
Text file src/github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/policy-test/tests/admit_network_authentication.rs

Documentation: github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/policy-test/tests

     1use linkerd_policy_controller_k8s_api::{
     2    self as api,
     3    policy::network_authentication::{Network, NetworkAuthentication, NetworkAuthenticationSpec},
     5use linkerd_policy_test::admission;
     7#[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")]
     8async fn accepts_valid() {
     9    admission::accepts(|ns| NetworkAuthentication {
    10        metadata: api::ObjectMeta {
    11            namespace: Some(ns),
    12            name: Some("test".to_string()),
    13            ..Default::default()
    14        },
    15        spec: NetworkAuthenticationSpec {
    16            networks: vec![
    17                Network {
    18                    cidr: "".parse().unwrap(),
    19                    except: None,
    20                },
    21                Network {
    22                    cidr: "".parse().unwrap(),
    23                    except: Some(vec!["".parse().unwrap()]),
    24                },
    25            ],
    26        },
    27    })
    28    .await;
    31#[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")]
    32async fn accepts_ip_except() {
    33    admission::accepts(|ns| NetworkAuthentication {
    34        metadata: api::ObjectMeta {
    35            namespace: Some(ns),
    36            name: Some("test".to_string()),
    37            ..Default::default()
    38        },
    39        spec: NetworkAuthenticationSpec {
    40            networks: vec![Network {
    41                cidr: "".parse().unwrap(),
    42                except: Some(vec!["".parse().unwrap()]),
    43            }],
    44        },
    45    })
    46    .await;
    49#[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")]
    50async fn rejects_except_whole_cidr() {
    51    admission::rejects(|ns| NetworkAuthentication {
    52        metadata: api::ObjectMeta {
    53            namespace: Some(ns),
    54            name: Some("test".to_string()),
    55            ..Default::default()
    56        },
    57        spec: NetworkAuthenticationSpec {
    58            networks: vec![Network {
    59                cidr: "".parse().unwrap(),
    60                except: Some(vec!["".parse().unwrap()]),
    61            }],
    62        },
    63    })
    64    .await;
    67#[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")]
    68async fn rejects_except_not_in_cidr() {
    69    admission::rejects(|ns| NetworkAuthentication {
    70        metadata: api::ObjectMeta {
    71            namespace: Some(ns),
    72            name: Some("test".to_string()),
    73            ..Default::default()
    74        },
    75        spec: NetworkAuthenticationSpec {
    76            networks: vec![Network {
    77                cidr: "".parse().unwrap(),
    78                except: Some(vec!["".parse().unwrap()]),
    79            }],
    80        },
    81    })
    82    .await;
    85#[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")]
    86async fn rejects_invalid_cidr() {
    87    // Duplicate the CRD with relaxed validation so we can send an invalid CIDR value.
    88    #[derive(
    89        Clone,
    90        Debug,
    91        Default,
    92        kube::CustomResource,
    93        serde::Deserialize,
    94        serde::Serialize,
    95        schemars::JsonSchema,
    96    )]
    97    #[kube(
    98        group = "policy.linkerd.io",
    99        version = "v1alpha1",
   100        kind = "NetworkAuthentication",
   101        namespaced
   102    )]
   103    #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
   104    pub struct NetworkAuthenticationSpec {
   105        pub networks: Vec<Network>,
   106    }
   108    #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, schemars::JsonSchema)]
   109    #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
   110    pub struct Network {
   111        pub cidr: String,
   112        pub except: Option<Vec<String>>,
   113    }
   115    admission::rejects(|ns| NetworkAuthentication {
   116        metadata: api::ObjectMeta {
   117            namespace: Some(ns),
   118            name: Some("test".to_string()),
   119            ..Default::default()
   120        },
   121        spec: NetworkAuthenticationSpec {
   122            networks: vec![Network {
   123                cidr: "".to_string(),
   124                except: Some(vec!["bogus".to_string()]),
   125            }],
   126        },
   127    })
   128    .await;
   131#[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")]
   132async fn rejects_empty() {
   133    admission::rejects(|ns| NetworkAuthentication {
   134        metadata: api::ObjectMeta {
   135            namespace: Some(ns),
   136            name: Some("test".to_string()),
   137            ..Default::default()
   138        },
   139        spec: NetworkAuthenticationSpec { networks: vec![] },
   140    })
   141    .await;

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