
Source file src/github.com/miekg/dns/dnsutil/util.go

Documentation: github.com/miekg/dns/dnsutil

     1  // Package dnsutil contains higher-level methods useful with the dns
     2  // package.  While package dns implements the DNS protocols itself,
     3  // these functions are related but not directly required for protocol
     4  // processing.  They are often useful in preparing input/output of the
     5  // functions in package dns.
     6  package dnsutil
     8  import (
     9  	"strings"
    11  	"github.com/miekg/dns"
    12  )
    14  // AddOrigin adds origin to s if s is not already a FQDN.
    15  // Note that the result may not be a FQDN.  If origin does not end
    16  // with a ".", the result won't either.
    17  // This implements the zonefile convention (specified in RFC 1035,
    18  // Section "5.1. Format") that "@" represents the
    19  // apex (bare) domain. i.e. AddOrigin("@", "foo.com.") returns "foo.com.".
    20  func AddOrigin(s, origin string) string {
    21  	// ("foo.", "origin.") -> "foo." (already a FQDN)
    22  	// ("foo", "origin.") -> "foo.origin."
    23  	// ("foo", "origin") -> "foo.origin"
    24  	// ("foo", ".") -> "foo." (Same as dns.Fqdn())
    25  	// ("foo.", ".") -> "foo." (Same as dns.Fqdn())
    26  	// ("@", "origin.") -> "origin." (@ represents the apex (bare) domain)
    27  	// ("", "origin.") -> "origin." (not obvious)
    28  	// ("foo", "") -> "foo" (not obvious)
    30  	if dns.IsFqdn(s) {
    31  		return s // s is already a FQDN, no need to mess with it.
    32  	}
    33  	if origin == "" {
    34  		return s // Nothing to append.
    35  	}
    36  	if s == "@" || s == "" {
    37  		return origin // Expand apex.
    38  	}
    39  	if origin == "." {
    40  		return dns.Fqdn(s)
    41  	}
    43  	return s + "." + origin // The simple case.
    44  }
    46  // TrimDomainName trims origin from s if s is a subdomain.
    47  // This function will never return "", but returns "@" instead (@ represents the apex domain).
    48  func TrimDomainName(s, origin string) string {
    49  	// An apex (bare) domain is always returned as "@".
    50  	// If the return value ends in a ".", the domain was not the suffix.
    51  	// origin can end in "." or not. Either way the results should be the same.
    53  	if s == "" {
    54  		return "@"
    55  	}
    56  	// Someone is using TrimDomainName(s, ".") to remove a dot if it exists.
    57  	if origin == "." {
    58  		return strings.TrimSuffix(s, origin)
    59  	}
    61  	original := s
    62  	s = dns.Fqdn(s)
    63  	origin = dns.Fqdn(origin)
    65  	if !dns.IsSubDomain(origin, s) {
    66  		return original
    67  	}
    69  	slabels := dns.Split(s)
    70  	olabels := dns.Split(origin)
    71  	m := dns.CompareDomainName(s, origin)
    72  	if len(olabels) == m {
    73  		if len(olabels) == len(slabels) {
    74  			return "@" // origin == s
    75  		}
    76  		if (s[0] == '.') && (len(slabels) == (len(olabels) + 1)) {
    77  			return "@" // TrimDomainName(".foo.", "foo.")
    78  		}
    79  	}
    81  	// Return the first (len-m) labels:
    82  	return s[:slabels[len(slabels)-m]-1]
    83  }

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