package cmd import ( "bytes" "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "os" "path" "time" "" multicluster "" "" partials "" "" "" "" log "" "" "" "" valuespkg "" "" kerrors "" "" ) type ( multiclusterInstallOptions struct { gateway multicluster.Gateway remoteMirrorCredentials bool } ) var TemplatesMulticluster = []string{ chartutil.ChartfileName, chartutil.ValuesfileName, "templates/namespace.yaml", "templates/gateway.yaml", "templates/gateway-policy.yaml", "templates/psp.yaml", "templates/remote-access-service-mirror-rbac.yaml", "templates/link-crd.yaml", "templates/service-mirror-policy.yaml", } func newMulticlusterInstallCommand() *cobra.Command { options, err := newMulticlusterInstallOptionsWithDefault() var ha bool var wait time.Duration var valuesOptions valuespkg.Options var ignoreCluster bool var cniEnabled bool if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) os.Exit(1) } cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "install", Short: "Output Kubernetes configs to install the Linkerd multicluster add-on", Args: cobra.NoArgs, Example: ` # Default install. linkerd multicluster install | kubectl apply -f - The installation can be configured by using the --set, --values, --set-string and --set-file flags. A full list of configurable values can be found at `, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { if !ignoreCluster { // Wait for the core control-plane to be up and running hc := healthcheck.NewWithCoreChecks(&healthcheck.Options{ ControlPlaneNamespace: controlPlaneNamespace, KubeConfig: kubeconfigPath, KubeContext: kubeContext, Impersonate: impersonate, ImpersonateGroup: impersonateGroup, APIAddr: apiAddr, RetryDeadline: time.Now().Add(wait), }) hc.RunWithExitOnError() cniEnabled = hc.CNIEnabled } return install(cmd.Context(), stdout, options, valuesOptions, ha, ignoreCluster, cniEnabled) }, } flags.AddValueOptionsFlags(cmd.Flags(), &valuesOptions) cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.gateway.Enabled, "gateway", options.gateway.Enabled, "If the gateway component should be installed") cmd.Flags().Uint32Var(&options.gateway.Port, "gateway-port", options.gateway.Port, "The port on the gateway used for all incoming traffic") cmd.Flags().Uint32Var(&options.gateway.Probe.Seconds, "gateway-probe-seconds", options.gateway.Probe.Seconds, "The interval at which the gateway will be checked for being alive in seconds") cmd.Flags().Uint32Var(&options.gateway.Probe.Port, "gateway-probe-port", options.gateway.Probe.Port, "The liveness check port of the gateway") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.remoteMirrorCredentials, "service-mirror-credentials", options.remoteMirrorCredentials, "Whether to install the service account which can be used by service mirror components in source clusters to discover exported services") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&options.gateway.ServiceType, "gateway-service-type", options.gateway.ServiceType, "Overwrite Service type for gateway service") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&ha, "ha", false, `Install multicluster extension in High Availability mode.`) cmd.Flags().DurationVar(&wait, "wait", 300*time.Second, "Wait for core control-plane components to be available") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&ignoreCluster, "ignore-cluster", false, "Ignore the current Kubernetes cluster when checking for existing cluster configuration (default false)") // Hide developer focused flags in release builds. release, err := version.IsReleaseChannel(version.Version) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Unable to parse version: %s", version.Version) } if release { cmd.Flags().MarkHidden("control-plane-version") cmd.Flags().MarkHidden("gateway-nginx-image") cmd.Flags().MarkHidden("gateway-nginx-image-version") } return cmd } func install(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer, options *multiclusterInstallOptions, valuesOptions valuespkg.Options, ha, ignoreCluster, cniEnabled bool) error { values, err := buildMulticlusterInstallValues(ctx, options, ignoreCluster) if err != nil { return err } // Create values override valuesOverrides, err := valuesOptions.MergeValues(nil) if err != nil { return err } if ha { valuesOverrides, err = charts.OverrideFromFile(valuesOverrides, static.Templates, helmMulticlusterDefaultChartName, "values-ha.yaml") if err != nil { return err } } if cniEnabled { valuesOverrides["cniEnabled"] = true } return render(w, values, valuesOverrides) } func render(w io.Writer, values *multicluster.Values, valuesOverrides map[string]interface{}) error { var files []*loader.BufferedFile for _, template := range TemplatesMulticluster { files = append(files, &loader.BufferedFile{Name: template}) } var partialFiles []*loader.BufferedFile for _, template := range charts.L5dPartials { partialFiles = append(partialFiles, &loader.BufferedFile{Name: template}, ) } // Load all multicluster install chart files into buffer if err := charts.FilesReader(static.Templates, helmMulticlusterDefaultChartName+"/", files); err != nil { return err } // Load all partial chart files into buffer if err := charts.FilesReader(partials.Templates, "", partialFiles); err != nil { return err } // Create a Chart obj from the files chart, err := loader.LoadFiles(append(files, partialFiles...)) if err != nil { return err } // Render raw values and create chart config rawValues, err := yaml.Marshal(values) if err != nil { return err } // Store final Values generated from values.yaml and CLI flags err = yaml.Unmarshal(rawValues, &chart.Values) if err != nil { return err } vals, err := chartutil.CoalesceValues(chart, valuesOverrides) if err != nil { return err } fullValues := map[string]interface{}{ "Values": vals, "Release": map[string]interface{}{ "Namespace": defaultMulticlusterNamespace, "Service": "CLI", }, } // Attach the final values into the `Values` field for rendering to work renderedTemplates, err := engine.Render(chart, fullValues) if err != nil { return err } // Merge templates and inject var buf bytes.Buffer for _, tmpl := range chart.Templates { t := path.Join(chart.Metadata.Name, tmpl.Name) if _, err := buf.WriteString(renderedTemplates[t]); err != nil { return err } } w.Write(buf.Bytes()) w.Write([]byte("---\n")) return nil } func newMulticlusterInstallOptionsWithDefault() (*multiclusterInstallOptions, error) { defaults, err := multicluster.NewInstallValues() if err != nil { return nil, err } return &multiclusterInstallOptions{ gateway: *defaults.Gateway, remoteMirrorCredentials: true, }, nil } func buildMulticlusterInstallValues(ctx context.Context, opts *multiclusterInstallOptions, ignoreCluster bool) (*multicluster.Values, error) { defaults, err := multicluster.NewInstallValues() if err != nil { return nil, err } defaults.Gateway.Enabled = opts.gateway.Enabled defaults.Gateway.Port = opts.gateway.Port defaults.Gateway.Probe.Seconds = opts.gateway.Probe.Seconds defaults.Gateway.Probe.Port = opts.gateway.Probe.Port defaults.LinkerdNamespace = controlPlaneNamespace defaults.LinkerdVersion = version.Version defaults.RemoteMirrorServiceAccount = opts.remoteMirrorCredentials defaults.Gateway.ServiceType = opts.gateway.ServiceType if ignoreCluster { return defaults, nil } values, err := getLinkerdConfigMap(ctx) if err != nil { if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) { return nil, errors.New("you need Linkerd to be installed in order to install multicluster addons") } return nil, err } defaults.ProxyOutboundPort = uint32(values.Proxy.Ports.Outbound) defaults.IdentityTrustDomain = values.IdentityTrustDomain return defaults, nil }