# Using Grafana with Linkerd You can install Grafana in various ways, like using the [Grafana official Helm chart](https://github.com/grafana/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/grafana), or the [Grafana Operator](https://github.com/grafana-operator/grafana-operator). Hosted solutions are also available, like [Grafana Cloud](https://grafana.com/products/cloud/). The file `grafana/values.yaml` provides a default Helm config for the [Grafana official Helm chart](https://github.com/grafana/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/grafana), which pulls the Linkerd dashboards published at . You can install the chart like this: ```shell helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts helm install grafana -n grafana --create-namespace grafana/grafana \ -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linkerd/linkerd2/main/grafana/values.yaml ``` Please make sure to update the entries in `grafana/values.yaml` before using the file; in particular: - auth and log settings under `grafana.ini` - `datasources.datasources.yaml.datasources[0].url` should point to your Prometheus service The other installation methods can easily import those same dashboards using their IDs, as listed in `grafana/values.yaml`. In order to have the Linkerd Viz Dashboard show the Grafana icon there where relevant, and have it link to the appropriate Grafana dashboard, make sure you have a proper location set up in the `grafana.url` setting in Linkerd Viz's `values.yaml`. ## Granting access As of linkerd `stable-2.13.0` (or `edge-23.1.1`), the access to Linkerd Viz' Prometheus instance has been restricted through the `prometheus-admin` AuthorizationPolicy, granting access only to the `metrics-api` ServiceAccount. In order to grant access to Grafana, you need to add an AuthorizationPolicy pointing to its ServiceAccount. You can apply [authzpolicy-grafana.yaml](grafana/authzpolicy-grafana.yaml) which grants permission for the `grafana` ServiceAccount. ## Note to developers The `grafana/dashboards` directory contains the same dashboard definitions published under . Please keep them in sync when making any changes. After logging into grafana.com (using the linkerd account), the dashboards can be managed under Org Settings -> My Dashboards.