
Source file src/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/integration/interrupt_test.go

Documentation: github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/integration

     1  package integration_test
     3  import (
     4  	"encoding/json"
     5  	"os/exec"
     6  	"time"
     8  	. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
     9  	"github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types"
    10  	. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
    11  	"github.com/onsi/gomega/gbytes"
    12  	"github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec"
    13  )
    15  var _ = Describe("Interrupt and Timeout", func() {
    16  	Context("when interrupting a suite", func() {
    17  		It("gives the user feedback as the session is interrupted", func() {
    18  			fm.MountFixture("hanging")
    20  			//we need to signal the actual process, so we must compile the test first
    21  			session := startGinkgo(fm.PathTo("hanging"), "build")
    22  			Eventually(session).Should(gexec.Exit(0))
    24  			//then run the compiled test directly
    25  			cmd := exec.Command("./hanging.test", "--test.v", "--ginkgo.no-color", "--ginkgo.grace-period=2s")
    26  			cmd.Dir = fm.PathTo("hanging")
    27  			var err error
    28  			session, err = gexec.Start(cmd, GinkgoWriter, GinkgoWriter)
    29  			Ω(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
    31  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say("Sleeping..."))
    32  			session.Interrupt()
    33  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`First interrupt received`))
    34  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say("Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output"))
    35  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say("Just beginning"))
    36  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say("Almost there..."))
    37  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say("Hanging Out"))
    38  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`goroutine \d+ \[select\]`))
    39  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`>\s*select {`), "The actual source code gets emitted")
    41  			Eventually(session, time.Second*5).Should(gbytes.Say("Cleaning up once..."), "The two second grace period should move on past the napping node")
    42  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say("Cleaning up twice..."))
    43  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say("Sleeping again..."))
    44  			session.Interrupt()
    45  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`Second interrupt received`))
    46  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`goroutine \d+ \[sleep\]`))
    47  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`>\s*time.Sleep\(time.Hour\)`), "The actual source code gets emitted now")
    49  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`\[INTERRUPTED\]`))
    50  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`Interrupted by User`))
    51  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`Spec Goroutine`))
    52  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`goroutine \d+ \[select\]`))
    53  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`>\s*select {`), "The actual source code gets emitted now")
    54  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`Other Goroutines`))
    55  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`main\.main\(\)`))
    57  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say("Reporting at the end"))
    59  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`FAIL! - Interrupted by User`))
    60  			Eventually(session, time.Second*10).Should(gexec.Exit(1))
    62  			// the last AfterEach and the AfterSuite don't actually run
    63  			Ω(string(session.Out.Contents())).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring("Cleaning up thrice"))
    64  			Ω(string(session.Out.Contents())).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring("Heading Out After Suite"))
    65  		})
    66  	})
    68  	Context("when the suite times out", func() {
    69  		It("interrupts the suite and gives the user feedback as it does so", func() {
    70  			fm.MountFixture("hanging")
    72  			session := startGinkgo(fm.PathTo("hanging"), "--no-color", "--timeout=5s", "--grace-period=1s")
    73  			Eventually(session, time.Second*10).Should(gexec.Exit(1))
    75  			Ω(session).Should(gbytes.Say("Sleeping..."))
    76  			Ω(session).Should(gbytes.Say("Got your signal, but still taking a nap"), "the timeout has signaled the it to stop, but it's napping...")
    77  			Ω(session).Should(gbytes.Say("A running node failed to exit in time"), "so we forcibly casue it to exit after the grace-period elapses")
    78  			Ω(session).Should(gbytes.Say("Cleaning up once..."))
    79  			Ω(session).Should(gbytes.Say("Cleaning up twice..."))
    80  			Ω(session).Should(gbytes.Say("Cleaning up thrice..."), "we manage to get here even though the second after-each gets stuck.  that's thanks to the GracePeriod configuration.")
    82  			Ω(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`\[TIMEDOUT\]`))
    83  			Ω(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`Spec Goroutine`))
    84  			Ω(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`goroutine \d+ \[select\]`))
    85  			Ω(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`>\s*select {`), "The actual source code gets emitted now")
    86  			Ω(session).ShouldNot(gbytes.Say(`Other Goroutines`))
    88  			Ω(session).Should(gbytes.Say("FAIL! - Suite Timeout Elapsed"))
    89  		})
    90  	})
    92  	Describe("applying the timeout to multiple suites", func() {
    93  		It("tracks the timeout across the suites, decrementing the available timeout for each individual suite, and reports on any suites that did not run because the timeout elapsed", Label("slow"), func() {
    94  			fm.MountFixture("timeout")
    95  			session := startGinkgo(fm.PathTo("timeout"), "--no-color", "-r", "--timeout=10s", "--keep-going", "--json-report=out.json")
    96  			Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say("TimeoutA Suite"))
    97  			Eventually(session, "15s").Should(gexec.Exit(1))
    98  			Ω(session).Should(gbytes.Say(`timeout_D ./timeout_D \[Suite did not run because the timeout elapsed\]`))
   100  			data := []byte(fm.ContentOf("timeout", "out.json"))
   101  			reports := []types.Report{}
   102  			Ω(json.Unmarshal(data, &reports)).Should(Succeed())
   103  			Ω(reports[3].SpecialSuiteFailureReasons).Should(ContainElement("Suite did not run because the timeout elapsed"))
   104  		})
   105  	})
   106  })

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