2apiVersion: linkerd.io/v1alpha2
3kind: ServiceProfile
5 name: metrics-api.{{.Release.Namespace}}.svc.{{.Values.clusterDomain}}
6 namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
7 labels:
8 linkerd.io/extension: viz
9 {{- with .Values.commonLabels }}{{ toYaml . | trim | nindent 4 }}{{- end }}
11 routes:
12 - name: POST /api/v1/StatSummary
13 condition:
14 method: POST
15 pathRegex: /api/v1/StatSummary
16 - name: POST /api/v1/TopRoutes
17 condition:
18 method: POST
19 pathRegex: /api/v1/TopRoutes
20 - name: POST /api/v1/ListPods
21 condition:
22 method: POST
23 pathRegex: /api/v1/ListPods
24 - name: POST /api/v1/ListServices
25 condition:
26 method: POST
27 pathRegex: /api/v1/ListServices
28 - name: POST /api/v1/SelfCheck
29 condition:
30 method: POST
31 pathRegex: /api/v1/SelfCheck
32 - name: POST /api/v1/Gateways
33 condition:
34 method: POST
35 pathRegex: /api/v1/Gateways
36 - name: POST /api/v1/Edges
37 condition:
38 method: POST
39 pathRegex: /api/v1/Edges
40{{ if .Values.prometheus.enabled -}}
42apiVersion: linkerd.io/v1alpha2
43kind: ServiceProfile
45 name: prometheus.{{.Release.Namespace}}.svc.{{.Values.clusterDomain}}
46 namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
47 labels:
48 linkerd.io/extension: viz
49 {{- with .Values.commonLabels }}{{ toYaml . | trim | nindent 4 }}{{- end }}
51 routes:
52 - name: POST /api/v1/query
53 condition:
54 method: POST
55 pathRegex: /api/v1/query
56 - name: GET /api/v1/query_range
57 condition:
58 method: GET
59 pathRegex: /api/v1/query_range
60 - name: GET /api/v1/series
61 condition:
62 method: GET
63 pathRegex: /api/v1/series
64{{ end -}}
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