package cmd import ( "bytes" "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time" jsonpatch "" "" "" "" "" "" log "" "" "" ) const ( // for inject reports hostNetworkDesc = "pods do not use host networking" sidecarDesc = "pods do not have a 3rd party proxy or initContainer already injected" injectDisabledDesc = "pods are not annotated to disable injection" unsupportedDesc = "at least one resource can be injected or annotated" udpDesc = "pod specs do not include UDP ports" automountServiceAccountTokenDesc = "pods do not have automountServiceAccountToken set to \"false\" or service account token projection is enabled" slash = "/" ) type resourceTransformerInject struct { allowNsInject bool injectProxy bool values *linkerd2.Values overrideAnnotations map[string]string enableDebugSidecar bool closeWaitTimeout time.Duration } func runInjectCmd(inputs []io.Reader, errWriter, outWriter io.Writer, transformer *resourceTransformerInject, output string) int { return transformInput(inputs, errWriter, outWriter, transformer, output) } func newCmdInject() *cobra.Command { defaults, err := linkerd2.NewValues() if err != nil { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } flags, proxyFlagSet := makeProxyFlags(defaults) injectFlags, injectFlagSet := makeInjectFlags(defaults) var manualOption, enableDebugSidecar bool var closeWaitTimeout time.Duration var output string cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "inject [flags] CONFIG-FILE", Short: "Add the Linkerd proxy to a Kubernetes config", Long: `Add the Linkerd proxy to a Kubernetes config. You can inject resources contained in a single file, inside a folder and its sub-folders, or coming from stdin.`, Example: ` # Inject all the deployments in the default namespace. kubectl get deploy -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f - # Injecting a file from a remote URL linkerd inject | kubectl apply -f - # Inject all the resources inside a folder and its sub-folders. linkerd inject | kubectl apply -f -`, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if len(args) < 1 { return fmt.Errorf("please specify a kubernetes resource file") } values := defaults if !ignoreCluster { values, err = fetchConfigs(cmd.Context()) if err != nil { return err } } baseValues, err := values.DeepCopy() if err != nil { return err } err = flag.ApplySetFlags(values, append(flags, injectFlags...)) if err != nil { return err } in, err := read(args[0]) if err != nil { return err } overrideAnnotations := getOverrideAnnotations(values, baseValues) transformer := &resourceTransformerInject{ allowNsInject: true, injectProxy: manualOption, values: values, overrideAnnotations: overrideAnnotations, enableDebugSidecar: enableDebugSidecar, closeWaitTimeout: closeWaitTimeout, } exitCode := uninjectAndInject(in, stderr, stdout, transformer, output) os.Exit(exitCode) return nil }, } cmd.Flags().BoolVar( &manualOption, "manual", manualOption, "Include the proxy sidecar container spec in the YAML output (the auto-injector won't pick it up, so config annotations aren't supported) (default false)", ) cmd.Flags().BoolVar( &ignoreCluster, "ignore-cluster", false, "Ignore the current Kubernetes cluster when checking for existing cluster configuration (default false)", ) cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&enableDebugSidecar, "enable-debug-sidecar", enableDebugSidecar, "Inject a debug sidecar for data plane debugging") cmd.Flags().DurationVar( &closeWaitTimeout, "close-wait-timeout", closeWaitTimeout, "Sets nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_close_wait") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&output, "output", "o", "yaml", "Output format, one of: json|yaml") cmd.Flags().AddFlagSet(proxyFlagSet) cmd.Flags().AddFlagSet(injectFlagSet) return cmd } func uninjectAndInject(inputs []io.Reader, errWriter, outWriter io.Writer, transformer *resourceTransformerInject, output string) int { var out bytes.Buffer if exitCode := runUninjectSilentCmd(inputs, errWriter, &out, transformer.values, "yaml"); exitCode != 0 { return exitCode } return runInjectCmd([]io.Reader{&out}, errWriter, outWriter, transformer, output) } func (rt resourceTransformerInject) transform(bytes []byte) ([]byte, []inject.Report, error) { conf := inject.NewResourceConfig(rt.values, inject.OriginCLI, controlPlaneNamespace) if rt.enableDebugSidecar { conf.AppendPodAnnotation(k8s.ProxyEnableDebugAnnotation, "true") } if rt.closeWaitTimeout != time.Duration(0) { conf.AppendPodAnnotation(k8s.CloseWaitTimeoutAnnotation, rt.closeWaitTimeout.String()) } report, err := conf.ParseMetaAndYAML(bytes) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if conf.IsControlPlaneComponent() && !rt.injectProxy { return nil, nil, errors.New("--manual must be set when injecting control plane components") } if conf.IsService() { opaquePorts, ok := rt.overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyOpaquePortsAnnotation] if ok { annotations := map[string]string{k8s.ProxyOpaquePortsAnnotation: opaquePorts} bytes, err = conf.AnnotateService(annotations) report.Annotated = true } return bytes, []inject.Report{*report}, err } if rt.allowNsInject && conf.IsNamespace() { bytes, err = conf.AnnotateNamespace(rt.overrideAnnotations) report.Annotated = true return bytes, []inject.Report{*report}, err } if conf.HasPodTemplate() && len(rt.overrideAnnotations) > 0 { conf.AppendPodAnnotations(rt.overrideAnnotations) report.Annotated = true } if ok, _ := report.Injectable(); !ok { if errs := report.ThrowInjectError(); len(errs) > 0 { return bytes, []inject.Report{*report}, fmt.Errorf("failed to inject %s%s%s: %w", report.Kind, slash, report.Name, concatErrors(errs, ", ")) } return bytes, []inject.Report{*report}, nil } if rt.injectProxy { // delete the inject annotation if present as its not needed in the manual case // prevents injector from taking a different code path in the ingress mode delete(rt.overrideAnnotations, k8s.ProxyInjectAnnotation) conf.AppendPodAnnotation(k8s.CreatedByAnnotation, k8s.CreatedByAnnotationValue()) } else if !rt.values.Proxy.IsIngress { // Add enabled annotation only if its not ingress mode to prevent overriding the annotation // flag the auto-injector to inject the proxy, regardless of the namespace annotation conf.AppendPodAnnotation(k8s.ProxyInjectAnnotation, k8s.ProxyInjectEnabled) } patchJSON, err := conf.GetPodPatch(rt.injectProxy) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if len(patchJSON) == 0 { return bytes, []inject.Report{*report}, nil } log.Infof("patch generated for: %s", report.ResName()) log.Debugf("patch: %s", patchJSON) patch, err := jsonpatch.DecodePatch(patchJSON) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } origJSON, err := yaml.YAMLToJSON(bytes) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } injectedJSON, err := patch.Apply(origJSON) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } injectedYAML, err := conf.JSONToYAML(injectedJSON) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } return injectedYAML, []inject.Report{*report}, nil } func (resourceTransformerInject) generateReport(reports []inject.Report, output io.Writer) { injected := []inject.Report{} annotatable := false hostNetwork := []string{} sidecar := []string{} udp := []string{} injectDisabled := []string{} automountServiceAccountTokenFalse := []string{} warningsPrinted := verbose for _, r := range reports { if b, _ := r.Injectable(); b { injected = append(injected, r) } if r.IsAnnotatable() { annotatable = true } if r.HostNetwork { hostNetwork = append(hostNetwork, r.ResName()) warningsPrinted = true } if r.Sidecar { sidecar = append(sidecar, r.ResName()) warningsPrinted = true } if r.UDP { udp = append(udp, r.ResName()) warningsPrinted = true } if r.InjectDisabled { injectDisabled = append(injectDisabled, r.ResName()) warningsPrinted = true } if !r.AutomountServiceAccountToken { automountServiceAccountTokenFalse = append(automountServiceAccountTokenFalse, r.ResName()) warningsPrinted = true } } // // Warnings // // Leading newline to separate from yaml output on stdout output.Write([]byte("\n")) if len(hostNetwork) > 0 { output.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s \"hostNetwork: true\" detected in %s\n", warnStatus, strings.Join(hostNetwork, ", ")))) } else if verbose { output.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s\n", okStatus, hostNetworkDesc))) } if len(sidecar) > 0 { output.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s known 3rd party sidecar detected in %s\n", warnStatus, strings.Join(sidecar, ", ")))) } else if verbose { output.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s\n", okStatus, sidecarDesc))) } if len(injectDisabled) > 0 { output.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s \"%s: %s\" annotation set on %s\n", warnStatus, k8s.ProxyInjectAnnotation, k8s.ProxyInjectDisabled, strings.Join(injectDisabled, ", ")))) } else if verbose { output.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s\n", okStatus, injectDisabledDesc))) } if len(injected) == 0 && !annotatable { output.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s no supported objects found\n", warnStatus))) warningsPrinted = true } else if verbose { output.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s\n", okStatus, unsupportedDesc))) } if len(udp) > 0 { verb := "uses" if len(udp) > 1 { verb = "use" } output.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s \"protocol: UDP\"\n", warnStatus, strings.Join(udp, ", "), verb))) } else if verbose { output.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s\n", okStatus, udpDesc))) } if len(automountServiceAccountTokenFalse) == 0 && verbose { output.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s\n", okStatus, automountServiceAccountTokenDesc))) } // // Summary // if warningsPrinted { output.Write([]byte("\n")) } for _, r := range reports { ok, _ := r.Injectable() if ok { output.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s \"%s\" injected\n", r.Kind, r.Name))) } if !ok && !r.Annotated { if r.Kind != "" { output.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s \"%s\" skipped\n", r.Kind, r.Name))) } else { output.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintln("document missing \"kind\" field, skipped"))) } } if !ok && r.Annotated { output.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s \"%s\" annotated\n", r.Kind, r.Name))) } } // Trailing newline to separate from kubectl output if piping output.Write([]byte("\n")) } func fetchConfigs(ctx context.Context) (*linkerd2.Values, error) { hc := healthcheck.NewWithCoreChecks(&healthcheck.Options{ ControlPlaneNamespace: controlPlaneNamespace, KubeConfig: kubeconfigPath, Impersonate: impersonate, ImpersonateGroup: impersonateGroup, KubeContext: kubeContext, APIAddr: apiAddr, RetryDeadline: time.Time{}, }) hc.RunWithExitOnError() api, err := k8s.NewAPI(kubeconfigPath, kubeContext, impersonate, impersonateGroup, 0) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Get the New Linkerd Configuration _, values, err := healthcheck.FetchCurrentConfiguration(ctx, api, controlPlaneNamespace) return values, err } // getOverrideAnnotations uses command-line overrides to update the provided configs. // the overrideAnnotations map keeps track of which configs are overridden, by // storing the corresponding annotations and values. func getOverrideAnnotations(values *linkerd2.Values, base *linkerd2.Values) map[string]string { overrideAnnotations := make(map[string]string) proxy := values.Proxy baseProxy := base.Proxy if proxy.Image.Version != baseProxy.Image.Version { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyVersionOverrideAnnotation] = proxy.Image.Version } if values.ProxyInit.IgnoreInboundPorts != base.ProxyInit.IgnoreInboundPorts { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyIgnoreInboundPortsAnnotation] = values.ProxyInit.IgnoreInboundPorts } if values.ProxyInit.IgnoreOutboundPorts != base.ProxyInit.IgnoreOutboundPorts { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyIgnoreOutboundPortsAnnotation] = values.ProxyInit.IgnoreOutboundPorts } if proxy.Ports.Admin != baseProxy.Ports.Admin { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyAdminPortAnnotation] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", proxy.Ports.Admin) } if proxy.Ports.Control != baseProxy.Ports.Control { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyControlPortAnnotation] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", proxy.Ports.Control) } if proxy.Ports.Inbound != baseProxy.Ports.Inbound { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyInboundPortAnnotation] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", proxy.Ports.Inbound) } if proxy.Ports.Outbound != baseProxy.Ports.Outbound { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyOutboundPortAnnotation] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", proxy.Ports.Outbound) } if proxy.OpaquePorts != baseProxy.OpaquePorts { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyOpaquePortsAnnotation] = proxy.OpaquePorts } if proxy.Image.Name != baseProxy.Image.Name { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyImageAnnotation] = proxy.Image.Name } if values.ProxyInit.Image.Name != base.ProxyInit.Image.Name { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyInitImageAnnotation] = values.ProxyInit.Image.Name } if values.DebugContainer.Image.Name != base.DebugContainer.Image.Name { overrideAnnotations[k8s.DebugImageAnnotation] = values.DebugContainer.Image.Name } if values.ProxyInit.Image.Version != base.ProxyInit.Image.Version { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyInitImageVersionAnnotation] = values.ProxyInit.Image.Version } if values.DebugContainer.Image.Version != base.DebugContainer.Image.Version { overrideAnnotations[k8s.DebugImageVersionAnnotation] = values.DebugContainer.Image.Version } if proxy.Image.PullPolicy != baseProxy.Image.PullPolicy { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyImagePullPolicyAnnotation] = proxy.Image.PullPolicy } if proxy.UID != baseProxy.UID { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyUIDAnnotation] = strconv.FormatInt(proxy.UID, 10) } if proxy.GID >= 0 && (baseProxy.GID < 0 || proxy.GID != baseProxy.GID) { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyGIDAnnotation] = strconv.FormatInt(proxy.GID, 10) } if proxy.LogLevel != baseProxy.LogLevel { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyLogLevelAnnotation] = proxy.LogLevel } if proxy.LogFormat != baseProxy.LogFormat { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyLogFormatAnnotation] = proxy.LogFormat } if proxy.RequireIdentityOnInboundPorts != baseProxy.RequireIdentityOnInboundPorts { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyRequireIdentityOnInboundPortsAnnotation] = proxy.RequireIdentityOnInboundPorts } if proxy.EnableExternalProfiles != baseProxy.EnableExternalProfiles { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyEnableExternalProfilesAnnotation] = strconv.FormatBool(proxy.EnableExternalProfiles) } if proxy.IsIngress != baseProxy.IsIngress { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyInjectAnnotation] = k8s.ProxyInjectIngress } if proxy.Resources.CPU.Request != baseProxy.Resources.CPU.Request { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyCPURequestAnnotation] = proxy.Resources.CPU.Request } if proxy.Resources.CPU.Limit != baseProxy.Resources.CPU.Limit { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyCPULimitAnnotation] = proxy.Resources.CPU.Limit } if proxy.Resources.Memory.Request != baseProxy.Resources.Memory.Request { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyMemoryRequestAnnotation] = proxy.Resources.Memory.Request } if proxy.Resources.Memory.Limit != baseProxy.Resources.Memory.Limit { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyMemoryLimitAnnotation] = proxy.Resources.Memory.Limit } if proxy.WaitBeforeExitSeconds != baseProxy.WaitBeforeExitSeconds { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyWaitBeforeExitSecondsAnnotation] = uintToString(proxy.WaitBeforeExitSeconds) } if proxy.Await != baseProxy.Await { if proxy.Await { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyAwait] = k8s.Enabled } else { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyAwait] = k8s.Disabled } } if proxy.DefaultInboundPolicy != baseProxy.DefaultInboundPolicy { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyDefaultInboundPolicyAnnotation] = proxy.DefaultInboundPolicy } if proxy.AccessLog != baseProxy.AccessLog { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyAccessLogAnnotation] = proxy.AccessLog } if proxy.ShutdownGracePeriod != baseProxy.ShutdownGracePeriod { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyShutdownGracePeriodAnnotation] = proxy.ShutdownGracePeriod } if proxy.NativeSidecar != baseProxy.NativeSidecar { overrideAnnotations[k8s.ProxyEnableNativeSidecarAnnotation] = strconv.FormatBool(proxy.NativeSidecar) } return overrideAnnotations } func uintToString(v uint64) string { return strconv.FormatUint(v, 10) }