package servicemirror import ( "context" "fmt" "testing" "" "" consts "" "" logging "" corev1 "" "" metav1 "" "" "" ) type mirroringTestCase struct { description string environment *testEnvironment expectedLocalServices []*corev1.Service expectedLocalEndpoints []*corev1.Endpoints expectedEventsInQueue []interface{} } func (tc *mirroringTestCase) run(t *testing.T) { t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) { q := workqueue.NewRateLimitingQueue(workqueue.DefaultControllerRateLimiter()) localAPI, err := tc.environment.runEnvironment(q) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if tc.expectedLocalServices == nil { // ensure the are no local services services, err := localAPI.Client.CoreV1().Services(corev1.NamespaceAll).List(context.Background(), metav1.ListOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(services.Items) > 0 { t.Fatalf("Was expecting no local services but instead found %v", services.Items) } } else { for _, expected := range tc.expectedLocalServices { actual, err := localAPI.Client.CoreV1().Services(expected.Namespace).Get(context.Background(), expected.Name, metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Could not find mirrored service with name %s", expected.Name) } if err := diffServices(expected, actual); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } } if tc.expectedLocalEndpoints == nil { // In a real Kubernetes cluster, deleting the service is sufficient // to delete the endpoints. } else { for _, expected := range tc.expectedLocalEndpoints { actual, err := localAPI.Client.CoreV1().Endpoints(expected.Namespace).Get(context.Background(), expected.Name, metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Could not find endpoints with name %s", expected.Name) } if err := diffEndpoints(expected, actual); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } } expectedNumEvents := len(tc.expectedEventsInQueue) actualNumEvents := q.Len() if expectedNumEvents != actualNumEvents { t.Fatalf("Was expecting %d events but got %d", expectedNumEvents, actualNumEvents) } for _, ev := range tc.expectedEventsInQueue { evInQueue, _ := q.Get() if diff := deep.Equal(ev, evInQueue); diff != nil { t.Errorf("%v", diff) } } }) } func TestRemoteServiceCreatedMirroring(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []mirroringTestCase{ { description: "create service and endpoints when gateway can be resolved", environment: createExportedService, expectedLocalServices: []*corev1.Service{ mirrorService( "service-one-remote", "ns1", "111", []corev1.ServicePort{ { Name: "port1", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 555, }, { Name: "port2", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 666, }, }), }, expectedLocalEndpoints: []*corev1.Endpoints{ endpoints("service-one-remote", "ns1", "", "gateway-identity", []corev1.EndpointPort{ { Name: "port1", Port: 888, Protocol: "TCP", }, { Name: "port2", Port: 888, Protocol: "TCP", }, }), }, }, { description: "create headless service and endpoints when gateway can be resolved", environment: createExportedHeadlessService, expectedLocalServices: []*corev1.Service{ headlessMirrorService( "service-one-remote", "ns2", "111", []corev1.ServicePort{ { Name: "port1", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 555, }, { Name: "port2", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 666, }, }), endpointMirrorService( "pod-0", "service-one-remote", "ns2", "112", []corev1.ServicePort{ { Name: "port1", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 555, }, { Name: "port2", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 666, }, }, ), }, expectedLocalEndpoints: []*corev1.Endpoints{ headlessMirrorEndpoints("service-one-remote", "ns2", "pod-0", "", "gateway-identity", []corev1.EndpointPort{ { Name: "port1", Port: 555, Protocol: "TCP", }, { Name: "port2", Port: 666, Protocol: "TCP", }, }), endpointMirrorEndpoints( "service-one-remote", "ns2", "pod-0", "", "gateway-identity", []corev1.EndpointPort{ { Name: "port1", Port: 889, Protocol: "TCP", }, { Name: "port2", Port: 889, Protocol: "TCP", }, }), }, }, { description: "remote discovery mirroring", environment: createRemoteDiscoveryService, expectedLocalServices: []*corev1.Service{ remoteDiscoveryMirrorService( "service-one", "ns1", "111", []corev1.ServicePort{ { Name: "port1", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 555, }, { Name: "port2", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 666, }, }), }, expectedLocalEndpoints: []*corev1.Endpoints{}, }, { description: "link with no gateway mirrors only remote discovery", environment: noGatewayLink, expectedLocalServices: []*corev1.Service{ remoteDiscoveryMirrorService( "service-one", "ns1", "111", []corev1.ServicePort{ { Name: "port1", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 555, }, { Name: "port2", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 666, }, }), }, expectedLocalEndpoints: []*corev1.Endpoints{}, }, } { tc := tt // pin } } func TestLocalNamespaceCreatedAfterServiceExport(t *testing.T) { remoteAPI, err := k8s.NewFakeAPI( gatewayAsYaml("existing-gateway", "existing-namespace", "222", "", "mc-gateway", 888, "gateway-identity", defaultProbePort, defaultProbePath, defaultProbePeriod), remoteServiceAsYaml("service-one", "ns1", "111", []corev1.ServicePort{}), endpointsAsYaml("service-one", "ns1", "", "gateway-identity", []corev1.EndpointPort{}), ) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } localAPI, err := k8s.NewFakeAPI() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } remoteAPI.Sync(nil) localAPI.Sync(nil) q := workqueue.NewRateLimitingQueue(workqueue.DefaultControllerRateLimiter()) eventRecorder := record.NewFakeRecorder(100) watcher := RemoteClusterServiceWatcher{ link: &multicluster.Link{ TargetClusterName: clusterName, TargetClusterDomain: clusterDomain, GatewayIdentity: "gateway-identity", GatewayAddress: "", GatewayPort: 888, ProbeSpec: defaultProbeSpec, Selector: *defaultSelector, RemoteDiscoverySelector: *defaultRemoteDiscoverySelector, }, remoteAPIClient: remoteAPI, localAPIClient: localAPI, stopper: nil, recorder: eventRecorder, log: logging.WithFields(logging.Fields{"cluster": clusterName}), eventsQueue: q, requeueLimit: 0, gatewayAlive: true, headlessServicesEnabled: true, } q.Add(&RemoteServiceCreated{ service: remoteService("service-one", "ns1", "111", map[string]string{ consts.DefaultExportedServiceSelector: "true", }, []corev1.ServicePort{ { Name: "port1", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 555, }, { Name: "port2", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 666, }, }), }) for q.Len() > 0 { watcher.processNextEvent(context.Background()) } _, err = localAPI.Svc().Lister().Services("ns1").Get("service-one-remote") if err == nil { t.Fatalf("service-one should not exist in local cluster before namespace is created") } else if !errors.IsNotFound(err) { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } skippedEvent := <-eventRecorder.Events if skippedEvent != fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", corev1.EventTypeNormal, eventTypeSkipped, "Skipped mirroring service: namespace does not exist") { t.Error("Expected skipped event, got:", skippedEvent) } ns, err := localAPI.Client.CoreV1().Namespaces().Create(context.Background(), &corev1.Namespace{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "ns1"}}, metav1.CreateOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } q.Add(&OnLocalNamespaceAdded{ns}) for q.Len() > 0 { watcher.processNextEvent(context.Background()) } _, err = localAPI.Client.CoreV1().Services("ns1").Get(context.Background(), "service-one-remote", metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("error getting service-one locally: %v", err) } } func TestServiceCreatedGatewayAlive(t *testing.T) { remoteAPI, err := k8s.NewFakeAPI( gatewayAsYaml("gateway", "gateway-ns", "1", "", "gateway", 888, "gateway-identity", defaultProbePort, defaultProbePath, defaultProbePeriod), remoteServiceAsYaml("svc", "ns", "1", []corev1.ServicePort{}), endpointsAsYaml("svc", "ns", "", "gateway-identity", []corev1.EndpointPort{}), ) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } localAPI, err := k8s.NewFakeAPI( namespaceAsYaml("ns"), ) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } remoteAPI.Sync(nil) localAPI.Sync(nil) events := workqueue.NewRateLimitingQueue(workqueue.DefaultControllerRateLimiter()) watcher := RemoteClusterServiceWatcher{ link: &multicluster.Link{ TargetClusterName: clusterName, TargetClusterDomain: clusterDomain, GatewayIdentity: "gateway-identity", GatewayAddress: "", GatewayPort: 888, ProbeSpec: defaultProbeSpec, Selector: *defaultSelector, RemoteDiscoverySelector: *defaultRemoteDiscoverySelector, }, remoteAPIClient: remoteAPI, localAPIClient: localAPI, log: logging.WithFields(logging.Fields{"cluster": clusterName}), eventsQueue: events, requeueLimit: 0, gatewayAlive: true, } events.Add(&RemoteServiceCreated{ service: remoteService("svc", "ns", "1", map[string]string{ consts.DefaultExportedServiceSelector: "true", }, []corev1.ServicePort{ { Name: "port", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 111, }, }), }) for events.Len() > 0 { watcher.processNextEvent(context.Background()) } // Expect Service svc-remote to be created with ready endpoints because // the Namespace ns exists and the gateway is alive. _, err = localAPI.Client.CoreV1().Services("ns").Get(context.Background(), "svc-remote", metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("error getting svc-remote Service: %v", err) } endpoints, err := localAPI.Client.CoreV1().Endpoints("ns").Get(context.Background(), "svc-remote", metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("error getting svc-remote Endpoints: %v", err) } if len(endpoints.Subsets) == 0 { t.Fatal("expected svc-remote Endpoints subsets") } for _, ss := range endpoints.Subsets { if len(ss.Addresses) == 0 { t.Fatal("svc-remote Endpoints should have addresses") } if len(ss.NotReadyAddresses) != 0 { t.Fatalf("svc-remote Endpoints should not have not ready addresses: %v", ss.NotReadyAddresses) } } // The gateway is now down which triggers repairing Endpoints on the local // cluster. watcher.gatewayAlive = false events.Add(&RepairEndpoints{}) for events.Len() > 0 { watcher.processNextEvent(context.Background()) } // When repairing Endpoints on the local cluster, the gateway address // should have been moved to NotReadyAddresses meaning that Endpoints // for the mirrored Service svc-remote should have no ready addresses. endpoints, err = localAPI.Client.CoreV1().Endpoints("ns").Get(context.Background(), "svc-remote", metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("error getting svc-remote Endpoints locally: %v", err) } if len(endpoints.Subsets) == 0 { t.Fatal("expected svc-remote Endpoints subsets") } for _, ss := range endpoints.Subsets { if len(ss.NotReadyAddresses) == 0 { t.Fatal("svc-remote Endpoints should have not ready addresses") } if len(ss.Addresses) != 0 { t.Fatalf("svc-remote Endpoints should not have addresses: %v", ss.Addresses) } } // Issue an update for the remote Service which adds a new label // 'new-label'. This should exercise RemoteServiceUpdated which should // update svc-remote; the gateway is still not alive though so we expect // the Endpoints of svc-remote to still have no ready addresses. events.Add(&RemoteServiceUpdated{ localService: remoteService("svc-remote", "ns", "2", nil, nil), localEndpoints: endpoints, remoteUpdate: remoteService("svc", "ns", "2", map[string]string{ consts.DefaultExportedServiceSelector: "true", "new-label": "hi", }, []corev1.ServicePort{ { Name: "port", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 111, }, }), }) for events.Len() > 0 { watcher.processNextEvent(context.Background()) } service, err := localAPI.Client.CoreV1().Services("ns").Get(context.Background(), "svc-remote", metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("error getting svc-remote Service: %v", err) } _, ok := service.Labels["new-label"] if !ok { t.Fatalf("error updating svc-remote Service: %v", err) } endpoints, err = localAPI.Client.CoreV1().Endpoints("ns").Get(context.Background(), "svc-remote", metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("error getting svc-remote Endpoints: %v", err) } if len(endpoints.Subsets) == 0 { t.Fatal("expected svc-remote Endpoints subsets") } for _, ss := range endpoints.Subsets { if len(ss.NotReadyAddresses) == 0 { t.Fatal("svc-remote Endpoints should have not ready addresses") } if len(ss.Addresses) != 0 { t.Fatalf("svc-remote Endpoints should not have addresses: %v", ss.Addresses) } } } func TestServiceCreatedGatewayDown(t *testing.T) { remoteAPI, err := k8s.NewFakeAPI( gatewayAsYaml("gateway", "gateway-ns", "1", "", "gateway", 888, "gateway-identity", defaultProbePort, defaultProbePath, defaultProbePeriod), remoteServiceAsYaml("svc", "ns", "1", []corev1.ServicePort{}), endpointsAsYaml("svc", "ns", "", "gateway-identity", []corev1.EndpointPort{}), ) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } localAPI, err := k8s.NewFakeAPI( namespaceAsYaml("ns"), ) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } remoteAPI.Sync(nil) localAPI.Sync(nil) events := workqueue.NewRateLimitingQueue(workqueue.DefaultControllerRateLimiter()) watcher := RemoteClusterServiceWatcher{ link: &multicluster.Link{ TargetClusterName: clusterName, TargetClusterDomain: clusterDomain, GatewayIdentity: "gateway-identity", GatewayAddress: "", GatewayPort: 888, ProbeSpec: defaultProbeSpec, Selector: *defaultSelector, RemoteDiscoverySelector: *defaultRemoteDiscoverySelector, }, remoteAPIClient: remoteAPI, localAPIClient: localAPI, log: logging.WithFields(logging.Fields{"cluster": clusterName}), eventsQueue: events, requeueLimit: 0, gatewayAlive: false, } events.Add(&RemoteServiceCreated{ service: remoteService("svc", "ns", "1", map[string]string{ consts.DefaultExportedServiceSelector: "true", }, []corev1.ServicePort{ { Name: "port", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 111, }, }), }) for events.Len() > 0 { watcher.processNextEvent(context.Background()) } // Expect Service svc-remote to be created with Endpoints subsets // that are not ready because the gateway is down. _, err = localAPI.Client.CoreV1().Services("ns").Get(context.Background(), "svc-remote", metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("error getting svc-remote Service: %v", err) } endpoints, err := localAPI.Client.CoreV1().Endpoints("ns").Get(context.Background(), "svc-remote", metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("error getting svc-remote Endpoints: %v", err) } if len(endpoints.Subsets) == 0 { t.Fatal("expected svc-remote Endpoints subsets") } for _, ss := range endpoints.Subsets { if len(ss.NotReadyAddresses) == 0 { t.Fatal("svc-remote Endpoints should have not ready addresses") } if len(ss.Addresses) != 0 { t.Fatalf("svc-remote Endpoints should not have addresses: %v", ss.Addresses) } } // The gateway is now alive which triggers repairing Endpoints on the // local cluster. watcher.gatewayAlive = true events.Add(&RepairEndpoints{}) for events.Len() > 0 { watcher.processNextEvent(context.Background()) } endpoints, err = localAPI.Client.CoreV1().Endpoints("ns").Get(context.Background(), "svc-remote", metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("error getting svc-remote Endpoints locally: %v", err) } if len(endpoints.Subsets) == 0 { t.Fatal("expected svc-remote Endpoints subsets") } for _, ss := range endpoints.Subsets { if len(ss.Addresses) == 0 { t.Fatal("svc-remote Endpoints should have addresses") } if len(ss.NotReadyAddresses) != 0 { t.Fatalf("svc-remote Service endpoints should not have not ready addresses: %v", ss.NotReadyAddresses) } } } func TestRemoteServiceDeletedMirroring(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []mirroringTestCase{ { description: "deletes locally mirrored service", environment: deleteMirrorService, }, } { tc := tt // pin } } func TestRemoteServiceUpdatedMirroring(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []mirroringTestCase{ { description: "updates service ports on both service and endpoints", environment: updateServiceWithChangedPorts, expectedLocalServices: []*corev1.Service{ mirrorService("test-service-remote", "test-namespace", "currentServiceResVersion", []corev1.ServicePort{ { Name: "port1", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 111, }, { Name: "port3", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 333, }, }), }, expectedLocalEndpoints: []*corev1.Endpoints{ endpoints("test-service-remote", "test-namespace", "", "gateway-identity", []corev1.EndpointPort{ { Name: "port1", Port: 888, Protocol: "TCP", }, { Name: "port3", Port: 888, Protocol: "TCP", }, }), }, }, } { tc := tt // pin } } // TestEmptyRemoteSelectors asserts that empty selectors do not introduce side // effects, such as mirroring unexported services. An empty label selector // functions as a catch-all (i.e. matches everything), the cluster watcher must // uphold an invariant whereby empty selectors do not export everything by // default. func TestEmptyRemoteSelectors(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []mirroringTestCase{ { description: "empty remote discovery selector does not result in exports", environment: createEnvWithSelector(defaultSelector, &metav1.LabelSelector{}), expectedEventsInQueue: []interface{}{&RemoteServiceCreated{ service: remoteService("service-one", "ns1", "111", map[string]string{ consts.DefaultExportedServiceSelector: "true", }, []corev1.ServicePort{ { Name: "default1", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 555, }, { Name: "default2", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 666, }, }), }, }, }, { description: "empty default selector does not result in exports", environment: createEnvWithSelector(&metav1.LabelSelector{}, defaultRemoteDiscoverySelector), expectedEventsInQueue: []interface{}{&RemoteServiceCreated{ service: remoteService("service-two", "ns1", "111", map[string]string{ consts.DefaultExportedServiceSelector: "remote-discovery", }, []corev1.ServicePort{ { Name: "remote1", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 777, }, { Name: "remote2", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 888, }, }), }}, }, { description: "no selector in link does not result in exports", environment: createEnvWithSelector(&metav1.LabelSelector{}, &metav1.LabelSelector{}), }, } { tc := tt } } func TestRemoteEndpointsUpdatedMirroring(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []mirroringTestCase{ { description: "updates headless mirror service with new remote Endpoints hosts", environment: updateEndpointsWithChangedHosts, expectedLocalServices: []*corev1.Service{ headlessMirrorService("service-two-remote", "eptest", "222", []corev1.ServicePort{ { Name: "port1", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 555, }, { Name: "port2", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 666, }, }), endpointMirrorService("pod-0", "service-two-remote", "eptest", "333", []corev1.ServicePort{ { Name: "port1", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 555, }, { Name: "port2", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 666, }, }), endpointMirrorService("pod-1", "service-two-remote", "eptest", "112", []corev1.ServicePort{ { Name: "port1", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 555, }, { Name: "port2", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 666, }, }), }, expectedLocalEndpoints: []*corev1.Endpoints{ headlessMirrorEndpointsUpdated( "service-two-remote", "eptest", []string{"pod-0", "pod-1"}, []string{"", ""}, "gateway-identity", []corev1.EndpointPort{ { Name: "port1", Port: 555, Protocol: "TCP", }, { Name: "port2", Port: 666, Protocol: "TCP", }, }), endpointMirrorEndpoints( "service-two-remote", "eptest", "pod-0", "", "gateway-identity", []corev1.EndpointPort{ { Name: "port1", Port: 888, Protocol: "TCP", }, { Name: "port2", Port: 888, Protocol: "TCP", }, }), endpointMirrorEndpoints( "service-two-remote", "eptest", "pod-1", "", "gateway-identity", []corev1.EndpointPort{ { Name: "port1", Port: 888, Protocol: "TCP", }, { Name: "port2", Port: 888, Protocol: "TCP", }, }), }, }, } { tc := tt // pin } } func TestClusterUnregisteredMirroring(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []mirroringTestCase{ { description: "unregisters cluster and cleans up all mirrored resources", environment: clusterUnregistered, }, } { tc := tt // pin } } func TestGcOrphanedServicesMirroring(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []mirroringTestCase{ { description: "deletes mirrored resources that are no longer present on the remote cluster", environment: gcTriggered, expectedLocalServices: []*corev1.Service{ mirrorService("test-service-1-remote", "test-namespace", "", nil), headlessMirrorService("test-headless-service-remote", "test-namespace", "", nil), endpointMirrorService("pod-0", "test-headless-service-remote", "test-namespace", "", nil), }, expectedLocalEndpoints: []*corev1.Endpoints{ endpoints("test-service-1-remote", "test-namespace", "", "", nil), headlessMirrorEndpoints("test-headless-service-remote", "test-namespace", "pod-0", "", "", nil), endpointMirrorEndpoints("test-headless-service-remote", "test-namespace", "pod-0", "", "", nil), }, }, } { tc := tt // pin } } func onAddOrUpdateTestCases(isAdd bool) []mirroringTestCase { testType := "ADD" if !isAdd { testType = "UPDATE" } return []mirroringTestCase{ { description: fmt.Sprintf("enqueue a RemoteServiceCreated event when this is not a gateway and we have the needed annotations (%s)", testType), environment: onAddOrUpdateExportedSvc(isAdd), expectedEventsInQueue: []interface{}{&RemoteServiceCreated{ service: remoteService("test-service", "test-namespace", "resVersion", map[string]string{ consts.DefaultExportedServiceSelector: "true", }, nil), }}, }, { description: fmt.Sprintf("enqueue a RemoteServiceUpdated event if this is a service that we have already mirrored and its res version is different (%s)", testType), environment: onAddOrUpdateRemoteServiceUpdated(isAdd), expectedEventsInQueue: []interface{}{&RemoteServiceUpdated{ localService: mirrorService("test-service-remote", "test-namespace", "pastResourceVersion", nil), localEndpoints: endpoints("test-service-remote", "test-namespace", "", "", nil), remoteUpdate: remoteService("test-service", "test-namespace", "currentResVersion", map[string]string{ consts.DefaultExportedServiceSelector: "true", }, nil), }}, expectedLocalServices: []*corev1.Service{ mirrorService("test-service-remote", "test-namespace", "pastResourceVersion", nil), }, expectedLocalEndpoints: []*corev1.Endpoints{ endpoints("test-service-remote", "test-namespace", "", "", nil), }, }, { description: fmt.Sprintf("not enqueue any events as this update does not really tell us anything new (res version is the same...) (%s)", testType), environment: onAddOrUpdateSameResVersion(isAdd), expectedLocalServices: []*corev1.Service{ mirrorService("test-service-remote", "test-namespace", "currentResVersion", nil), }, expectedLocalEndpoints: []*corev1.Endpoints{ endpoints("test-service-remote", "test-namespace", "", "", nil), }, }, { description: fmt.Sprintf("enqueue RemoteServiceDeleted event as this service is not mirrorable anymore (%s)", testType), environment: serviceNotExportedAnymore(isAdd), expectedEventsInQueue: []interface{}{&RemoteServiceDeleted{ Name: "test-service", Namespace: "test-namespace", }}, expectedLocalServices: []*corev1.Service{ mirrorService("test-service-remote", "test-namespace", "currentResVersion", nil), }, expectedLocalEndpoints: []*corev1.Endpoints{ endpoints("test-service-remote", "test-namespace", "", "", nil), }, }, } } func TestOnAdd(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range onAddOrUpdateTestCases(true) { tc := tt // pin } } func TestOnUpdate(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range onAddOrUpdateTestCases(false) { tc := tt // pin } } func TestOnDelete(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []mirroringTestCase{ { description: "enqueues a RemoteServiceDeleted because there is gateway metadata present on the service", environment: onDeleteExportedService, expectedEventsInQueue: []interface{}{ &RemoteServiceDeleted{ Name: "test-service", Namespace: "test-namespace", }, }, }, { description: "skips because there is no gateway metadata present on the service", environment: onDeleteNonExportedService, expectedEventsInQueue: []interface{}{}, }, } { tc := tt // pin } }