
Text file src/github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/charts/linkerd-control-plane/templates/destination.yaml

Documentation: github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/charts/linkerd-control-plane/templates

     3### Destination Controller Service
     5kind: Service
     6apiVersion: v1
     8  name: linkerd-dst
     9  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
    10  labels:
    11    linkerd.io/control-plane-component: destination
    12    linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: {{.Release.Namespace}}
    13    {{- with .Values.commonLabels }}{{ toYaml . | trim | nindent 4 }}{{- end }}
    14  annotations:
    15    {{ include "partials.annotations.created-by" . }}
    17  type: ClusterIP
    18  selector:
    19    linkerd.io/control-plane-component: destination
    20  ports:
    21  - name: grpc
    22    port: 8086
    23    targetPort: 8086
    25kind: Service
    26apiVersion: v1
    28  name: linkerd-dst-headless
    29  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
    30  labels:
    31    linkerd.io/control-plane-component: destination
    32    linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: {{.Release.Namespace}}
    33    {{- with .Values.commonLabels }}{{ toYaml . | trim | nindent 4 }}{{- end }}
    34  annotations:
    35    {{ include "partials.annotations.created-by" . }}
    37  clusterIP: None
    38  selector:
    39    linkerd.io/control-plane-component: destination
    40  ports:
    41  - name: grpc
    42    port: 8086
    43    targetPort: 8086
    45kind: Service
    46apiVersion: v1
    48  name: linkerd-sp-validator
    49  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
    50  labels:
    51    linkerd.io/control-plane-component: destination
    52    linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: {{.Release.Namespace}}
    53    {{- with .Values.commonLabels }}{{ toYaml . | trim | nindent 4 }}{{- end }}
    54  annotations:
    55    {{ include "partials.annotations.created-by" . }}
    57  type: ClusterIP
    58  selector:
    59    linkerd.io/control-plane-component: destination
    60  ports:
    61  - name: sp-validator
    62    port: 443
    63    targetPort: sp-validator
    65kind: Service
    66apiVersion: v1
    68  name: linkerd-policy
    69  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
    70  labels:
    71    linkerd.io/control-plane-component: destination
    72    linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: {{.Release.Namespace}}
    73    {{- with .Values.commonLabels }}{{ toYaml . | trim | nindent 4 }}{{- end }}
    74  annotations:
    75    {{ include "partials.annotations.created-by" . }}
    77  clusterIP: None
    78  selector:
    79    linkerd.io/control-plane-component: destination
    80  ports:
    81  - name: grpc
    82    port: 8090
    83    targetPort: 8090
    85kind: Service
    86apiVersion: v1
    88  name: linkerd-policy-validator
    89  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
    90  labels:
    91    linkerd.io/control-plane-component: destination
    92    linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: {{.Release.Namespace}}
    93    {{- with .Values.commonLabels }}{{ toYaml . | trim | nindent 4 }}{{- end }}
    94  annotations:
    95    {{ include "partials.annotations.created-by" . }}
    97  type: ClusterIP
    98  selector:
    99    linkerd.io/control-plane-component: destination
   100  ports:
   101  - name: policy-https
   102    port: 443
   103    targetPort: policy-https
   104{{- if .Values.enablePodDisruptionBudget }}
   106kind: PodDisruptionBudget
   107apiVersion: policy/v1
   109  name: linkerd-dst
   110  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
   111  labels:
   112    linkerd.io/control-plane-component: destination
   113    linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: {{.Release.Namespace}}
   114    {{- with .Values.commonLabels }}{{ toYaml . | trim | nindent 4 }}{{- end }}
   115  annotations:
   116    {{ include "partials.annotations.created-by" . }}
   118  maxUnavailable: {{ .Values.controller.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable }}
   119  selector:
   120    matchLabels:
   121      linkerd.io/control-plane-component: destination
   122{{- end }}
   124{{- $tree := deepCopy . }}
   125{{ $_ := set $tree.Values.proxy "workloadKind" "deployment" -}}
   126{{ $_ := set $tree.Values.proxy "component" "linkerd-destination" -}}
   127{{ $_ := set $tree.Values.proxy "waitBeforeExitSeconds" 0 -}}
   128apiVersion: apps/v1
   129kind: Deployment
   131  annotations:
   132    {{ include "partials.annotations.created-by" . }}
   133  labels:
   134    app.kubernetes.io/name: destination
   135    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: Linkerd
   136    app.kubernetes.io/version: {{.Values.linkerdVersion}}
   137    linkerd.io/control-plane-component: destination
   138    linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: {{.Release.Namespace}}
   139    {{- with .Values.commonLabels }}{{ toYaml . | trim | nindent 4 }}{{- end }}
   140  name: linkerd-destination
   141  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
   143  replicas: {{.Values.controllerReplicas}}
   144  revisionHistoryLimit: {{.Values.revisionHistoryLimit}}
   145  selector:
   146    matchLabels:
   147      linkerd.io/control-plane-component: destination
   148      linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: {{.Release.Namespace}}
   149      {{- include "partials.proxy.labels" $tree.Values.proxy | nindent 6}}
   150  {{- if .Values.deploymentStrategy }}
   151  strategy:
   152    {{- with .Values.deploymentStrategy }}{{ toYaml . | trim | nindent 4 }}{{- end }}
   153  {{- end }}
   154  template:
   155    metadata:
   156      annotations:
   157        checksum/config: {{ include (print $.Template.BasePath "/destination-rbac.yaml") . | sha256sum }}
   158        {{ include "partials.annotations.created-by" . }}
   159        {{- include "partials.proxy.annotations" . | nindent 8}}
   160        {{- with .Values.podAnnotations }}{{ toYaml . | trim | nindent 8 }}{{- end }}
   161        config.linkerd.io/default-inbound-policy: "all-unauthenticated"
   162      labels:
   163        linkerd.io/control-plane-component: destination
   164        linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: {{.Release.Namespace}}
   165        linkerd.io/workload-ns: {{.Release.Namespace}}
   166        {{- include "partials.proxy.labels" $tree.Values.proxy | nindent 8}}
   167        {{- with .Values.podLabels }}{{ toYaml . | trim | nindent 8 }}{{- end }}
   168    spec:
   169      {{- with .Values.runtimeClassName }}
   170      runtimeClassName: {{ . | quote }}
   171      {{- end }}
   172      {{- if .Values.tolerations -}}
   173      {{- include "linkerd.tolerations" . | nindent 6 }}
   174      {{- end -}}
   175      {{- include "linkerd.node-selector" . | nindent 6 }}
   176      {{- $_ := set $tree "component" "destination" -}}
   177      {{- include "linkerd.affinity" $tree | nindent 6 }}
   178      containers:
   179      {{- if not (empty .Values.destinationProxyResources) }}
   180      {{- $c := dig "cores" .Values.proxy.cores .Values.destinationProxyResources }}
   181      {{- $_ := set $tree.Values.proxy "cores" $c }}
   182      {{- $r := merge .Values.destinationProxyResources .Values.proxy.resources }}
   183      {{- $_ := set $tree.Values.proxy "resources" $r }}
   184      {{- end }}
   185      {{- $_ := set $tree.Values.proxy "await" $tree.Values.proxy.await }}
   186      {{- $_ := set $tree.Values.proxy "loadTrustBundleFromConfigMap" true }}
   187      {{- $_ := set $tree.Values.proxy "podInboundPorts" "8086,8090,8443,9443,9990,9996,9997" }}
   188      {{- $_ := set $tree.Values.proxy "outboundDiscoveryCacheUnusedTimeout" "5s" }}
   189      {{- $_ := set $tree.Values.proxy "inboundDiscoveryCacheUnusedTimeout" "90s" }}
   190      {{- /*
   191        The pod needs to accept webhook traffic, and we can't rely on that originating in the
   192        cluster network.
   193      */}}
   194      {{- $_ := set $tree.Values.proxy "defaultInboundPolicy" "all-unauthenticated" }}
   195      {{- $_ := set $tree.Values.proxy "capabilities" (dict "drop" (list "ALL")) }}
   196      {{- if not $tree.Values.proxy.nativeSidecar }}
   197      - {{- include "partials.proxy" $tree | indent 8 | trimPrefix (repeat 7 " ") }}
   198      {{- end }}
   199      - args:
   200        - destination
   201        - -addr=:8086
   202        - -controller-namespace={{.Release.Namespace}}
   203        - -enable-h2-upgrade={{.Values.enableH2Upgrade}}
   204        - -log-level={{.Values.controllerLogLevel}}
   205        - -log-format={{.Values.controllerLogFormat}}
   206        - -enable-endpoint-slices={{.Values.enableEndpointSlices}}
   207        - -cluster-domain={{.Values.clusterDomain}}
   208        - -identity-trust-domain={{.Values.identityTrustDomain | default .Values.clusterDomain}}
   209        - -default-opaque-ports={{.Values.proxy.opaquePorts}}
   210        - -enable-ipv6={{not .Values.disableIPv6}}
   211        - -enable-pprof={{.Values.enablePprof | default false}}
   212        {{- if (.Values.destinationController).meshedHttp2ClientProtobuf }}
   213        - --meshed-http2-client-params={{ toJson .Values.destinationController.meshedHttp2ClientProtobuf }}
   214        {{- end }}
   215        {{- range (.Values.destinationController).additionalArgs }}
   216        - {{ . }}
   217        {{- end }}
   218        {{- range (.Values.destinationController).experimentalArgs }}
   219        - {{ . }}
   220        {{- end }}
   221        {{- if or (.Values.destinationController).additionalEnv (.Values.destinationController).experimentalEnv }}
   222        env:
   223        {{- with (.Values.destinationController).additionalEnv }}
   224        {{- toYaml . | nindent 8 -}}
   225        {{- end }}
   226        {{- with (.Values.destinationController).experimentalEnv }}
   227        {{- toYaml . | nindent 8 -}}
   228        {{- end }}
   229        {{- end }}
   230        {{- include "partials.linkerd.trace" . | nindent 8 -}}
   231        image: {{.Values.controllerImage}}:{{.Values.controllerImageVersion | default .Values.linkerdVersion}}
   232        imagePullPolicy: {{.Values.imagePullPolicy}}
   233        livenessProbe:
   234          httpGet:
   235            path: /ping
   236            port: 9996
   237          initialDelaySeconds: 10
   238        name: destination
   239        ports:
   240        - containerPort: 8086
   241          name: grpc
   242        - containerPort: 9996
   243          name: admin-http
   244        readinessProbe:
   245          failureThreshold: 7
   246          httpGet:
   247            path: /ready
   248            port: 9996
   249        {{- if .Values.destinationResources -}}
   250        {{- include "partials.resources" .Values.destinationResources | nindent 8 }}
   251        {{- end }}
   252        securityContext:
   253          capabilities:
   254            drop:
   255            - ALL
   256          readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
   257          runAsNonRoot: true
   258          runAsUser: {{.Values.controllerUID}}
   259          {{- if ge (int .Values.controllerGID) 0 }}
   260          runAsGroup: {{.Values.controllerGID}}
   261          {{- end }}
   262          allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
   263          seccompProfile:
   264            type: RuntimeDefault
   265      - args:
   266        - sp-validator
   267        - -log-level={{.Values.controllerLogLevel}}
   268        - -log-format={{.Values.controllerLogFormat}}
   269        - -enable-pprof={{.Values.enablePprof | default false}}
   270        {{- if or (.Values.spValidator).additionalEnv (.Values.spValidator).experimentalEnv }}
   271        env:
   272        {{- with (.Values.spValidator).additionalEnv }}
   273        {{- toYaml . | nindent 8 -}}
   274        {{- end }}
   275        {{- with (.Values.spValidator).experimentalEnv }}
   276        {{- toYaml . | nindent 8 -}}
   277        {{- end }}
   278        {{- end }}
   279        image: {{.Values.controllerImage}}:{{.Values.controllerImageVersion | default .Values.linkerdVersion}}
   280        imagePullPolicy: {{.Values.imagePullPolicy}}
   281        livenessProbe:
   282          httpGet:
   283            path: /ping
   284            port: 9997
   285          initialDelaySeconds: 10
   286        name: sp-validator
   287        ports:
   288        - containerPort: 8443
   289          name: sp-validator
   290        - containerPort: 9997
   291          name: admin-http
   292        readinessProbe:
   293          failureThreshold: 7
   294          httpGet:
   295            path: /ready
   296            port: 9997
   297        {{- if .Values.spValidatorResources -}}
   298        {{- include "partials.resources" .Values.spValidatorResources | nindent 8 }}
   299        {{- end }}
   300        securityContext:
   301          capabilities:
   302            drop:
   303            - ALL
   304          readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
   305          runAsNonRoot: true
   306          runAsUser: {{.Values.controllerUID}}
   307          {{- if ge (int .Values.controllerGID) 0 }}
   308          runAsGroup: {{.Values.controllerGID}}
   309          {{- end }}
   310          allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
   311          seccompProfile:
   312            type: RuntimeDefault
   313        volumeMounts:
   314        - mountPath: /var/run/linkerd/tls
   315          name: sp-tls
   316          readOnly: true
   317      - args:
   318        - --admin-addr=[::]:9990
   319        - --control-plane-namespace={{.Release.Namespace}}
   320        - --grpc-addr=[::]:8090
   321        - --server-addr=[::]:9443
   322        - --server-tls-key=/var/run/linkerd/tls/tls.key
   323        - --server-tls-certs=/var/run/linkerd/tls/tls.crt
   324        - --cluster-networks={{.Values.clusterNetworks}}
   325        - --identity-domain={{.Values.identityTrustDomain | default .Values.clusterDomain}}
   326        - --cluster-domain={{.Values.clusterDomain}}
   327        - --default-policy={{.Values.proxy.defaultInboundPolicy}}
   328        - --log-level={{.Values.policyController.logLevel | default "linkerd=info,warn"}}
   329        - --log-format={{.Values.controllerLogFormat}}
   330        - --default-opaque-ports={{.Values.proxy.opaquePorts}}
   331        {{- if .Values.policyController.probeNetworks }}
   332        - --probe-networks={{.Values.policyController.probeNetworks | join ","}}
   333        {{- end}}
   334        {{- range .Values.policyController.additionalArgs }}
   335        - {{ . }}
   336        {{- end }}
   337        {{- range .Values.policyController.experimentalArgs }}
   338        - {{ . }}
   339        {{- end }}
   340        image: {{.Values.policyController.image.name}}:{{.Values.policyController.image.version | default .Values.linkerdVersion}}
   341        imagePullPolicy: {{.Values.policyController.image.pullPolicy | default .Values.imagePullPolicy}}
   342        livenessProbe:
   343          httpGet:
   344            path: /live
   345            port: admin-http
   346        name: policy
   347        ports:
   348        - containerPort: 8090
   349          name: grpc
   350        - containerPort: 9990
   351          name: admin-http
   352        - containerPort: 9443
   353          name: policy-https
   354        readinessProbe:
   355          failureThreshold: 7
   356          httpGet:
   357            path: /ready
   358            port: admin-http
   359          initialDelaySeconds: 10
   360        {{- if .Values.policyController.resources }}
   361        {{- include "partials.resources" .Values.policyController.resources | nindent 8 }}
   362        {{- end }}
   363        securityContext:
   364          capabilities:
   365            drop:
   366            - ALL
   367          readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
   368          runAsNonRoot: true
   369          runAsUser: {{.Values.controllerUID}}
   370          {{- if ge (int .Values.controllerGID) 0 }}
   371          runAsGroup: {{.Values.controllerGID}}
   372          {{- end }}
   373          allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
   374          seccompProfile:
   375            type: RuntimeDefault
   376        volumeMounts:
   377        - mountPath: /var/run/linkerd/tls
   378          name: policy-tls
   379          readOnly: true
   380      initContainers:
   381      {{ if .Values.cniEnabled -}}
   382      - {{- include "partials.network-validator" $tree | indent 8 | trimPrefix (repeat 7 " ") }}
   383      {{ else -}}
   384      {{- /*
   385        The destination controller needs to connect to the Kubernetes API before the proxy is able
   386        to proxy requests, so we always skip these connections.
   387      */}}
   388      {{- $_ := set $tree.Values.proxyInit "ignoreOutboundPorts" .Values.proxyInit.kubeAPIServerPorts -}}
   389      - {{- include "partials.proxy-init" $tree | indent 8 | trimPrefix (repeat 7 " ") }}
   390      {{ end -}}
   391      {{- if $tree.Values.proxy.nativeSidecar }}
   392        {{- $_ := set $tree.Values.proxy "startupProbeInitialDelaySeconds" 35 }}
   393        {{- $_ := set $tree.Values.proxy "startupProbePeriodSeconds" 5 }}
   394        {{- $_ := set $tree.Values.proxy "startupProbeFailureThreshold" 20 }}
   395      - {{- include "partials.proxy" $tree | indent 8 | trimPrefix (repeat 7 " ") }}
   396      {{ end -}}
   397      {{- if .Values.priorityClassName -}}
   398      priorityClassName: {{ .Values.priorityClassName }}
   399      {{ end -}}
   400      securityContext:
   401        seccompProfile:
   402          type: RuntimeDefault
   403      serviceAccountName: linkerd-destination
   404      volumes:
   405      - name: sp-tls
   406        secret:
   407          secretName: linkerd-sp-validator-k8s-tls
   408      - name: policy-tls
   409        secret:
   410          secretName: linkerd-policy-validator-k8s-tls
   411      {{ if not .Values.cniEnabled -}}
   412      - {{- include "partials.proxyInit.volumes.xtables" . | indent 8 | trimPrefix (repeat 7 " ") }}
   413      {{ end -}}
   414      {{if .Values.identity.serviceAccountTokenProjection -}}
   415      - {{- include "partials.proxy.volumes.service-account-token" . | indent 8 | trimPrefix (repeat 7 " ") }}
   416      {{ end -}}
   417      - {{- include "partials.proxy.volumes.identity" . | indent 8 | trimPrefix (repeat 7 " ") }}

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