use k8s::Condition; use k8s_gateway_api::{ParentReference, RouteParentStatus, RouteStatus}; use k8s_openapi::chrono::Utc; use kube::ResourceExt; use linkerd_policy_controller_core::POLICY_CONTROLLER_NAME; use linkerd_policy_controller_k8s_api as k8s; use linkerd_policy_test::{ await_condition, await_route_status, create, find_route_condition, mk_route, with_temp_ns, }; #[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn accepted_parent() { with_temp_ns(|client, ns| async move { // Create a parent Service let svc_name = "test-service"; let svc = k8s::Service { metadata: k8s::ObjectMeta { namespace: Some(ns.clone()), name: Some(svc_name.to_string()), ..Default::default() }, spec: Some(k8s::ServiceSpec { type_: Some("ClusterIP".to_string()), ports: Some(vec![k8s::ServicePort { port: 80, ..Default::default() }]), ..Default::default() }), ..k8s::Service::default() }; let svc = create(&client, svc).await; let svc_ref = vec![k8s::policy::httproute::ParentReference { group: Some("core".to_string()), kind: Some("Service".to_string()), namespace: svc.namespace(), name: svc.name_unchecked(), section_name: None, port: Some(80), }]; // Create a route that references the Service resource. let _route = create(&client, mk_route(&ns, "test-route", Some(svc_ref))).await; // Wait until route is updated with a status let statuses = await_route_status(&client, &ns, "test-route").await.parents; let route_status = statuses .clone() .into_iter() .find(|route_status| == svc_name) .expect("must have at least one parent status"); // Check status references to parent we have created assert_eq!(, Some("core")); assert_eq!(route_status.parent_ref.kind.as_deref(), Some("Service")); // Check status is accepted with a status of 'True' let cond = find_route_condition(&statuses, svc_name) .expect("must have at least one 'Accepted' condition for accepted servuce"); assert_eq!(cond.status, "True"); assert_eq!(cond.reason, "Accepted") }) .await; } #[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn no_cluster_ip() { with_temp_ns(|client, ns| async move { // Create a parent Service let svc = k8s::Service { metadata: k8s::ObjectMeta { namespace: Some(ns.clone()), name: Some("test-service".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, spec: Some(k8s::ServiceSpec { cluster_ip: Some("None".to_string()), type_: Some("ClusterIP".to_string()), ports: Some(vec![k8s::ServicePort { port: 80, ..Default::default() }]), ..Default::default() }), ..k8s::Service::default() }; let svc = create(&client, svc).await; let svc_ref = vec![k8s::policy::httproute::ParentReference { group: Some("core".to_string()), kind: Some("Service".to_string()), namespace: svc.namespace(), name: svc.name_unchecked(), section_name: None, port: Some(80), }]; // Create a route that references the Service resource. let _route = create(&client, mk_route(&ns, "test-route", Some(svc_ref))).await; // Wait until route is updated with a status let status = await_route_status(&client, &ns, "test-route").await; let cond = find_route_condition(&status.parents, "test-service") .expect("must have at least one 'Accepted' condition set for parent"); // Parent with no ClusterIP should not match. assert_eq!(cond.status, "False"); assert_eq!(cond.reason, "NoMatchingParent"); }) .await; } #[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn external_name() { with_temp_ns(|client, ns| async move { // Create a parent Service let svc = k8s::Service { metadata: k8s::ObjectMeta { namespace: Some(ns.clone()), name: Some("test-service".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, spec: Some(k8s::ServiceSpec { type_: Some("ExternalName".to_string()), external_name: Some("".to_string()), ports: Some(vec![k8s::ServicePort { port: 80, ..Default::default() }]), ..Default::default() }), ..k8s::Service::default() }; let svc = create(&client, svc).await; let svc_ref = vec![k8s::policy::httproute::ParentReference { group: Some("core".to_string()), kind: Some("Service".to_string()), namespace: svc.namespace(), name: svc.name_unchecked(), section_name: None, port: Some(80), }]; // Create a route that references the Service resource. let _route = create(&client, mk_route(&ns, "test-route", Some(svc_ref))).await; // Wait until route is updated with a status let status = await_route_status(&client, &ns, "test-route").await; let cond = find_route_condition(&status.parents, "test-service") .expect("must have at least one 'Accepted' condition set for parent"); // Parent with ExternalName should not match. assert_eq!(cond.status, "False"); assert_eq!(cond.reason, "NoMatchingParent"); }) .await; } #[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn multiple_statuses() { with_temp_ns(|client, ns| async move { // Create a parent Service let svc_name = "test-service"; let svc = k8s::Service { metadata: k8s::ObjectMeta { namespace: Some(ns.clone()), name: Some(svc_name.to_string()), ..Default::default() }, spec: Some(k8s::ServiceSpec { type_: Some("ClusterIP".to_string()), ports: Some(vec![k8s::ServicePort { port: 80, ..Default::default() }]), ..Default::default() }), ..k8s::Service::default() }; let svc = create(&client, svc).await; let svc_ref = vec![k8s::policy::httproute::ParentReference { group: Some("core".to_string()), kind: Some("Service".to_string()), namespace: svc.namespace(), name: svc.name_unchecked(), section_name: None, port: Some(80), }]; // Create a route that references the Service resource. let _route = create(&client, mk_route(&ns, "test-route", Some(svc_ref))).await; // Patch a status onto the HttpRoute. let value = serde_json::json!({ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "HTTPRoute", "name": "test-route", "status": k8s::policy::httproute::HttpRouteStatus { inner: RouteStatus { parents: vec![RouteParentStatus { conditions: vec![Condition { last_transition_time: k8s::Time(Utc::now()), message: "".to_string(), observed_generation: None, reason: "Accepted".to_string(), status: "True".to_string(), type_: "Accepted".to_string(), }], controller_name: "someone/else".to_string(), parent_ref: ParentReference { group: Some("".to_string()), name: "foo".to_string(), kind: Some("Gateway".to_string()), namespace: Some("bar".to_string()), port: None, section_name: None, }, }], }, }, }); let patch = k8s::Patch::Merge(value); let patch_params = k8s::PatchParams::apply("someone/else"); let api = k8s::Api::::namespaced(client.clone(), &ns); api.patch_status("test-route", &patch_params, &patch) .await .expect("failed to patch status"); await_condition( &client, &ns, "test-route", |obj: Option<&k8s::policy::HttpRoute>| -> bool { obj.and_then(|route| route.status.as_ref()) .map(|status| { let statuses = &status.inner.parents; let other_status_found = statuses .iter() .any(|route_status| route_status.controller_name == "someone/else"); let linkerd_status_found = statuses.iter().any(|route_status| { route_status.controller_name == POLICY_CONTROLLER_NAME }); other_status_found && linkerd_status_found }) .unwrap_or(false) }, ) .await .expect("must have both statuses"); }) .await; }