
Text file src/github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/charts/linkerd-control-plane/values.yaml

Documentation: github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/charts/linkerd-control-plane

     1# Default values for linkerd.
     2# This is a YAML-formatted file.
     3# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
     5# -- Kubernetes DNS Domain name to use
     6clusterDomain: cluster.local
     8# -- The cluster networks for which service discovery is performed. This should
     9# include the pod and service networks, but need not include the node network.
    11# By default, all IPv4 private networks and all accepted IPv6 ULAs are
    12# specified so that resolution works in typical Kubernetes environments.
    13clusterNetworks: ",,,,fd00::/8"
    14# -- Docker image pull policy
    15imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    16# -- Specifies the number of old ReplicaSets to retain to allow rollback.
    17revisionHistoryLimit: 10
    18# -- Log level for the control plane components
    19controllerLogLevel: info
    20# -- Log format for the control plane components
    21controllerLogFormat: plain
    22# -- enables control plane tracing
    23controlPlaneTracing: false
    24# -- namespace to send control plane traces to
    25controlPlaneTracingNamespace: linkerd-jaeger
    26# -- control plane version. See Proxy section for proxy version
    27linkerdVersion: linkerdVersionValue
    28# -- default kubernetes deployment strategy
    30  rollingUpdate:
    31    maxUnavailable: 25%
    32    maxSurge: 25%
    33# -- enables the use of EndpointSlice informers for the destination service;
    34# enableEndpointSlices should be set to true only if EndpointSlice K8s feature
    35# gate is on
    36enableEndpointSlices: true
    37# -- enables pod anti affinity creation on deployments for high availability
    38enablePodAntiAffinity: false
    39# -- enables the use of pprof endpoints on control plane component's admin
    40# servers
    41enablePprof: false
    42# -- enables the creation of pod disruption budgets for control plane components
    43enablePodDisruptionBudget: false
    44# -- disables routing IPv6 traffic in addition to IPv4 traffic through the
    45# proxy (IPv6 routing only available as of proxy-init v2.3.0 and linkerd-cni
    46# v1.4.0)
    47disableIPv6: true
    50  # -- sets pod disruption budget parameter for all deployments
    51  podDisruptionBudget:
    52    # -- Maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during disruption
    53    maxUnavailable: 1
    54# -- enabling this omits the NET_ADMIN capability in the PSP
    55# and the proxy-init container when injecting the proxy;
    56# requires the linkerd-cni plugin to already be installed
    57cniEnabled: false
    58# -- Trust root certificate (ECDSA). It must be provided during install.
    59identityTrustAnchorsPEM: |
    60# -- Trust domain used for identity
    61# @default -- clusterDomain
    62identityTrustDomain: ""
    63kubeAPI: &kubeapi
    64  # -- Maximum QPS sent to the kube-apiserver before throttling.
    65  # See [token bucket rate limiter
    66  # implementation](https://github.com/kubernetes/client-go/blob/v12.0.0/util/flowcontrol/throttle.go)
    67  clientQPS: 100
    68  # -- Burst value over clientQPS
    69  clientBurst: 200
    70# -- Additional annotations to add to all pods
    71podAnnotations: {}
    72# -- Additional labels to add to all pods
    73podLabels: {}
    74# -- Labels to apply to all resources
    75commonLabels: {}
    76# -- Kubernetes priorityClassName for the Linkerd Pods
    77priorityClassName: ""
    78# -- Runtime Class Name for all the pods
    79runtimeClassName: ""
    81# policy controller configuration
    83  image:
    84    # -- Docker image for the policy controller
    85    name: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/policy-controller
    86    # -- Pull policy for the policy controller container image
    87    # @default -- imagePullPolicy
    88    pullPolicy: ""
    89    # -- Tag for the policy controller container image
    90    # @default -- linkerdVersion
    91    version: ""
    93  # -- Log level for the policy controller
    94  logLevel: info
    96  # -- The networks from which probes are performed.
    97  #
    98  # By default, all networks are allowed so that all probes are authorized.
    99  probeNetworks:
   100    -
   101    - "::/0"
   103  # -- policy controller resource requests & limits
   104  resources:
   105    cpu:
   106      # -- Maximum amount of CPU units that the policy controller can use
   107      limit: ""
   108      # -- Amount of CPU units that the policy controller requests
   109      request: ""
   110    memory:
   111      # -- Maximum amount of memory that the policy controller can use
   112      limit: ""
   113      # -- Maximum amount of memory that the policy controller requests
   114      request: ""
   115    ephemeral-storage:
   116      # -- Maximum amount of ephemeral storage that the policy controller can use
   117      limit: ""
   118      # -- Amount of ephemeral storage that the policy controller requests
   119      request: ""
   121# proxy configuration
   123  # -- Enable service profiles for non-Kubernetes services
   124  enableExternalProfiles: false
   125  # -- Maximum time allowed for the proxy to establish an outbound TCP
   126  # connection
   127  outboundConnectTimeout: 1000ms
   128  # -- Maximum time allowed for the proxy to establish an inbound TCP
   129  # connection
   130  inboundConnectTimeout: 100ms
   131  # -- Maximum time allowed before an unused outbound discovery result
   132  # is evicted from the cache
   133  outboundDiscoveryCacheUnusedTimeout: "5s"
   134  # -- Maximum time allowed before an unused inbound discovery result
   135  # is evicted from the cache
   136  inboundDiscoveryCacheUnusedTimeout: "90s"
   137  # -- When set to true, disables the protocol detection timeout on the
   138  # outbound side of the proxy by setting it to a very high value
   139  disableOutboundProtocolDetectTimeout: false
   140  # -- When set to true, disables the protocol detection timeout on the inbound
   141  # side of the proxy by setting it to a very high value
   142  disableInboundProtocolDetectTimeout: false
   143  image:
   144    # -- Docker image for the proxy
   145    name: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/proxy
   146    # -- Pull policy for the proxy container image
   147    # @default -- imagePullPolicy
   148    pullPolicy: ""
   149    # -- Tag for the proxy container image
   150    # @default -- linkerdVersion
   151    version: ""
   152  # -- Log level for the proxy
   153  logLevel: warn,linkerd=info,trust_dns=error
   154  # -- Log format (`plain` or `json`) for the proxy
   155  logFormat: plain
   156  ports:
   157    # -- Admin port for the proxy container
   158    admin: 4191
   159    # -- Control port for the proxy container
   160    control: 4190
   161    # -- Inbound port for the proxy container
   162    inbound: 4143
   163    # -- Outbound port for the proxy container
   164    outbound: 4140
   165  # -- The `cpu.limit` and `cores` should be kept in sync. The value of `cores`
   166  # must be an integer and should typically be set by rounding up from the
   167  # limit. E.g. if cpu.limit is '1500m', cores should be 2.
   168  cores: 0
   169  resources:
   170    cpu:
   171      # -- Maximum amount of CPU units that the proxy can use
   172      limit: ""
   173      # -- Amount of CPU units that the proxy requests
   174      request: ""
   175    memory:
   176      # -- Maximum amount of memory that the proxy can use
   177      limit: ""
   178      # -- Maximum amount of memory that the proxy requests
   179      request: ""
   180    ephemeral-storage:
   181      # -- Maximum amount of ephemeral storage that the proxy can use
   182      limit: ""
   183      # -- Amount of ephemeral storage that the proxy requests
   184      request: ""
   185  # -- User id under which the proxy runs
   186  uid: 2102
   187  # -- (int) Optional customisation of the group id under which the proxy runs (the group ID will be omitted if lower than 0)
   188  gid: -1
   190  # -- If set the injected proxy sidecars in the data plane will stay alive for
   191  # at least the given period before receiving the SIGTERM signal from
   192  # Kubernetes but no longer than the pod's `terminationGracePeriodSeconds`.
   193  # See [Lifecycle
   194  # hooks](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/container-lifecycle-hooks/#container-hooks)
   195  # for more info on container lifecycle hooks.
   196  waitBeforeExitSeconds: 0
   197  # -- If set, the application container will not start until the proxy is
   198  # ready
   199  await: true
   200  requireIdentityOnInboundPorts: ""
   201  # -- Default set of opaque ports
   202  # - SMTP (25,587) server-first
   203  # - MYSQL (3306) server-first
   204  # - Galera (4444) server-first
   205  # - PostgreSQL (5432) server-first
   206  # - Redis (6379) server-first
   207  # - ElasticSearch (9300) server-first
   208  # - Memcached (11211) clients do not issue any preamble, which breaks detection
   209  opaquePorts: "25,587,3306,4444,5432,6379,9300,11211"
   210  # -- Grace period for graceful proxy shutdowns. If this timeout elapses before all open connections have completed, the proxy will terminate forcefully, closing any remaining connections.
   211  shutdownGracePeriod: ""
   212  # -- The default allow policy to use when no `Server` selects a pod.  One of: "all-authenticated",
   213  # "all-unauthenticated", "cluster-authenticated", "cluster-unauthenticated", "deny"
   214  # @default -- "all-unauthenticated"
   215  defaultInboundPolicy: "all-unauthenticated"
   216  # -- Enable KEP-753 native sidecars
   217  # This is an experimental feature. It requires Kubernetes >= 1.29.
   218  # If enabled, .proxy.waitBeforeExitSeconds should not be used.
   219  nativeSidecar: false
   220  # -- Native sidecar proxy startup probe parameters.
   221  # -- LivenessProbe timeout and delay configuration
   222  livenessProbe:
   223    initialDelaySeconds: 10
   224    timeoutSeconds: 1
   225  # -- ReadinessProbe timeout and delay configuration
   226  readinessProbe:
   227    initialDelaySeconds: 2
   228    timeoutSeconds: 1
   229  startupProbe:
   230    initialDelaySeconds: 0
   231    periodSeconds: 1
   232    failureThreshold: 120
   233  # Configures general properties of the proxy's control plane clients.
   234  control:
   235    # Configures limits on API response streams.
   236    streams:
   237      # -- The timeout for the first update from the control plane.
   238      initialTimeout: "3s"
   239      # -- The timeout between consecutive updates from the control plane.
   240      idleTimeout: "5m"
   241      # -- The maximum duration for a response stream (i.e. before it will be
   242      # reinitialized).
   243      lifetime: "1h"
   244  inbound:
   245    server:
   246      http2:
   247        # -- The interval at which PINGs are issued to remote HTTP/2 clients.
   248        keepAliveInterval: "10s"
   249        # -- The timeout within which keep-alive PINGs must be acknowledged on inbound HTTP/2 connections.
   250        keepAliveTimeout: "3s"
   251  outbound:
   252    server:
   253      http2:
   254        # -- The interval at which PINGs are issued to local application HTTP/2 clients.
   255        keepAliveInterval: "10s"
   256        # -- The timeout within which keep-alive PINGs must be acknowledged on outbound HTTP/2 connections.
   257        keepAliveTimeout: "3s"
   259# proxy-init configuration
   261  # -- Variant of iptables that will be used to configure routing. Currently,
   262  # proxy-init can be run either in 'nft' or in 'legacy' mode. The mode will
   263  # control which utility binary will be called. The host must support
   264  # whichever mode will be used
   265  iptablesMode: "legacy"
   266  # -- Default set of inbound ports to skip via iptables
   267  # - Galera (4567,4568)
   268  ignoreInboundPorts: "4567,4568"
   269  # -- Default set of outbound ports to skip via iptables
   270  # - Galera (4567,4568)
   271  ignoreOutboundPorts: "4567,4568"
   272  # -- Default set of ports to skip via iptables for control plane
   273  # components so they can communicate with the Kubernetes API Server
   274  kubeAPIServerPorts: "443,6443"
   275  # -- Comma-separated list of subnets in valid CIDR format that should be skipped by the proxy
   276  skipSubnets: ""
   277  # -- Log level for the proxy-init
   278  # @default -- info
   279  logLevel: ""
   280  # -- Log format (`plain` or `json`) for the proxy-init
   281  # @default -- plain
   282  logFormat: ""
   283  image:
   284    # -- Docker image for the proxy-init container
   285    name: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/proxy-init
   286    # -- Pull policy for the proxy-init container image
   287    # @default -- imagePullPolicy
   288    pullPolicy: ""
   289    # -- Tag for the proxy-init container image
   290    version: v2.4.0
   291  resources:
   292    cpu:
   293      # -- Maximum amount of CPU units that the proxy-init container can use
   294      limit: 100m
   295      # -- Amount of CPU units that the proxy-init container requests
   296      request: 100m
   297    memory:
   298      # -- Maximum amount of memory that the proxy-init container can use
   299      limit: 20Mi
   300      # -- Amount of memory that the proxy-init container requests
   301      request: 20Mi
   302    ephemeral-storage:
   303      # -- Maximum amount of ephemeral storage that the proxy-init container can use
   304      limit: ""
   305      # -- Amount of ephemeral storage that the proxy-init container requests
   306      request: ""
   307  closeWaitTimeoutSecs: 0
   308  # -- Privileged mode allows the container processes to inherit all security
   309  # capabilities and bypass any security limitations enforced by the kubelet.
   310  # When used with 'runAsRoot: true', the container will behave exactly as if
   311  # it was running as root on the host. May escape cgroup limits and see other
   312  # processes and devices on the host.
   313  # @default -- false
   314  privileged: false
   315  # -- Allow overriding the runAsNonRoot behaviour (<https://github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/issues/7308>)
   316  runAsRoot: false
   317  # -- This value is used only if runAsRoot is false; otherwise runAsUser will be 0
   318  runAsUser: 65534
   319  # -- This value is used only if runAsRoot is false; otherwise runAsGroup will be 0
   320  runAsGroup: 65534
   321  xtMountPath:
   322    mountPath: /run
   323    name: linkerd-proxy-init-xtables-lock
   325# network validator configuration
   326# This runs on a host that uses iptables to reroute network traffic. The validator
   327# ensures that iptables is correctly routing requests before we start linkerd.
   329  # -- Log level for the network-validator
   330  # @default -- debug
   331  logLevel: debug
   332  # -- Log format (`plain` or `json`) for network-validator
   333  # @default -- plain
   334  logFormat: plain
   335  # -- Address to which the network-validator will attempt to connect. we expect this to be rewritten
   336  connectAddr: ""
   337  # -- Address to which network-validator listens to requests from itself
   338  listenAddr: ""
   339  # -- Timeout before network-validator fails to validate the pod's network connectivity
   340  timeout: "10s"
   341  # -- Include a securityContext in the network-validator pod spec
   342  enableSecurityContext: true
   344# -- For Private docker registries, authentication is needed.
   345#  Registry secrets are applied to the respective service accounts
   346imagePullSecrets: []
   347# - name: my-private-docker-registry-login-secret
   349# -- Allow proxies to perform transparent HTTP/2 upgrading
   350enableH2Upgrade: true
   352# -- Add a PSP resource and bind it to the control plane ServiceAccounts. Note
   353# PSP has been deprecated since k8s v1.21
   354enablePSP: false
   356# -- Failure policy for the proxy injector
   357webhookFailurePolicy: Ignore
   359# controllerImage -- Docker image for the destination and identity components
   360controllerImage: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/controller
   361# -- Optionally allow a specific container image Tag (or SHA) to be specified for the controllerImage.
   362controllerImageVersion: ""
   364# -- Number of replicas for each control plane pod
   365controllerReplicas: 1
   366# -- User ID for the control plane components
   367controllerUID: 2103
   368# -- (int) Optional customisation of the group ID for the control plane components (the group ID will be omitted if lower than 0)
   369controllerGID: -1
   371# destination configuration
   372# set resources for the sp-validator and its linkerd proxy respectively
   373# see proxy.resources for details.
   374# destinationResources -- CPU, Memory and Ephemeral Storage resources required by destination (see `proxy.resources` for sub-fields)
   376# destinationProxyResources -- CPU, Memory and Ephemeral Storage resources required by proxy injected into destination pod (see `proxy.resources` for sub-fields)
   380  meshedHttp2ClientProtobuf:
   381    keep_alive:
   382      interval:
   383        seconds: 10
   384      timeout:
   385        seconds: 3
   386      while_idle: true
   388# debug configuration
   390  image:
   391    # -- Docker image for the debug container
   392    name: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/debug
   393    # -- Pull policy for the debug container image
   394    # @default -- imagePullPolicy
   395    pullPolicy: ""
   396    # -- Tag for the debug container image
   397    # @default -- linkerdVersion
   398    version: ""
   401  # -- If the linkerd-identity-trust-roots ConfigMap has already been created
   402  externalCA: false
   404  # -- Use [Service Account token Volume projection](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/#service-account-token-volume-projection) for pod validation instead of the default token
   405  serviceAccountTokenProjection: true
   407  issuer:
   408    scheme: linkerd.io/tls
   410    # -- Amount of time to allow for clock skew within a Linkerd cluster
   411    clockSkewAllowance: 20s
   413    # -- Amount of time for which the Identity issuer should certify identity
   414    issuanceLifetime: 24h0m0s
   416    # -- Which scheme is used for the identity issuer secret format
   417    tls:
   418      # -- Issuer certificate (ECDSA). It must be provided during install.
   419      crtPEM: |
   421      # -- Key for the issuer certificate (ECDSA). It must be provided during
   422      # install
   423      keyPEM: |
   425  kubeAPI: *kubeapi
   427# -|- CPU, Memory and Ephemeral Storage resources required by the identity controller (see `proxy.resources` for sub-fields)
   429# -|- CPU, Memory and Ephemeral Storage resources required by proxy injected into identity pod (see `proxy.resources` for sub-fields)
   432# heartbeat configuration
   433# disableHeartBeat -- Set to true to not start the heartbeat cronjob
   434disableHeartBeat: false
   435# -- Config for the heartbeat cronjob
   436# heartbeatSchedule: "0 0 * * *"
   438# proxy injector configuration
   440  # -- Timeout in seconds before the API Server cancels a request to the proxy
   441  # injector. If timeout is exceeded, the webhookfailurePolicy is used.
   442  timeoutSeconds: 10
   443  # -- Do not create a secret resource for the proxyInjector webhook.
   444  # If this is set to `true`, the value `proxyInjector.caBundle` must be set
   445  # or the ca bundle must injected with cert-manager ca injector using
   446  # `proxyInjector.injectCaFrom` or `proxyInjector.injectCaFromSecret` (see below).
   447  externalSecret: false
   449  # -- Namespace selector used by admission webhook.
   450  namespaceSelector:
   451    matchExpressions:
   452    - key: config.linkerd.io/admission-webhooks
   453      operator: NotIn
   454      values:
   455      - disabled
   456    - key: kubernetes.io/metadata.name
   457      operator: NotIn
   458      values:
   459      - kube-system
   460      - cert-manager
   462  # -- Object selector used by admission webhook.
   463  objectSelector:
   464    matchExpressions:
   465    - key: linkerd.io/control-plane-component
   466      operator: DoesNotExist
   467    - key: linkerd.io/cni-resource
   468      operator: DoesNotExist
   470  # -- Certificate for the proxy injector. If not provided and not using an external secret
   471  # then Helm will generate one.
   472  crtPEM: |
   474  # -- Certificate key for the proxy injector. If not provided and not using an external secret
   475  # then Helm will generate one.
   476  keyPEM: |
   478  # -- Bundle of CA certificates for proxy injector.
   479  # If not provided nor injected with cert-manager,
   480  # then Helm will use the certificate generated for `proxyInjector.crtPEM`.
   481  # If `proxyInjector.externalSecret` is set to true, this value, injectCaFrom, or
   482  # injectCaFromSecret must be set, as no certificate will be generated.
   483  # See the cert-manager [CA Injector Docs](https://cert-manager.io/docs/concepts/ca-injector) for more information.
   484  caBundle: |
   486  # -- Inject the CA bundle from a cert-manager Certificate.
   487  # See the cert-manager [CA Injector Docs](https://cert-manager.io/docs/concepts/ca-injector/#injecting-ca-data-from-a-certificate-resource)
   488  # for more information.
   489  injectCaFrom: ""
   491  # -- Inject the CA bundle from a Secret.
   492  # If set, the `cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from-secret` annotation will be added to the webhook.
   493  # The Secret must have the CA Bundle stored in the `ca.crt` key and have
   494  # the `cert-manager.io/allow-direct-injection` annotation set to `true`.
   495  # See the cert-manager [CA Injector Docs](https://cert-manager.io/docs/concepts/ca-injector/#injecting-ca-data-from-a-secret-resource)
   496  # for more information.
   497  injectCaFromSecret: ""
   499# -|- CPU, Memory and Ephemeral Storage resources required by the proxy injector (see
   500#`proxy.resources` for sub-fields)
   502#-|- CPU, Memory and Ephemeral Storage resources required by proxy injected into the proxy injector
   503#pod (see `proxy.resources` for sub-fields)
   506# service profile validator configuration
   508  # -- Do not create a secret resource for the profileValidator webhook.
   509  # If this is set to `true`, the value `proxyInjector.caBundle` must be set
   510  # or the ca bundle must injected with cert-manager ca injector using
   511  # `proxyInjector.injectCaFrom` or `proxyInjector.injectCaFromSecret` (see below).
   512  externalSecret: false
   514  # -- Namespace selector used by admission webhook
   515  namespaceSelector:
   516    matchExpressions:
   517    - key: config.linkerd.io/admission-webhooks
   518      operator: NotIn
   519      values:
   520      - disabled
   522  # -- Certificate for the service profile validator. If not provided and not using an external secret
   523  # then Helm will generate one.
   524  crtPEM: |
   526  # -- Certificate key for the service profile validator. If not provided and not using an external secret
   527  # then Helm will generate one.
   528  keyPEM: |
   530  # -- Bundle of CA certificates for proxy injector.
   531  # If not provided nor injected with cert-manager,
   532  # then Helm will use the certificate generated for `profileValidator.crtPEM`.
   533  # If `profileValidator.externalSecret` is set to true, this value, injectCaFrom, or
   534  # injectCaFromSecret must be set, as no certificate will be generated.
   535  # See the cert-manager [CA Injector Docs](https://cert-manager.io/docs/concepts/ca-injector) for more information.
   536  caBundle: |
   538  # -- Inject the CA bundle from a cert-manager Certificate.
   539  # See the cert-manager [CA Injector Docs](https://cert-manager.io/docs/concepts/ca-injector/#injecting-ca-data-from-a-certificate-resource)
   540  # for more information.
   541  injectCaFrom: ""
   543  # -- Inject the CA bundle from a Secret.
   544  # If set, the `cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from-secret` annotation will be added to the webhook.
   545  # The Secret must have the CA Bundle stored in the `ca.crt` key and have
   546  # the `cert-manager.io/allow-direct-injection` annotation set to `true`.
   547  # See the cert-manager [CA Injector Docs](https://cert-manager.io/docs/concepts/ca-injector/#injecting-ca-data-from-a-secret-resource)
   548  # for more information.
   549  injectCaFromSecret: ""
   551# policy validator configuration
   553  # -- Do not create a secret resource for the policyValidator webhook.
   554  # If this is set to `true`, the value `policyValidator.caBundle` must be set
   555  # or the ca bundle must injected with cert-manager ca injector using
   556  # `policyValidator.injectCaFrom` or `policyValidator.injectCaFromSecret` (see below).
   557  externalSecret: false
   559  # -- Namespace selector used by admission webhook
   560  namespaceSelector:
   561    matchExpressions:
   562    - key: config.linkerd.io/admission-webhooks
   563      operator: NotIn
   564      values:
   565      - disabled
   567  # -- Certificate for the policy validator. If not provided and not using an external secret
   568  # then Helm will generate one.
   569  crtPEM: |
   571  # -- Certificate key for the policy validator. If not provided and not using an external secret
   572  # then Helm will generate one.
   573  keyPEM: |
   575  # -- Bundle of CA certificates for proxy injector.
   576  # If not provided nor injected with cert-manager,
   577  # then Helm will use the certificate generated for `policyValidator.crtPEM`.
   578  # If `policyValidator.externalSecret` is set to true, this value, injectCaFrom, or
   579  # injectCaFromSecret must be set, as no certificate will be generated.
   580  # See the cert-manager [CA Injector Docs](https://cert-manager.io/docs/concepts/ca-injector) for more information.
   581  caBundle: |
   583  # -- Inject the CA bundle from a cert-manager Certificate.
   584  # See the cert-manager [CA Injector Docs](https://cert-manager.io/docs/concepts/ca-injector/#injecting-ca-data-from-a-certificate-resource)
   585  # for more information.
   586  injectCaFrom: ""
   588  # -- Inject the CA bundle from a Secret.
   589  # If set, the `cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from-secret` annotation will be added to the webhook.
   590  # The Secret must have the CA Bundle stored in the `ca.crt` key and have
   591  # the `cert-manager.io/allow-direct-injection` annotation set to `true`.
   592  # See the cert-manager [CA Injector Docs](https://cert-manager.io/docs/concepts/ca-injector/#injecting-ca-data-from-a-secret-resource)
   593  # for more information.
   594  injectCaFromSecret: ""
   596# -- NodeSelector section, See the [K8S
   597# documentation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector)
   598# for more information
   600  kubernetes.io/os: linux
   602# -|- CPU, Memory and Ephemeral Storage resources required by the SP validator (see
   603#`proxy.resources` for sub-fields)
   606# -|- Tolerations section, See the
   607# [K8S documentation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/)
   608# for more information
   611# -|- NodeAffinity section, See the
   612# [K8S documentation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#node-affinity)
   613# for more information
   616# -- url of external prometheus instance (used for the heartbeat)
   617prometheusUrl: ""
   619# Prometheus Operator PodMonitor configuration
   621  # -- Enables the creation of Prometheus Operator [PodMonitor](https://prometheus-operator.dev/docs/operator/api/#monitoring.coreos.com/v1.PodMonitor)
   622  enabled: false
   623  # -- Interval at which metrics should be scraped
   624  scrapeInterval: 10s
   625  # -- Iimeout after which the scrape is ended
   626  scrapeTimeout: 10s
   627  # -- Labels to apply to all pod Monitors
   628  labels: {}
   629  controller:
   630    # -- Enables the creation of PodMonitor for the control-plane
   631    enabled: true
   632    # -- Selector to select which namespaces the Endpoints objects are discovered from
   633    namespaceSelector: |
   634      matchNames:
   635        - {{ .Release.Namespace }}
   636        - linkerd-viz
   637        - linkerd-jaeger
   638  serviceMirror:
   639    # -- Enables the creation of PodMonitor for the Service Mirror component
   640    enabled: true
   641  proxy:
   642    # -- Enables the creation of PodMonitor for the data-plane
   643    enabled: true

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