package deeptest import ( "fmt" "os" "testing" "time" "" ) ////////////////////// /// TEST SETUP /// ////////////////////// var ( TestHelper *testutil.TestHelper ) func TestMain(m *testing.M) { TestHelper = testutil.NewTestHelper() os.Exit(m.Run()) } func TestInstallCalico(t *testing.T) { if !TestHelper.CNI() { return } out, err := TestHelper.Kubectl("", []string{"apply", "-f", ""}...) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatalf(t, "'kubectl apply' command failed", "kubectl apply command failed\n%s", out) } time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) o, err := TestHelper.Kubectl("", "--namespace=kube-system", "wait", "--for=condition=available", "--timeout=120s", "deploy/calico-kube-controllers") if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatalf(t, "failed to wait for condition=available for calico resources", "failed to wait for condition=available for calico resources: %s: %s", err, o) } } func TestInstallCNIPlugin(t *testing.T) { if !TestHelper.CNI() { return } // install the CNI plugin in the cluster var ( cmd = "install-cni" args = []string{ "--use-wait-flag", "--cni-log-level=debug", // For Flannel (k3d's default CNI) the following settings are required. // For Calico the default ones are fine. // "--dest-cni-net-dir=/var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/cni/net.d", // "--dest-cni-bin-dir=/bin", } ) exec := append([]string{cmd}, args...) out, err := TestHelper.LinkerdRun(exec...) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatal(t, "'linkerd install-cni' command failed", err) } out, err = TestHelper.KubectlApply(out, "") if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatalf(t, "'kubectl apply' command failed", "'kubectl apply' command failed\n%s", out) } // perform a linkerd check with --linkerd-cni-enabled timeout := time.Minute err = testutil.RetryFor(timeout, func() error { out, err = TestHelper.LinkerdRun("check", "--pre", "--linkerd-cni-enabled", "--wait=60m") if err != nil { return err } return nil }) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatal(t, fmt.Sprintf("'linkerd check' command timed-out (%s)", timeout), err) } } // TestInstall will install the linkerd control plane to be used in the rest of // the deep suite tests. func TestInstall(t *testing.T) { // Install CRDs cmd := []string{ "install", "--crds", "--controller-log-level", "debug", "--set", fmt.Sprintf("proxy.image.version=%s", TestHelper.GetVersion()), "--set", "heartbeatSchedule=1 2 3 4 5", } // Pipe cmd & args to `linkerd` out, err := TestHelper.LinkerdRun(cmd...) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatal(t, "'linkerd install' command failed", err) } out, err = TestHelper.KubectlApplyWithArgs(out) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatalf(t, "'kubectl apply' command failed", "'kubectl apply' command failed\n%s", out) } // Install control-plane cmd = []string{ "install", "--controller-log-level", "debug", "--set", fmt.Sprintf("proxy.image.version=%s", TestHelper.GetVersion()), "--set", "heartbeatSchedule=1 2 3 4 5", } // If testing deep suite with CNI, set --cni-enabled to true if TestHelper.CNI() { cmd = append(cmd, "--linkerd-cni-enabled") } if TestHelper.NativeSidecar() { cmd = append(cmd, "--set", "proxy.nativeSidecar=true") } if TestHelper.DualStack() { cmd = append(cmd, "--set", "disableIPv6=false") } // Pipe cmd & args to `linkerd` out, err = TestHelper.LinkerdRun(cmd...) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatal(t, "'linkerd install' command failed", err) } out, err = TestHelper.KubectlApplyWithArgs(out) if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatalf(t, "'kubectl apply' command failed", "'kubectl apply' command failed\n%s", out) } out, err = TestHelper.LinkerdRun("check", "--wait=3m") if err != nil { testutil.AnnotatedFatalf(t, "'linkerd check' command failed", "'linkerd check' command failed\n%s", out) } }