
Text file src/github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/charts/linkerd-crds/templates/serviceprofile.yaml

Documentation: github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/charts/linkerd-crds/templates

     3### Service Profile CRD
     5apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
     6kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     8  name: serviceprofiles.linkerd.io
     9  annotations:
    10    {{ include "partials.annotations.created-by" . }}
    11  labels:
    12    helm.sh/chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
    13    linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: {{.Release.Namespace}}
    15  group: linkerd.io
    16  versions:
    17  - name: v1alpha1
    18    served: true
    19    storage: false
    20    schema:
    21      openAPIV3Schema:
    22        type: object
    23        properties:
    24          spec:
    25            type: object
    26            description: Spec is the custom resource spec
    27            required:
    28            - routes
    29            properties:
    30              dstOverrides:
    31                type: array
    32                required:
    33                - authority
    34                - weight
    35                items:
    36                  type: object
    37                  description: WeightedDst is a weighted alternate destination.
    38                  properties:
    39                    authority:
    40                      type: string
    41                    weight:
    42                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
    43                      anyOf:
    44                      - type: integer
    45                      - type: string
    46                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
    47              opaquePorts:
    48                type: array
    49                items:
    50                  type: string
    51              retryBudget:
    52                type: object
    53                required:
    54                - minRetriesPerSecond
    55                - retryRatio
    56                - ttl
    57                description: RetryBudget describes the maximum number of retries that should be issued to this service.
    58                properties:
    59                  minRetriesPerSecond:
    60                    format: int32
    61                    type: integer
    62                  retryRatio:
    63                    type: number
    64                    format: float
    65                  ttl:
    66                    type: string
    67              routes:
    68                type: array
    69                items:
    70                  type: object
    71                  description: RouteSpec specifies a Route resource.
    72                  required:
    73                  - condition
    74                  - name
    75                  properties:
    76                    condition:
    77                      type: object
    78                      description: RequestMatch describes the conditions under which to match a Route.
    79                      properties:
    80                        pathRegex:
    81                          type: string
    82                        method:
    83                          type: string
    84                        all:
    85                          type: array
    86                          items:
    87                            type: object
    88                            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
    89                        any:
    90                          type: array
    91                          items:
    92                            type: object
    93                            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
    94                        not:
    95                          type: array
    96                          items:
    97                            type: object
    98                            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
    99                    isRetryable:
   100                      type: boolean
   101                    name:
   102                      type: string
   103                    timeout:
   104                      type: string
   105                    responseClasses:
   106                      type: array
   107                      items:
   108                        type: object
   109                        required:
   110                        - condition
   111                        description: ResponseClass describes how to classify a response (e.g. success or failures).
   112                        properties:
   113                          condition:
   114                            type: object
   115                            description: ResponseMatch describes the conditions under
   116                              which to classify a response.
   117                            properties:
   118                              all:
   119                                type: array
   120                                items:
   121                                  type: object
   122                                  x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   123                              any:
   124                                type: array
   125                                items:
   126                                  type: object
   127                                  x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   128                              not:
   129                                type: object
   130                                x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   131                              status:
   132                                type: object
   133                                description: Range describes a range of integers (e.g. status codes).
   134                                properties:
   135                                  max:
   136                                    format: int32
   137                                    type: integer
   138                                  min:
   139                                    format: int32
   140                                    type: integer
   141                          isFailure:
   142                            type: boolean
   143  - name: v1alpha2
   144    served: true
   145    storage: true
   146    schema:
   147      openAPIV3Schema:
   148        type: object
   149        properties:
   150          spec:
   151            type: object
   152            description: Spec is the custom resource spec
   153            properties:
   154              dstOverrides:
   155                type: array
   156                required:
   157                - authority
   158                - weight
   159                items:
   160                  type: object
   161                  description: WeightedDst is a weighted alternate destination.
   162                  properties:
   163                    authority:
   164                      type: string
   165                    weight:
   166                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
   167                      anyOf:
   168                      - type: integer
   169                      - type: string
   170                      pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
   171              opaquePorts:
   172                type: array
   173                items:
   174                  type: string
   175              retryBudget:
   176                type: object
   177                required:
   178                - minRetriesPerSecond
   179                - retryRatio
   180                - ttl
   181                description: RetryBudget describes the maximum number of retries that should be issued to this service.
   182                properties:
   183                  minRetriesPerSecond:
   184                    format: int32
   185                    type: integer
   186                  retryRatio:
   187                    type: number
   188                    format: float
   189                  ttl:
   190                    type: string
   191              routes:
   192                type: array
   193                items:
   194                  type: object
   195                  description: RouteSpec specifies a Route resource.
   196                  required:
   197                  - condition
   198                  - name
   199                  properties:
   200                    condition:
   201                      type: object
   202                      description: RequestMatch describes the conditions under which to match a Route.
   203                      properties:
   204                        pathRegex:
   205                          type: string
   206                        method:
   207                          type: string
   208                        all:
   209                          type: array
   210                          items:
   211                            type: object
   212                            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   213                        any:
   214                          type: array
   215                          items:
   216                            type: object
   217                            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   218                        not:
   219                          type: array
   220                          items:
   221                            type: object
   222                            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   223                    isRetryable:
   224                      type: boolean
   225                    name:
   226                      type: string
   227                    timeout:
   228                      type: string
   229                    responseClasses:
   230                      type: array
   231                      items:
   232                        type: object
   233                        required:
   234                        - condition
   235                        description: ResponseClass describes how to classify a response (e.g. success or failures).
   236                        properties:
   237                          condition:
   238                            type: object
   239                            description: ResponseMatch describes the conditions under
   240                              which to classify a response.
   241                            properties:
   242                              all:
   243                                type: array
   244                                items:
   245                                  type: object
   246                                  x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   247                              any:
   248                                type: array
   249                                items:
   250                                  type: object
   251                                  x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   252                              not:
   253                                type: object
   254                                x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   255                              status:
   256                                type: object
   257                                description: Range describes a range of integers (e.g. status codes).
   258                                properties:
   259                                  max:
   260                                    format: int32
   261                                    type: integer
   262                                  min:
   263                                    format: int32
   264                                    type: integer
   265                          isFailure:
   266                            type: boolean
   267  scope: Namespaced
   268  preserveUnknownFields: false
   269  names:
   270    plural: serviceprofiles
   271    singular: serviceprofile
   272    kind: ServiceProfile
   273    shortNames:
   274    - sp

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