use kube::ResourceExt; use linkerd_policy_controller_k8s_api as k8s; use linkerd_policy_test::{ await_condition, await_route_status, create, find_route_condition, mk_route, update, with_temp_ns, }; #[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn inbound_accepted_parent() { with_temp_ns(|client, ns| async move { // Create a test 'Server' let server_name = "test-accepted-server"; let server = k8s::policy::Server { metadata: k8s::ObjectMeta { namespace: Some(ns.to_string()), name: Some(server_name.to_string()), ..Default::default() }, spec: k8s::policy::ServerSpec { selector: k8s::policy::server::Selector::Pod(k8s::labels::Selector::from_iter( Some(("app", server_name)), )), port: k8s::policy::server::Port::Name("http".to_string()), proxy_protocol: Some(k8s::policy::server::ProxyProtocol::Http1), }, }; let server = create(&client, server).await; let srv_ref = vec![k8s::policy::httproute::ParentReference { group: Some("".to_string()), kind: Some("Server".to_string()), namespace: server.namespace(), name: server.name_unchecked(), section_name: None, port: None, }]; // Create a route that references the Server resource. let _route = create(&client, mk_route(&ns, "test-accepted-route", Some(srv_ref))).await; // Wait until route is updated with a status let statuses = await_route_status(&client, &ns, "test-accepted-route") .await .parents; let route_status = statuses .clone() .into_iter() .find(|route_status| == server_name) .expect("must have at least one parent status"); // Check status references to parent we have created assert_eq!(, Some("") ); assert_eq!(route_status.parent_ref.kind.as_deref(), Some("Server")); // Check status is accepted with a status of 'True' let cond = find_route_condition(&statuses, server_name) .expect("must have at least one 'Accepted' condition for accepted server"); assert_eq!(cond.status, "True"); assert_eq!(cond.reason, "Accepted") }) .await; } #[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn inbound_multiple_parents() { with_temp_ns(|client, ns| async move { // Exercise accepted test with a valid, and an invalid parent reference let srv_refs = vec![ k8s::policy::httproute::ParentReference { group: Some("".to_string()), kind: Some("Server".to_string()), namespace: Some(ns.clone()), name: "test-valid-server".to_string(), section_name: None, port: None, }, k8s::policy::httproute::ParentReference { group: Some("".to_string()), kind: Some("Server".to_string()), namespace: Some(ns.clone()), name: "test-invalid-server".to_string(), section_name: None, port: None, }, ]; // Create only one of the parents let server = k8s::policy::Server { metadata: k8s::ObjectMeta { namespace: Some(ns.to_string()), name: Some("test-valid-server".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, spec: k8s::policy::ServerSpec { selector: k8s::policy::server::Selector::Pod(k8s::labels::Selector::from_iter( Some(("app", "test-valid-server")), )), port: k8s::policy::server::Port::Name("http".to_string()), proxy_protocol: Some(k8s::policy::server::ProxyProtocol::Http1), }, }; let _server = create(&client, server).await; // Create a route that references both parents. let _route = create( &client, mk_route(&ns, "test-multiple-parents-route", Some(srv_refs)), ) .await; // Wait until route is updated with a status let parent_status = await_route_status(&client, &ns, "test-multiple-parents-route") .await .parents; // Find status for invalid parent and extract the condition let invalid_cond = find_route_condition(&parent_status, "test-invalid-server") .expect("must have at least one 'Accepted' condition set for invalid parent"); // Route shouldn't be accepted assert_eq!(invalid_cond.status, "False"); assert_eq!(invalid_cond.reason, "NoMatchingParent"); // Find status for valid parent and extract the condition let valid_cond = find_route_condition(&parent_status, "test-valid-server") .expect("must have at least one 'Accepted' condition set for valid parent"); assert_eq!(valid_cond.status, "True"); assert_eq!(valid_cond.reason, "Accepted") }) .await } #[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn inbound_no_parent_ref_patch() { with_temp_ns(|client, ns| async move { // Create a test 'Server' let server_name = "test-accepted-server"; let server = k8s::policy::Server { metadata: k8s::ObjectMeta { namespace: Some(ns.to_string()), name: Some(server_name.to_string()), ..Default::default() }, spec: k8s::policy::ServerSpec { selector: k8s::policy::server::Selector::Pod(k8s::labels::Selector::from_iter( Some(("app", server_name)), )), port: k8s::policy::server::Port::Name("http".to_string()), proxy_protocol: Some(k8s::policy::server::ProxyProtocol::Http1), }, }; let server = create(&client, server).await; let srv_ref = vec![k8s::policy::httproute::ParentReference { group: Some("".to_string()), kind: Some("Server".to_string()), namespace: server.namespace(), name: server.name_unchecked(), section_name: None, port: None, }]; // Create a route with a parent reference. let route = create( &client, mk_route(&ns, "test-no-parent-refs-route", Some(srv_ref)), ) .await; // Status may not be set straight away. To account for that, wrap a // status condition watcher in a timeout. let status = await_route_status(&client, &ns, "test-no-parent-refs-route").await; // If timeout has elapsed, then route did not receive a status patch assert!( status.parents.len() == 1, "HTTPRoute Status should have 1 parent status" ); // Update route to remove parent_refs let _route = update(&client, mk_route(&ns, "test-no-parent-refs-route", None)).await; // Wait for the status to be updated to contain no parent statuses. await_condition::( &client, &ns, &route.name_unchecked(), |obj: Option<&k8s::policy::HttpRoute>| -> bool { obj.and_then(|route| route.status.as_ref()) .is_some_and(|status| status.inner.parents.is_empty()) }, ) .await .expect("HTTPRoute Status should have no parent status"); }) .await } #[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")] // Tests that inbound routes (routes attached to a `Server`) are properly // reconciled when the parentReference changes. Additionally, tests that routes // whose parentRefs do not exist are patched with an appropriate status. async fn inbound_accepted_reconcile_no_parent() { with_temp_ns(|client, ns| async move { // Given a route with a nonexistent parentReference, we expect to have an // 'Accepted' condition with 'False' as a status. let server_name = "test-reconcile-inbound-server"; let srv_ref = vec![k8s::policy::httproute::ParentReference { group: Some("".to_string()), kind: Some("Server".to_string()), namespace: Some(ns.clone()), name: server_name.to_string(), section_name: None, port: None, }]; let _route = create( &client, mk_route(&ns, "test-reconcile-inbound-route", Some(srv_ref)), ) .await; let route_status = await_route_status(&client, &ns, "test-reconcile-inbound-route").await; let cond = find_route_condition(&route_status.parents, server_name) .expect("must have at least one 'Accepted' condition set for parent"); // Test when parent ref does not exist we get Accepted { False }. assert_eq!(cond.status, "False"); assert_eq!(cond.reason, "NoMatchingParent"); // Create the 'Server' that route references and expect it to be picked up // by the index. Consequently, route will have its status reconciled. let server = k8s::policy::Server { metadata: k8s::ObjectMeta { namespace: Some(ns.to_string()), name: Some(server_name.to_string()), ..Default::default() }, spec: k8s::policy::ServerSpec { selector: k8s::policy::server::Selector::Pod(k8s::labels::Selector::from_iter( Some(("app", server_name)), )), port: k8s::policy::server::Port::Name("http".to_string()), proxy_protocol: Some(k8s::policy::server::ProxyProtocol::Http1), }, }; create(&client, server).await; // HTTPRoute may not be patched instantly, await the route condition // status becoming accepted. let _route_status = await_condition( &client, &ns, "test-reconcile-inbound-route", |obj: Option<&k8s::policy::httproute::HttpRoute>| -> bool { tracing::trace!(?obj, "got route status"); let status = match obj.and_then(|route| route.status.as_ref()) { Some(status) => status, None => return false, }; let cond = match find_route_condition(&status.inner.parents, server_name) { Some(cond) => cond, None => return false, }; cond.status == "True" && cond.reason == "Accepted" }, ) .await .expect("must fetch route") .status .expect("route must contain a status representation"); }) .await; } #[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn inbound_accepted_reconcile_parent_delete() { with_temp_ns(|client, ns| async move { // Attach a route to a Server and expect the route to be patched with an // Accepted status. let server_name = "test-reconcile-delete-server"; let server = k8s::policy::Server { metadata: k8s::ObjectMeta { namespace: Some(ns.to_string()), name: Some(server_name.to_string()), ..Default::default() }, spec: k8s::policy::ServerSpec { selector: k8s::policy::server::Selector::Pod(k8s::labels::Selector::from_iter( Some(("app", server_name)), )), port: k8s::policy::server::Port::Name("http".to_string()), proxy_protocol: Some(k8s::policy::server::ProxyProtocol::Http1), }, }; create(&client, server).await; // Create parentReference and route let srv_ref = vec![k8s::policy::httproute::ParentReference { group: Some("".to_string()), kind: Some("Server".to_string()), namespace: Some(ns.clone()), name: server_name.to_string(), section_name: None, port: None, }]; let _route = create( &client, mk_route(&ns, "test-reconcile-delete-route", Some(srv_ref)), ) .await; let route_status = await_route_status(&client, &ns, "test-reconcile-delete-route").await; let cond = find_route_condition(&route_status.parents, server_name) .expect("must have at least one 'Accepted' condition"); assert_eq!(cond.status, "True"); assert_eq!(cond.reason, "Accepted"); // Delete Server let api: kube::Api = kube::Api::namespaced(client.clone(), &ns); api.delete( "test-reconcile-delete-server", &kube::api::DeleteParams::default(), ) .await .expect("API delete request failed"); // HTTPRoute may not be patched instantly, await the route condition // becoming NoMatchingParent. let _route_status = await_condition( &client, &ns, "test-reconcile-delete-route", |obj: Option<&k8s::policy::httproute::HttpRoute>| -> bool { tracing::trace!(?obj, "got route status"); let status = match obj.and_then(|route| route.status.as_ref()) { Some(status) => status, None => return false, }; let cond = match find_route_condition(&status.inner.parents, server_name) { Some(cond) => cond, None => return false, }; cond.status == "False" && cond.reason == "NoMatchingParent" }, ) .await .expect("must fetch route") .status .expect("route must contain a status representation"); }) .await; }