ARG BUILDPLATFORM=linux/amd64 # Precompile key slow-to-build dependencies FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM golang:1.22-alpine as go-deps WORKDIR /linkerd-build COPY go.mod go.sum ./ COPY bin/install-deps bin/ RUN go mod download ARG TARGETARCH RUN ./bin/install-deps $TARGETARCH ## bundle web assets FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM node:20-bookworm as webpack-bundle RUN bin/scurl --retry=2 | bash -s -- --version 1.22.10 --network-concurrency 1 ENV PATH /root/.yarn/bin:$PATH ENV ROOT /linkerd-build WORKDIR $ROOT # copy build script COPY bin/web ./bin/web # install yarn dependencies COPY web/app/package.json web/app/yarn.lock ./web/app/ RUN ./bin/web setup install --frozen-lockfile # build frontend assets # set the env to production *after* yarn has done an install, to make sure all # libraries required for building are included. ENV NODE_ENV production COPY web/app ./web/app RUN ./bin/web build ## compile go server FROM go-deps as golang WORKDIR /linkerd-build RUN mkdir -p web COPY web/main.go web COPY web/srv web/srv COPY controller controller COPY viz/metrics-api viz/metrics-api COPY viz/pkg viz/pkg COPY viz/tap/gen/tap viz/tap/gen/tap COPY viz/tap/pkg viz/tap/pkg COPY pkg pkg ARG TARGETARCH RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=$TARGETARCH go build -mod=readonly -o web/web -ldflags "-s -w" ./web ## package it all up FROM scratch WORKDIR /linkerd COPY LICENSE . COPY --from=golang /linkerd-build/web/web . COPY --from=webpack-bundle /linkerd-build/web/app/dist app/dist COPY web/templates templates COPY --from=golang /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ ARG LINKERD_VERSION ENV LINKERD_CONTAINER_VERSION_OVERRIDE=${LINKERD_VERSION} ENTRYPOINT ["./web"]