# See https://just.systems/man/en lint: action-lint action-dev-check md-lint sh-lint rs-fetch rs-clippy rs-check-fmt go-lint ## ## Go ## export GO111MODULE := "on" go-fetch: go mod download go-fmt *flags: bin/fmt {{ flags }} go-lint *flags: golangci-lint run {{ flags }} go-test: LINKERD_TEST_PRETTY_DIFF=1 gotestsum -- -race -v -mod=readonly ./... ## ## Rust ## # By default we compile in development mode mode because it's faster. rs-build-type := if env_var_or_default("RELEASE", "") == "" { "debug" } else { "release" } # Overriddes the default Rust toolchain version. rs-toolchain := "" rs-features := 'all' _cargo := "cargo" + if rs-toolchain != "" { " +" + rs-toolchain } else { "" } # Fetch Rust dependencies. rs-fetch: {{ _cargo }} fetch --locked # Format Rust code. rs-fmt: {{ _cargo }} fmt --all # Check that the Rust code is formatted correctly. rs-check-fmt: {{ _cargo }} fmt --all -- --check # Lint Rust code. rs-clippy: {{ _cargo }} clippy --frozen --workspace --all-targets --no-deps {{ _features }} {{ _fmt }} alias clippy := rs-clippy # Audit Rust dependencies. rs-audit-deps: {{ _cargo }} deny {{ _features }} check # Generate Rust documentation. rs-doc *flags: {{ _cargo }} doc --frozen \ {{ if rs-build-type == "release" { "--release" } else { "" } }} \ {{ _features }} \ {{ flags }} rs-test-build: {{ _cargo-test }} --no-run --frozen \ --workspace --exclude=linkerd-policy-test \ {{ _features }} # Run Rust unit tests rs-test *flags: {{ _cargo-test }} --frozen \ --workspace --exclude=linkerd-policy-test \ {{ if rs-build-type == "release" { "--release" } else { "" } }} \ {{ _features }} \ {{ flags }} # Check each crate independently to ensure its Cargo.toml is sufficient. rs-check-dirs: #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail while IFS= read -r toml ; do {{ just_executable() }} \ rs-build-type='{{ rs-build-type }}' \ rs-features='{{ rs-features }}' \ rs-toolchain='{{ rs-toolchain }}' \ _rs-check-dir "${toml%/*}" {{ just_executable() }} \ rs-build-type='{{ rs-build-type }}' \ rs-features='{{ rs-features }}' \ rs-toolchain='{{ rs-toolchain }}' \ _rs-check-dir "${toml%/*}" --tests done < <(find . -mindepth 2 -name Cargo.toml | sort -r) _rs-check-dir dir *flags: cd {{ dir }} \ && {{ _cargo }} check --frozen \ {{ if rs-build-type == "release" { "--release" } else { "" } }} \ {{ _features }} \ {{ flags }} \ {{ _fmt }} # If we're running in github actions and cargo-action-fmt is installed, then add # a command suffix that formats errors. _fmt := if env_var_or_default("GITHUB_ACTIONS", "") != "true" { "" } else { ``` if command -v cargo-action-fmt >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "--message-format=json | cargo-action-fmt" fi ``` } # Configures which features to enable when invoking cargo commands. _features := if rs-features == "all" { "--all-features" } else if rs-features != "" { "--no-default-features --features=" + rs-features } else { "" } # Use cargo-nextest if it is available. It may not be available when running # outside of the devcontainer. _cargo-test := _cargo + ``` if command -v cargo-nextest >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo " nextest run" else echo " test" fi ``` ## ## Policy integration tests ## export POLICY_TEST_CONTEXT := env_var_or_default("POLICY_TEST_CONTEXT", "k3d-" + k3d-name) # Install linkerd in the test cluster and run the policy tests. policy-test: linkerd-install policy-test-deps-load policy-test-run && policy-test-cleanup linkerd-uninstall # Run the policy tests without installing linkerd. policy-test-run *flags: cd policy-test && {{ _cargo-test }} {{ flags }} # Build the policy tests without running them. policy-test-build: cd policy-test && {{ _cargo-test }} --no-run # Delete all test namespaces and remove linkerd from the cluster. policy-test-cleanup: {{ _kubectl }} delete ns --selector='linkerd-policy-test' @while [ $({{ _kubectl }} get ns --selector='linkerd-policy-test' -o json |jq '.items | length') != "0" ]; do sleep 1 ; done policy-test-deps-pull: docker pull -q docker.io/bitnami/kubectl:latest docker pull -q docker.io/curlimages/curl:latest docker pull -q ghcr.io/olix0r/hokay:latest # Load all images into the test cluster. policy-test-deps-load: _k3d-init policy-test-deps-pull for i in {1..3} ; do {{ _k3d-load }} \ bitnami/kubectl:latest \ curlimages/curl:latest \ ghcr.io/olix0r/hokay:latest && exit ; sleep 1 ; done ## ## Test cluster ## # The name of the k3d cluster to use. k3d-name := "l5d-test" # The name of the docker network to use (i.e., for multicluster testing). k3d-network := "k3d-name" # The kubernetes version to use for the test cluster. e.g. 'v1.24', 'latest', etc k3d-k8s := "latest" k3d-agents := "0" k3d-servers := "1" _k3d-flags := "--no-lb --k3s-arg --disable='local-storage,traefik,servicelb,metrics-server@server:*'" _context := "--context=k3d-" + k3d-name _kubectl := "kubectl " + _context _k3d-load := "k3d image import --mode=direct --cluster=" + k3d-name # Run kubectl with the test cluster context. k *flags: {{ _kubectl }} {{ flags }} # Creates a k3d cluster that can be used for testing. k3d-create: && _k3d-ready k3d cluster create {{ k3d-name }} \ --image='+{{ k3d-k8s }}' \ --agents='{{ k3d-agents }}' \ --servers='{{ k3d-servers }}' \ --network='{{ k3d-network }}' \ {{ _k3d-flags }} \ --kubeconfig-update-default \ --kubeconfig-switch-context=false # Deletes the test cluster. k3d-delete: k3d cluster delete {{ k3d-name }} # Print information the test cluster's detailed status. k3d-info: k3d cluster list {{ k3d-name }} -o json | jq . # Set the default kubectl context to the test cluster. k3d-use: k3d kubeconfig merge {{ k3d-name }} \ --kubeconfig-merge-default \ --kubeconfig-switch-context=true \ >/dev/null # Ensures the test cluster has been initialized. _k3d-init: && _k3d-ready #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail if ! k3d cluster list {{ k3d-name }} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then {{ just_executable() }} \ k3d-k8s='{{ k3d-k8s }}' \ k3d-name='{{ k3d-name }}' \ k3d-network='{{ k3d-network }}' \ _k3d-flags='{{ _k3d-flags }}' \ k3d-create fi k3d kubeconfig merge {{ k3d-name }} \ --kubeconfig-merge-default \ --kubeconfig-switch-context=false \ >/dev/null _k3d-ready: _k3d-api-ready _k3d-dns-ready # Wait for the cluster's API server to be accessible _k3d-api-ready: #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail for i in {1..6} ; do if {{ _kubectl }} cluster-info >/dev/null ; then exit 0 ; fi sleep 10 done exit 1 # Wait for the cluster's DNS pods to be ready. _k3d-dns-ready: while [ $({{ _kubectl }} get po -n kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-dns -o json |jq '.items | length') = "0" ]; do sleep 1 ; done {{ _kubectl }} wait pod --for=condition=ready \ --namespace=kube-system --selector=k8s-app=kube-dns \ --timeout=1m ## ## Docker images ## # If DOCKER_REGISTRY is not already set, use a bogus registry with a unique # name so that it's virtually impossible to accidentally use an incorrect image. export DOCKER_REGISTRY := env_var_or_default("DOCKER_REGISTRY", "test.l5d.io/" + _test-id ) _test-id := `tr -dc 'a-z0-9' /dev/null 2>&1 ; then {{ just_executable() }} \ k3d-name='{{ k3d-name }}' \ k3d-k8s='{{ k3d-k8s }}' \ k3d-agents='{{ k3d-agents }}' \ k3d-servers='{{ k3d-servers }}' \ k3d-network='{{ k3d-network }}' \ _k3d-flags='{{ _k3d-flags }}' \ linkerd-tag='{{ linkerd-tag }}' \ controller-image='{{ controller-image }}' \ proxy-image='{{ proxy-image }}' \ linkerd-exec='{{ linkerd-exec }}' \ linkerd-install fi ## ## linkerd viz ## linkerd-viz *flags: _k3d-init {{ _linkerd }} viz {{ flags }} linkerd-viz-install: _linkerd-init linkerd-viz-load && _linkerd-viz-ready {{ _linkerd }} viz install \ --set='defaultRegistry={{ DOCKER_REGISTRY }}' \ --set='linkerdVersion={{ linkerd-tag }}' \ --set='defaultImagePullPolicy=Never' \ | {{ _kubectl }} apply -f - # Wait for all test namespaces to be removed before uninstalling linkerd from the cluster. linkerd-viz-uninstall: {{ _linkerd }} viz uninstall \ | {{ _kubectl }} delete -f - _linkerd-viz-images: #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail docker pull -q $({{ _prometheus-image-cmd }}) for img in \ '{{ DOCKER_REGISTRY }}/metrics-api:{{ linkerd-tag }}' \ '{{ DOCKER_REGISTRY }}/tap:{{ linkerd-tag }}' \ '{{ DOCKER_REGISTRY }}/web:{{ linkerd-tag }}' do if [ -z $(docker image ls -q "$img") ]; then echo "Missing image: $img" >&2 exec {{ just_executable() }} \ linkerd-tag='{{ linkerd-tag }}' \ linkerd-viz-build fi done linkerd-viz-load: _linkerd-viz-images _k3d-init for i in {1..3} ; do {{ _k3d-load }} \ {{ DOCKER_REGISTRY }}/metrics-api:{{ linkerd-tag }} \ {{ DOCKER_REGISTRY }}/tap:{{ linkerd-tag }} \ {{ DOCKER_REGISTRY }}/web:{{ linkerd-tag }} \ $({{ _prometheus-image-cmd }}) && exit ; sleep 1 ; done linkerd-viz-build: TAG={{ linkerd-tag }} bin/docker-build-metrics-api TAG={{ linkerd-tag }} bin/docker-build-tap TAG={{ linkerd-tag }} bin/docker-build-web _linkerd-viz-ready: {{ _kubectl }} wait pod --for=condition=ready \ --namespace=linkerd-viz --selector='linkerd.io/extension=viz' \ --timeout=1m # Ensure that a linkerd control plane is installed _linkerd-viz-uninit: #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail if {{ _kubectl }} get ns linkerd-viz >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then {{ just_executable() }} \ k3d-name='{{ k3d-name }}' \ linkerd-exec='{{ linkerd-exec }}' \ linkerd-viz-uninstall fi # TODO linkerd-jaeger-install ## ## linkerd multicluster ## _mc-target-k3d-flags := "--k3s-arg --disable='local-storage,metrics-server@server:*' --k3s-arg '--cluster-cidr=*'" linkerd-mc-install: _linkerd-init {{ _linkerd }} mc install --set='linkerdVersion={{ linkerd-tag }}' \ | {{ _kubectl }} apply -f - # Wait for all test namespaces to be removed before uninstalling linkerd-multicluster. linkerd-mc-uninstall: {{ _linkerd }} mc uninstall \ | {{ _kubectl }} delete -f - mc-target-k3d-delete: #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail if k3d cluster list '{{ k3d-name }}-target' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then {{ just_executable() }} \ k3d-name='{{ k3d-name }}-target' \ k3d-delete fi _mc-load: _k3d-init linkerd-load _mc-target-load: @{{ just_executable() }} \ k3d-name='{{ k3d-name }}-target' \ k3d-k8s='{{ k3d-k8s }}' \ k3d-agents='{{ k3d-agents }}' \ k3d-servers='{{ k3d-servers }}' \ k3d-network='{{ k3d-network }}' \ _k3d-flags='{{ _mc-target-k3d-flags }}' \ controller-image='{{ controller-image }}' \ proxy-image='{{ proxy-image }}' \ linkerd-exec='{{ linkerd-exec }}' \ linkerd-tag='{{ linkerd-tag }}' \ _pause-load \ _mc-load # Run the multicluster tests with cluster setup mc-test: mc-test-load mc-test-run mc-test-build: go build --mod=readonly \ ./test/integration/multicluster/... mc-test-load: _mc-load _mc-target-load mc-flat-network-init k3d-source-server := "k3d-" + k3d-name + "-server-0" k3d-target-server := "k3d-" + k3d-name + "-target-server-0" _mc-route-output-fmt := "-o jsonpath='ip route add {.spec.podCIDR} via {.status.addresses[?(.type==\"InternalIP\")].address}'" _mc-print-source-route := _kubectl + " " + "get node " + k3d-source-server + " " + _mc-route-output-fmt _mc-print-target-route := "kubectl --context=k3d-" + k3d-name + "-target "+ "get node " + k3d-target-server + " " + _mc-route-output-fmt # Allow two k3d server nodes to participate in a flat network mc-flat-network-init: @docker exec k3d-{{k3d-name}}-server-0 `{{_mc-print-target-route}}` @docker exec k3d-{{k3d-name}}-target-server-0 `{{_mc-print-source-route}}` # Run the multicluster tests without any setup mc-test-run: LINKERD_DOCKER_REGISTRY='{{ DOCKER_REGISTRY }}' \ go test -v -test.timeout=15m --failfast --mod=readonly \ ./test/integration/multicluster/... \ -integration-tests \ -linkerd='{{ justfile_directory() }}/bin/linkerd' \ -multicluster-source-context='k3d-{{ k3d-name }}' \ -multicluster-target-context='k3d-{{ k3d-name }}-target' ## ## GitHub Actions ## # Format actionlint output for Github Actions if running in CI. _actionlint-fmt := if env_var_or_default("GITHUB_ACTIONS", "") != "true" { "" } else { '{{range $err := .}}::error file={{$err.Filepath}},line={{$err.Line}},col={{$err.Column}}::{{$err.Message}}%0A```%0A{{replace $err.Snippet "\\n" "%0A"}}%0A```\n{{end}}' } # Lints all GitHub Actions workflows action-lint: actionlint {{ if _actionlint-fmt != '' { "-format '" + _actionlint-fmt + "'" } else { "" } }} .github/workflows/* # Ensure all devcontainer versions are in sync action-dev-check: just-dev check-action-images ## ## Other tools... ## md-lint: markdownlint-cli2 '**/*.md' '!**/node_modules' '!target' sh-lint: bin/shellcheck-all ## ## Git ## # Display the git history minus Dependabot updates history *paths='.': @git log --oneline --graph --invert-grep --author="dependabot" -- {{ paths }} # Display the history of Dependabot changes history-dependabot *paths='.': @git log --oneline --graph --author="dependabot" -- {{ paths }} # vim: set ft=make :