package gen import ( "encoding" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "reflect" "strings" "unicode" "" ) // Target this byte size for initial slice allocation to reduce garbage collection. const minSliceBytes = 64 func (g *Generator) getDecoderName(t reflect.Type) string { return g.functionName("decode", t) } var primitiveDecoders = map[reflect.Kind]string{ reflect.String: "in.String()", reflect.Bool: "in.Bool()", reflect.Int: "in.Int()", reflect.Int8: "in.Int8()", reflect.Int16: "in.Int16()", reflect.Int32: "in.Int32()", reflect.Int64: "in.Int64()", reflect.Uint: "in.Uint()", reflect.Uint8: "in.Uint8()", reflect.Uint16: "in.Uint16()", reflect.Uint32: "in.Uint32()", reflect.Uint64: "in.Uint64()", reflect.Float32: "in.Float32()", reflect.Float64: "in.Float64()", } var primitiveStringDecoders = map[reflect.Kind]string{ reflect.String: "in.String()", reflect.Int: "in.IntStr()", reflect.Int8: "in.Int8Str()", reflect.Int16: "in.Int16Str()", reflect.Int32: "in.Int32Str()", reflect.Int64: "in.Int64Str()", reflect.Uint: "in.UintStr()", reflect.Uint8: "in.Uint8Str()", reflect.Uint16: "in.Uint16Str()", reflect.Uint32: "in.Uint32Str()", reflect.Uint64: "in.Uint64Str()", reflect.Uintptr: "in.UintptrStr()", reflect.Float32: "in.Float32Str()", reflect.Float64: "in.Float64Str()", } var customDecoders = map[string]string{ "json.Number": "in.JsonNumber()", } // genTypeDecoder generates decoding code for the type t, but uses unmarshaler interface if implemented by t. func (g *Generator) genTypeDecoder(t reflect.Type, out string, tags fieldTags, indent int) error { ws := strings.Repeat(" ", indent) unmarshalerIface := reflect.TypeOf((*easyjson.Unmarshaler)(nil)).Elem() if reflect.PtrTo(t).Implements(unmarshalerIface) { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"("+out+").UnmarshalEasyJSON(in)") return nil } unmarshalerIface = reflect.TypeOf((*json.Unmarshaler)(nil)).Elem() if reflect.PtrTo(t).Implements(unmarshalerIface) { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"if data := in.Raw(); in.Ok() {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.AddError( ("+out+").UnmarshalJSON(data) )") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"}") return nil } unmarshalerIface = reflect.TypeOf((*encoding.TextUnmarshaler)(nil)).Elem() if reflect.PtrTo(t).Implements(unmarshalerIface) { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"if data := in.UnsafeBytes(); in.Ok() {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.AddError( ("+out+").UnmarshalText(data) )") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"}") return nil } err := g.genTypeDecoderNoCheck(t, out, tags, indent) return err } // returns true if the type t implements one of the custom unmarshaler interfaces func hasCustomUnmarshaler(t reflect.Type) bool { t = reflect.PtrTo(t) return t.Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*easyjson.Unmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()) || t.Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*json.Unmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()) || t.Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*encoding.TextUnmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()) } func hasUnknownsUnmarshaler(t reflect.Type) bool { t = reflect.PtrTo(t) return t.Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*easyjson.UnknownsUnmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()) } func hasUnknownsMarshaler(t reflect.Type) bool { t = reflect.PtrTo(t) return t.Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*easyjson.UnknownsMarshaler)(nil)).Elem()) } // genTypeDecoderNoCheck generates decoding code for the type t. func (g *Generator) genTypeDecoderNoCheck(t reflect.Type, out string, tags fieldTags, indent int) error { ws := strings.Repeat(" ", indent) // Check whether type is primitive, needs to be done after interface check. if dec := customDecoders[t.String()]; dec != "" { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+out+" = "+dec) return nil } else if dec := primitiveStringDecoders[t.Kind()]; dec != "" && tags.asString { if tags.intern && t.Kind() == reflect.String { dec = "in.StringIntern()" } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+out+" = "+g.getType(t)+"("+dec+")") return nil } else if dec := primitiveDecoders[t.Kind()]; dec != "" { if tags.intern && t.Kind() == reflect.String { dec = "in.StringIntern()" } if tags.noCopy && t.Kind() == reflect.String { dec = "in.UnsafeString()" } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+out+" = "+g.getType(t)+"("+dec+")") return nil } switch t.Kind() { case reflect.Slice: tmpVar := g.uniqueVarName() elem := t.Elem() if elem.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 && elem.Name() == "uint8" { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"if in.IsNull() {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.Skip()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" "+out+" = nil") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"} else {") if g.simpleBytes { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" "+out+" = []byte(in.String())") } else { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" "+out+" = in.Bytes()") } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"}") } else { capacity := 1 if elem.Size() > 0 { capacity = minSliceBytes / int(elem.Size()) } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"if in.IsNull() {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.Skip()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" "+out+" = nil") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"} else {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.Delim('[')") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" if "+out+" == nil {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" if !in.IsDelim(']') {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" "+out+" = make("+g.getType(t)+", 0, "+fmt.Sprint(capacity)+")") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" } else {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" "+out+" = "+g.getType(t)+"{}") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" }") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" } else { ") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" "+out+" = ("+out+")[:0]") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" }") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" for !in.IsDelim(']') {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" var "+tmpVar+" "+g.getType(elem)) if err := g.genTypeDecoder(elem, tmpVar, tags, indent+2); err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" "+out+" = append("+out+", "+tmpVar+")") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.WantComma()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" }") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.Delim(']')") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"}") } case reflect.Array: iterVar := g.uniqueVarName() elem := t.Elem() if elem.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 && elem.Name() == "uint8" { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"if in.IsNull() {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.Skip()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"} else {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" copy("+out+"[:], in.Bytes())") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"}") } else { length := t.Len() fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"if in.IsNull() {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.Skip()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"} else {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.Delim('[')") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" "+iterVar+" := 0") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" for !in.IsDelim(']') {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" if "+iterVar+" < "+fmt.Sprint(length)+" {") if err := g.genTypeDecoder(elem, "("+out+")["+iterVar+"]", tags, indent+3); err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" "+iterVar+"++") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" } else {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.SkipRecursive()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" }") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.WantComma()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" }") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.Delim(']')") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"}") } case reflect.Struct: dec := g.getDecoderName(t) g.addType(t) if len(out) > 0 && out[0] == '*' { // NOTE: In order to remove an extra reference to a pointer fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+dec+"(in, "+out[1:]+")") } else { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+dec+"(in, &"+out+")") } case reflect.Ptr: fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"if in.IsNull() {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.Skip()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" "+out+" = nil") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"} else {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" if "+out+" == nil {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" "+out+" = new("+g.getType(t.Elem())+")") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" }") if err := g.genTypeDecoder(t.Elem(), "*"+out, tags, indent+1); err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"}") case reflect.Map: key := t.Key() keyDec, ok := primitiveStringDecoders[key.Kind()] if !ok && !hasCustomUnmarshaler(key) { return fmt.Errorf("map type %v not supported: only string and integer keys and types implementing json.Unmarshaler are allowed", key) } // else assume the caller knows what they are doing and that the custom unmarshaler performs the translation from string or integer keys to the key type elem := t.Elem() tmpVar := g.uniqueVarName() keepEmpty := tags.required || tags.noOmitEmpty || (!g.omitEmpty && !tags.omitEmpty) fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"if in.IsNull() {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.Skip()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"} else {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.Delim('{')") if !keepEmpty { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" if !in.IsDelim('}') {") } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" "+out+" = make("+g.getType(t)+")") if !keepEmpty { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" } else {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" "+out+" = nil") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" }") } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" for !in.IsDelim('}') {") // NOTE: extra check for TextUnmarshaler. It overrides default methods. if reflect.PtrTo(key).Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*encoding.TextUnmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()) { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" var key "+g.getType(key)) fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"if data := in.UnsafeBytes(); in.Ok() {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.AddError(key.UnmarshalText(data) )") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"}") } else if keyDec != "" { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" key := "+g.getType(key)+"("+keyDec+")") } else { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" var key "+g.getType(key)) if err := g.genTypeDecoder(key, "key", tags, indent+2); err != nil { return err } } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.WantColon()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" var "+tmpVar+" "+g.getType(elem)) if err := g.genTypeDecoder(elem, tmpVar, tags, indent+2); err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" ("+out+")[key] = "+tmpVar) fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.WantComma()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" }") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" in.Delim('}')") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"}") case reflect.Interface: if t.NumMethod() != 0 { if g.interfaceIsEasyjsonUnmarshaller(t) { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+out+".UnmarshalEasyJSON(in)") } else if g.interfaceIsJsonUnmarshaller(t) { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+out+".UnmarshalJSON(in.Raw())") } else { return fmt.Errorf("interface type %v not supported: only interface{} and easyjson/json Unmarshaler are allowed", t) } } else { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"if m, ok := "+out+".(easyjson.Unmarshaler); ok {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"m.UnmarshalEasyJSON(in)") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"} else if m, ok := "+out+".(json.Unmarshaler); ok {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"_ = m.UnmarshalJSON(in.Raw())") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"} else {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+" "+out+" = in.Interface()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ws+"}") } default: return fmt.Errorf("don't know how to decode %v", t) } return nil } func (g *Generator) interfaceIsEasyjsonUnmarshaller(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*easyjson.Unmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()) } func (g *Generator) interfaceIsJsonUnmarshaller(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*json.Unmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()) } func (g *Generator) genStructFieldDecoder(t reflect.Type, f reflect.StructField) error { jsonName := g.fieldNamer.GetJSONFieldName(t, f) tags := parseFieldTags(f) if tags.omit { return nil } if tags.intern && tags.noCopy { return errors.New("Mutually exclusive tags are specified: 'intern' and 'nocopy'") } fmt.Fprintf(g.out, " case %q:\n", jsonName) if err := g.genTypeDecoder(f.Type, "out."+f.Name, tags, 3); err != nil { return err } if tags.required { fmt.Fprintf(g.out, "%sSet = true\n", f.Name) } return nil } func (g *Generator) genRequiredFieldSet(t reflect.Type, f reflect.StructField) { tags := parseFieldTags(f) if !tags.required { return } fmt.Fprintf(g.out, "var %sSet bool\n", f.Name) } func (g *Generator) genRequiredFieldCheck(t reflect.Type, f reflect.StructField) { jsonName := g.fieldNamer.GetJSONFieldName(t, f) tags := parseFieldTags(f) if !tags.required { return } g.imports["fmt"] = "fmt" fmt.Fprintf(g.out, "if !%sSet {\n", f.Name) fmt.Fprintf(g.out, " in.AddError(fmt.Errorf(\"key '%s' is required\"))\n", jsonName) fmt.Fprintf(g.out, "}\n") } func mergeStructFields(fields1, fields2 []reflect.StructField) (fields []reflect.StructField) { used := map[string]bool{} for _, f := range fields2 { used[f.Name] = true fields = append(fields, f) } for _, f := range fields1 { if !used[f.Name] { fields = append(fields, f) } } return } func getStructFields(t reflect.Type) ([]reflect.StructField, error) { if t.Kind() != reflect.Struct { return nil, fmt.Errorf("got %v; expected a struct", t) } var efields []reflect.StructField var fields []reflect.StructField for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { f := t.Field(i) tags := parseFieldTags(f) if !f.Anonymous || != "" { continue } t1 := f.Type if t1.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { t1 = t1.Elem() } if t1.Kind() == reflect.Struct { fs, err := getStructFields(t1) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error processing embedded field: %v", err) } efields = mergeStructFields(efields, fs) } else if (t1.Kind() >= reflect.Bool && t1.Kind() < reflect.Complex128) || t1.Kind() == reflect.String { if strings.Contains(f.Name, ".") || unicode.IsUpper([]rune(f.Name)[0]) { fields = append(fields, f) } } } for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { f := t.Field(i) tags := parseFieldTags(f) if f.Anonymous && == "" { continue } c := []rune(f.Name)[0] if unicode.IsUpper(c) { fields = append(fields, f) } } return mergeStructFields(efields, fields), nil } func (g *Generator) genDecoder(t reflect.Type) error { switch t.Kind() { case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array, reflect.Map: return g.genSliceArrayDecoder(t) default: return g.genStructDecoder(t) } } func (g *Generator) genSliceArrayDecoder(t reflect.Type) error { switch t.Kind() { case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array, reflect.Map: default: return fmt.Errorf("cannot generate encoder/decoder for %v, not a slice/array/map type", t) } fname := g.getDecoderName(t) typ := g.getType(t) fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "func "+fname+"(in *jlexer.Lexer, out *"+typ+") {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " isTopLevel := in.IsStart()") err := g.genTypeDecoderNoCheck(t, "*out", fieldTags{}, 1) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " if isTopLevel {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " in.Consumed()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " }") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "}") return nil } func (g *Generator) genStructDecoder(t reflect.Type) error { if t.Kind() != reflect.Struct { return fmt.Errorf("cannot generate encoder/decoder for %v, not a struct type", t) } fname := g.getDecoderName(t) typ := g.getType(t) fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "func "+fname+"(in *jlexer.Lexer, out *"+typ+") {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " isTopLevel := in.IsStart()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " if in.IsNull() {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " if isTopLevel {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " in.Consumed()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " }") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " in.Skip()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " return") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " }") // Init embedded pointer fields. for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { f := t.Field(i) if !f.Anonymous || f.Type.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { continue } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " out."+f.Name+" = new("+g.getType(f.Type.Elem())+")") } fs, err := getStructFields(t) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot generate decoder for %v: %v", t, err) } for _, f := range fs { g.genRequiredFieldSet(t, f) } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " in.Delim('{')") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " for !in.IsDelim('}') {") fmt.Fprintf(g.out, " key := in.UnsafeFieldName(%v)\n", g.skipMemberNameUnescaping) fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " in.WantColon()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " if in.IsNull() {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " in.Skip()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " in.WantComma()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " continue") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " }") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " switch key {") for _, f := range fs { if err := g.genStructFieldDecoder(t, f); err != nil { return err } } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " default:") if g.disallowUnknownFields { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, ` in.AddError(&jlexer.LexerError{ Offset: in.GetPos(), Reason: "unknown field", Data: key, })`) } else if hasUnknownsUnmarshaler(t) { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " out.UnmarshalUnknown(in, key)") } else { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " in.SkipRecursive()") } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " }") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " in.WantComma()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " }") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " in.Delim('}')") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " if isTopLevel {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " in.Consumed()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " }") for _, f := range fs { g.genRequiredFieldCheck(t, f) } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "}") return nil } func (g *Generator) genStructUnmarshaler(t reflect.Type) error { switch t.Kind() { case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Struct: default: return fmt.Errorf("cannot generate encoder/decoder for %v, not a struct/slice/array/map type", t) } fname := g.getDecoderName(t) typ := g.getType(t) if !g.noStdMarshalers { fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "// UnmarshalJSON supports json.Unmarshaler interface") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "func (v *"+typ+") UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " r := jlexer.Lexer{Data: data}") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " "+fname+"(&r, v)") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " return r.Error()") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "}") } fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "// UnmarshalEasyJSON supports easyjson.Unmarshaler interface") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "func (v *"+typ+") UnmarshalEasyJSON(l *jlexer.Lexer) {") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, " "+fname+"(l, v)") fmt.Fprintln(g.out, "}") return nil }