctionCallIdx].Function file := goroutines[specGoRoutineIdx].Stack[runNodeFunctionCallIdx].Filename // these are all things that could potentially happen from within ginkgo if strings.Contains(fn, "ginkgo/v2/internal") || strings.Contains(fn, "reflect.Value") || strings.Contains(file, "ginkgo/table_dsl") || strings.Contains(file, "ginkgo/core_dsl") { runNodeFunctionCallIdx-- continue } if strings.Contains(goroutines[specGoRoutineIdx].Stack[runNodeFunctionCallIdx].Function, "ginkgo/table_dsl") { } //found it! lets add its package of interest addPackageFor(goroutines[specGoRoutineIdx].Stack[runNodeFunctionCallIdx].Filename) break } } ginkgoEntryPointIdx := -1 OUTER_GINKGO_ENTRY_POINT: for goroutineIdx, goroutine := range pr.Goroutines { for _, functionCall := range goroutine.Stack { if strings.Contains(functionCall.Function, "ginkgo/v2.RunSpecs") { ginkgoEntryPointIdx = goroutineIdx break OUTER_GINKGO_ENTRY_POINT } } } // Now we go through all goroutines and highlight any lines with packages in `packagesOfInterest` // Any goroutines with highlighted lines end up in the HighlightGoRoutines for goroutineIdx, goroutine := range pr.Goroutines { if goroutineIdx == ginkgoEntryPointIdx { continue } if goroutineIdx == specGoRoutineIdx { pr.Goroutines[goroutineIdx].IsSpecGoroutine = true } for functionCallIdx, functionCall := range goroutine.Stack { if isPackageOfInterest(functionCall.Filename) { goroutine.Stack[functionCallIdx].Highlight = true goroutine.Stack[functionCallIdx].Source, goroutine.Stack[functionCallIdx].SourceHighlight = fetchSource(functionCall.Filename, functionCall.Line, 2, sourceRoots) } } } if !includeAll { goroutines := []types.Goroutine{pr.SpecGoroutine()} goroutines = append(goroutines, pr.HighlightedGoroutines()...) pr.Goroutines = goroutines } return pr, nil } func extractRunningGoroutines() ([]types.Goroutine, error) { var stack []byte for size := 64 * 1024; ; size *= 2 { stack = make([]byte, size) if n := runtime.Stack(stack, true); n < size { stack = stack[:n] break } } r := bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(stack)) out := []types.Goroutine{} idx := -1 for { line, err := r.ReadString('\n') if err == io.EOF { break } line = strings.TrimSuffix(line, "\n") //skip blank lines if line == "" { continue } //parse headers for new goroutine frames if strings.HasPrefix(line, "goroutine") { out = append(out, types.Goroutine{}) idx = len(out) - 1 line = strings.TrimPrefix(line, "goroutine ") line = strings.TrimSuffix(line, ":") fields := strings.SplitN(line, " ", 2) if len(fields) != 2 { return nil, types.GinkgoErrors.FailedToParseStackTrace(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid goroutine frame header: %s", line)) } out[idx].ID, err = strconv.ParseUint(fields[0], 10, 64) if err != nil { return nil, types.GinkgoErrors.FailedToParseStackTrace(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid goroutine ID: %s", fields[1])) } out[idx].State = strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(fields[1], "["), "]") continue } //if we are here we must be at a function call entry in the stack functionCall := types.FunctionCall{ Function: strings.TrimPrefix(line, "created by "), // no need to track 'created by' } line, err = r.ReadString('\n') line = strings.TrimSuffix(line, "\n") if err == io.EOF { return nil, types.GinkgoErrors.FailedToParseStackTrace(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid function call: %s -- missing file name and line number", functionCall.Function)) } line = strings.TrimLeft(line, " \t") delimiterIdx := strings.LastIndex(line, ":") if delimiterIdx == -1 { return nil, types.GinkgoErrors.FailedToParseStackTrace(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid filename and line number: %s", line)) } functionCall.Filename = line[:delimiterIdx] line = strings.Split(line[delimiterIdx+1:], " ")[0] lineNumber, err := strconv.ParseInt(line, 10, 64) functionCall.Line = int(lineNumber) if err != nil { return nil, types.GinkgoErrors.FailedToParseStackTrace(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid function call line number: %s\n%s", line, err.Error())) } out[idx].Stack = append(out[idx].Stack, functionCall) } return out, nil } func fetchSource(filename string, lineNumber int, span int, configuredSourceRoots []string) ([]string, int) { if filename == "" { return []string{}, 0 } var lines []string var ok bool if lines, ok = _SOURCE_CACHE[filename]; !ok { sourceRoots := []string{""} sourceRoots = append(sourceRoots, configuredSourceRoots...) var data []byte var err error var found bool for _, root := range sourceRoots { data, err = os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(root, filename)) if err == nil { found = true break } } if !found { return []string{}, 0 } lines = strings.Split(string(data), "\n") _SOURCE_CACHE[filename] = lines } startIndex := lineNumber - span - 1 endIndex := startIndex + span + span + 1 if startIndex < 0 { startIndex = 0 } if endIndex > len(lines) { endIndex = len(lines) } highlightIndex := lineNumber - 1 - startIndex return lines[startIndex:endIndex], highlightIndex }