# Changelog ## v1.3.0 (March 17th, 2022) ### Enhancements: * New PCKE code verifier utility. [#81](https://github.com/okta/okta-jwt-verifier-golang/pull/81). Thanks, [@deepu105](https://github.com/deepu105)! ## v1.2.1 (February 16, 2022) ### Updates * Update JWX package. Thanks, [@thomassampson](https://github.com/thomassampson)! ## v1.2.0 (February 16, 2022) ### Updates * Customizable resource cache. Thanks, [@tschaub](https://github.com/tschaub)! ## v1.1.3 ### Updates - Fixed edge cause with `aud` claim that would not find Auth0 being JWTs valid. Thanks [@awrenn](https://github.com/awrenn)! - Updated readme with testing notes. - Ran `gofumpt` on code for clean up. ## v1.1.2 ### Updates - Only `alg` and `kid` claims in a JWT header are considered during verification.