
Text file src/github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/multicluster/charts/linkerd-multicluster/templates/link-crd.yaml

Documentation: github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/multicluster/charts/linkerd-multicluster/templates

     3### Link CRD
     5apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
     6kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     8  name: links.multicluster.linkerd.io
     9  labels:
    10    linkerd.io/extension: multicluster
    11    {{- with .Values.commonLabels }}{{ toYaml . | trim | nindent 4 }}{{- end }}
    12  annotations:
    13    {{ include "partials.annotations.created-by" . }}
    15  group: multicluster.linkerd.io
    16  versions:
    17  - name: v1alpha1
    18    served: true
    19    storage: true
    20    schema:
    21      openAPIV3Schema:
    22        type: object
    23        properties:
    24          spec:
    25            type: object
    26            properties:
    27              clusterCredentialsSecret:
    28                description: Kubernetes secret of target cluster
    29                type: string
    30              gatewayAddress:
    31                description: Gateway address of target cluster
    32                type: string
    33              gatewayIdentity:
    34                description: Gateway Identity FQDN
    35                type: string
    36              gatewayPort:
    37                description: Gateway Port
    38                type: string
    39              probeSpec:
    40                description: Spec for gateway health probe
    41                type: object
    42                properties:
    43                  path:
    44                    description: Path of remote gateway health endpoint
    45                    type: string
    46                  period:
    47                    description: Interval in between probe requests
    48                    type: string
    49                  port:
    50                    description: Port of remote gateway health endpoint
    51                    type: string
    52              selector:
    53                description: Kubernetes Label Selector
    54                type: object
    55                properties:
    56                  matchLabels:
    57                    type: object
    58                    x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
    59                  matchExpressions:
    60                    description: List of selector requirements
    61                    type: array
    62                    items:
    63                      description: A selector item requires a key and an operator
    64                      type: object
    65                      required:
    66                      - key
    67                      - operator
    68                      properties:
    69                        key:
    70                          description: Label key that selector should apply to
    71                          type: string
    72                        operator:
    73                          description: Evaluation of a label in relation to set
    74                          type: string
    75                          enum: [In, NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist]
    76                        values:
    77                          type: array
    78                          items:
    79                            type: string
    80              remoteDiscoverySelector:
    81                description: Selector for Services to mirror in remote discovery mode
    82                type: object
    83                properties:
    84                  matchLabels:
    85                    type: object
    86                    x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
    87                  matchExpressions:
    88                    description: List of selector requirements
    89                    type: array
    90                    items:
    91                      description: A selector item requires a key and an operator
    92                      type: object
    93                      required:
    94                      - key
    95                      - operator
    96                      properties:
    97                        key:
    98                          description: Label key that selector should apply to
    99                          type: string
   100                        operator:
   101                          description: Evaluation of a label in relation to set
   102                          type: string
   103                          enum: [In, NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist]
   104                        values:
   105                          type: array
   106                          items:
   107                            type: string
   108              targetClusterName:
   109                description: Name of target cluster to link to
   110                type: string
   111              targetClusterDomain:
   112                description: Domain name of target cluster to link to
   113                type: string
   114              targetClusterLinkerdNamespace:
   115                description: Name of namespace Linkerd control plane is installed in on target cluster
   116                type: string
   117  scope: Namespaced
   118  names:
   119    plural: links
   120    singular: link
   121    kind: Link

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