package serviceprofiles import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "os" "strings" "testing" "time" sp "" "" cmd2 "" "" ) var TestHelper *testutil.TestHelper type testCase struct { args []string deployName string expectedRoutes []string namespace string sourceName string spName string } func TestMain(m *testing.M) { TestHelper = testutil.NewTestHelper() // Block test execution until viz extension is running TestHelper.WaitUntilDeployReady(testutil.LinkerdVizDeployReplicas) os.Exit(m.Run()) } func TestServiceProfiles(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() TestHelper.WithDataPlaneNamespace(ctx, "serviceprofile-test", map[string]string{}, t, func(t *testing.T, ns string) { t.Run("service profiles", testProfiles) t.Run("service profiles metrics", testMetrics) }) } func testProfiles(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() testNamespace := TestHelper.GetTestNamespace("serviceprofile-test") out, err := TestHelper.LinkerdRun("inject", "--manual", "testdata/tap_application.yaml") if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatal(t, "'linkerd inject' command failed", err) } out, err = TestHelper.KubectlApply(out, testNamespace) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatalf(t, "'kubectl apply' command failed", "'kubectl apply' command failed\n%s", out) } // wait for deployments to start for _, deploy := range []string{"t1", "t2", "t3", "gateway"} { if err := TestHelper.CheckPods(ctx, testNamespace, deploy, 1); err != nil { //nolint:errorlint if rce, ok := err.(*testutil.RestartCountError); ok { testutil.AnnotatedWarn(t, "CheckPods timed-out", rce) } else { testutil.AnnotatedError(t, "CheckPods timed-out", err) } } } testCases := []testCase{ { sourceName: "tap", namespace: testNamespace, deployName: "deployment/t1", spName: "t1-svc", expectedRoutes: []string{"POST /", "[DEFAULT]"}, }, { sourceName: "open-api", namespace: testNamespace, spName: "t3-svc", deployName: "deployment/t3", expectedRoutes: []string{"DELETE /testpath", "GET /testpath", "PATCH /testpath", "POST /testpath", "[DEFAULT]"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { tc := tc // pin t.Run(tc.sourceName, func(t *testing.T) { routes, err := getRoutes(tc.deployName, tc.namespace, []string{}) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatalf(t, "'linkerd routes' command failed", "'linkerd routes' command failed: %s\n", err) } initialExpectedRoutes := []string{"[DEFAULT]"} assertExpectedRoutes(initialExpectedRoutes, routes, t) sourceFlag := fmt.Sprintf("--%s", tc.sourceName) cmd := []string{"profile", "--namespace", tc.namespace, tc.spName, sourceFlag} if tc.sourceName == "tap" { cmd = append([]string{"viz"}, cmd...) tc.args = []string{ tc.deployName, "--tap-route-limit", "1", "--tap-duration", "25s", } } if tc.sourceName == "open-api" { tc.args = []string{ "testdata/t3.swagger", } } cmd = append(cmd, tc.args...) out, err := TestHelper.LinkerdRun(cmd...) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatal(t, fmt.Sprintf("'linkerd %s' command failed", cmd), err) } _, err = TestHelper.KubectlApply(out, tc.namespace) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatalf(t, "'kubectl apply' command failed", "'kubectl apply' command failed:\n%s", err) } routes, err = getRoutes(tc.deployName, tc.namespace, []string{}) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatalf(t, "'linkerd routes' command failed", "'linkerd routes' command failed: %s\n", err) } assertExpectedRoutes(tc.expectedRoutes, routes, t) }) } } func testMetrics(t *testing.T) { var ( testNamespace = TestHelper.GetTestNamespace("serviceprofile-test") testSP = "world-svc" testDownstreamDeploy = "deployment/world" testUpstreamDeploy = "deployment/hello" testYAML = "testdata/hello_world.yaml" ) out, err := TestHelper.LinkerdRun("inject", "--manual", testYAML) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedError(t, "'linkerd inject' command failed", err) } out, err = TestHelper.KubectlApply(out, testNamespace) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedErrorf(t, "'kubectl apply' command failed", "'kubectl apply' command failed\n%s", out) } cmd := []string{ "profile", "--namespace", testNamespace, "--open-api", "testdata/world.swagger", testSP, } out, err = TestHelper.LinkerdRun(cmd...) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedError(t, fmt.Sprintf("'linkerd %s' command failed", cmd), err) } _, err = TestHelper.KubectlApply(out, testNamespace) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedErrorf(t, "'kubectl apply' command failed", "'kubectl apply' command failed\n%s", err) } assertRouteStat(testUpstreamDeploy, testNamespace, testDownstreamDeploy, t, func(stat *cmd2.JSONRouteStats) error { if !(*stat.ActualSuccess > 0.00 && *stat.ActualSuccess < 100.00) { return fmt.Errorf("expected Actual Success to be greater than 0%% and less than 100%% due to pre-seeded failure rate. But got %0.2f", *stat.ActualSuccess) } return nil }) profile := &sp.ServiceProfile{} // Grab the output and convert it to a service profile object for modification err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(out), profile) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedErrorf(t, "unable to unmarshal YAML", "unable to unmarshal YAML: %s", err) } // introduce retry in the service profile for _, route := range profile.Spec.Routes { if route.Name == "GET /testpath" { route.IsRetryable = true break } } bytes, err := yaml.Marshal(profile) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedErrorf(t, "error marshalling service profile", "error marshalling service profile: %s", bytes) } out, err = TestHelper.KubectlApply(string(bytes), testNamespace) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedErrorf(t, "'kubectl apply' command failed", "'kubectl apply' command failed:\n%s :%s", err, out) } assertRouteStat(testUpstreamDeploy, testNamespace, testDownstreamDeploy, t, func(stat *cmd2.JSONRouteStats) error { if *stat.EffectiveSuccess < 0.95 { return fmt.Errorf("expected Effective Success to be at least 95%% with retries enabled. But got %.2f", *stat.EffectiveSuccess) } return nil }) } func assertRouteStat(upstream, namespace, downstream string, t *testing.T, assertFn func(stat *cmd2.JSONRouteStats) error) { const routePath = "GET /testpath" timeout := 2 * time.Minute err := testutil.RetryFor(timeout, func() error { routes, err := getRoutes(upstream, namespace, []string{"--to", downstream}) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("'linkerd routes' command failed: %w", err) } var testRoute *cmd2.JSONRouteStats assertExpectedRoutes([]string{routePath, "[DEFAULT]"}, routes, t) for _, route := range routes { if route.Route == routePath { testRoute = route } } if testRoute == nil { return errors.New("expected test route not to be nil") } return assertFn(testRoute) }) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatal(t, fmt.Sprintf("timed-out asserting route stat (%s)", timeout), err) } } func assertExpectedRoutes(expected []string, actual []*cmd2.JSONRouteStats, t *testing.T) { if len(expected) != len(actual) { testutil.Errorf(t, "mismatch routes count. Expected %d, Actual %d", len(expected), len(actual)) } for _, expectedRoute := range expected { containsRoute := false for _, actualRoute := range actual { if actualRoute.Route == expectedRoute { containsRoute = true break } } if !containsRoute { sb := strings.Builder{} for _, route := range actual { sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s ", route.Route)) } testutil.Errorf(t, "expected route %s not found in %+v", expectedRoute, sb.String()) } } } func getRoutes(deployName, namespace string, additionalArgs []string) ([]*cmd2.JSONRouteStats, error) { cmd := []string{"viz", "routes", "--namespace", namespace, deployName} if len(additionalArgs) > 0 { cmd = append(cmd, additionalArgs...) } cmd = append(cmd, "--output", "json") var results map[string][]*cmd2.JSONRouteStats err := testutil.RetryFor(2*time.Minute, func() error { out, err := TestHelper.LinkerdRun(cmd...) if err != nil { return err } if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(out), &results); err != nil { return err } if _, ok := results[deployName]; ok { return nil } keys := []string{} for k := range results { keys = append(keys, k) } return fmt.Errorf("could not retrieve route info for %s; found [%s]", deployName, strings.Join(keys, ", ")) }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return results[deployName], nil }