package colorful // Source: // Under MIT License // Modified so that Saturation and Luminance are in [0..1] instead of [0..100], // and so that it works with this library in general. import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "math" "os" "testing" ) type mapping map[string]values type values struct { Rgb [3]float64 Xyz [3]float64 Luv [3]float64 Lch [3]float64 Hsluv [3]float64 Hpluv [3]float64 } func pack(a, b, c float64) [3]float64 { return [3]float64{a, b, c} } func unpack(tuple [3]float64) (float64, float64, float64) { return tuple[0], tuple[1], tuple[2] } func fromHex(s string) Color { c, _ := Hex(s) return c } // const delta = 0.00000001 const hsluvTestDelta = 0.0000000001 // Two more zeros than the original delta, because values are divided by 100 func compareTuple(t *testing.T, result, expected [3]float64, method string, hex string) { var err bool var errs [3]bool for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { if math.Abs(result[i]-expected[i]) > hsluvTestDelta { err = true errs[i] = true } } if err { resultOutput := "[" for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { resultOutput += fmt.Sprintf("%f", result[i]) if errs[i] { resultOutput += " *" } if i < 2 { resultOutput += ", " } } resultOutput += "]" t.Errorf("result: %s expected: %v, testing %s with test case %s", resultOutput, expected, method, hex) } } func compareHex(t *testing.T, result, expected string, method string, hex string) { if result != expected { t.Errorf("result: %v expected: %v, testing %s with test case %s", result, expected, method, hex) } } func TestHSLuv(t *testing.T) { snapshotFile, err := os.Open("hsluv-snapshot-rev4.json") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer snapshotFile.Close() jsonParser := json.NewDecoder(snapshotFile) snapshot := make(mapping) if err = jsonParser.Decode(&snapshot); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } for hex, colorValues := range snapshot { // tests for public methods if testing.Verbose() { t.Logf("Testing public methods for test case %s", hex) } // Adjust color values to be in the ranges this library uses colorValues.Hsluv[1] /= 100.0 colorValues.Hsluv[2] /= 100.0 colorValues.Hpluv[1] /= 100.0 colorValues.Hpluv[2] /= 100.0 compareHex(t, HSLuv(unpack(colorValues.Hsluv)).Hex(), hex, "HsluvToHex", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(HSLuv(unpack(colorValues.Hsluv)).values()), colorValues.Rgb, "HsluvToRGB", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(fromHex(hex).HSLuv()), colorValues.Hsluv, "HsluvFromHex", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(Color{colorValues.Rgb[0], colorValues.Rgb[1], colorValues.Rgb[2]}.HSLuv()), colorValues.Hsluv, "HsluvFromRGB", hex) compareHex(t, HPLuv(unpack(colorValues.Hpluv)).Hex(), hex, "HpluvToHex", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(HPLuv(unpack(colorValues.Hpluv)).values()), colorValues.Rgb, "HpluvToRGB", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(fromHex(hex).HPLuv()), colorValues.Hpluv, "HpluvFromHex", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(Color{colorValues.Rgb[0], colorValues.Rgb[1], colorValues.Rgb[2]}.HPLuv()), colorValues.Hpluv, "HpluvFromRGB", hex) if !testing.Short() { // internal tests if testing.Verbose() { t.Logf("Testing internal methods for test case %s", hex) } // Adjust color values to be in the ranges this library uses colorValues.Lch[0] /= 100.0 colorValues.Lch[1] /= 100.0 colorValues.Luv[0] /= 100.0 colorValues.Luv[1] /= 100.0 colorValues.Luv[2] /= 100.0 compareTuple(t, pack(LuvLChWhiteRef( colorValues.Lch[0], colorValues.Lch[1], colorValues.Lch[2], hSLuvD65, ).values()), colorValues.Rgb, "convLchRgb", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(Color{ colorValues.Rgb[0], colorValues.Rgb[1], colorValues.Rgb[2], }.LuvLChWhiteRef(hSLuvD65)), colorValues.Lch, "convRgbLch", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(XyzToLuvWhiteRef( colorValues.Xyz[0], colorValues.Xyz[1], colorValues.Xyz[2], hSLuvD65, )), colorValues.Luv, "convXyzLuv", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(LuvToXyzWhiteRef( colorValues.Luv[0], colorValues.Luv[1], colorValues.Luv[2], hSLuvD65, )), colorValues.Xyz, "convLuvXyz", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(LuvToLuvLCh(unpack(colorValues.Luv))), colorValues.Lch, "convLuvLch", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(LuvLChToLuv(unpack(colorValues.Lch))), colorValues.Luv, "convLchLuv", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(HSLuvToLuvLCh(unpack(colorValues.Hsluv))), colorValues.Lch, "convHsluvLch", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(LuvLChToHSLuv(unpack(colorValues.Lch))), colorValues.Hsluv, "convLchHsluv", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(HPLuvToLuvLCh(unpack(colorValues.Hpluv))), colorValues.Lch, "convHpluvLch", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(LuvLChToHPLuv(unpack(colorValues.Lch))), colorValues.Hpluv, "convLchHpluv", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(LinearRgb(XyzToLinearRgb(unpack(colorValues.Xyz))).values()), colorValues.Rgb, "convXyzRgb", hex) compareTuple(t, pack(Color{colorValues.Rgb[0], colorValues.Rgb[1], colorValues.Rgb[2]}.Xyz()), colorValues.Xyz, "convRgbXyz", hex) } } }