
Source file src/github.com/nozzle/throttler/throttler_test.go

Documentation: github.com/nozzle/throttler

     1  package throttler
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"math/rand"
     6  	"reflect"
     7  	"strconv"
     8  	"testing"
     9  	"time"
    10  )
    12  func TestThrottle(t *testing.T) {
    13  	var tests = []struct {
    14  		Desc       string
    15  		Jobs       []string
    16  		MaxWorkers int
    17  		TotalJobs  int
    18  	}{
    19  		{
    20  			"Standard implementation",
    21  			[]string{"job01", "job02", "job03", "job04", "job05", "job06", "job07", "job08", "job09", "job10",
    22  				"job11", "job12", "job13", "job14", "job15", "job16", "job17", "job18", "job19", "job20",
    23  				"job21", "job22", "job23", "job24", "job25", "job26", "job27", "job28", "job29", "job30",
    24  				"job31", "job32", "job33", "job34", "job35", "job36", "job37", "job38", "job39", "job40",
    25  				"job41", "job42", "job43", "job44", "job45", "job46", "job47", "job48", "job49", "job50"},
    26  			5,
    27  			-1,
    28  		}, {
    29  			"Incorrectly has 0 as TotalWorkers",
    30  			[]string{"job01", "job02", "job03", "job04", "job05", "job06", "job07", "job08", "job09", "job10",
    31  				"job11", "job12", "job13", "job14", "job15", "job16", "job17", "job18", "job19", "job20",
    32  				"job21", "job22", "job23", "job24", "job25", "job26", "job27", "job28", "job29", "job30",
    33  				"job31", "job32", "job33", "job34", "job35", "job36", "job37", "job38", "job39", "job40",
    34  				"job41", "job42", "job43", "job44", "job45", "job46", "job47", "job48", "job49", "job50"},
    35  			5,
    36  			0,
    37  		}, {
    38  			"More workers than jobs",
    39  			[]string{"job01", "job02", "job03", "job04", "job05", "job06", "job07", "job08", "job09", "job10",
    40  				"job11", "job12", "job13", "job14", "job15", "job16", "job17", "job18", "job19", "job20",
    41  				"job21", "job22", "job23", "job24", "job25", "job26", "job27", "job28", "job29", "job30",
    42  				"job31", "job32", "job33", "job34", "job35", "job36", "job37", "job38", "job39", "job40",
    43  				"job41", "job42", "job43", "job44", "job45", "job46", "job47", "job48", "job49", "job50"},
    44  			50000,
    45  			-1,
    46  		},
    47  	}
    49  	for _, test := range tests {
    50  		totalJobs := len(test.Jobs)
    51  		if test.TotalJobs != -1 {
    52  			totalJobs = test.TotalJobs
    53  		}
    54  		th := New(test.MaxWorkers, totalJobs)
    55  		for _, job := range test.Jobs {
    56  			go func(job string, th *Throttler) {
    57  				defer th.Done(nil)
    58  				time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(5)) * time.Millisecond)
    59  			}(job, th)
    60  			th.Throttle()
    61  		}
    62  		if th.Err() != nil {
    63  			fmt.Println("err:", th.Err())
    64  		}
    65  	}
    66  }
    68  func TestThrottleWithErrors(t *testing.T) {
    69  	var tests = []struct {
    70  		Desc       string
    71  		Jobs       []string
    72  		MaxWorkers int
    73  		TotalJobs  int
    74  	}{
    75  		{
    76  			"Standard implementation",
    77  			[]string{"job01", "job02", "job03", "job04", "job05", "job06", "job07", "job08", "job09", "job10",
    78  				"job11", "job12", "job13", "job14", "job15", "job16", "job17", "job18", "job19", "job20",
    79  				"job21", "job22", "job23", "job24", "job25", "job26", "job27", "job28", "job29", "job30",
    80  				"job31", "job32", "job33", "job34", "job35", "job36", "job37", "job38", "job39", "job40",
    81  				"job41", "job42", "job43", "job44", "job45", "job46", "job47", "job48", "job49", "job50"},
    82  			5,
    83  			-1,
    84  		}, {
    85  			"Standard implementation",
    86  			[]string{"job01", "job02"},
    87  			5,
    88  			-1,
    89  		},
    90  	}
    92  	for _, test := range tests {
    93  		totalJobs := len(test.Jobs)
    94  		if test.TotalJobs != -1 {
    95  			totalJobs = test.TotalJobs
    96  		}
    97  		th := New(test.MaxWorkers, totalJobs)
    98  		for _, job := range test.Jobs {
    99  			go func(job string, th *Throttler) {
   100  				jobNum, _ := strconv.ParseInt(job[len(job)-2:], 10, 8)
   101  				var err error
   102  				if jobNum%2 != 0 {
   103  					err = fmt.Errorf("Error on %s", job)
   104  				}
   105  				defer th.Done(err)
   107  				time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(5)) * time.Millisecond)
   108  			}(job, th)
   109  			th.Throttle()
   110  		}
   111  		if len(th.Errs()) != totalJobs/2 {
   112  			t.Fatal("The wrong number of errors were returned")
   113  		}
   114  		if th.Err() != nil {
   115  			fmt.Println("err:", th.Err())
   116  		}
   117  	}
   118  }
   120  func TestThrottlePanic(t *testing.T) {
   121  	defer func() {
   122  		if r := recover(); r == nil {
   123  			t.Fatal("Test failed to panic")
   124  		}
   125  	}()
   126  	New(0, 100)
   127  }
   129  func TestBatchedThrottler(t *testing.T) {
   130  	var tests = []struct {
   131  		Desc                  string
   132  		ToBeBatched           []string
   133  		MaxWorkers            int
   134  		BatchSize             int
   135  		ExpectedBatchedSlices [][]string
   136  	}{
   137  		{
   138  			"Standard implementation",
   139  			[]string{"item01", "item02", "item03", "item04", "item05", "item06", "item07", "item08", "item09", "item10",
   140  				"item11", "item12", "item13", "item14", "item15", "item16", "item17", "item18", "item19", "item20",
   141  				"item21", "item22", "item23", "item24", "item25", "item26", "item27", "item28", "item29", "item30",
   142  				"item31", "item32", "item33", "item34", "item35", "item36", "item37", "item38", "item39", "item40",
   143  				"item41", "item42", "item43", "item44", "item45", "item46", "item47", "item48", "item49",
   144  			},
   145  			10,
   146  			2,
   147  			[][]string{
   148  				{"item01", "item02"},
   149  				{"item03", "item04"},
   150  				{"item05", "item06"},
   151  				{"item07", "item08"},
   152  				{"item09", "item10"},
   153  				{"item11", "item12"},
   154  				{"item13", "item14"},
   155  				{"item15", "item16"},
   156  				{"item17", "item18"},
   157  				{"item19", "item20"},
   158  				{"item21", "item22"},
   159  				{"item23", "item24"},
   160  				{"item25", "item26"},
   161  				{"item27", "item28"},
   162  				{"item29", "item30"},
   163  				{"item31", "item32"},
   164  				{"item33", "item34"},
   165  				{"item35", "item36"},
   166  				{"item37", "item38"},
   167  				{"item39", "item40"},
   168  				{"item41", "item42"},
   169  				{"item43", "item44"},
   170  				{"item45", "item46"},
   171  				{"item47", "item48"},
   172  				{"item49"},
   173  			},
   174  		},
   175  	}
   177  	for _, test := range tests {
   178  		th := NewBatchedThrottler(test.MaxWorkers, len(test.ToBeBatched), test.BatchSize)
   179  		for i := 0; i < th.TotalJobs(); i++ {
   180  			go func(tbbSlice []string, expectedSlice []string) {
   181  				var err error
   182  				if !reflect.DeepEqual(tbbSlice, expectedSlice) {
   183  					err = fmt.Errorf("wanted: %#v | got: %#v", expectedSlice, tbbSlice)
   184  				}
   185  				th.Done(err)
   186  			}(test.ToBeBatched[th.BatchStartIndex():th.BatchEndIndex()], test.ExpectedBatchedSlices[i])
   187  			if errCount := th.Throttle(); errCount > 0 {
   188  				break
   189  			}
   190  		}
   192  		if th.Err() != nil {
   193  			t.Fatal(th.Err())
   194  		}
   195  	}
   196  }
   198  func TestSetMaxWorkers(t *testing.T) {
   199  	var tests = []struct {
   200  		Desc              string
   201  		Jobs              []string
   202  		InitialMaxWorkers int
   203  		EndMaxWorkers     int
   204  		TotalJobs         int
   205  	}{
   206  		{
   207  			"Standard implementation",
   208  			[]string{"job01", "job02", "job03", "job04", "job05", "job06", "job07", "job08", "job09", "job10",
   209  				"job11", "job12", "job13", "job14", "job15", "job16", "job17", "job18", "job19", "job20",
   210  				"job21", "job22", "job23", "job24", "job25", "job26", "job27", "job28", "job29", "job30",
   211  				"job31", "job32", "job33", "job34", "job35", "job36", "job37", "job38", "job39", "job40",
   212  				"job41", "job42", "job43", "job44", "job45", "job46", "job47", "job48", "job49", "job50"},
   213  			1,
   214  			5,
   215  			-1,
   216  		}, {
   217  			"Incorrectly has 0 as TotalWorkers",
   218  			[]string{"job01", "job02", "job03", "job04", "job05", "job06", "job07", "job08", "job09", "job10",
   219  				"job11", "job12", "job13", "job14", "job15", "job16", "job17", "job18", "job19", "job20",
   220  				"job21", "job22", "job23", "job24", "job25", "job26", "job27", "job28", "job29", "job30",
   221  				"job31", "job32", "job33", "job34", "job35", "job36", "job37", "job38", "job39", "job40",
   222  				"job41", "job42", "job43", "job44", "job45", "job46", "job47", "job48", "job49", "job50"},
   223  			1,
   224  			5,
   225  			0,
   226  		}, {
   227  			"More workers than jobs",
   228  			[]string{"job01", "job02", "job03", "job04", "job05", "job06", "job07", "job08", "job09", "job10",
   229  				"job11", "job12", "job13", "job14", "job15", "job16", "job17", "job18", "job19", "job20",
   230  				"job21", "job22", "job23", "job24", "job25", "job26", "job27", "job28", "job29", "job30",
   231  				"job31", "job32", "job33", "job34", "job35", "job36", "job37", "job38", "job39", "job40",
   232  				"job41", "job42", "job43", "job44", "job45", "job46", "job47", "job48", "job49", "job50"},
   233  			1,
   234  			50000,
   235  			-1,
   236  		},
   237  	}
   239  	for _, test := range tests {
   240  		totalJobs := len(test.Jobs)
   241  		if test.TotalJobs != -1 {
   242  			totalJobs = test.TotalJobs
   243  		}
   244  		th := New(test.InitialMaxWorkers, totalJobs)
   245  		for i, job := range test.Jobs {
   246  			if i == test.InitialMaxWorkers+1 {
   247  				th.SetMaxWorkers(test.EndMaxWorkers)
   248  			}
   249  			go func(job string, th *Throttler) {
   250  				defer th.Done(nil)
   251  				time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(5)) * time.Millisecond)
   252  			}(job, th)
   253  			th.Throttle()
   254  		}
   255  		if th.Err() != nil {
   256  			fmt.Println("err:", th.Err())
   257  		}
   258  	}
   259  }
   261  func TestSetMaxWorkersPanic(t *testing.T) {
   262  	defer func() {
   263  		if r := recover(); r == nil {
   264  			t.Fatal("Test failed to panic")
   265  		}
   266  	}()
   267  	th := New(1, 10)
   268  	th.SetMaxWorkers(-1)
   269  }

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