use std::{num::NonZeroU16, time::Duration}; use futures::prelude::*; use k8s::policy::LocalTargetRef; use kube::ResourceExt; use linkerd_policy_controller_core::{Ipv4Net, Ipv6Net}; use linkerd_policy_controller_k8s_api as k8s; use linkerd_policy_test::{ assert_default_all_unauthenticated_labels, assert_is_default_all_unauthenticated, assert_protocol_detect_external, create, grpc, with_temp_ns, }; use maplit::{btreemap, convert_args, hashmap}; use tokio::time; #[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn external_workload_srv_with_authorization_policy() { with_temp_ns(|client, ns| async move { // Create an external workload object. let ext_workload = create(&client, mk_external_workload(&ns, "wkld-1")).await; tracing::trace!( external_workload = %ext_workload.name_any(), ip = ?ext_workload.spec.workload_ips.as_ref().unwrap()[0] ); let mut rx = retry_watch_server(&client, &ns, &ext_workload.name_any()).await; let config = rx .next() .await .expect("watch must not fail") .expect("watch must return an initial config"); tracing::trace!(?config); assert_is_default_all_unauthenticated!(config); assert_protocol_detect_external!(config); // Create a server that selects the http port on the workload and ensure // the update now uses this server (which has no authorizations) let server = create(&client, mk_http_server(&ns, "external-http")).await; let config = rx .next() .await .expect("watch must not fail") .expect("watch must return an initial config"); assert_eq!( config.protocol, Some(grpc::defaults::proxy_protocol_external()) ); assert_eq!(config.authorizations, vec![]); assert_eq!( config.labels, convert_args!(hashmap!( "group" => "", "kind" => "server", "name" => "external-http" )), ); // Create a server authorization that refers to the `linkerd-admin` // server (by name) and ensure that the update now reflects this // authorization. create( &client, k8s::policy::AuthorizationPolicy { metadata: kube::api::ObjectMeta { namespace: Some(ns.clone()), name: Some("all-http".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, spec: k8s::policy::AuthorizationPolicySpec { target_ref: LocalTargetRef { group: Some("".to_string()), kind: "server".to_string(), name: server.name_any(), }, required_authentication_refs: vec![], }, }, ) .await; let config = rx .next() .await .expect("watch must not fail") .expect("watch must return an updated config"); tracing::trace!(?config); assert_eq!( config.protocol, Some(grpc::defaults::proxy_protocol_external()) ); assert_eq!( config.authorizations.first().unwrap().labels, convert_args!(hashmap!( "group" => "", "kind" => "authorizationpolicy", "name" => "all-http", )), ); assert_eq!( *config .authorizations .first() .unwrap() .authentication .as_ref() .unwrap(), grpc::inbound::Authn { permit: Some(grpc::inbound::authn::Permit::Unauthenticated( grpc::inbound::authn::PermitUnauthenticated {} )), } ); assert_eq!( config.labels, convert_args!(hashmap!( "group" => "", "kind" => "server", "name" => server.name_unchecked() )) ); // Delete the `Server` and ensure that the update reverts to the // default. kube::Api::::namespaced(client.clone(), &ns) .delete( &server.name_unchecked(), &kube::api::DeleteParams::default(), ) .await .expect("Server must be deleted"); let config = rx .next() .await .expect("watch must not fail") .expect("watch must return an updated config"); assert_is_default_all_unauthenticated!(config); assert_protocol_detect_external!(config); }) .await } #[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn external_workload_srv_with_http_route() { with_temp_ns(|client, ns| async move { // Create an external workload object. let ext_workload = create(&client, mk_external_workload(&ns, "wkld-1")).await; tracing::trace!( external_workload = %ext_workload.name_any(), ip = ?ext_workload.spec.workload_ips.as_ref().unwrap()[0] ); let mut rx = retry_watch_server(&client, &ns, &ext_workload.name_any()).await; let config = rx .next() .await .expect("watch must not fail") .expect("watch must return an initial config"); tracing::trace!(?config); assert_is_default_all_unauthenticated!(config); assert_protocol_detect_external!(config); // Create a server that selects the http port on the workload and ensure // the update now uses this server (which has no authorizations) let server = create(&client, mk_http_server(&ns, "external-http")).await; let config = rx .next() .await .expect("watch must not fail") .expect("watch must return an initial config"); assert_eq!( config.protocol, Some(grpc::defaults::proxy_protocol_external()) ); assert_eq!(config.authorizations, vec![]); assert_eq!( config.labels, convert_args!(hashmap!( "group" => "", "kind" => "server", "name" => "external-http" )), ); let created_route = { use k8s::policy::httproute as api; let http_route = api::HttpRoute { metadata: kube::api::ObjectMeta { namespace: Some(ns.to_string()), name: Some("http-route".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, spec: api::HttpRouteSpec { inner: api::CommonRouteSpec { parent_refs: Some(vec![api::ParentReference { group: Some("".to_string()), kind: Some("Server".to_string()), name: server.name_any(), namespace: None, section_name: None, port: None, }]), }, hostnames: None, rules: Some(vec![api::HttpRouteRule { matches: Some(vec![api::HttpRouteMatch { path: Some(api::HttpPathMatch::Exact { value: "/endpoint".to_string(), }), headers: None, query_params: None, method: Some("GET".to_string()), }]), filters: None, backend_refs: None, timeouts: None, }]), }, status: None, }; create(&client, http_route).await }; let config = rx .next() .await .expect("watch must not fail") .expect("watch must return an initial config"); let kind = config .protocol .as_ref() .expect("must have proxy protocol") .kind .as_ref() .expect("must have kind"); let routes = if let grpc::inbound::proxy_protocol::Kind::Http1(ref http1) = kind { &http1.routes[..] } else { panic!("proxy protocol must be 'Http1'; actually got:\n{kind:#?}"); }; assert_eq!(routes.len(), 1); let route = routes.first().expect("must have route"); // Route should have no authz policy by default assert_eq!(route.authorizations, vec![]); assert_eq!( route.metadata.to_owned().expect("route must have metadata"), grpc::meta::Metadata { kind: Some(grpc::meta::metadata::Kind::Resource(grpc::meta::Resource { group: "".to_string(), kind: "HTTPRoute".to_string(), name: "http-route".to_string(), ..Default::default() })) } ); // Route has path match let rule_match = route .rules .first() .expect("must have rule") .matches .first() .expect("must have match"); assert_eq!( rule_match .path .to_owned() .expect("must have path match") .kind .expect("must have kind"), grpc::http_route::path_match::Kind::Exact("/endpoint".to_string()) ); // Create a network authn and a policy that refers to the route let all_networks = create( &client, k8s::policy::NetworkAuthentication { metadata: kube::api::ObjectMeta { namespace: Some(ns.clone()), name: Some("all-net".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, spec: k8s::policy::NetworkAuthenticationSpec { networks: vec![ k8s::policy::network_authentication::Network { cidr: Ipv4Net::default().into(), except: None, }, k8s::policy::network_authentication::Network { cidr: Ipv6Net::default().into(), except: None, }, ], }, }, ) .await; create( &client, k8s::policy::AuthorizationPolicy { metadata: kube::api::ObjectMeta { namespace: Some(ns.clone()), name: Some("all-net".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, spec: k8s::policy::AuthorizationPolicySpec { target_ref: k8s::policy::LocalTargetRef::from_resource(&created_route), required_authentication_refs: vec![ k8s::policy::NamespacedTargetRef::from_resource(&all_networks), ], }, }, ) .await; let config = rx .next() .await .expect("watch must not fail") .expect("watch must return an initial config"); let http1 = if let grpc::inbound::proxy_protocol::Kind::Http1(http1) = config .protocol .expect("must have proxy protocol") .kind .expect("must have kind") { http1 } else { panic!("proxy protocol must be HTTP1"); }; let h1_route = http1.routes.first().expect("must have route"); assert_eq!(h1_route.authorizations.len(), 1, "must have authorizations"); // Delete the `HttpRoute` and ensure that the update reverts to the // default. kube::Api::::namespaced(client.clone(), &ns) .delete("http-route", &kube::api::DeleteParams::default()) .await .expect("HttpRoute must be deleted"); let config = rx .next() .await .expect("watch must not fail") .expect("watch must return an initial config"); assert_eq!( config.protocol, Some(grpc::defaults::proxy_protocol_external()) ); }) .await; } #[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn external_workload_default_http_route() { with_temp_ns(|client, ns| async move { // Create an external workload object. let ext_workload = create(&client, mk_external_workload(&ns, "wkld-1")).await; tracing::trace!( external_workload = %ext_workload.name_any(), ip = ?ext_workload.spec.workload_ips.as_ref().unwrap()[0] ); let mut rx = retry_watch_server(&client, &ns, &ext_workload.name_any()).await; let config = rx .next() .await .expect("watch must not fail") .expect("watch must return an initial config"); tracing::trace!(?config); assert_is_default_all_unauthenticated!(config); assert_protocol_detect_external!(config); let kind = config .protocol .as_ref() .expect("must have proxy protocol") .kind .as_ref() .expect("must have kind"); let routes = if let grpc::inbound::proxy_protocol::Kind::Detect(ref detect) = kind { &detect.http_routes[..] } else { panic!("proxy protocol must be 'Detect'; actually got:\n{kind:#?}"); }; assert_eq!(routes.len(), 1); let route_authzs = &routes[0].authorizations; assert_eq!(route_authzs.len(), 0); }) .await } fn mk_external_workload(ns: &str, name: &str) -> k8s::external_workload::ExternalWorkload { k8s::external_workload::ExternalWorkload { metadata: k8s::ObjectMeta { namespace: Some(ns.into()), name: Some(name.into()), labels: Some(convert_args!(btreemap!( "app" => "ext", ))), ..Default::default() }, spec: k8s::external_workload::ExternalWorkloadSpec { mesh_tls: k8s::external_workload::MeshTls { identity: "some-identity".to_string(), server_name: "some-sni".to_string(), }, ports: Some(vec![k8s::external_workload::PortSpec { name: Some("http".into()), port: NonZeroU16::new(80).unwrap(), protocol: Default::default(), }]), workload_ips: Some(vec![k8s::external_workload::WorkloadIP { ip: "".to_string(), }]), }, status: None, } } async fn retry_watch_server( client: &kube::Client, ns: &str, workload_name: &str, ) -> tonic::Streaming { let mut policy_api = grpc::InboundPolicyClient::port_forwarded(client).await; loop { match policy_api .watch_port_for_external_workload(ns, workload_name, 80) .await { Ok(rx) => return rx, Err(error) => { tracing::error!( ?error, ns, workload_name, "failed to watch policy for port 80" ); time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; } } } } fn mk_http_server(ns: &str, name: &str) -> k8s::policy::Server { k8s::policy::Server { metadata: k8s::ObjectMeta { namespace: Some(ns.to_string()), name: Some(name.to_string()), ..Default::default() }, spec: k8s::policy::ServerSpec { selector: k8s::policy::server::Selector::ExternalWorkload( k8s::labels::Selector::default(), ), port: k8s::policy::server::Port::Name("http".to_string()), proxy_protocol: Some(k8s::policy::server::ProxyProtocol::Http1), }, } }