package cmd import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "os" "sort" "strings" "text/tabwriter" "time" pkgcmd "" "" "" pb "" "" "" hc "" pkgUtil "" log "" "" v1 "" ) type statOptions struct { statOptionsBase toNamespace string toResource string fromNamespace string fromResource string allNamespaces bool labelSelector string unmeshed bool } type statOptionsBase struct { // namespace is only referenced from the outer struct statOptions (e.g. // options.namespace where options's type is _not_ this struct). // structcheck issues a false positive for this field as it does not think // it's used. //nolint:structcheck namespace string timeWindow string outputFormat string } func newStatOptionsBase() *statOptionsBase { return &statOptionsBase{ timeWindow: "1m", outputFormat: tableOutput, } } func (o *statOptionsBase) validateOutputFormat() error { switch o.outputFormat { case tableOutput, jsonOutput, wideOutput: return nil default: return fmt.Errorf("--output currently only supports %s, %s and %s", tableOutput, jsonOutput, wideOutput) } } type indexedResults struct { ix int rows []*pb.StatTable_PodGroup_Row err error } func newStatOptions() *statOptions { return &statOptions{ statOptionsBase: *newStatOptionsBase(), toNamespace: "", toResource: "", fromNamespace: "", fromResource: "", allNamespaces: false, labelSelector: "", unmeshed: false, } } // NewCmdStat creates a new cobra command `stat` for stat functionality func NewCmdStat() *cobra.Command { options := newStatOptions() cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "stat [flags] (RESOURCES)", Short: "Display traffic stats about one or many resources", Long: `Display traffic stats about one or many resources. The RESOURCES argument specifies the target resource(s) to aggregate stats over: (TYPE [NAME] | TYPE/NAME) or (TYPE [NAME1] [NAME2]...) or (TYPE1/NAME1 TYPE2/NAME2...) Examples: * cronjob/my-cronjob * deploy * deploy/my-deploy * deploy/ po/ * ds/my-daemonset * job/my-job * ns/my-ns * po/mypod1 rc/my-replication-controller * po mypod1 mypod2 * rc/my-replication-controller * rs * rs/my-replicaset * sts/my-statefulset * ts/my-split * authority * au/my-authority * httproute/my-route * route/my-route * all Valid resource types include: * cronjobs * daemonsets * deployments * namespaces * jobs * pods * replicasets * replicationcontrollers * statefulsets * authorities (not supported in --from) * authorizationpolicies (not supported in --from) * httproutes (not supported in --from) * services (not supported in --from) * servers (not supported in --from) * serverauthorizations (not supported in --from) * all (all resource types, not supported in --from or --to) This command will hide resources that have completed, such as pods that are in the Succeeded or Failed phases. If no resource name is specified, displays stats about all resources of the specified RESOURCETYPE`, Example: ` # Get all deployments in the test namespace. linkerd viz stat deployments -n test # Get the hello1 replication controller in the test namespace. linkerd viz stat replicationcontrollers hello1 -n test # Get all namespaces. linkerd viz stat namespaces # Get all inbound stats to the web deployment. linkerd viz stat deploy/web # Get all inbound stats to the pod1 and pod2 pods linkerd viz stat po pod1 pod2 # Get all inbound stats to the pod1 pod and the web deployment linkerd viz stat po/pod1 deploy/web # Get all pods in all namespaces that call the hello1 deployment in the test namespace. linkerd viz stat pods --to deploy/hello1 --to-namespace test --all-namespaces # Get all pods in all namespaces that call the hello1 service in the test namespace. linkerd viz stat pods --to svc/hello1 --to-namespace test --all-namespaces # Get the web service. With Services, metrics are generated from the outbound metrics # of clients, and thus will not include unmeshed client request metrics. linkerd viz stat svc/web # Get the web services and metrics for any traffic coming to the service from the hello1 deployment # in the test namespace. linkerd viz stat svc/web --from deploy/hello1 --from-namespace test # Get the web services and metrics for all the traffic that reaches the web-pod1 pod # in the test namespace exclusively. linkerd viz stat svc/web --to pod/web-pod1 --to-namespace test # Get all services in all namespaces that receive calls from hello1 deployment in the test namespace. linkerd viz stat services --from deploy/hello1 --from-namespace test --all-namespaces # Get all namespaces that receive traffic from the default namespace. linkerd viz stat namespaces --from ns/default # Get all inbound stats to the test namespace. linkerd viz stat ns/test # Get all inbound stats to the emoji-grpc server linkerd viz stat server/emoji-grpc # Get all inbound stats to the web-public server authorization resource linkerd viz stat serverauthorization/web-public # Get all inbound stats to the web-get and web-delete HTTP route resources linkerd viz stat route/web-get route/web-delete # Get all inbound stats to the web-authz authorization policy resource linkerd viz stat authorizationpolicy/web-authz `, Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), ValidArgsFunction: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) { k8sAPI, err := k8s.NewAPI(kubeconfigPath, kubeContext, impersonate, impersonateGroup, 0) if err != nil { return nil, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveError } if options.namespace == "" { options.namespace = pkgcmd.GetDefaultNamespace(kubeconfigPath, kubeContext) } if options.allNamespaces { options.namespace = v1.NamespaceAll } cc := k8s.NewCommandCompletion(k8sAPI, options.namespace) results, err := cc.Complete(args, toComplete) if err != nil { return nil, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveError } return results, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveDefault }, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if options.namespace == "" { options.namespace = pkgcmd.GetDefaultNamespace(kubeconfigPath, kubeContext) } reqs, err := buildStatSummaryRequests(args, options) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error creating metrics request while making stats request: %w", err) } // The gRPC client is concurrency-safe, so we can reuse it in all the following goroutines // client := api.CheckClientOrExit(hc.VizOptions{ Options: &healthcheck.Options{ ControlPlaneNamespace: controlPlaneNamespace, KubeConfig: kubeconfigPath, Impersonate: impersonate, ImpersonateGroup: impersonateGroup, KubeContext: kubeContext, APIAddr: apiAddr, }, VizNamespaceOverride: vizNamespace, }) c := make(chan indexedResults, len(reqs)) for num, req := range reqs { go func(num int, req *pb.StatSummaryRequest) { resp, err := requestStatsFromAPI(client, req) rows := respToRows(resp) c <- indexedResults{num, rows, err} }(num, req) } totalRows := make([]*pb.StatTable_PodGroup_Row, 0) i := 0 for res := range c { if res.err != nil { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, res.err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } totalRows = append(totalRows, res.rows...) if i++; i == len(reqs) { close(c) } } output := renderStatStats(totalRows, options) _, err = fmt.Print(output) return err }, } cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&options.namespace, "namespace", "n", options.namespace, "Namespace of the specified resource") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&options.timeWindow, "time-window", "t", options.timeWindow, "Stat window (for example: \"15s\", \"1m\", \"10m\", \"1h\"). Needs to be at least 15s.") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.toResource, "to", options.toResource, "If present, restricts outbound stats to the specified resource name") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.toNamespace, "to-namespace", options.toNamespace, "Sets the namespace used to lookup the \"--to\" resource; by default the current \"--namespace\" is used") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.fromResource, "from", options.fromResource, "If present, restricts outbound stats from the specified resource name") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.fromNamespace, "from-namespace", options.fromNamespace, "Sets the namespace used from lookup the \"--from\" resource; by default the current \"--namespace\" is used") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&options.allNamespaces, "all-namespaces", "A", options.allNamespaces, "If present, returns stats across all namespaces, ignoring the \"--namespace\" flag") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&options.outputFormat, "output", "o", options.outputFormat, "Output format; one of: \"table\" or \"json\" or \"wide\"") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&options.labelSelector, "selector", "l", options.labelSelector, "Selector (label query) to filter on, supports '=', '==', and '!='") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.unmeshed, "unmeshed", options.unmeshed, "If present, include unmeshed resources in the output") pkgcmd.ConfigureNamespaceFlagCompletion( cmd, []string{"namespace", "to-namespace", "from-namespace"}, kubeconfigPath, impersonate, impersonateGroup, kubeContext) return cmd } func respToRows(resp *pb.StatSummaryResponse) []*pb.StatTable_PodGroup_Row { rows := make([]*pb.StatTable_PodGroup_Row, 0) if resp != nil { for _, statTable := range resp.GetOk().StatTables { rows = append(rows, statTable.GetPodGroup().Rows...) } } return rows } func requestStatsFromAPI(client pb.ApiClient, req *pb.StatSummaryRequest) (*pb.StatSummaryResponse, error) { resp, err := client.StatSummary(context.Background(), req) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("StatSummary API error: %w", err) } if e := resp.GetError(); e != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("StatSummary API response error: %v", e.Error) } return resp, nil } func renderStatStats(rows []*pb.StatTable_PodGroup_Row, options *statOptions) string { var buffer bytes.Buffer w := tabwriter.NewWriter(&buffer, 0, 0, padding, ' ', tabwriter.AlignRight) writeStatsToBuffer(rows, w, options) w.Flush() return renderStats(buffer, &options.statOptionsBase) } const padding = 3 type rowStats struct { route string dst string requestRate float64 successRate float64 latencyP50 uint64 latencyP95 uint64 latencyP99 uint64 tcpOpenConnections uint64 tcpReadBytes float64 tcpWriteBytes float64 } type srvStats struct { unauthorizedRate float64 server string } type row struct { meshed string status string *rowStats *tsStats *dstStats *srvStats } type tsStats struct { apex string leaf string weight string } type dstStats struct { dst string weight string } var ( nameHeader = "NAME" namespaceHeader = "NAMESPACE" apexHeader = "APEX" leafHeader = "LEAF" weightHeader = "WEIGHT" ) func statHasRequestData(stat *pb.BasicStats) bool { return stat.GetSuccessCount() != 0 || stat.GetFailureCount() != 0 || stat.GetActualSuccessCount() != 0 || stat.GetActualFailureCount() != 0 } func isPodOwnerResource(typ string) bool { return typ != k8s.Authority && typ != k8s.Service && typ != k8s.Server && typ != k8s.ServerAuthorization && typ != k8s.AuthorizationPolicy && typ != k8s.HTTPRoute } func writeStatsToBuffer(rows []*pb.StatTable_PodGroup_Row, w *tabwriter.Writer, options *statOptions) { maxNameLength := len(nameHeader) maxNamespaceLength := len(namespaceHeader) maxApexLength := len(apexHeader) maxLeafLength := len(leafHeader) maxDstLength := len(dstHeader) maxWeightLength := len(weightHeader) statTables := make(map[string]map[string]*row) prefixTypes := make(map[string]bool) for _, r := range rows { prefixTypes[r.Resource.Type] = true } usePrefix := false if len(prefixTypes) > 1 { usePrefix = true } for _, r := range rows { // Skip unmeshed pods if the unmeshed option isn't enabled. if !options.unmeshed && r.GetMeshedPodCount() == 0 && // Skip only if the resource can own pods isPodOwnerResource(r.Resource.Type) && // Skip only if --from isn't specified (unmeshed resources can show // stats in --from mode because metrics are collected on the client // side). options.fromResource == "" { continue } name := r.Resource.Name nameWithPrefix := name if usePrefix { nameWithPrefix = getNamePrefix(r.Resource.Type) + nameWithPrefix } namespace := r.Resource.Namespace key := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", namespace, name) resourceKey := r.Resource.Type if _, ok := statTables[resourceKey]; !ok { statTables[resourceKey] = make(map[string]*row) } if len(nameWithPrefix) > maxNameLength { maxNameLength = len(nameWithPrefix) } if len(namespace) > maxNamespaceLength { maxNamespaceLength = len(namespace) } statTables[resourceKey][key] = &row{} if resourceKey != k8s.Server && resourceKey != k8s.ServerAuthorization { meshedCount := fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", r.MeshedPodCount, r.RunningPodCount) if resourceKey == k8s.Authority || resourceKey == k8s.Service { meshedCount = "-" } statTables[resourceKey][key] = &row{ meshed: meshedCount, status: r.Status, } } if r.Stats != nil && statHasRequestData(r.Stats) { statTables[resourceKey][key].rowStats = &rowStats{ requestRate: getRequestRate(r.Stats.GetSuccessCount(), r.Stats.GetFailureCount(), r.TimeWindow), successRate: getSuccessRate(r.Stats.GetSuccessCount(), r.Stats.GetFailureCount()), latencyP50: r.Stats.LatencyMsP50, latencyP95: r.Stats.LatencyMsP95, latencyP99: r.Stats.LatencyMsP99, tcpOpenConnections: r.GetTcpStats().GetOpenConnections(), tcpReadBytes: getByteRate(r.GetTcpStats().GetReadBytesTotal(), r.TimeWindow), tcpWriteBytes: getByteRate(r.GetTcpStats().GetWriteBytesTotal(), r.TimeWindow), } } if r.SrvStats != nil { statTables[resourceKey][key].srvStats = &srvStats{ unauthorizedRate: getSuccessRate(r.SrvStats.GetDeniedCount(), r.SrvStats.GetAllowedCount()), server: r.GetSrvStats().GetSrv().GetName(), } } } switch options.outputFormat { case tableOutput, wideOutput: if len(statTables) == 0 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "No traffic found.") return } printStatTables(statTables, w, maxNameLength, maxNamespaceLength, maxLeafLength, maxApexLength, maxDstLength, maxWeightLength, options) case jsonOutput: printStatJSON(statTables, w) } } func printStatTables(statTables map[string]map[string]*row, w *tabwriter.Writer, maxNameLength, maxNamespaceLength, maxLeafLength, maxApexLength, maxDstLength, maxWeightLength int, options *statOptions) { usePrefix := false if len(statTables) > 1 { usePrefix = true } firstDisplayedStat := true // don't print a newline before the first stat for _, resourceType := range k8s.AllResources { if stats, ok := statTables[resourceType]; ok { if !firstDisplayedStat { fmt.Fprint(w, "\n") } firstDisplayedStat = false resourceTypeLabel := resourceType if !usePrefix { resourceTypeLabel = "" } printSingleStatTable(stats, resourceTypeLabel, resourceType, w, maxNameLength, maxNamespaceLength, maxLeafLength, maxApexLength, maxDstLength, maxWeightLength, options) } } } func showTCPBytes(options *statOptions, resourceType string) bool { return (options.outputFormat == wideOutput || options.outputFormat == jsonOutput) && showTCPConns(resourceType) } func showTCPConns(resourceType string) bool { return resourceType != k8s.Authority && resourceType != k8s.ServerAuthorization && resourceType != k8s.AuthorizationPolicy && resourceType != k8s.HTTPRoute } func printSingleStatTable(stats map[string]*row, resourceTypeLabel, resourceType string, w *tabwriter.Writer, maxNameLength, maxNamespaceLength, maxLeafLength, maxApexLength, maxDstLength, maxWeightLength int, options *statOptions) { headers := make([]string, 0) nameTemplate := fmt.Sprintf("%%-%ds", maxNameLength) namespaceTemplate := fmt.Sprintf("%%-%ds", maxNamespaceLength) apexTemplate := fmt.Sprintf("%%-%ds", maxApexLength) leafTemplate := fmt.Sprintf("%%-%ds", maxLeafLength) dstTemplate := fmt.Sprintf("%%-%ds", maxDstLength) weightTemplate := fmt.Sprintf("%%-%ds", maxWeightLength) hasDstStats := false for _, r := range stats { if r.dstStats != nil { hasDstStats = true } } hasTsStats := false for _, r := range stats { if r.tsStats != nil { hasTsStats = true } } if options.allNamespaces { headers = append(headers, fmt.Sprintf(namespaceTemplate, namespaceHeader)) } headers = append(headers, fmt.Sprintf(nameTemplate, nameHeader)) if resourceType == k8s.Pod { headers = append(headers, "STATUS") } if resourceType == k8s.HTTPRoute { headers = append(headers, "SERVER") } if hasDstStats { headers = append(headers, fmt.Sprintf(dstTemplate, dstHeader), fmt.Sprintf(weightTemplate, weightHeader)) } else if hasTsStats { headers = append(headers, fmt.Sprintf(apexTemplate, apexHeader), fmt.Sprintf(leafTemplate, leafHeader), fmt.Sprintf(weightTemplate, weightHeader)) } else if resourceType != k8s.Server && resourceType != k8s.ServerAuthorization && resourceType != k8s.AuthorizationPolicy && resourceType != k8s.HTTPRoute { headers = append(headers, "MESHED") } if resourceType == k8s.Server || resourceType == k8s.HTTPRoute { headers = append(headers, "UNAUTHORIZED") } headers = append(headers, []string{ "SUCCESS", "RPS", "LATENCY_P50", "LATENCY_P95", "LATENCY_P99", }...) if showTCPConns(resourceType) { headers = append(headers, "TCP_CONN") } if showTCPBytes(options, resourceType) { headers = append(headers, []string{ "READ_BYTES/SEC", "WRITE_BYTES/SEC", }...) } headers[len(headers)-1] = headers[len(headers)-1] + "\t" // trailing \t is required to format last column fmt.Fprintln(w, strings.Join(headers, "\t")) sortedKeys := sortStatsKeys(stats) for _, key := range sortedKeys { namespace, name := namespaceName(resourceTypeLabel, key) values := make([]interface{}, 0) templateString := "%s\t%s\t%.2f%%\t%.1frps\t%dms\t%dms\t%dms\t" templateStringEmpty := "%s\t%s\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t" if resourceType == k8s.Pod { templateString = "%s\t" + templateString templateStringEmpty = "%s\t" + templateStringEmpty } if hasTsStats { templateString = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%.2f%%\t%.1frps\t%dms\t%dms\t%dms\t" templateStringEmpty = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t" } else if hasDstStats { templateString = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%.2f%%\t%.1frps\t%dms\t%dms\t%dms\t" templateStringEmpty = "%s\t%s\t%s\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t" } else if resourceType == k8s.ServerAuthorization || resourceType == k8s.AuthorizationPolicy { templateString = "%s\t%.2f%%\t%.1frps\t%dms\t%dms\t%dms\t" templateStringEmpty = "%s\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t" } else if resourceType == k8s.Server { templateString = "%s\t%.1frps\t%.2f%%\t%.1frps\t%dms\t%dms\t%dms\t" templateStringEmpty = "%s\t%.1frps\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t" } else if resourceType == k8s.HTTPRoute { templateString = "%s\t%s\t%.1frps\t%.2f%%\t%.1frps\t%dms\t%dms\t%dms\t" templateStringEmpty = "%s\t%s\t%.1frps\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t" } if showTCPConns(resourceType) { templateString += "%d\t" templateStringEmpty += "-\t" } if showTCPBytes(options, resourceType) { templateString += "%.1fB/s\t%.1fB/s\t" templateStringEmpty += "-\t-\t" } if options.allNamespaces { values = append(values, namespace+strings.Repeat(" ", maxNamespaceLength-len(namespace))) templateString = "%s\t" + templateString templateStringEmpty = "%s\t" + templateStringEmpty } templateString += "\n" templateStringEmpty += "\n" padding := 0 if maxNameLength > len(name) { padding = maxNameLength - len(name) } apexPadding := 0 leafPadding := 0 dstPadding := 0 if stats[key].tsStats != nil { if maxApexLength > len(stats[key].tsStats.apex) { apexPadding = maxApexLength - len(stats[key].tsStats.apex) } if maxLeafLength > len(stats[key].tsStats.leaf) { leafPadding = maxLeafLength - len(stats[key].tsStats.leaf) } } else if stats[key].dstStats != nil { if maxDstLength > len(stats[key].dstStats.dst) { dstPadding = maxDstLength - len(stats[key].dstStats.dst) } } values = append(values, name+strings.Repeat(" ", padding)) if resourceType == k8s.Pod { values = append(values, stats[key].status) } if hasTsStats { values = append(values, stats[key].tsStats.apex+strings.Repeat(" ", apexPadding), stats[key].tsStats.leaf+strings.Repeat(" ", leafPadding), stats[key].tsStats.weight, ) } else if hasDstStats { values = append(values, stats[key].dstStats.dst+strings.Repeat(" ", dstPadding), stats[key].dstStats.weight, ) } else if resourceType != k8s.ServerAuthorization && resourceType != k8s.Server && resourceType != k8s.AuthorizationPolicy && resourceType != k8s.HTTPRoute { values = append(values, []interface{}{ stats[key].meshed, }...) } if resourceType == k8s.HTTPRoute { values = append(values, stats[key].srvStats.server) } if resourceType == k8s.Server || resourceType == k8s.HTTPRoute { var unauthorizedRate float64 if stats[key].srvStats != nil { unauthorizedRate = stats[key].srvStats.unauthorizedRate } values = append(values, []interface{}{ unauthorizedRate, }...) } if stats[key].rowStats != nil { values = append(values, []interface{}{ stats[key].successRate * 100, stats[key].requestRate, stats[key].latencyP50, stats[key].latencyP95, stats[key].latencyP99, }...) if showTCPConns(resourceType) { values = append(values, stats[key].tcpOpenConnections) } if showTCPBytes(options, resourceType) { values = append(values, []interface{}{ stats[key].tcpReadBytes, stats[key].tcpWriteBytes, }...) } fmt.Fprintf(w, templateString, values...) } else { fmt.Fprintf(w, templateStringEmpty, values...) } } } func namespaceName(resourceType string, key string) (string, string) { parts := strings.Split(key, "/") namespace := parts[0] namePrefix := getNamePrefix(resourceType) name := namePrefix + parts[1] return namespace, name } // Using pointers where the value is NA and the corresponding json is null type jsonStats struct { Namespace string `json:"namespace"` Kind string `json:"kind"` Name string `json:"name"` Meshed string `json:"meshed,omitempty"` Success *float64 `json:"success"` Rps *float64 `json:"rps"` LatencyMSp50 *uint64 `json:"latency_ms_p50"` LatencyMSp95 *uint64 `json:"latency_ms_p95"` LatencyMSp99 *uint64 `json:"latency_ms_p99"` TCPConnections *uint64 `json:"tcp_open_connections,omitempty"` TCPReadBytes *float64 `json:"tcp_read_bytes_rate,omitempty"` TCPWriteBytes *float64 `json:"tcp_write_bytes_rate,omitempty"` Apex string `json:"apex,omitempty"` Leaf string `json:"leaf,omitempty"` Dst string `json:"dst,omitempty"` Weight string `json:"weight,omitempty"` Unauthorized *float64 `json:"unauthorized,omitempty"` } func printStatJSON(statTables map[string]map[string]*row, w *tabwriter.Writer) { // avoid nil initialization so that if there are not stats it gets marshalled as an empty array vs null entries := []*jsonStats{} for _, resourceType := range k8s.AllResources { if stats, ok := statTables[resourceType]; ok { sortedKeys := sortStatsKeys(stats) for _, key := range sortedKeys { namespace, name := namespaceName("", key) entry := &jsonStats{ Namespace: namespace, Kind: resourceType, Name: name, } if stats[key].rowStats != nil { entry.Success = &stats[key].successRate entry.Rps = &stats[key].requestRate entry.LatencyMSp50 = &stats[key].latencyP50 entry.LatencyMSp95 = &stats[key].latencyP95 entry.LatencyMSp99 = &stats[key].latencyP99 if showTCPConns(resourceType) { entry.TCPConnections = &stats[key].tcpOpenConnections entry.TCPReadBytes = &stats[key].tcpReadBytes entry.TCPWriteBytes = &stats[key].tcpWriteBytes } } if stats[key].tsStats != nil { entry.Apex = stats[key].apex entry.Leaf = stats[key].leaf entry.Weight = stats[key].tsStats.weight } else if stats[key].dstStats != nil { entry.Dst = stats[key].dstStats.dst entry.Weight = stats[key].dstStats.weight } if resourceType == k8s.Server { if stats[key].srvStats != nil { entry.Unauthorized = &stats[key].srvStats.unauthorizedRate } } entries = append(entries, entry) } } } b, err := json.MarshalIndent(entries, "", " ") if err != nil { log.Error(err.Error()) return } fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", b) } func getNamePrefix(resourceType string) string { if resourceType == "" { return "" } canonicalType := k8s.ShortNameFromCanonicalResourceName(resourceType) return canonicalType + "/" } func buildStatSummaryRequests(resources []string, options *statOptions) ([]*pb.StatSummaryRequest, error) { targets, err := pkgUtil.BuildResources(options.namespace, resources) if err != nil { return nil, err } var toRes, fromRes *pb.Resource if options.toResource != "" { toRes, err = pkgUtil.BuildResource(options.toNamespace, options.toResource) if err != nil { return nil, err } } if options.fromResource != "" { fromRes, err = pkgUtil.BuildResource(options.fromNamespace, options.fromResource) if err != nil { return nil, err } } requests := make([]*pb.StatSummaryRequest, 0) for _, target := range targets { err = options.validate(target.Type) if err != nil { return nil, err } requestParams := util.StatsSummaryRequestParams{ StatsBaseRequestParams: util.StatsBaseRequestParams{ TimeWindow: options.timeWindow, ResourceName: target.Name, ResourceType: target.Type, Namespace: options.namespace, AllNamespaces: options.allNamespaces, }, ToNamespace: options.toNamespace, FromNamespace: options.fromNamespace, TCPStats: true, LabelSelector: options.labelSelector, } if fromRes != nil { requestParams.FromName = fromRes.Name requestParams.FromType = fromRes.Type } if toRes != nil { requestParams.ToName = toRes.Name requestParams.ToType = toRes.Type } req, err := util.BuildStatSummaryRequest(requestParams) if err != nil { return nil, err } requests = append(requests, req) } return requests, nil } func sortStatsKeys(stats map[string]*row) []string { var sortedKeys []string for key := range stats { sortedKeys = append(sortedKeys, key) } sort.Strings(sortedKeys) return sortedKeys } // validate performs all validation on the command-line options. // It returns the first error encountered, or `nil` if the options are valid. func (o *statOptions) validate(resourceType string) error { err := o.validateConflictingFlags() if err != nil { return err } if resourceType == k8s.Namespace { err := o.validateNamespaceFlags() if err != nil { return err } } return o.validateOutputFormat() } // validateConflictingFlags validates that the options do not contain mutually // exclusive flags. func (o *statOptions) validateConflictingFlags() error { if o.toResource != "" && o.fromResource != "" { return fmt.Errorf("--to and --from flags are mutually exclusive") } if o.toNamespace != "" && o.fromNamespace != "" { return fmt.Errorf("--to-namespace and --from-namespace flags are mutually exclusive") } if o.allNamespaces && o.namespace != pkgcmd.GetDefaultNamespace(kubeconfigPath, kubeContext) { return fmt.Errorf("--all-namespaces and --namespace flags are mutually exclusive") } return nil } // validateNamespaceFlags performs additional validation for options when the target // resource type is a namespace. func (o *statOptions) validateNamespaceFlags() error { if o.toNamespace != "" { return fmt.Errorf("--to-namespace flag is incompatible with namespace resource type") } if o.fromNamespace != "" { return fmt.Errorf("--from-namespace flag is incompatible with namespace resource type") } // Note: technically, this allows you to say `stat ns --namespace `, but that // seems like an edge case. if o.namespace != pkgcmd.GetDefaultNamespace(kubeconfigPath, kubeContext) { return fmt.Errorf("--namespace flag is incompatible with namespace resource type") } return nil } // get byte rate calculates the read/write byte rate func getByteRate(bytes uint64, timeWindow string) float64 { windowLength, err := time.ParseDuration(timeWindow) if err != nil { log.Error(err.Error()) return 0.0 } return float64(bytes) / windowLength.Seconds() } func renderStats(buffer bytes.Buffer, options *statOptionsBase) string { var out string switch options.outputFormat { case jsonOutput: out = buffer.String() default: // strip left padding on the first column b := buffer.Bytes() if len(b) > padding { out = string(b[padding:]) } out = strings.ReplaceAll(out, "\n"+strings.Repeat(" ", padding), "\n") } return out }