apiVersion: "v1"
# this version will be updated by the CI before publishing the Helm tarball
appVersion: edge-XX.X.X
description: |
  The Linkerd-Multicluster extension contains resources to support multicluster
  linking to remote clusters
home: https://linkerd.io
  - service-mesh
kubeVersion: ">=1.22.0-0"
name: "linkerd-multicluster"
  - https://github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/
# this version will be updated by the CI before publishing the Helm tarball
version: 0.0.0-undefined
icon: https://linkerd.io/images/logo-only-200h.png
  - name: Linkerd authors
    email: cncf-linkerd-dev@lists.cncf.io
    url: https://linkerd.io/